Anatomy Final Essay questions

Anatomy Final Essay questions
1. Bill contracts a viral disease that destroys some of the cells in the anterior gray
horns in the lumbar region of his spinal cord. Describe what you would expect to
see as evidence of this infection and provide an explanation for your expectation.
An infant has arrived at your clinic unresponsive, and cyanotic. There are no
indications of physical trauma or abuse. The patient’s blood oxygen level is below
50% An MRI has indicated a transposition of the great arteries of the
heart.Discuss why the patient is presenting these symptoms, the route the blood is
taking through the heart, and what can be done to rectify the situation.
3. Describe the homeostatic response to blood calcium levels; list the systems that
require proper Calcium levels and why this is a significant homeostatic response?
4. A common clinical procedure in a child’s physical examination is for the child to
bend at the waist and drop their hands to their feet while the pediatrician observes
the curve of the spine and whether the scapula are in the same horizontal plane.
a. Discuss the purpose of this clinical assessment
b. Identify the type of vertebral abnormality if the scapula are not in the same
horizontal plane