- Jericho Walls

But God…
Dear friends and intercessors
Three of the greatest challenges that the
church will face in the coming decades are
Islam, scepticism and prosperity theology.
Islam is predominantly an intolerant faith to
the point at which people who differ are
forced through violence to either become or
remain Muslim. Those who do not comply
are persecuted, and many are killed. Since
9/11 (2001) until 2010, 19,000 incidences
of violence perpetrated by Muslims have
been recorded worldwide. From 2009 the
persecution of Christians has increased by
309%. During July and August, Christians worldwide will be praying for the
hundreds of millions of Muslims throughout the world. A further problem is that
although hundreds of thousands of Muslims in the Middle East have come to
salvation, more Christians are leaving these countries than the numbers that
are coming to salvation. This weakens the church and limits the influence of
evangelism in these countries.
Scepticism is another huge challenge to the church. Increasingly, people are
rejecting authority and coupled thereby any influence that the Bible may have,
and the principle of “absolute truth’. If absolute truth exists, then we cannot
each have our opinion of what is true, right or wrong, and this doesn’t suit us!
Often when the truth does not suit people, they become sceptical. There are
hundreds of books and thousands of articles that question the church, the
“existence” of God, and the truth contained by the Bible. All kinds of theories,
such as the absolute unscientific evolution theory, are proposed as possible.
The church must find a way to reach those who are ensnared in scepticism.
The third challenge is prosperity theology. This Scripture interpretation simply
ignores repentance, being born from above, the confession of sin, and the fact
that Christians will face persecution and have trouble in this world. It is
claimed that as a Christian, life will only be good! A negative result of the
prosperity theology is that the commission - the taking of the gospel to those
unreached or unsaved - is hindered or ignored. The church will have to adopt
a firm stance on this issue, and MUST be outspoken in its address thereof.
During the next 3 months there are quite a few events that will take place
which will have a significant influence on the world. Please follow the articles
and prayer pointers concerning these subjects in the prayer diary.
2 June: Global Outreach Day.
2-3 June: World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk.
27 July - 12 August: Olympic Games in London, England.
30 September - 20 October: 21-Day Prayer Campaign.
1-5 October: The 11th Watchman’s School of Prayer in Simons Town, Cape
I really want to encourage you to consider coming to the annual Watchman’s
School of Prayer. The lives of hundreds have been changed over the last
eleven years.
Bennie Mostert
Managing Director: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Ephesians 3:20
What, where and when
2-3 June 2012: World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk
The World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk, facilitated by Viva, takes
place every year on the first weekend of June. Hundreds of thousands of
Christians gather at events across the world to devote themselves to prayer
for their own children, children in their church, neighbourhood, country, or in
other parts of the world. Please pray for the church to become aware and
more involved in ministering to the children of the world.
Download free resources from www.viva.org/wwp
27 July - 12 August 2012: Olympic Games in London, England
This sports event attracts thousands of athletes and spectators, and millions
of television viewers. The Olympic Games give a great opportunity for the
spreading of the gospel. Many people from nations where the preaching and
spreading is prohibited will come as spectators. Pray that God will graciously
grant open doors for divine encounters to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ
with many unbelievers. Pray also for spiritual protection for innocent
participants and for the conviction of sin and openness to listen to the
message of salvation. The church in Britain is already praying and preparing
for this event for the last four years. There are significant prayer initiatives to
ask for breakthroughs. Pray for Christians to be very sensitive to the needs of
people and that they will reach out to people with great humility. Over the last
few decades churches and Christian ministries had outreaches to people at
major sport events and they saw some remarkable conversions, healings and
the restoration of people from all walks of life.
‘More than Gold’ is one of several prayer initiatives that precede the Olympics.
