Compare and contrast any two scenes from the 2 films

You will hand in/present a portfolio of work on Romeo and Juliet.
You can choose from a number of assignments. In the end you must do
enough work to earn maximum of 100 points. You may not choose more
than 2 questions from any one category. You may not use one text for
more than one purpose.
Awareness of technique/craft
(40) Compare and contrast any two scenes from the 2 films
Describe what you see in each. What are the differences? What are the
similarities? Relate to at least three of the following: choice of text, use
of music, camera angle and filming, image of the characters, Hebrew
translations, other. Be very specific and give details. Why do you think
the director made the choices he made? Which of the two scenes did you
prefer? Why? Do not do this question unless you have viewed the
scenes at least twice.
Assessment criteria: accurate detailed observations (10), clear analysis
of the effect of each directors' choices (10), organization (10), accuracy
in writing (spelling and grammar) (10)
(40) Find good examples of 6 of any of the following: metaphors,
similes, personification, antithesis, oxymoron, repetition, alliteration,
listing, rhyming couplet and puns (that were not marked in the Balcony
scene.) (Do not use more than 2 of each). Take examples from any of
the other texts we dealt with. Explain each one. Use any four as
models and create your own sentences.
Assessment criteria: Understanding of the terms (10), ability to find
examples not dealt with in class (5), explaining the examples correctly
(10), originality (5), accuracy in writing (spelling and grammar.)(10)
(20) Write the plot of the play. Choose 10 lines from the play to
give examples of the action. (See first activity we did on Romeo and
Juliet as an example). Do not use the lines used in the first lesson.
Assessment criteria: Accurate description of the full story (5), ability to
choose key sentences to tell that story (5), accuracy in writing (spelling
and grammar.) (10)
(20) Light/darkness is a motif in Romeo and Juliet. Find 8
examples of this. Explain 4 in modern English. Suggest another motif
and find 2 examples. Explain them.
Assessment criteria: Show an understanding of the term "motif" by
making accurate choices and explaining them (10), accuracy in writing
(spelling and grammar.)(10)
(30) Choose two of the following topics: The Globe Theatre,
Shakespeare's life, Courtship in the 15th Century, Life in Elizabethan
Find information from two or more sources. Summarize the most
important/interesting information into one page (approx. 150 words) for
each topic. Use a different color pen/font to show what came from each
source and use an additional color for sentences which you, yourself,
Assessment criteria: Finding and crediting relevant sources (5),
organizing the information logically (10), not merely copying and pasting
but leaving one's personal mark (10), accuracy in writing (spelling and
grammar.) (5)
(20) Prepare a web page of at least 6 links to help pupils who are
studying Romeo and Juliet and have to do these assignments. Describe
what one can find on each of the eight sites. (A table format would
probably serve your purpose best.) Hand in as an HTML file on a
diskette or publish on the Internet. Hand in the URL (site address).
Assessment criteria: Usefulness to the students (5), clarity of
information and organization (5) a real knowledge of the content of each
site (5), accuracy in writing (spelling and grammar.) (5)
(50) Dramatize a text of your choice on video. Each actor must
have at least 15 lines of text to say. Use costumes and props. Have
fun. The text may not be read.
Assessment criteria: Showing the real meaning of the text (10), knowing
text by heart (10), speaking clearly (10), props and set (10) providing good
theatre/entertainment (10).
(20) Learn at least 10 lines of text by heart and perform them
dramatically in front of the class.
Assessment criteria: Showing the real meaning of the text (10), knowing
text by heart (5), speaking clearly (5)
(10) Read at least 10 lines of text onto a cassette in a
dramatically convincing way. Translate the text into Hebrew or explain
it in modern English also on the tape.
Assessment criteria: Showing the real meaning of the text in the reading
, speaking clearly, showing an understanding of every word.
Working with the text independently
(20) Choose any meaningful text from the play of at least 10
lines that we did not deal with in class. Explain how it fits into the
plot and explain what it means in your own words. Point out literary
Assessment criteria: ability to integrate and apply knowledge to new
situations (10), accuracy in writing (spelling and grammar.) (10)
Alternative Creative Expression
(20) Choose a few lines from the play that are meaningful to you.
Draw or paint a picture that conveys the meaning of those lines. Write
a written explanation of your artwork
Assessment criteria: Transferring an abstract idea from one art form to
another. (10) Explaining the idea clearly (5), accuracy in writing (spelling
and grammar.)(5)
(20) A statue of Juliet is mentioned at the end of the play.
Quote the text that relates to this. What in your opinion is the
significance of the statue? Design/build it and explain you art piece.
Write why you chose to create the statue you created.
Assessment criteria: Transferring an abstract idea from one art form to
another. (10) Explaining the idea clearly (5), accuracy in writing (spelling
and grammar.) (10)
(10) Choose at least 10 lines of text and translate them into
Hebrew using slang and street language. Keep it reasonably clean. Do
not use the text (the Capulet-Tybalt Dance scene text) we translated
in class. Relate to every piece of information
Assessment criteria: Accuracy of ideas (5), originality (5)
(20) Create the front page of a newspaper "The Verona Voice"
reporting on some of the events of the play.
Assessment criteria: presentation (5), insight into the play (5), correct
use of newspaper genre (5), accuracy in writing (spelling and grammar.)
(30) The Israelis and the Palestinians have an ancient (perhaps
not so ancient) grudge which leads to constant "feuding". Find lines in
the play that you can relate to people's attitudes or behavior in this
conflict in the Middle East (at least three quotes). Explain the lines
and then relate them to the conflict. This essay should be
approximately 200 words
Assessment criteria: Relevance of quotes (10), coherence and
organization of essay(10), accuracy in writing (spelling and grammar.)(10)
(20) Choose any scene/ set of lines in the play. Let them be the
inspiration for your own writing: a poem/ a diary entry, a monologue, an
article. Explain the connection.
Assessment criteria: Relevance of quotes (5), coherence and organization
of writing (5), accuracy in writing (spelling and grammar.) (10)
17. You may have ideas of your own. Discuss them with me so we can
decide how many points to assign and what the assessment criteria
will be.
Do work that you are proud of. Serious
effort will produce quality and self
satisfaction. That's what I did! 
Hand in this page with your
Good luck!