Psy 360: Theories of learning Dr. Val Farmer-Dougan Fall, 2015 Review Paper Assignment This assignment is a typical review paper on a topic that is about learning. That could be classical conditioning, operant conditioning, applications of these, theoretical issues, modern theories in classical or operant conditioning, cognitive behavioral topics, etc. The paper is due on December 2nd by midnight. You may email me the paper at OR you may put a hard copy of the paper outside my lab (Felmley 230; there is a black box on the wall to the right of the door) OR in my DeGarmo mailbox and email me that you put it there. Late papers will be penalized 10 points per day. Now, how to start this paper….. 1. You should first introduce the theory or theorist which you will be discussing. Outline the major points of the theory in clear language. I advise writing it for someone who is intelligent, but has not taken Psy 360 before (e.g., your mother). Write it in “English”, not “psychologese”. You might include: a. What are the major assumptions of this theory. b. What research or applications emerged from this research, and how did this research influence modern psychology. For example. I want to discuss hoarding. This is both a classical and operant conditioning issue. So, I would start out my paper writing an explanation of classical and operant conditioning and how these two types of learning can explain many kinds of behavior. (This would be the transition to my specific topic area). I would go to my notes and book for some reference, and I could also look at some outside references. 2. Now, introduce your topic (e.g., hoarding). Again outline this issue in clear language. For my topic, I might explain the DSM definition, discuss literature that explains how OCD might develop, and how specifically hoarding develops. I would have to find some academic references for this. I would be sure to site where I got my information throughout my description and explanation. 3. Finally, describe how this your learning type either explains your topic or can be used to treat your topic. For my paper I would explain how hoarding is a fine example of OCD, and how OCD may be explained by classical and operant conditioning. Then I would launch into how learning theory could be used to treat hoarding. Again, I would need to find outside academic resources to support my position. 4. Conclude the paper by summarizing what you have just told me. Make a single (okay, maybe 2) that summarizes the chosen learning type, your topic, and how the 2 fit together. Your paper should be approximately 10-12 pages in length, and must include a minimum of 5 references. At least 3 of those references must be within the last 5 years. Use APA style referencing throughout the paper and in the reference section (I don’t care which version). Please use a running head (so I can keep the pages together). Don’t forget to put your name on the paper. Include an abstract, please. I will be looking for papers to nominate for the Laura Berk writing award……write well and perhaps your paper could be nominated. Think how that will look on your resume!