When the 70th Olympic Torch relay takes place (starting 19th May), More
than Gold is resourcing the church to get involved through prayer, hospitality
and mission. A 70-Day Prayer Cascade is being planned inviting Christians to
‘take time on the day’ that the torch passes through their area, and a prayer
relay of blessing going between the 70 towns and cities. The More than Gold
initiative is in no way linked to the official torch relay.
Visit www.morethangold.org.uk
30 September-20 October 2012: 21-Day Prayer Campaign
Later in 2012 - across student ministries worldwide - students will be seeking
God asking Him to continue raising up the “New Breed” of labourers for
specified un-reached people groups. It is a student generation’s prayer
campaign for the nations: students seeking God for students - to be raised up
as Jesus’ end-time labourers among the least-reached people groups. The
21-Day Prayer Campaign will take place from 30 September - 20 October,
with the theme “Let My people go!” (Exodus 8). Join them in prayer.
Global Prayer Strategist and Bridge Team, Mission to Unreached Peoples,
www.mup.org or contact Stanley Ow, owstanley@gmail.com
Prayer for government: A priority in 2012
We invite Christians in Tshwane / Pretoria to raise up teams (consisting of a
minimum of two believers) that will commit to pray at the Union Buildings and
thereby establish a daily prayer watch for the government in 2012. The
believers proclaim the Word of God over the country; pray for His will to be
done and for a god-fearing government in South Africa. A proclamation
document compiled from Scripture will be supplied to participants. We invite
believers who will take ownership of the responsibility to go and pray at the
Union buildings for 30-60 minutes, covering all 366 days of 2012. We
encourage you to invite Christians in your congregation, community, prayer
group, cell group or friendship circle to commit to this prayer task for one or
more days in 2012.
To register, contact Leon Coetzee, www.upfsa.co.za/prayerforce.html or
upfsa@absamail.co.za or 083 559 5486.
2 June 2012: Global Outreach Day
The vision of the Global Outreach Day is to mobilize you and your church to
take the gospel to the lost, and this will happen across the world on one day,
every year. It agrees with the commandment of Jesus in John 24:46. “We
expect to see millions of people coming into the Kingdom of God!” said Loren
Cunningham (founder of Youth with a Mission).
For more information and to register visit www.God2012.com
20-23 August 2012: African Enterprise turns 50
From the 20-23 August 2012 we will be celebrating our Anniversary, after 50
years of ministry on the African Continent! Michael Cassidy’s vision to
“Evangelize the Cities of Africa through Word and Deed in Partnership with
the Church”, led to the first citywide mission facilitated by African Enterprise,
in 1962 (in Pietermaritzburg). Now, 50 years on, they will be holding another
citywide mission in the same city. Following the mission, which will run from
12-19 August 2012, they will host a 3-day Jubilee Celebration from the 2023 August 2012.
http://aeinternational.org or celebration@ae.org.za or 033 347 1911.
1-5 October 2012: The 11th Watchman’s School of Prayer
Join us for 5 days of seeking God for spiritual breakthrough in our
communities and cities. You will receive practical tools on how to experience
personal revival and have a deeper prayer life. Practical training on how to
establish 24-7prayer in your local church or community will be given. Together
we will explore the mysteries and joys of knowing God and living out who He
has designed us to be! We will seek the Lord in prayer and worship, learn
from one another’s experiences, and trust Him to establish and strengthen the
foundation of night-and-day prayer in every church and community.
This is a full-time school in a beautiful retreat setting. We can only
accommodate 150 people. The cost for the week inclusive of accommodation,
meals and material is R1,250.
Contact Liezel Fourie at cape@jwipn.com or tel.: 021 919 7988 and fax:
021 919 3954.
senate passes new gay bill
Did Nigerian
Nigeria’s senate passed a bill outlawing same-sex marriages
Africa’s most populous country and banning public
u indisplays
of affection between homosexual couples from the
end of 2011. The bill dictates a 14-year jail term for anyone
know entering into a same-sex marriage or civil union, and a 10year sentence for any person who, directly or indirectly
? makes public show of same-sex amorous relationships. Give
thanks to the Lord for breakthroughs like this. Cry out to God for those caught
in the trap of homosexuality, pray for their deliverance. Please also continue
to pray for legislative change, as South Africa remains the only country
allowing same-sex marriages.
