San Diego State University Fall 2015 CJ 540 Planning and Evaluation in Criminal Justice Tuesday/Thursday 2 – 3:15 pm Instructor: Sylvia Valenzuela, Ph.D. E-mail: Office Hours: Tuesdays 3:15-4:15, Thursdays 1 – 2 pm ,and by appt. Office: PSFA 178 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course offers an introduction to basic techniques in criminal justice research including: research writing, components of research design, sampling and data collection techniques, for both quantitative and qualitative methods. An emphasis will be placed on bridging the gap between theory, research, and criminal justice policy. In addition, the multidisciplinary nature of criminal justice research will be highlighted. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of the course, you should be able to: Formulate testable research questions for criminal justice related topics; Select the appropriate research design and method for a particular research question; Identify the advantages and disadvantages of different research designs; Identify the sampling strategies available for any given research design, as well as the advantages and disadvantages associated with each; Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative research methods; Be able to understand, summarize, and critique research published in scholarly journals and; Develop strong writing skills. REQUIRED TEXT AND READINGS Bachman, R. and Schutt, R. K. (2015). Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice, 3rd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Various readings to be posted on Blackboard METHOD OF EVALUATION Each student is expected to attend class regularly, complete the assigned readings, homework and other assignments, and participate in class discussion. Failure to attend class, or submit assignments will severely affect your overall grade in this course. Final grades will be based on the following: 1 San Diego State University Fall 2015 Online quizzes (10 @ 10 points each) Syllabus quiz Midterm Attendance and homework Literature review Final Project Final exam 100 points 10 points 50 points 150 points 100 points 100 points 50 points Total points 560 points This class will incorporate the use of homework, group work, discussion and quizzes to practice the principles learned from both the lecture and the textbook. It is imperative that you attend class regularly because both lecture and practice are fundamental in learning research methods. Only students with valid documentation will be allowed to make up missed assignments. No late or emailed assignments will be accepted. Please note: if you miss class you may miss a class assignment or attendance points. Please do not ask to make up any missed points. Attendance Attendance will be taken regularly throughout the semester. I will randomly pick 10 dates to give you points. If you miss class you will lose attendance points and points on any in-class assignments. Homework Depending on the particular topic covered in class, occasionally you will be given homework assignments to be completed before the next class meeting. No late or emailed assignments will be accepted! Homework will be due via Blackboard or in class; occasionally you will be given class time to work on your homework assignments. These assignments will include summarizing peer reviewed journal articles, interviews, observations, and maybe in class assignments. The assignment will require you to focus on the material discussed in class that week. These assignments are short (1-2 pages) but should be written at a college level and include proper grammar, and citations, if necessary. These will be submitted via the assignment link on Blackboard, or in hard copy. o You must submit the assignment using a program that is compatible with Blackboard and a Windows based operating system. If you use any program other than .doc (word) and I cannot open it you will not be allowed to resubmit the assignment. o Mac users: DO NOT submit your assignment using .pages software. It is not compatible with Blackboard. If you submit your assignment using pages and I cannot open it you will NOT be given the opportunity to resubmit and you will receive a 0 on the assignment. 2 San Diego State University Fall 2015 Quizzes Quizzes will test your knowledge on topics and concepts discussed in the lecture & readings. They will be posted on Blackboard and are to be completed online. In order to take the quizzes you will need reliable internet connectivity. If you do not have this at home, or the location you plan on taking your quiz, you are strongly encouraged to take the quizzes in a computer lab on campus. Not having a strong internet connection is NOT a valid excuse for missing a quiz and such quizzes will not be reset. If your quiz needs to be reset send me an email explaining what happened. If it is a Blackboard issues, I will reset your quiz. I will NOT reset quizzes when it is a technical or connectivity issue on your end. Literature review Students will complete a writing assignment applying the research and analytical skills learned in the course. This writing assignment will be described in detail in a separate document later in the semester. Essentially, you will critique an empirical article from a methodological perspective using the skills and knowledge obtained in the course. a. No late papers will be accepted. You are always welcome to turn in an assignment before the due date. b. Emailed assignments are NOT accepted. c. Assignments must be submitted in hard copy. d. If you are not a strong writer, you are encouraged to visit the Writing Center. Midterm and Final exam The midterms and final exams will use multiple-choice questions to test your knowledge of course material. The final exam will not be cumulative. Each test will have 25 multiple choice questions, worth two points each. Final project The final project will require you to put to use the knowledge of research methods you gained by designing a research study and creating a survey. More detailed instructions will be provided later in the semester. It will be submitted in hard copy and online via Extra credit There is NO extra credit in this course. 