UNIT 5: SPAIN 1902-1939 1. The end of the Restoration 1.1. Main problems a) The 1898 disaster b) The beginning of Nationalism and Regionalism c) The working-class movement d) The Morocco crisis 1.2.Alfonso XIII 2. The Second Republic 2.1.Introduction 2.2.Political stages of the Second Republic a) 1931 Constitution b) Left-wing reforms (1931-1933) c) The Conservative government and miners’ uprising (1933-35) d) The 1936 Elections e) The last Stage 3. The Civil War The two Armies 3.1.1 Republicans 3.1.2 Nationalists (Bando Nacional) 3.2 Periods of the War: 3.2.1 August, 1936 – March, 1937 3.2.2 March, 1937 – June, 1938 3.2.3 June, 1938 –April, 1939 KEY WORDS: To trigger off To depart Blow Badge To surrender To strip To plead Regardless To release 1 1. The end of the Restoration TASK 1. Can you guess who all these people are? 2 1. 1. Main problems of the Restoration a) The 1898 Disaster TASK 2 Working in groups try to fill in the gaps with the following words: Words: empire, uprisings, blown up, disaster. In 1898 the Spanish army was defeated in Cuba by the USA army. As a consequence Spain lost its remaining imperial colonies: Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines. The Americans had helped previous ----------- in Cuba. An American army ship, the Maine, was ---------- in La Habana and the war between Spain and the USA started. It was a ---------- for Spain: in the Peace of Paris everything that Fernando VII had retained was lost. Dejection spread among the intellectuals and politicians. Spanish influence was replaced by that of less powerful countries. This humiliation triggered off some soul researching: why had Spain lost its --------, when other European countries were building theirs? Thus arose the literary renaissance of the “Generación de 1898” (Galdós, Clarín, Baroja)… This movement was very critical of the Restoration Monarchy. Intellectuals wanted a modernization of the Spanish economy and society, and political reform. b) The beginning of Nationalism and Regionalism TASK 3. Do you remember what nationalism means? Working in pairs, look at the picture and try to complete the text: 3 1898: LLIGA REGIONALISTA CAMBÓ PRAT DE LA RIBA REXURDIMENTO: ROSALÍA CURROS PONDAL REXIONALISMO: BRAÑAS MURGUÍA 1905: SOLIDARITAT CATALANA SABINO ARANA, PNV CATALONIAAfter ---------, the first Catalonian party, the L------- R---------, was founded by ----- and ----- -- -- -----. They wanted autonomy within the Spanish state. In ---- a new bigger party, S------ C-----, was created, and it had a great success in the elections. The two-party system (progressive and moderate) was now in crisis. BASQUE COUNTRY ---------------, was the founder of the P--------- N---------- V-------- a Catholic conservative party that started with strong racist principles. GALICIA Here, two different movements existed: - ------------, a cultural movement linked to Romanticism (-------, --------, ----) - --------------, a political movement that wanted a decentralized Spanish state (M-------, B---------…) 4 TASK 4 c) The working-class movement Can you remember the meaning of the following words? Socialism Anarchism Trade Union Political Party Working in pairs, read the text and complete the chart in your notebook. Vocabulary: Strongholds (main places), open-cast (mines in the open air), inflation (price rises). The PSOE was founded in 1879 and its trade union, the UGT, in 1880, both were inspired by Pablo Iglesias. The strongholds of socialism were the coal-mining districts of Asturias, Madrid, and the open-cast iron mines and metallurgical industries of Bilbao and its surroundings. The anarchist movement in Spain emerged in the 1860s. At first its main impact was on peasant communities. By the beginning of the 20th century the Spanish anarchist movement was the strongest in Europe. Its main supporters came from the industrial workers in Barcelona and jornaleros, landless casual labourers on the great estates of Andalucía. The Anarcho-Syndicalist trade union, the Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores (CNT), was founded in 1910-11. Some anarchists defended “direct action”, the idea of transforming society by using violence (bombs and assassinations). In 1893 an anarchist threw a bomb into the Lyceum theatre in Barcelona killing 22 people; Cánovas himself was assassinated in 1897. During and after the Great War, the CNT organized massive strikes in Catalonia, and Barcelona was the scene of a savage social war between CNT and employers’ pistoleros. During the Great War of 1914-18 there was a big increase in trade union membership. Prices were higher and salaries remained low. In the summer of 1917 the UGT abandoned parliamentary tactics by joining the anarchist trade union and becoming involved in the organization of a general revolutionary strike in the whole of Spain. The strikers demanded a provisional republican government, elections to a constituent Cortes and action to deal with inflation. The strike failed. After 1917, inspired by the Russian Revolution, a wave of strikes and