CRITICAL THINKING PROJECT ACADEMIC ENGLISH 4 PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is for you to locate and evaluate different critical thinking devices, including the logic fallacies and advertising ploys we examined in class. ASSIGNMENT: 1. 2. 3. 4. In newspaper, magazine, or internet articles, find three different examples of any of the logic fallacies we discussed in class. These are easiest to find in letters to the editor, editorials, Dear Abby columns, political advertisements and cartoons, and opinion sections in newspapers and magazines. You could also use printed websites which contain the fallacies. Attach the article to construction or composition paper and write a brief summary (3-5 sentences) in which you explain and evaluate the fallacy. Locate an example in printed media of each of the 10 advertising ploys we covered in class. Your examples should clearly represent each ploy (10 total ads). Attach them to construction or composition paper as well and write at least one sentence explaining how the advertisement utilizes the specific device. Write an essay in which you analyze the critical thinking unit. This should be a least one page and follow standard MLA format. You should include all the areas we covered as well as an analytical paragraph in which you relate what you have learned from this unit and how the information will be useful to you in the future. Make a cover to bind your project. Be as creative as you wish. This cover will represent 5% of your final grade on the project. GRADING: Your project will be graded according to the following scale: 10 points for each fallacy and your explanation (3 total) 5 points for each advertising ploy and explanation (10 total) 15 points for your unit analysis essay 5 points for creativity of your cover TOTAL 30 points 50 points 15 points 5 points 100 POINTS