Organic Compounds Reading Guide: Part 1 Biochemicals

Name: __________________________________________ Period: _______ Date: _________
Organic Compounds Reading Guide
Part 1: Elements in Living Things Use pgs. 310-313
Part 2: Compounds of Living Things (Pgs. 314-317)
1. Fill in the blanks >>>>>>>>>>
Page 310
More than ______% of all compounds belong to a group made
up of ________________ compounds and are based on the
element ________________________.
2. What can carbon form long
chains with? What else can carbon
bond with? (Middle of pg. 310)
3. How many valence electrons
does each carbon atom have? How
many bonds can carbon make with
other atoms?
4. List the 3 types of carbon
5. Fill in the blanks >>>.
6. Fill in the blanks >>>>>>
7. What is a single bond?
(Second paragraph on pg. 311)
8. Sketch the diagram for propane,
which uses single bonds
(Figure 1 page 311)
9. What is petroleum and where do
the carbon atoms in petroleum
come from?
10. Fill in the blanks>>>>
Compounds that contain carbon are called
Atoms of carbon most often form _________________
separate _________________ bonds with other atoms
Carbon atoms can also form ________ covalent bonds
between them. This is called a ___________________
Many _____________ and oils are examples of
___________________ organic compounds that have double
11. Sketch the diagram for ethane,
which is uses double bonds.
(Figure 1 pg. 311)
12. What is a triple bond?
13. Sketch the diagram for ethyne,
which uses a triple bond.
(Figure 1 page 311)
14. True or False?
(page 312 First paragraph)
Although billions of compounds make up your body, just a
few elements make up most of those compounds.
15. In addition to itself and
hydrogen, what other 4 elements
does carbon bond with?
16. What are the 3 elements that
make up 95% of our bodies—the
top three (Figure 4 page. 313)
17. What element do all organic
compounds contain? (Top of page
18. What is it that allows carbon to
form many different compounds?
19. True or False?
Organic compounds can only be made by living things.
20. What are organic compounds
called? Describe the size of these
compounds.(pg. 314)
21 List the four types of organic
22. What are carbohydrates and
what are they used for?
What are lipids? What are they
made of?
The most abundant type of
biochemical are proteins. Of what
are proteins composed AND what
are some functions of proteins? (pg.
What are the two types of nucleic
Why can DNA molecules store so
much information?
Include the following information in your summary: Explain why carbon bonds so easily with other atoms
and what compounds with carbon are called. List the 6 elements that make up most of the human body.
Define the 4 types of organic compounds.