land occupation occurred in Andalucía 5 SOCIALISM ANARCHISM Inspired by P------ I------- POLITICAL PARTY: TRADE UNION: -------------- ----------------- TRADE UNION: ----------------- Some of them defended d--------a------------- Main places: Madrid and Coal mines in ------------- Iron mines and metallurgical in ----------------------- 1893: 1897: ------------- ------------- 1917: r--------s--------------- d) The Morocco crisis TASK 5 Read the following texts and watch carefully the videos. Then write an outline of the Disaster at Annual reflecting: Reasons Development Consequences 6 After having lost the Spanish-American War in 1898, Spain was hoping to make up for its lost prestige by expanding its influence in Northern Africa. The Protectorate of Morocco was the area of Morocco under colonial rule by France and Spain from 1912. In 1909 the Government called up hundreds of men to go to the war. They had to depart from the port of Barcelona. Substitutes could be hired if one did not wish to fight, but this cost 6,000 reales. So, only poor men went to war. Some Catholic ladies distributed crosses, and this started an outburst of anti-clericalism against “the church of the rich”. This was called the “Tragic Week”: churches and convents were burnt, there was a big strike in Barcelona and more than 1000 arrests were made. Five people were sentenced to death and executed (including the Anarchist teacher Francesc Ferrer Guardia). videosemana trágica.mp4 In 1921 thousands of Spanish soldiers were massacred by tribesmen near Annual. This defeat was a big blow to Alfonso XIII’s reign. abdelkrim.mp4 1.2. Alfonso XIII (1902-1931) TASK 6. You are going to listen to a text about Alfonso XIII. Do you know the meaning of the following words? To prevent, Avoided, Performed, Defeat, Worse, Coup d’etat, Martial law, Censorship, Nevertheless, Network, Well-being, Lack, Inflation, To resign, Agreed, Exile. Now listen and then try to answer the comprehension questions. Comprehension questions: Answer true (T) or false (F) to each question 1. Alfonso XIII ruled Spain according to the Constitution of 1876 and using the turno pacifico. 2. Alfonso XIII wanted Spain to participate in the WWI. 3. Alfonso XIII was supported by the Spanish politicians. 4. Alfonso XIII was a clever governor, and things got better during his reign. 5. Primo de Rivera was a dictator. 6. Primo de Rivera's period was one of peace and social well-being. 7. Primo de Rivera left the government when he lost the elections, 8. Alfonso XIII went into exile in 1931. 7 2. The Second Spanish Republic TASK 7 Here you have the badge of Spain as a Republic and as a Monarchy. You are going to separate them into two groups and try to write all the pros you can think of for each one of these political organizations. Spain (Complete).mp3 himno-riego.mp3 2.1. Introduction The Second Spanish Republic is the name of the regime that existed in Spain between April 14th, 1931, when King Alfonso XIII left the country, and April 1 st, 1939, when the last of the Republican forces surrendered to Nationalist forces in the Spanish Civil War. After the elections of 1931 and the departure of the Royal family, the Republic was proclaimed enthusiastically. Most of the Nation thought that this was the beginning of a new age, in which old problems would be solved. 8 2.2 Political stages of the Republic TASK 8 a) 1931 Constitution You are going to read a text about the first changes the Republic introduced in Spain. But it is mixed up. Working in groups you will try to put it in the correct order. The paragraphs speak about the following topics: - Who (1) - When (1) - Changes (2) - Problems (1) Then, complete the chart below about the situation in Spain before and after this constitution. A. The first action of the provisional government was to call for general elections in June 1931. The elected representatives should work on a new Republic Constitution. It was approved on December 9th, 1931. It defined Spain as a democratic republic of workers. It included freedom of speech and association, the separation of Church and State, universal suffrage to women, and a right to divorce. It also stripped nobility of any legal privilege, and opened a legal way to nationalize public services such as land, banks and railways. As in other European countries, the first mass political parties appeared. B. All these changes happened very quickly in a society in which the differences between rich and poor groups were enormous. The new policies gave great expectations to the poorest, and aroused suspicions among the most powerful. C. After the elections which the Socialist won, a provisional government was created. Niceto Alcalá Zamora, a moderate Republican, became President of the Republic, but he included socialists (Francisco Largo Caballero and Indalecio Prieto), center-wing republicans (Azaña, Prime Minister) and Catalonian nationalists (Olwer) in his cabinet. D. Overall, in spite of a wide range of liberties, the Constitution failed to agree in key areas with the conservative