3 San Diego State University Fall 2015 COURSE ISSUES AND POLICIES Blackboard: It will be crucial for every student to gain access to the course website as various important announcements and additional course materials (i.e. on-line readings) will be posted on the site. In addition, it is expected that students have an updated e-mail account, so that they can receive group e-mails. Email: I make every effort to respond to emails quickly, please reserve emails to important questions. In your email please include your name and which class you are enrolled in. If you send an email over the weekend, please expect a delayed response. Please send any emails to the address listed on this syllabus. Classroom Policies: You are expected to arrive on time, and to not disrupt instruction through talking, laughing, receiving phone calls, snoring, etc. Students are expected to freely express their views on the various CJ topics that will be discussed in class, as long as they are respectful of their fellow classmates and their instructor. Please avoid offensive language and behavior or you will be asked to leave. Class attendance is important, students should come to class prepared and interested in learning! I expect, encourage, and invite participation. Late and missed assignments: No late assignments will be accepted! If you have documentation of having a serious medical illness, death in the family, or other compelling reason you will be allowed to make up the missed assignment. However, you are responsible for providing documentation, timely notice, and completing the document before the next class meeting. Students with Disabilities: If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. Academic Integrity: The SDSU Standards for Student Conduct ( states that unacceptable student behavior includes “cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty that are intended to gain unfair academic advantage.” Unprofessional conduct adversely impacts your fellow students, the criminal justice department, the School of Public Affairs, SDSU, and yourself. During any stage of the semester, if you deviate from the standards of academic integrity you will receive a grade of F for the course. In addition, the instructor will report the event to the Department and the University. The University may decide to apply additional penalties. Please refer to SDSU Academic Integrity Policy at for Student Discipline - Rights and Responsibilities, and for Cheating. 4 San Diego State University Fall 2015 Final Grades: Final grades will be determined based on the following scale: A A- 94-100 90-93 B+ B B- 87-89 83-86 80-82 C+ C C- 77-79 73-76 70-72 D+ D D- 67-69 63-66 60-62 F Below 60% Excellent. Students presents above average work in all or nearly all aspects of each assignment. The student demonstrates a clear understanding of course material; and written assignments have few grammar errors, if any. Very good. Student demonstrates good work with a possible lapse here or there. Ideas are clear and properly expressed; the writing is generally good with some minor grammar errors. Student shows good grasp of course material. Average/Good. The student met minimal expectations for the course. The student’s ideas tend to be oversimplified and lack sufficient explanation or exploration. Problems may also exist with grammar, logic, or ability to express thoughts effectively. Below average. A minimal effort by the student; does not show basic knowledge of the course materials. Work and effort is below that which one would normally expect from a college student. Writing may have major technical problems, and assignments show little effort. Limited or low participation in class discussions. A failing grade. Minimal course requirements are not met. Written work fails to demonstrate college-level proficiency in English language and shows little to no grasp of concepts. 5 San Diego State University Fall 2015 PROJECTED COURSE SCHEDULE** Week 1 2 Topic 8/25 and 8/27 9/1* (No class meeting) 9/3 3 9/8/ and 9/10 Order textbooks! -Science, Society, & Criminological Research -The Process and Problems of Criminological Research 9/15 and 9/17 -Research Ethics and Philosophies -discuss reading -Survey quiz -complete reading Discuss Chapter 1 Quiz #1 Due Date 8/30/15 by 11:59 pm -article summary 9/6/15 by 11:59 pm -Find a peer reviewed journal article- bring citation & abstract to class Chapter 2 Quiz #2 Read Article: The Demedicalization of Self-Injury -Article summary Chapter 3 Quiz #3 9/13/15 by 11:59 pm 9/20/15 by 11:59 pm Videos on the Stanford Prison experiment & Milgram’s obedience to authority study 5 9/22 and 9/24* -Conceptualization and measurement Chapter 4 6 9/29* and 10/1 -Conceptualization and measurement cont. Chapter 4 cont. -discuss The Experiment Assignment -Syllabus -Read: Facebook Use Predicts Decline in Well-Being -Read Chapter 1 Discuss: Facebook Use Predicts Decline in WellBeing -Types of research & errors in reasoning (in class) 4 Readings *9/24--No class meeting- watch movie: The Experiment *9/29—No class meeting – watch Article: The Minneapolis Kinsey Domestic Violence Experiment Quiz #4 -Article summary 2 10/4/15 by 11:59 pm San Diego State University 7 7 10/6 and 10/8 Fall 2015 -Sampling Chapter 5 Quiz #5 -Catch up Article: The Impact of Reality Television on the Alcohol-Related Beliefs and Behaviors of Hispanic College Students -Article summary w/ reference page 10/13-Midterm review- catch up 10/15-Midterm (Ch. 1-5, articles, & movies)- red, skinny, Parscore scantron 8 10/20 and 10/22 -Causation & Research Design -Review midterm Chapter 6 Article 1: Changes in self-reported drinking behaviors among US teenagers associated with the introduction of flavored malt beverages: An interrupted time series quasi-experiment Quiz #6 -Article 1 summary -Article 2 summary -Article 3 summary Article 2- Emotion Dysregulation and Coping: Drinking Motives in College Women Article 3: A Longitudinal Analysis of Cigarette Prices in Military Retail Outlets 9 10/27 and 10/29 -Survey Research Chapter 7 Quiz #7 Chapter 8 Quiz #8 -create interview schedule & conduct an interview Chapter 9 Quiz #9 -Field observations - discuss articles 10 11/3 and 11/5 - Qualitative methods and data Literature Review Due 11 11/10 and 11/12 -Analyzing Content: Crime Mapping and Historical, Secondary, Article: Consuming 3 10/11/15 by 11:59 pm San Diego State University Fall 2015 and Content Analysis Eroticism -Article summary Chapter 10 -Article summary -Video: Who do you think you are? and Hitch Field trip- San Diego Police Museum (if they are open) 12 11/17 and 11/19 -Evaluation and Policy Analysis Article: The Impact of Research on Legal Policy 13 11/24* and 11/26- No class meeting--Happy Thanksgiving Work on your project! 14 15 12/1 and 12/3 12/8/ and 12/10 -Mixing and Comparing Methods -discuss article Chapter 11 -Reporting Research Results Chapter 12 -Article summary The Chicago Women’s Health Risk Study Quiz #10 (chapters 10-12) -discuss article -Final exam review -Project due FINAL EXAM red, skinny, Parscore scantron Tuesday, 12/15/15 - 1 – 3pm **This is intended as a working schedule and may change throughout the semester. 4