A2 Geography Essay Writing Guide

Nottingham High School
Geography Department
Essay Writing at A2
This does not have to be long – a few sentences should do. It may define the
terms in the question, set the scene for the argument to follow or provide a brief
statement of the idea or viewpoint to be developed in the main body of the answer.
This is the main body of the answer. It should consist of a series of paragraphs,
each developing one point only and following on logically from the previous one.
Try to avoid paragraphs that list information without any depth, and avoid writing all
you know about a particular topic without any link to the question set. Make good
use of examples, naming real places. Make examples count by giving accurate
detail specific to those locations.
In an essay answer the conclusion should not be too long. It should reiterate the
main points stated in the introduction, but now supported by the evidence and facts
given in the argument. It should address the command word in the question, such
as ‘evaluate’ or ‘assess’. There should be evidence of synthesis.
Other Points
Writing a brief essay plan is always beneficial but make sure it takes no more than
a couple of minutes. Use it to organise your thoughts and to help you with the
structure of the essay.
Brainstorm, think ’lateral’, identify categories and list
relevant case studies and examples. Don’t waste time writing details and facts.
Read the question carefully and answer the question set! A good answer is one
where the reader can work out the question from reading the answer. Avoid lists
and do not use bullet points.
Apportioning the time so that you give sufficient emphasis to each question is vital and you must plan the
time effectively. Spending a disproportionate time on one question spells disaster. For example, Unit 3
(Contemporary Geographical Issues) is 2.5 hrs long and is split into three sections worth a total of 90 marks.
The minutes per mark ratio (150/90 = 1.66) is a helpful way to organise your time. For example:
Section A
25 marks therefore approximately 42 minutes (1.66 x 25)
Section B
25 marks therefore approximately 42 minutes (1.66 x 25)
Section C
40 marks therefore approximately 66 minutes (1.66 x 40)
Essay Writing 1
Nottingham High School
Geography Department
At the planning stage it is vital to structure the content into categories that will help you to ‘unlock’ the
question by identifying concepts, facts and case studies. The use of categories also ensures that your essay
will be guaranteed to have some essential evidence of synopticity. Think in terms of:
micro, meso, macro (small, medium, large)
local, regional, national, international
economic, social, political, environmental, physical
Time scale
short term, medium term, long term
Human environment
rural, urban
Physical environment
terrestrial, marine, fluvial, glacial, tectonic, desert, periglacial, atmospheric, biotic
spatial, temporal
Command Words
Questions are instructions and if you ignore any part of it you will lose marks. Consider this question:
Q: Describe the distribution of the immigrant population in the city shown in Figure 1.
This is a command word. It tells you how you should respond.
Immigrant population
This identifies the subject or topic of the question. It tells you what to focus on.
This is a subject qualifier and is a precise instruction about the aspect required.
City in Figure 1
This is also a subject qualifier and must be used if your answer is to be relevant.
This requires you to break down the content of a topic into its constituent parts, and to give an in-depth
account. It is important that you present a logical account that is both relevant and well organised.
You are expected to build up an argument about an issue and to present more than one side of the evidence
with supporting examples. This creates a written debate identifying both positive and negative points and
then you must reach a conclusion from the debate. You should both describe and explain. Try to create a
balanced answer.
Evaluate and Assess
These command words require more than a discussion. In both cases, an indication of the candidate’s
viewpoint, having considered all the evidence, is required. ‘Assess’ asks for a statement of the overall
Essay Writing 2
Nottingham High School
Geography Department
quality or value of the feature or issue being considered. ‘Evaluate’ asks you to give an overall statement of
value. In both cases, your own judgement is requested, together with a justification for that judgement.
This usually applies to decision-making questions. When you have made your decision you must justify why
that course of action was better than the alternatives. Explain why you chosen course is better than the
options that you rejected. Also explain how your choice meets the criteria set out for you in the question (or
which you had to describe earlier in your answer).
Summarise the various points and give an opinion. You should refer to the data (where given) but then
make a statement arising from the data that is relevant, appropriate and geographical, but above all not
directly evident. You are being invited to ‘think like a geographer’.
What is wanted is a point by point identification of similarities and of differences (‘compare’ includes looking
at contrasts, while a command to ‘contrast’ means only looking for differences). Use comparative adjectives
eg. larger than, smaller, more steep, less densely.
Critically ….
The use of ‘critically’ often occurs in questions, for example ‘critically evaluate’. In this case you are being
asked to look at an issue or problem from the point of view of a critic. There may be weaknesses in the
argument and the evidence should not be taken at face value. You should question not only the evidence
itself but also its source, and how it was collected. The answer should comment on the strengths of the
evidence as well as its weakness.
The Importance of Synopticity
All essay questions at A2 must include a synoptic element. The definition of synoptic assessment in the
context of geography is as follows:
Synoptic assessment involves assessment of candidates’ ability to draw on their understanding of the connections
between different aspects of the subject represented in the specification and demonstrate their ability to ‘think like a
Consequently, you must look for links between physical, human and environmental geography and identify
patterns at a variety of scales. Being synoptic means being able to tie things together, to link different ideas
and to summarise them.
Essay Writing 3
Nottingham High School
Geography Department
Mark Scheme for AQA Essay Questions
Assessment Criteria
 The answer shows a basic grasp of concepts and ideas, but points lack
development or depth.
 Explanations are incomplete and arguments partial and lack coherent organisation
or reasoned conclusions.
 Examples are superficial.
 There is no evidence of synopticity.
10 – 19
 The answer is relevant and accurate, and shows reasonable knowledge and critical
understanding of concepts and principles with some use of specialised vocabulary.
 Arguments are not fully developed and the organisation of ideas and the use of
examples and general theories show imbalances.
 Some ability to identify, interpret and synthesise some of the material.
 Limited ability to understand the roles of values, attitudes and decision-making
 Sketch maps/diagrams are not used effectively.
 Evidence of synopticity is limited.
20 – 29
 Sound and frequent evidence of thorough, detailed and accurate knowledge and
critical understanding of concepts and principles, and of specialist vocabulary.
 Explanations, arguments and assessments or evaluations are direct, logical,
purposeful and generally balanced.
 Some ability to identify, interpret and synthesise a range of material.
 Some ability to understand the roles of values, attitudes and decision-making
 Examples are developed and sketch maps/diagrams are used effectively.
 There is strong evidence of synopticity.
30 – 40
 Strong evidence of thorough, detailed and accurate knowledge and critical
understanding of concepts and principles and of specialist vocabulary.
 Explanations, arguments and assessments or evaluations are direct, logical,
perceptive, purposeful and show both balance and flair.
 There is a high level of insight, and an ability to identify, interpret and synthesise a
wide range of material with creativity.
 Evidence of maturity in understanding the role of values, attitudes and decisionmaking processes.
 Examples are well-developed and sketch maps/diagrams are fully integrated.
 The answer is fully synoptic.
Essay Writing 4