2015 -07 - Newsletter.doc


The Grove Connection

Volume 22

The Pastor’s Pen

July 2015 Issue 7

It’s shortly after 7 on Monday morning and my thoughts are reeling. I am grateful for a blessed Sunday with two great worship services, afternoon rest and time to close the day studying God’s Word with fellow disciples. But this morning, my thoughts turn to the Supreme Court decision about marriage which came down this past Friday. I must confess I was not shocked or surprised like the many folks who have chosen to air their frustration and righteous anger on social media. The world didn’t change in a day. It’s been this way for some time. Truth is we haven’t lived in a “Christian nation” for quite some time. I’m not sure we ever did. Just because the Ten Commandme nts were posted on the walls of our courtrooms didn’t mean society obeyed them. Just because our money says “In God We Trust” doesn’t make it so. I find it hard to get angry about one decision from a courtroom when it merely symbolizes a malady we have suffered for years.

That being said, I still strongly believe Christians must respond to this decision with action. The action you are led to take as a disciple of Jesus must be forged by your own prayers. I can only tell you what I am

Rev. Jim White being led to do. The conviction that serves as the foundation for my intended action is this: Marriage is not primarily about self-fulfillment. It’s about honoring God. It’s God’s idea, part of the fabric of God’s creation.

When I preside over a wedding I do not implore the bride and groom to honor themselves, I challenge them to honor God.

This leads me to a course of action that might surprise you, but I believe it is the best one. My challenge to you as a bod y of believers is this: To those of us who are married, the most powerful witness we can make to the world is to love our spouses with the love of

Christ, to invite Him into our marriages as Lord. Disciples of Jesus are supposed to honor God with our marriages just like we’re supposed to honor God with all our lives. We recommitted ourselves to those values yesterday in worship when a new disciple joined the Body of Christ. Those stewardship vows embody what it means to serve Christ as Lord. Christ’s lordship means he sets the parameters, he draws the bou ndaries. God’s Word is our authority. If Christian marriages stood apart from those of the world by virtue of our commitment to God’s value system, I believe we’d have a much more solid place to stand as we bear witness to God’s design for marriage.

For those disciples who are single: Christ’s lordship should set your boundaries as well. Seek to glorify God through your relationships. If you’re looking for a marriage partner, seek to honor God in the search. Trust God with this part of your life as you would with any other. The foundational conviction is the same for both married and single people: Human life is not nearly as much about self fulfilment as it is about honoring and glorifying God. When we succeed at honoring God through our obedience and trust, when that honor becomes obvious to others by the way we love our neighbor, including our spouses, the world will have a holy example to follow. And guess what? God will take care of granting fulfillment and purpose to your life in the process!

So I choose not to rant over an inevitable court decision. Instead, I choose to humbly demonstrate to the world what a human life looks like when it’s lived under the lordship of Jesus. If enough of us will do that, God’s Kingdom will come on earth. Remember, the battle is the Lord’s, not ours. Our most powerful witness is a life which clearly defines for the world what his lordship looks like when it takes its proper place at the forefront of who we are.

In Service to our King,


Sunday Services

8:30 AM Early Worship

10:00 AM Sunday School

11:00 AM Worship Service



God’s Love in Action

July 5


– July 10


Ages: 3 Years Old –

Rising 7 th Grades




5:30 PM Meal

6:15 – 8:15 PM VBS

There will be Drop-Off and Pick-Up for children so parents won’t need to park and come in

