YEAR 10 RESPONSE TO TEXT: WRITING AN ESSAY ON THE FILM FREEDOM WRITERS Over the next week you are going to learn how to write a response to Freedom Writers in the form of a formal essay. As a class we will be looking in detail at: expressing and developing ideas by using examples and explanations; developing a formal writing style; and structuring essays appropriately. The Level 5 Assessment Criteria will help you understand what is required at each level of achievement. This activity will also help to prepare you for essay writing in your end of year exams, as the structure that we will use can be applied to any text. ESSAY QUESTION: Describe three important production techniques used in this film. Explain why they were important. Write about 300 – 400 words (just over a page). FORMAL WRITING LEVEL 5 : ASSESSMENT CRITERIA TOWARDS Limited ideas ACHIEVED Ideas developed with Ideas developed developed. some detail. Some evidence of Some evidence of appropriate style, with lapses. Writing conventions MERIT appropriate style. Organisation with detail. Evidence of appropriate style. Organisation evident. EXCELLENCE Ideas are welldeveloped and supported by detail. Evidence of appropriate style throughout. evident. used, with lapses. Some errors in writing conventions (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing). Few errors in writing conventions (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing). Writing is clearly organised. Few errors in writing conventions (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing). Writing Your Essay Step One: Think about your response to the question. Jot down possible answers, reasons, examples, ideas. What are the most important production techniques used in the sequences we have analysed? Why? (Why are they used? What effect do they create?) What are some specific examples? Step Two: Draft out your introduction. This should start with the main words of the essay topic and include your response to it with general reasons. Eg. In the film Freedom Writers, directed by Richard LaGravenese, three important production techniques are …………....., ……………, and………………… They were important because………………………..... Step Three: Paragraph one: Take one of the main points from your argument and write it down. Make sure this point refers directly to the question. This is called a statement or topic sentence. E.g. One important technique used in Freedom Writers is …………………. Find an example from the text to support this statement and describe it. If possible, find a specific quote from the text which adds to this example (because we are talking about production techniques in this essay, quotes might not always be relevant or important, although in some cases you will be able to find quotes to include in your explanations). Finally, explain your example (reasons and effects) and how it supports or justifies the statement you have made and how it links to the topic. E.g. In this particular example, ……………….(production technique) is/are important due to the fact that………………………………….……………. Step Four: Repeat step three for the following two paragraphs, giving statements, examples, and explanations. A useful way to remember this paragraph structure is with the acronym S.E.X. Step Five: Summarise the main ideas in your essay in about two sentences. Do not repeat phrases but do not introduce new ideas. E.g. In conclusion, production techniques such as …………., ………….., and …………….. are important because…………………………………………... They are used by the director to……………………………………………….. Exemplar Essay (Excellence) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Directed by Chris Columbus This is the second film in the story of the boy wizard, Harry Potter. A lot of scenes are about magic spells or flying. Two production techniques are special effects, such as the computer-generated house elf, Dobby, and wire work against backdrops. Firstly, Dobby looks very solid even though he seems to pop in and out of thin air in scenes with real actors. This has been done by computer but it helps the audience believe in the magic world of the film. He is obviously not a human actor as he has a bony white body and big triangular ears, but he speaks with a human voice. At first Dobby seems to be trying to hurt Harry but really he is trying to save him. We learn that you cannot always believe what you see or hear, and that is part of the challenge for Harry as well. A second technique is the use of the unseen wires for the flying car and the broomsticks. These are set against film of the countryside or Quidditch towers and it looks very real. You know that Harry and Ron cannot really be flying in a car, but it is part of the magic of film. It also adds to the sense of danger as Harry almost falls out of the car and hangs on with one hand, and he gets knocked off his broomstick. It looks like it really hurts! To sum up, these two production techniques: computer images and wires, are an important part of creating the magic effects in this film. Chris Columbus has made it easy to believe that Harry Potter is a real person in a real magic world, and that the dangers are real. Just like Harry, we cannot always trust our eyes and ears. (Reiko) 302 words. To move to level 6 the student could show more understanding of how these techniques convey the main ideas, and fit into the whole structure of the text, provide more details and examples, and develop a more formal tone. Important Things to Remember when Writing any Essay 1. Keep referring back to the question to make sure you are answering it. 2. Quotes: It is good to include specific quotes from the text but make sure they are relevant to the question, and the specific technique/idea that you are discussing. 3. Your conclusion should not include any new information. 4. Avoid summarising the plot. Although it is important to illustrate that you have some knowledge and familiarity of the text, it is important not to get carried away. 5. In an exam, always keep an eye on the time to make sure you have enough time to complete your essay. 6. Proof read your work. Read through your essay to check for any spelling and grammar mistakes and make sure that everything makes sense. Again ensure that you have answered the question.