Play Based Learning Essay
Tayler Russell
Niagara College
Professor Drew Kean
November 8th, 2013
Play based learning in children’s play positively impacts a child’s development as
a whole. The issue of people believing that play based learning is not necessary during a
child’s early years is one of the most important issues in society today. A child’s early
years are considered the most significant, as these years shape and help develop a child
into a unique individual. Early childhood educators have a significant role in the
development of children through their early years, as well. Early childhood educators are
the professionals who specialize in the development of young children and help prepare
them for the later years.
Is it Necessary for All Children to Play?
Many people today, wonder if it is necessary for children to play during their
early years. Yes, play very much impacts the development of young children, as it helps
develop not only their cognitive skills, but all their other skills such as; social and
emotional skills, physical skills, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and communication
and language skills. Research shows that these skills are crucial in the early development
of a child, as children will continue to develop these skills throughout their entire
lifetime. Research also shows that children’s play in the early years is required in order
for individuals to achieve their maximum development. Therefore, it is necessary for all
children to play, so that they can properly develop the skills required for becoming
knowledgeable individuals.
Jeffrey Goldstein (2012) states that, “Abundant research has shown
play during early childhood is necessary
if humans are to reach their full potential” (p. 3) .
Brian Sutton-Smith (1997) notes that:
Not only are children developing the neurological foundations that will enable
problem solving, language and creativity, they are also learning while they are
playing. They are learning how to relate to others, how to calibrate their muscles
and bodies and how to think in abstract terms. Through their play children learn
how to learn. What is acquired through play is not specific information but a
general mind set towards solving problems that includes both abstraction and
combinatorial flexibility where children string bits of behaviour together to form
novel solutions to problems requiring the restructuring of thought or action. A
child who is not being stimulated, by being played with, and who has few
opportunities to explore his or her surroundings, may fail to link up fully those
neural connections and pathways which will be needed for later learning. (p. 5)
How Does Play Based Learning Fit Into the Idea of Natural Play?
Play based learning and natural play are similar topics associated with children
and their development. Play based learning is one method that involves children to play
with their surroundings and is used to both teach children important skills and to help
further develop those skills. Natural play is a form of play which children naturally
perform. All children are naturally born with a playful personality. Play based learning
fits into the idea of natural play by allowing children the opportunity to play freely and
not being instructed to play with a certain toy, person, or play a certain game. Any child
can learn skills from an object or person they are playing with. Recent studies have
proven that children who are given the opportunity to naturally play with what they want
to play with, will be better behaved than those children who are not given as much of an
opportunity. The children who are allowed to play naturally will also better develop
essential skills, rather than the children who are not given the opportunity.
How Should ECE’s Support Children’s Play Experiences?
Early childhood educators should support children’s play experiences by giving
them several play opportunities for using their creativity, developmental skills, and their
unique personalities. Children who are given the opportunity to express their emotions,
feelings, thoughts, and creativity are said to behave more appropriately and will not be as
irritable. Those children, who are not given the opportunity to express themselves
through activities, will most likely act up due to lack of active and creative play and not
much excitement. With that being said, children will not always want to participate in
such activities. At times, children enjoy having alone time, just as any other human being
does. Early childhood educators should support the fact that children need alone time as
well. Alone time can boost a child’s confidence, self esteem, and help develop their
Susan K. Perry (2011) states that, “Children are forced to come up with ways to
amuse themselves, and that, in itself, ignites imagination and sparks creativity.
They get to focus on and pursue their own interests, and often have extra time to
spend on what they enjoy” (p. 1).
Therefore, it is necessary for children to play; play based learning fits into the
idea of natural play by allowing children the opportunity to play freely and not be
instructed to play with a certain toy, person, or play a certain game; and ECE’s support
children’s play experiences by giving children an appropriate balance between alone
time, social interaction time, and activity time. All of these factors will ensure proper
development of children.
Resource Page
Goldstein, J. (2012) Play In Children’s Development, Health and Well-Being.
BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board (2011). Play: Why It’s So Important.
Perry, S. K. (2011). 6 Benefits of Alone Time.