Will announce at VBS VBS



Calendar of Events for July 2015 …

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday


– 8:00 PM






July 4 th






Roatan Sunday

5:30 PM



– 8:15 PM



6:00 PM

Disciple I

6:00 PM

Disciple II

Carolina Cross



Disciple II


6:00 PM

Disciple I

6:00 PM

Disciple II


3:00 PM

CCC Celebration in Kannapolis

6:00 PM

Disciple I

6:00 PM

Disciple II

Jim, Nancy, and

Joshua White will be on vacation

July 20 th – 26th

5:30 PM



– 8:15 PM




Carolina Cross




11:30 AM

Senior Luncheon

5:30 PM



– 8:15 PM



7:00 PM

Whitley Benefit


Carolina Cross



7:00 PM

Whitley Benefit


27 28

7:00 PM

Whitley Benefit


6:00 – 8:00 PM



5:30 PM



– 8:15 PM



Carolina Cross



6:00 – 8:00 PM




6:00 – 8:00 PM

5:30 PM



– 8:15 PM




Carolina Cross




5:30 PM



– 8:15 PM



Carolina Cross



10:00 AM

Prayer Shawl




8:00 AM

Rugged Cross



You th “Welcome

Back” Cookout


30 31

July Nursery Workers…

Date Nursery

July 5

July 12

July 19

July 26

Ali Smith

Jessica Little

Becky Whitley

Robin Morgan

Children’s Church

Nancy White

Crystal Wages

Pat VanHoose

Carrie Whitley

Please contact Beverly Plummer

If you can help in any way.

It takes everyone taking their turn to help to make these ministries work. Thank you!


July Text and Topics… Solid Wisdom for a Shaky World: Exploring Proverbs

July 5




Roatan Sunday

Come and hear the story of how God used the people of Love's Grove to change the lives of the people of Coxen Hole, Roatan. We worked in a community called "The Swamp." We also spent one day going house to house in the community of Brick Bay distributing water filters and praying for each family we visited. Several folks will be sharing about how God is changing their lives as a result of this trip.

July 12

Proverbs 3:27-35

The Five "No's" of Being a Good Neighbor: Part 2

This week we’ll take up where we left off in Proverbs 3:27-35. Reminding ourselves why the wise teacher chooses to put these directives in the negative. The simple truth is our fallen nature necessitates these prohibitions. Just as it did when our parents used the negative in their discipline of us as children, “No!” means we are to listen. God’s truth means business. His directives aren’t up for debate or negotiation. Allowing our relationships with neighbors to be ruled by selfishness, malice and violence brings disaster upon us. Look for wisdom’s counsel here as we seek to live in peace with our neighbor.

July 19

Proverbs 4:1-9

July 26

Generational Wisdom

If you’re like me, you have fond memories of your grandparents. My grandfathers on both sides of the family taught me some things I will cherish forever. They also taught lessons to my father which he passed on to me. I, in turn, will pass them on to my son. Ge nerational wisdom is today’s topic.

It’s essential that we bear witness to our children about the importance of God’s truth. It’s the only solid place we can stand. Today we will look to God’s Word to establish what his truth looks like, and build a grid to serve as a filter. Filters sift out the impurities from many things. Today we’ll use this text to filter out what’s truth and what’s not. The key to passing down solid generational wisdom is always the same: the ultimate authority is God’s truth. Is the wisdom we teach from God or from man? The wise teacher of Proverbs helps us discern the difference.

Jim and Nancy will be on renewal leave this week, and Lay Leader Yvonne Crump will be delivering a crucial message on how temptation seeks to distract us at our weakest, most vulnerable spots. God is working to give Yvonne a crucial word of truth for our walk with Christ. Followers of

Jesus are not exempt from temptation. If anything, they are subject even more to its snares.

Please make it a priority to be here on this special Sunday when Yvonne shares the Word with us at both services.

2015 Homecoming and Revival

“Coming Together to Change the World”

We’re making big plans and need your help. We need each group in the ch urch to make a “presentation board” telling about your ministry (Missions, Classes, UMW, Building Teams, UMYF,

Rainbow, etc.) We want to show everyone how they can be involved in doing God’s Kingdom work. Display Boards will be set up for everyone to see during lunch on Sunday, August 9th, and during the week.

This year we will be having ONE SERVICE ONLY at 10:00 AM on

Sunday, August 9 th . NO Sunday School. Following the service at

11:30 AM we will have lunch in the Family Life Center provided by the church!


Homecoming and Revival Speakers:

10:00 AM Rev. R. L. Icard, Executive Director




7:00 PM

7:00 PM

7:00 PM

Foothills Service Project, Valdese, NC

Rev. James Yow

Rev. Mike Burris


Wednesday 7:00 PM Rev. Mike Carr

Rainbow Group Outing

Dan Nicholas Park

Saturday, July 11


9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

* Invitation is open to ALL children 3 – 12 years

* Lunch and snacks provided

* Each child needs to bring swimsuit,

Sunscreen, and a towel

* Parents are welcome and urged to attend!!