What’s online
Lifting up the whole world in prayer - one friend at a time! Praybook is a new
Facebook application that is mobilizing thousands of people to pray for their
friends. Praybook is a simple and systematic way to organize your Facebook
friends into a daily prayer list. Select a number of friends, saved and unsaved,
to pray for each day. Friends praying for friends.
Learn God’s Word like never before: memorize Bible verses, 100% online (no
software to download), proceed at your own pace, and there’s no charge!
Want to know what is happening with regard to work on our cities’ streets?
Link to newsletters, and see ideas on how you can get involved in your city or
Youth with a Mission’s Forever Team has the ministry of co-ordinating
outreaches during the season of the 2012 Olympic Games. The Forever
Team has announced the launch of “brick by brick” an online prayer calendar
that enables you to pray for the United Kingdom during 2012.
Monthly prayer focusses: June – September 2012
The prayer focuses on this page are to encourage those involved in a 24-7
house of prayer to focus in prayer on the same things at the same time.
These are only guidelines and watch co-ordinators may add their own focuses
as the Holy Spirit leads them. Consider putting the prayer pointers in your
prayer room in a creative way, or use them in your quiet times. Inform others,
and encourage them to pray for these issues also. For more information
concerning the issues, visit www.jwipn.com
Our weekly Global Prayer Alert covers current issues in prayer on a weekly
basis. You can subscribe to the weekly Prayer Alert by sending an e-mail
to cape@jwipn.com
Prayer focus for June: Children
Globally, there will be a prayer focus on children during the month of June.
Children at risk, includes amongst others, children in war situations, children
being forced into being child-soldiers or sex slaves, children abused by
parents or other authority figures, street children, and children orphaned
through AIDS. There are some very clear and valuable prayer pointers to use
every day in the prayer guide for June. Let us cry out to the Lord on behalf of
children worldwide. Remember Jesus’ comments in Matthew 19:13-15.
Prayer focus for July to August: Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18
August 2012
This year we felt led to focus in prayer on some countries in the world that
have a high Muslim population, and specifically to pray for the evangelization
and discipling of the people of these nations. It includes a daily proclamation
from Scripture over all Muslims. Islam is one of the biggest challenges the
church faces. During the period 2003 - 2009, persecution of Christians in
Muslim-dominant nations increased by 309%. Let us pray for Muslims to
understand that God wants to be their Father and that Jesus died for them
Prayer focus for September: Prayer for the nation
In September we focus on some very pressing issues in South Africa. It will
be a month where we will pray for God to also raise up the church to be a
house of prayer for all nations. (Luke 19:46). We need to pray that we as the
church will take up its responsibility to pray for the nation of South Africa. We
will ask the Lord to move individuals, prayer groups, Bible study groups,
churches, and Christian organizations to pray with all manner of prayer for the
1 June 2012
Property challenges
Home prices fell about 3% last year and are expected to fall another 3% again
this year. Thereafter, prices are expected to rise by 30% over the following 10
years. Please pray thAt home-owners would continue to pay their debt and
not take out a second loan/bond on their property other than by mutual
consent. Ask for the Holy Spirit to convict Christians, especially, regarding
their financial conduct.
World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk: 2-3 June 2012
The World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk, facilitated by Viva, takes
place every year on the first weekend of June. Hundreds of thousands of
Christians gather at events across the world to devote themselves to prayer
for their own children, children in their church, neighbourhood, country, or in
other parts of the world. Please pray for the church to become aware of and
more involved in ministering to the children of the world.
Download free resources from www.viva.org/wwp
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for their salvation.
