Beowulf Discussion Questions

Beowulf Discussion Questions
English 12 CP
1. Give two examples of caesura in the first five lines.
2. Give two examples of alliteration in the first 10 lines.
3. Give one example of a kenning in the first 29 lines.
4. Give one example of an epithet in the first 29 lines.
5. Describe Grendel’s lineage that is given in the first stanza. What allusion is used
to describe these monsters?
6. How is the idea of good versus evil immediately juxtaposed in the first stanza?
7. Who is Hrothgar? What is Herot?
8. Describe Grendel’s attacks on Herot. How long have these attacks occurred?
9. In line 82, identify the personification and explain its presence – i.e. what is its
10. What is special about Hrothgar’s throne, and why can’t Grendel touch it?
11. Who is Healfdane? Who is Higlac?
12. What literary device is being used in lines 116-119: “None/Of the wise ones
regretted his going, much/As he was loved by the Geats: the omens were
good,/And they urged the adventure on” and what is its purpose?
--------This part is omitted in your textbook. We will discuss this scene together.--------13. What is ironic about the type of words/actions used by Hrothgar’s lieutenant who
stops Beowulf and his men?
14. How does this lieutenant’s description of Beowulf fit the characteristics of an epic
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15. Explain the imagery when Herot is described in lines 218-221. What purpose
does this imagery serve?
16. What items from his résumé does Beowulf share with Hrothgar to convince him
of his worthiness to fight Grendel?
17. What has Beowulf heard about how Grendel fights, and how does he vow to also
18. Describe the differences that exist between Hrothgar and Beowulf in your
19. Why is Grendel a necessity in the epic poem and to the epic hero?
The Battle with Grendel
20. What is the purpose of Grendel’s attacks being so vividly described? (What’s the
intended effect?) Identify the diction used that contributes to these horrific
21. What is Grendel’s immediate impulse when he feels the strength of Beowulf’s
hand? If he’s so fierce, why does he have this particular impulse?
22. Why do we again get such a thorough description of Herot as Beowulf and
Grendel battle? What is it again being likened to?
23. Why can’t Beowulf’s men’s do any harm to Grendel?
24. Describe how Beowulf defeats Grendel. How does Beowulf show off his victory?
25. What traits of Beowulf and Grendel raise the fight between them to the level of an
epic struggle between the two great opposing forces in the world (good versus
Grendel’s Mother
26. What is this description of the monster’s lair an allusion to?
The Battle with Grendel’s Mother
27. (This part is left out of the textbook selection.) Who is Unferth and what does
Beowulf promise to him if he doesn’t survive the battle?
28. What keeps Grendel’s mother and the other sea monsters from hurting Beowulf as
she drags him to her lair?
29. Why do you think Hrunting and Beowulf’s armor are ineffective against the lady
30. What is it that causes Beowulf to “[leap] back/Into battle” (485-487) even after
she has torn through his armor? Is this a pagan or a Christian value?
31. As Grendel’s mother gains advantage over him, what part of the epic hero’s
journey is Beowulf in?
32. What saves Beowulf from the dagger? Does this show a pagan or a Christian
33. How does this battle end?
34. What two trophies does Beowulf return with?
Beowulf’s Last Battle
35. What honor does Beowulf receive after Higlac and his son have died? For how
long does he rule?
36. What is threatening his kingdom and why does he go to fight it?
37. What does he do differently in planning for how to fight this battle? Does this
reveal any changes in him? Explain.
38. Describe Beowulf’s battle with the dragon.
39. Who is Wiglaf and how does he differ from Beowulf’s other followers?
The Death of Beowulf
40. Who does Beowulf give thanks to before dying?
41. What honor does he bestow on Wiglaf?
42. What does Wiglaf’s speech in lines 851-862 reveal about the importance of honor
and the consequences of dishonorable behavior in this time period?
Mourning Beowulf
43. What is the message to “all men” (61) at the end of the poem?
44. Does this ending fit that of an epic hero? Why/why not?
Themes, Motifs, and Symbols: Provide explanations of and evidence for each of the
following themes, motifs, and symbols.
 importance of establishing identity 
the difference between a good warrior and a good king -
good triumphing over evil -
 good versus evil/light versus dark 
Biblical allusions -
monsters -
mead-hall -
 the hand of God/throne of God 
Hrunting -
Grendel’s arm -
the lair of Grendel and his mother -
Grendel’s mother -