RSVP to Wendy Harwood at 980-621-9178

so she can have a head count for the meal and snacks


Our Support Through Prayer…

(Names are listed alphabetically)

Church Family

Austin Barnhardt

Louise Blackwelder

Trish Curlee

Jerry Efird

Jewell Efird

Carolyn Eudy

Mike Gheesling

C. J. Hinson

Jane Layok

Debbie Lepper

Betty L. McCoy

Dee McCoy

Lewis McCoy

Sarah McCoy

Sharri McMillian

Louise Polk

Anita Sedberry

Jane Simpson

Bob Taylor

Rhonda Whitley

Shirley Whitley

Julia Wilson

Stephanie Yarbrough

Clayton Yow

Helen Yow

Van Yow


Angie Barbee

Dana Barbee

Vicki Barrett

Tommy Black

Tom Branch

Elbon Conder

Jeff Crump

Wyatt Dabbs

Jason Doyle

Jeanette Edwards

Gerald Efird

Lindsey Efird

Robby and Angie Fink

Don Frey

Nancy Furr

Don Harkey

Robert Heberling

Scott Hinson

Mary Hudecek

Delaine Huneycutt

Clint Kiker

Freddie Kiker

Avery Love

Rylie Lytle

Lydia Mitchell

Joyce Morton

Keith Morton

Doris Mullis

Barbi Ortz

Peggy Outen

Thom Outen

John Pietras

Victor Smith

Jimmy Tyree

Danny Watts


Danny Watts

Debbi White

Brenda Windham

Frenchie Yow

Gene Yow

John Yow, Jr.

Junior Yow

Families Of

Brenda Bost

Jeff Brown

Steve Brown

Bentley Dennis

Herbie Furr

Caleb Hartsell

Larry Hill

Jean Hinson

Jeanette Hinson

Betty Horan

Betty Justice

Jody Little

Perry Plummer

Richard Shumate

JoAnn Traylor


6:00 - 8:00 PM

Kathy McCoy, Director lovesgroveyouth@outlook.com

Carolina Cross Connection

July 12


– July 18


Please drop them a note and keep them in your prayers as they do mission projects for families in need.

Cards are on the narthex table or you can send it to:

Carolina Cross Connection

(write in campers name)

PO Box 1292

Millers Creek, NC 28651

Assisted Living /


Community /


Stowe Brooks

Martha Davis

Judy Murrill

Johnnie Thompson

Military Service

Josh Barbee

Ashley Clark

Scottie Clark

Will Griffin

Josh Heter

Caleb McCoy

Van McCoy

Jacob Randolph

Matt Revels

John Yanochick

Please keep the church office notified of any updates for the list.

Thank you!

There will be a “Welcome Back

Cookout” on Saturday, July 18 th .

Please contact Carrie Whitley to sign up to bring a dish or help grill hot dogs.

Come out and support our youth!

There will be a CCC Celebration in

Kannapolis on Sunday, July 26 th .

They will plan to leave the church at

3:00 PM.


Honorariums and Memorials …

(May 17 th – June 14 th )

In Honor Of…

Gene and Jewell Efird’s 70 th Anniversary

Bob and Maggie Taylor

Confirmation Class

High School Graduates

Betty L. McCoy’s Birthday

Terry and Beverly Plummer

In Memory Of…









Given By…

Delette Eudy

Richard, Kim, and John Henry Hammett

Dell Whitley Family

Dell Whitley Family

Nancy, Scott, and Carter

Fred and Shelby Long

Given By…

Hazel and Bryte Efird

Jean Hinson

Harvey Martin

Clinton Polk

Clinton Polk

Lela Yow

Hazel Efird

Jean Hinson

Jean Hinson

Tamera Jean Meggs’ Birthday

Perry Plummer

Ethel Bostic

Hazel Smith

Lenwood Vinson















Delette Eudy

Fred and Shelby Long

Doris Martin

Delette Eudy

Randy and Dee McCoy

Bill and Paulette Kiker

H. D. and Janice Efird

Dell Whitley Family

Robert and Peggy Long


Robert and Peggy Long

Richard and Frances Mullis

Clayton and Helen Yow

Golden Rule Class

Benefit for Rhonda Whitley

Rhonda is a lifetime member of Love’s Grove.