Around the world: To feel welcome and loved like Jesus showed us. Guide
all people to welcome children in Your name. (Matthew 18:5: Whoever
receives one little child like this in My name receives Me).
Pray 52: Week 40: Jordan / Chad (1-7 Jun 2012)
Ask the Father to once again fill the church with power of the Holy Spirit so
that many may come to Christ. (Acts 4:28-31; Ephesians 5:18). Pray for
believers in Jordan and Chad to take up the responsibility of night-and-day
prayer (Isaiah 62:6-7) for the church and their nation.
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
2 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that every child will grow and increase in love.
Around the world: Every child to hear the gospel. Saviour, send people to
share the good news about Christ with children so they can call on Your name
for salvation. (Romans 10:13-14: … whoever calls on the name of the Lord
shall be saved).
Pray 52: A year of non-stop prayer:
5 September 2011 - 2 September 2012
A year of non-stop prayer: 52 weeks of prayer for the church by the church in
52 nations with a Christian minority.
Why a year of non-stop prayer?
In these 52 nations, there are many extra-ordinary situations, and we have
been given extra-ordinary promises for extra-ordinary situations. God’s
promises are available to those who come to Him in prayer, asking Him for
the fulfilment of these promises. Many are already praying, but let us pray with
renewed faith and fervour.
Every week, two nations are encouraged as far as possible to mobilize all
Christians to stand in the gap to pray for their nation: Christian citizens and
expatriates, missionaries and mission agencies working in those nations, and
churches supporting missionaries in those nations. Each nation is encouraged
to take 2 weeks of extra-ordinary and non-stop prayer for their nation, one
week every 6 months.
Encouraging believers to come together in larger groups (where
possible) to have extended times of prayer.
Encouraging believers to start prayer rooms or prayer watches
where all 168 hours of the week can be covered in prayer.
Encouraging Christians from other nations to send prayer teams to
those nations during the specific week.
Encouraging every nation to use all possible means available to
mobilize the church in their own country.
Prayer focus for the first 6 months: The church
Establishing new believers in Christ. (Philippians 4:19).
Salvation of the unsaved, and that the church will take the mandate of
Matthew 28:19-20 seriously.
An outpouring of the Spirit of prayer and supplication on the church.
(Zechariah 12:10).
That God will fill the church with the power of the Holy Spirit.
(Acts 4:28-31; Ephesians 5:18).
That the church would reach out to the poor and needy, and meet the
social needs within their communities. (Ephesians 2:10; Isaiah 58).
Prayer focus for the second 6 months: Godly leadership in the church
and the establishing of God’s Kingdom in all spheres of society
Church: For servant leaders and committed believers that will seek the
Kingdom of God. (Matthew 6:33).
Governments / Politics: For righteous leaders, and the exposure of
corruption. (Proverbs 14:34).
Economics / Business: For business to be conducted with integrity, and that
the poor and the needy will receive the help they need. (Isaiah 58;
Matthew 5:16).
Education: For education to be adequate to prepare young people for the
challenges of life, and not to taint them with godless values. (Proverbs 2-4;
Psalm 119:8; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8).
Arts / Entertainment, Media / Communications: To be free of immorality
and godlessness. (2 Timothy 3:1-17).
Families: The restoration of families. (Ephesians 5:22-6:4).
