My God Given Curse

“I have neither given nor received nor
have I tolerated any others’ use of
unauthorized aid”
Kathleen Williams
Rough Draft #2
My God Given Curse
A goddess of beauty and honor walks upon the people of Uruk. She is
worshipped and honored in the temples of her people. Her name is Ishtar. Many
goddesses rein in this ancient world. Women are objects of beauty and respect.
Their bodies and acts of prostitution are deemed holy. Harlots are believed to be
healers along with the ancient priests with whom they reside and live in the
temples. Sex is a natural and beautiful part of their civilization. Still earlier in the
beginning of our time, Adam and Eve are not ashamed of their nakedness and
mutual erotic attraction of each other. God had created them in their natural
uncovered beauty. They were created equal by the Creator. However, God
curses the woman to be subservient to man for her sins. Humankind is no longer
naked, but clothed. Women are physically weaker then men, and in some
cultures abused and hurt by their God given companions. The gender issue has
been important part in many human cultures, including the American culture.
Throughout history, men have been known to dominate women and abuse their
power. Humankind has been advancing socially. Some women have the
government to protect them from abuse. However, this curse (Genesis 3:16) still
haunts women.
A hairy-bodied man grazes in the wilderness with the gazelles and other
wildlife. While drinking at a waterhole a hunter sees Enkidu. A prostitute named
Shamhat is sent to tame him with her erotic beauty. She shows the wildman her
breasts and shows him “the things women know how to do”. The wildman then
abandons the animals to lie in pleasure with her for a week. Shamhat opens the
world of humankind to Enkidu. She is praised in Uruk for her sensuality. Her
home is in the temples with the priests. In the ancient culture of Uruk, women
were respected and honored. Man and woman lived in peace. The tablets
mention many goddesses, especially the creator of Gilgamesh and Enkidu—
Aruru. A female goddess creates a legendary male hero. Therefore woman were
important as men in this ancient culture. The powerful goddess Ishtar is
worshipped in the temples by the people of Uruk. She is attracted to the ruler
Gilgamesh who refuses happiness and fame with the goddess. A power struggle
between the goddess Ishtar and Gilgamesh can be related to a power struggle
between man and woman. After being insulted by Gilgamesh, Ishtar curses Uruk
with the Bull of Heaven. This power bull does havoc on the city of Uruk. But
Gilgamesh and Enkidu team up to defeat this powerful beast from the gods.
Gilgamesh uses his brute strength to kill the Bull of Heaven and then threatens to
do the same with Ishtar. She is bitterly beaten with her worst weapons. This
symbolizes the defeat of women because of men. However in this epic, Ishtar
gets the last word when she convinces the council of gods to severely punish
Gilgamesh. She relies on the help of the stronger male gods. Enkidu,
Gilgamesh’s best companion, is inflicted with a horrible illness and dies, leaving
Gilgamesh in awe of his own mortality.
Genesis can further explain what power men have over women. In the
Bible, God created man first. According to Genesis 2:18, “God created woman
as a helper and a partner for man.” I have heard many personal conversations
between immature high school boys interpreting this passage to mean, “Women
were created for the sole pleasure of man.” They are so wrong! God created
women to help man till the land, and give friendly company to the lonesome
being [Genesis 2:20]. God created woman from man [Genesis 2.23] and they are
one flesh [2.24]. Made equally, man and woman are equal in all parts except
physical characteristics. God has made humankind of the same flesh, in equality.
Unfortunately social stereotypes still exist. For example, men are often
considered the “head of the household”. It has only been in the past few decades
that women have successfully fought for equal rights. In Genesis women have
very few references, if at all. In chapter five and others women are never
mentioned specifically in the lineage of mankind. The Bible states each man’s life
in years but fails even to regard Eve’s death! In my opinion, the most important
passage is the curse of womankind. In Genesis 3:16 God curses woman to be
dominated by man. However, the Bible fails to answer the question “In what ways
is man dominant over woman?” Most women are physically weaker then men.
Obviously, men have more strength because their muscular bodies were built for
it. This is one possible reason for the dominance. But I completely disagree in
dominance in other ways unrelated to physical strength. I have been cursed to be
physically weaker than man.. or in God’s own word’s “Man shall dominate over
me.” This future outlook is not too promising but with the advancement of my
society’s morals I do not fear any oppression from the opposite sex.
Intellectually and emotionally, humankind shares some of the same
physiological characteristics such as a brain and a heart. They are equal when
born. But somehow, society has shaped their minds to believe in social male
dominance. In the early 20th century, it was traditional in the American society for
women not to work outside of the home. If women did find work, the pay was
usually low. This social belief has been changing in the past few decades with
women’s rights. Women are now achieving great success in male dominated
fields. They are contributing to technological and moral progress. Women are
now working alongside with men in factories, hospitals, software companies,
construction sites, and almost every other job available. The society today is now
shaping the minds of its young individuals to regard women in a different manner
along with other social topics such as racism and sexual preference. Women
have made progress in social equality. But unfortunately deep within their
dubious mind, men need to have dominance. Although society can try to inhibit
men from raping and abusing women, they cannot inhibit their beliefs. No matter
what women can do, men will try to be better. Therefore, the curse of Eve is still
upon every woman on Earth.
Since the dawn of time the differences between man and woman have
broadened. During the time of Gilgamesh, women were honored and respected
for the beauty. Prostitutes lived in the temples of the gods. In Genesis, women
were cursed to be dominated by men. Today, society has tried to shape the
minds of its individuals to regard women as equal to men. However, there
remains prejudice in the minds of most men to be better. The original curse of
God on women still exists to this day.