Over the past 8 years she has been battling cancer and other health issues.

Love’s Grove in sponsoring this benefit to help Rhonda and her family with her ongoing medical expenses.

Friday – August 28, 2015

11:00 AM – 7:00 PM

$9.00 Donation

½ BBQ Chicken, Slaw, Bread, Chips, and Cake

Cooking provided by the Christian Cooking Convoy

Take-Out (drive thru) and Delivery

For ticket information or to volunteer to help please contact the church office at

704-888-4643 (7:30 AM – 11:30 AM) or at whitleybenefit@gmail.com

Donations can be mailed to:

Love’s Grove UMC, Whitley Benefit, PO Box 276, Stanfield, NC 28163


Opp ortunities to Serve and Grow at Love’s Grove…

Administrative News

Contact: Donna Jenkins

Scrip Cards are ordered the 1 st Sunday each month. Order forms on the narthex table. Complete list of vendors available. New cards have been added!!

Benefits Building Fund.

Community Night Meal


Adult Bible Studies

Chancel Choir

Facilities Rentals: Contact church office for information and to make payments.

Prayer Request Updates: Please notify church office with any additions/deletions.

Church Directory: Please notify church office with any additions/deletions to your listing. Sent out twice a year. Can also be downloaded on smartphones and tablets.

Meal is at 6:00 PM on Wednesday. (Will resume in September)

Meets at 7:00 PM on Wednesday. (Will resume in September)

Rugged Cross Brotherhood

Contact: John McCoy

Christian Resource Center

Contact: Bonnie Randolph

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Contact: Jean Barnes

Meets at 7:30 PM on Monday . Led by Myrtis Efird, the choir performs a special music at Easter and a cantata at Christmas. They are always welcoming new voices.

If you are interested please come join them. (Will resume in the Fall)

Meets at 8:00 AM on the 1 st and 3 rd Saturday at Bojangle’s in Locust.

A group of men who do service projects and other activities for people in the community. All men are invited to participate.

Located on the hallway to the Family Life Center. Great resources for Sunday

School classes and other groups are available for your use! Individuals can also check out books.

Meets at 10:00 AM on 2 nd Saturday.

If you don’t know how to crochet or knit… they will teach you! You are also welcome to come and just enjoy the fellowship.

They meet in the Fellowship Hall.

Meets at 7:00 PM on Wednesday.

(Will resume in September)

They will have activities throughout the year. Watch for dates and information.

Rainbow Group

3 Years – 5 th Grade

Contacts: Wendy Harwood

April Peed

Stephen Ministry

Contacts: Betty Martin

Jean Barnes

Connie Kilpatrick

Rev. White


6 th Grade – 12 th Grade

Contacts: Kathy McCoy

Jimmy Thompson

United Methodist Women

Contact: Diane Yow

…after the phone call you hoped you’d never get ...after

the divorce papers are served and the bottom falls out of your life …after the doctor says, I’m sorry, but there is nothing more we can do …after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck.

They are ready to come alongside you and provide comfort and support for as long as needed. Contact a leader for more information.

Meets at 7:00 PM on Wednesday in the Basement.

(Meets 6:00 – 8:00 PM during June, July, and August.)

They have several fundraisers during the year to help raise money for their summer mission trip to Carolina Cross Connection.

They have other activities they do to help in the community.

Meets at 7:00 PM on 3 rd Tuesday.

(Will resume in September)

The UMW have a store located in the hallway between the Sunday School classes in the Fellowship Hall, that is stocked with flavoring, cards, knives, etc. that are available for purchase. Proceeds from sale of these items are used to fund their mission projects.


Angels of Kindness or Other Thoughts …

My Thoughts on Vacations

I’m against them. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for not working, and puttering, and walking around the house aimlessly while claiming your meditating on some spiritual truth. But I’m not for going on vacation, or at least the preparations necessary for going on vacation.

My son recently went to Florida with his senior class —one last group bonding opportunity and a time to start getting ready to say good-bye to a major part of his life. Since he was traveling, my wife thought it highly unfair that we weren’t going somewhere. She spent days looking for destinations and found a wonderful Groupon deal for a cabin in the Great Smoky


If I were single, I would simply toss a few pairs of jeans into a bag, a few socks, and be on my way. I’m sure they have food down there. I’m sure they have supermarkets and restaurants and take-out places. No one would starve—least of all me.

