Problem and Purpose: Examples

Problem and Purpose: Examples
Here are some examples of well-written problem/purpose statements. Note
how the last sentence of the problem starts “The problem is…” and the first
sentence of the purpose relates to the problem statement. Then, each
student breaks down the purpose into smaller pieces….it is hard to eat an
elephant in one bite (even if you have a very big mouth!)….much easier to cut
it into smaller pieces…although the elephant may get irritated and I really
don’t know about the taste of raw elephant!!
Tara Bally: Statement of the Problem
In today’s society many families consist of a dual-career household.
This type of lifestyle creates strain and stress on women, which may reduce
morale, productivity and a sense of community in the workplace. Many
organizations now appear to recognize the unique impact that a career and
family exerts on women and have implemented policies and procedures
intended to minimize the impact. The problem is that human resource
management needs a better understanding of the effectiveness of programs
designed to minimize the impact that a career and family have on women.
Tara Bally: Purpose of the Study
The overall purpose of this thesis is to improve our understanding of
the effectiveness of programs designed to minimize the impact that a career
and family have on women. The overall purpose will be accomplished
through four specific purposes. The first purpose of this thesis is to describe
and analyze the differences in family life that have occurred in the last sixty
years that have contributed to women working full-time outside the home.
The second purpose will be to describe and analyze the types of stressors
that effect women who have both a career and a family. The third purpose of
this thesis is to analyze and critique the effectiveness of work/life programs
used/offered by major organizations in the United States. The fourth purpose
is to present a set of best practices that can be used by companies
developing and implementing work/life programs.
Tara Kammarada: Problem Statement
Today’s workforce faces many employee relations issues affecting
productivity, morale, turnover, absenteeism, and the number of accidents at
work. Some of the issues are workplace violence, work/life balance, elder
care, child-care, depression, domestic violence, marital, financial, family and
legal issues, as well as alcohol and substance abuse. Human resource
management must be prepared to deal with these issues. However, the
human resource professional might not have the knowledge or manpower to
effectively deal with these issues. Some companies have and continue to
utilize Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) to deal with employees’ work or
personal problems affecting their productivity. The problem is that many
human resource managers do not know if EAPs are a cost-effective approach
to dealing with the many employee relations issues confronting today’s
Tara Kammarada: Purpose of the Study
The overall purpose of this thesis is to improve our understanding of
Employee Assistance programs. This overall purpose will be accomplished
through two specific purposes. The first purpose is to describe, analyze, and
examine Employee Assistance Programs and determine if they are cost
effective and worth the cost. The second purpose is to determine if an EAP is
a viable answer to dealing with the issues today’s workforce faces.
Karen Ferreri: Statement of the Problem
Employee training programs increase the retention and productivity of
employees of all ages. The number of older people in the workforce is
increasing. Many companies do not recognize the potential of older
employees, so they do not invest in training programs for them. Older
employees are as motivated and able to learn as other employees. The
success of these older employees will be directly affected by an effective
training program. The problem is that human resource management does not
know if the training approaches and techniques that worked in the past will be
effective with older workers.
Karen Ferreri: Specific Purpose of the Study
The overall purpose of this thesis is to improve our understanding of
training techniques that will be effective with an older workforce. The overall
purpose will be accomplished through four specific purposes. The first
purpose will be to examine a profile of older employees to determine if they
can be productive and successful workers. The second purpose will be to
describe and discuss if training is beneficial to organizations and which
techniques have been successfully used with workers in the past. The third
purpose will be to determine the factors that make older workers different from
their younger counterparts. The fourth purpose will be to discuss and analyze
the training techniques that can be applied with older workers to provide them
with optimal training experiences.