right, which was strongly rooted in rural areas, and the powerful Catholic Church, which was stripped of schools and public subsidies under the new Constitution. E. Under the new Constitution, Spanish regions had the right to Autonomy for the first time in history. Catalonia (1932) and the Basque Country (1936) exercised this right, with Andalucía, Aragón and Galicia in talks before the breakout of the Civil War. 9 Chart: Marriage Women's right to vote Divorce Power of Catholic Church Organisation of the state BEFORE AFTER TASK 9 Can you think of the differences between right and left-wing parties? Can you tell any examples on each? b) Left-wing reforms (1931-1933) Manuel Azaña, leader of the left-wing party Acción Republicana, led the Government until 1933, in coalition with the PSOE and other left-wing parties. The Government started many reforms: Try to classify these reforms under the following headlines: Military Reform Land Religion Education State Organization 1. They tried to reduce the influence of the Catholic Church in society. Some of the decrees were: the separation between State and Church, the freedom of religion, the dissolution of the Compañía de Jesús, and the ban on religious orders teaching in schools. 2. There was an attempt to introduce agrarian reforms. Some decrees were passed in order to improve the work conditions of the peasants. They tried to modernize agriculture, and to increase the area of cultivated lands and their production. The IRA (Instituto para a Reforma Agraria) expropriated some lands from the nobility and gave them to the peasants. But the process was slow and many peasants became disappointed. 3. They created over 6,500 schools that had to fight the current high illiteracy level. 4. One of the main proposals of the Government was the creation of regional autonomy (e.g. the Catalonia and Basque Country Statutes), 10 5. They tried to change the Army into an efficient and modern group, and to reduce the number of officials. TASK 10 But these attempts were undermined by a lack of financial resources and strong opposition from different groups. Who could be the main opponents to these changes? Choose some of the following groups and write one sentence to justify your opinion. - Landowners - Peasants - The Church - Factory workers - The Armed Forces - Trade Unions TASK 11 There were a lot of strikes, church burnings and further disorder. One of these incidents caused the dissolution of Azaña's government. Thirteen anarchists fired on the police in the small village of Casas Viejas (Cadiz). The government’s order was “neither prisoners nor wounded." The police killed all the anarchists, and the extreme left turned these into martyrs. Why do you think the peasants from Andalucía fought against the government? New elections were called on November 1933. 11 c) The Conservative Government and the Miners´ Uprising (19331935) TASK 12 Read carefully the following text and try to relate it with the picture. Then, answer the questions below: In 1931, women didn’t have the right to vote, but they could be elected. There were three women in the government. During the discussion to extend their right to active suffrage, the Radical Socialist Victoria Kent confronted the Radical Clara Campoamor. Kent argued that Spanish women were not yet prepared to vote because they were too influenced by the Catholic Church. Campoamor however pleaded for women's rights regardless their opinions. Finally, in the election of 1933, all citizens of either sex over 23 had the right to vote. Both Campoamor and Kent lost their seats. Do you agree with Kent or with Campoamor? Was it a good idea to give the vote to women even if it meant losing the election? TASK 13 Looking at the chart that shows the result of the elections, and using the materials you have below, try to write a short account about the period 19331935: 12 Parties and alliances. November, 1933. Seats Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right (Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas) 117 Radical Republican Party (Partido Republicano Radical) 104 Other centre-right parties Agrarian Party (Partido Agrario) Carlists (Carlistas) Monarchists (Monárquicos) 90 Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (Partido Socialista Obrero Español) 58 Regionalist League (Lliga Regionalista) 24 Republican Left of Catalonia (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) 23 Republican Action (Acción Republicana) 7 Other centre-left parties Radical-Socialist Party (Partido Radical-Socialista) 3 Federalists (Federalistas) 2 Communist Party of Spain (Partido Comunista de España) 1 CEDA: a coalition of centre-right and right-wing parties ranging from Christian Democracy to Fascism. They formed a parliamentary alliance with: Partido Radical Republicano (center-wing) of Lerroux. Ideas: to abolish the reforms introduced by Azaña and his government 13 Reaction: Your account can use the following guidelines: In November 1933---------This government------------As a result, in October 1934 ------------But finally--------------The involvement of Lerroux's party in economic scandals deeply weakened the Centre party and forced the 1936 election. d) The 1936 Election TASK 14 Listening: Fill in the gaps: On January 7th, 1936, new elections were called. Socialists, Communists, Catalan and Madrid-based left-wing ------------- decided to work together under the name Frente Popular. The answer of the right-wing parties was to join the Frente Nacional (coalition of CEDA, Carlists and Monarchists) 14 The Frente Popular won the elections with a wide ---------- (with 263 MPs, where Frente Nacional had 156 and Centre parties almost disappeared). Manuel Azaña was named Prime Minister, but in April Alcalá-Zamora, the moderate President, was ---------------- and Azaña took his position. The new ------------- restarted the reforms, especially the land one; they also released all left-wing political prisoners, outlawed the Falange Española -a Fascist Nationalist party led by José Antonio Primo de Rivera - and granted Catalonia political and administrative -----------. But in the following months, violence between left and right-wing extremists spread. As a result, the Falange Española rose sharply. On the other hand, an important faction of the Army, commanded by lieutenant Mola, had been preparing a coup d´etat since the very moment the Frente Popular won the -------------. TASK 15: Write T (true) or F (false) after the following sentences: a) The Frente Popular was composed of different centre-left wing parties. b) Alcalá Zamora was named Prime Minister c) The new government went on with the reforms they had started in 1931. d) Falange Española was one of the parties in the Frente Popular. e) Last stage of the Republic TASK 16: You have some short texts followed by different information (charts and pictures) about the starting of the war. Working in pairs, use this information to complete the texts, writing an account about the development of the facts. You have the first text done as an example: 1. This was a period of increasing struggle. Radicals became more aggressive, while conservatives turned to paramilitary actions. According to official sources: Assassinations Wounded people Failed assassinations General strikes Religious buildings destroyed 330 1511 213 113 160 15 2. Some Army high officers wanted the government to give them the power: Military plot Mola, Franco, Queipo de Llano and Sanjurjo Sent to Africa by Azaña Mola, Franco, Goded th th 3. On July 12 and 13 two important murderers happened: Name Affiliation Killed by José Castillo (Lieutenant) Guardia de Asalto. Unión Militar Republicana Antifascista Falangists Name Affiliation Killed by José Calvo Sotelo Leader of the right-wing opposition Castillo’s comrades 4. Three days later (July 17th), the army uprising began in Morocco. It failed in the main towns: Town Reasons Madrid workers organizations had weapons provided by the government Barcelona Anarchist Trade Unions organized resistance 16 The uprising that had began as a pronunciamiento resulted in the outbreak of a civil war. Example: Text 1: This was a period of rising struggle. Radicals became more aggressive, while conservatives turned to paramilitary actions. According to official sources, 330 people were assassinated and 1,511 were wounded in politically-related violence; records show 213 failed assassination attempts, 113 general strikes, and the destruction of 160 religious buildings TASK 17 Make a timeline of the stages of the 2nd Republic, including at least the following facts: 1st general elections; new Constitution; the Asturian general strike; Catalonian autonomy; right-wing governments; 2nd general elections; General Sanjurjo´s coup d´etat; left-wing governments; Basque Country autonomy; 3rd general elections; Franco´s uprising. TASK 18 3. The Spanish Civil War (ppt) SPANISH CIVIL WAR.ppt TASK 19 Complete the following chart: REPUBLICANS Domestic Areas Support Foreign Support Social groups/ political parties 17 NATIONALISTS TASK 20 Working in pairs, try to match each word with its definition: International Brigades Children of the war Nationalists Generalísimo Laicism Republican Liberated city Condor Legion Followers of the military uprising German air force supporting the Nationalist Army Children evacuated from Republican areas to European and American countries during the war Teaching with non influence of religious ideologies Place conquered by enemy forces Head of the Nationalist Armies Foreign volunteer forces, communists and socialists, who came to help the Republican forces Defender of the legal and democratic government TASK 21: Look at the Picasso´s Guernika. Describe it with your own words. Why do you think it became a symbol of the Civil War? TASK 22. Watch the following videos and write a short account explaining your vision of the Spanish Civil War. You must take some notes on the videos to organise your ideas. You can use the following outline: - Causes - Important facts - Important characters - Conclusion civilwar1.mp4 civilwar2.mp4 18