But now … well, the Normandy invasion might have involved less planning. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are joining us at the cabin. There has been a near-constant stream of e-mails and texts over who is bring what foodstuff and how we might preserve our perishables on the nine-hour drive.

And my wife has extensive checklists for what to bring, tailored to the expected weather, meticulously composed after studying and examining the average temperatures predicted for our stay: long shirts, pullovers, rain gear, a separate bag for shoes…and shorts and T-shirts and sunscreen and sunglasses.

It is hart now to be pulled into the frenzy. Complicating the process is the fact that we are driving. That means we can gleefully overpack. So I’m considering bringing things like my old birding books and my binoculars— If I’m birding, I’ll need these — and my adjustable walking stick that I got for a birthday present 15 years ago — we’ll be in a great place for hiking.

Here’s the truth of the matter: It is so, so easy to get caught up in the furor of taking and packing and planning and organizing that the real reason one goes on vacation —to rest and relax and recharge—is all but obliterated by the frazzled activity beforehand.

Don’t let that happen to you. Slow down, pack light, worry less, and enjoy more. You can’t appreciate God’s creation if you can’t be in the moment. Put that on your checklist, please. by Jack Kraus, Publisher

Tyndall House Publishers

On the Lighter Side...

Music's Importance

I attend a small village church in rural PA. On any given Sunday, we may have six or seven faithful little ones who come with their parents for the whole church service. Pastor has a white bag which gets passed from child to child, making sure they get equal turns to put something in for him to talk about. Each Sunday, Pastor calls all the little children up to him and he opens the bag to find a "surprise" on which he bases his children's sermon. Last week, the bag went home with a little guy who spends many hours a week on church related activities. His parents and older brother are very active and so, in turn, is he. When Pastor opened the bag, there was a copy of Handel's Messiah which was very appropriate for Easter

Sunday. Pastor and the children had a lively discussion going on about the joy and happiness that music brings to the service. As he closed the little talk, Pastor said, "Yes, music is a wonderful part of our service. What would church be like if there was none?" Without skipping a beat, the little boy who had brought the music said, "About a half an hour!"

Needless to say, everyone exploded into laughter which lasted for minutes. Finally, Pastor said, "There is no way I can top that so let's have a little prayer before you return to your seats." (From Laugh & Lift)

“Your acts of kindness are iridescent wings of divine love, which linger and continue to uplift others long after your sharing.”



Missions Report…

Contact: Terri Martin

 Mission Building Team: Next trip TBA.

They will be working with Foothills Service Projects to build ramps and make home repairs. They stay at Jim’s house. All you need to bring is pillow, sleeping bag, toiletries, and personal items. All tools and food is provided. Contact James Layok to volunteer.

 Clean Water Project: We will continue to raise funds ($4500) to purchase a clean water system for our 2016

Honduras Mission Trip . Make any gifts to Love’s Grove Missions and designate them “Water Project.”

 Chicken ‘n Dumpling Supper : Saturday, November 7th, 4:00 – 7:30 PM.

Mark your calendars now!

 Continuous Community Support: Thank you for all you do as a congregation to help us be a church that reaches beyond its walls and borders with the love of Jesus. Thanks be to God for the privilege we have to serve! Some agencies we partner with through gifts and/or volunteers:

West Stanly Christian Ministries

United Methodist Committee on Relief (disaster relief)

Live Again Ministries

Bridge To Recovery – Men’s Home

Bridge To Recovery – Women’s Home

Love’s Grove

United Methodist Church

Post Office Box 276

4360 Polk Ford Road

Stanfield, NC 28163-0276



Office Hours:


– Friday

7:30 AM – 11:30 PM


James K. White pastorjkw@live.com

Office Administrator:

Donna Jenkins lovesgroveumc@live.com

Youth Director:

Kathy McCoy lovesgroveyouth@outlook.com

Website: www.lovesgrove.org

Email: lovesgroveumc@live.com

Wings of Caring (Africa)

Provide financial aid to families in crisis situations

Foothills Service Project

Missionaries to Japan: Matt and Jen Daniels

