Soy Oncor Essay Contest “Your Future. Our Future.” 2013 Entry

Soy Oncor Essay Contest
“Your Future. Our Future.”
2013 Entry Form
DIRECTIONS: Please watch this 15-minute video: and write a 500-word essay answering
this question: “This is what we see in our future. What do you see in yours?” This
page must be included with and as part of the essay submission, either by securely
fastening to the front of the hard copy essay or by including as an attachment to the
electronic essay submission.
Entries must be postmarked (if mailed) or received (if emailed) by 5 p.m.,
September 13, 2013.
Email entries to or mail to 1616 Woodall Rodgers Freeway, Dallas,
Texas 75202, Attention: Jeamy Molina.
Student’s Name:
Home Address:
Phone (
E-mail Address
School’s Name
I hereby certify that (i) the student above is eligible to participate in the Soy Oncor Essay
Contest per the Soy Oncor Essay Contest Rules and (ii) the essay submitted by the student
above is written entirely by the student above, is the student’s original work, and there are
no copyrighted materials used. I acknowledge and agree that each entry, and all materials
submitted and associated with such entry, will become the property of Oncor and may in
whole or in part be reproduced or published by Oncor, in whole or in part, and/or
incorporated into other Oncor publications/materials. With respect to the student’s personal
information, the only information that may be released is the student’s name, age and
grade, unless Oncor and I otherwise agree.
Signature of Student
Signature of Parent(s) or Guardian
Print Name
Print Name
Soy Oncor Essay Contest 2013 Entry Form
5 p.m., September 13, 2013