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. Contact:
Week 1/27 - Morocco / Azerbaijan (2-8 Sept 2011 & 2-8 March 2012)
Week 2/28 - Egypt / Albania (9-15 Sept 2011 & 9-15 March 2012)
Week 3/29 - Algeria / Gambia (16-22 Sept 2011 & 16-22 March 2012)
Week 4/30 - Yemen / Guinea-Bissau (23-29 Sept 2011 & 23-29 March 2012)
Week 5/31 - Saudi Arabia / Guinea (30 Sept - 6 Oct 2011 & 30 March - 5 April
Week 6/32 - UAE / Uzbekistan (7-13 Oct 2011 & 6-12 April 2012)
Week 7/33 - Syria / Iran (14-20 Oct 2011 & 13-19 April 2012)
Week 8/34 - Tunisia / Brunie-Drussalam (21-27 Oct 2011 & 20-26 April 2012)
Week 9/35 - Iraq / Kazakhstan (28 Oct - 3 Nov 2011 & 27 April - 3 May 2012)
Week 10/36 - Mauritania / Bangladesh (4-10 Nov 2011 & 4-10 May 2012)
Week 11/37 - Libya / Burkina Faso (11-17 Nov 2011 & 11-17 May 2012)
Week 12/38 - Iran / Tajikistan (18-24 Nov 2011 & 18-24 May 2012)
Week 13/39 - Israel / Turkmenistan (25 Nov - 1 Dec 2011 & 25-31 May 2012)
Week 14/40 - Jordan / Chad (2-8 Dec 2011 & 1-7 Jun 2012)
Week 15/41 - Oman / Togo (9-15 Dec 2011 & 8-14 Jun 2012)
Week 16/42 - Kuwait / Senegal (16-22 Dec 2011 & 15-21 Jun 2012)
Week 17/43 - Lebanon / Sierra Leone (23-29 Dec 2011 & 22-28 Jun 2012)
Week 18/44 - Palestine / Somalia (30 Dec 2011 - 5 Jan 2012 & 29 Jun - 5 Jul
Week 19/45 - Turkey / Gabon (6-12 Jan 2012 & 6-12 Jul 2012)
Week 20/46 - Sudan / Comoros (13-19 Jan 2012 & 13-19 Jul 2012)
Week 21/47 - Cameroon / Niger (20-26 Jan 2012 & 20-26 Jul 2012)
Week 22/48 - Bahrain / Qatar (27 Jan - 2 Feb 2012 & 27 Jul - 2 Aug 2012)
Week 23/49 - Afghanistan / Maldives (3-9 Feb 2012 & 3-9 Aug 2012)
Week 24/50 - Pakistan / Mali (10-16 Feb 2012 & 10-16 Aug 2012)
Week 25/51 - Malaysia / Nigeria (17-23 Feb 2012 & 17-23 Aug 2012)
Week 26/52 - Indonesia / Cote d’Ivoire (24 Feb - 1 March 2012 & 24-31 Aug
3 June 2012
Personal revival focus: Why constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
Ephesians 6:18 (R.V.) puts emphasis on the importance of prayer with
overwhelming force. Note the ALLS: “with ALL prayer,” “at ALL seasons,” “in
ALL perseverance,” “for ALL the saints.” Note the piling up of strong words,
“prayer,” “supplication,” “perseverance.” Note once more the strong
expression, “watching thereunto,” more literally, “being sleepless thereunto.”
Paul realized the natural laziness of man, and especially his natural laziness
in prayer. How seldom we pray things through! How often the church and the
individual get right up to the verge of a great blessing in prayer and just then
let go, get drowsy, quit.
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Lord Jesus, when weighing these words, I feel my heart stirring and crying
out to You. Teach me to pray, pray, pray, with all kinds of prayer, at all
seasons, with all perseverance and for all saints.
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for honesty, integrity and loyalty as part of their value system.
Around the world: Godly teachers. All-Wise God, provide teachers who will
nurture and disciple children in the way they should go, and who will teach
Your Word in ways that kids can understand. (Proverbs 22:6: Train up a child
in the way he should go).
World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk
It is not just adults who pray over the World Weekend of Prayer. Last year,
61% of participants were under the age of 18. Many of these children are
themselves at risk, being helped by projects in Viva’s partner networks around
the world. Pray today for all of the events taking place which were organized
and are being led by children at risk themselves. Pray for the leading of the
Holy Spirit and that the adults present would realize that these children must
be heard.
Download free resources from: www.viva.org/wwp
4 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that God’s Spirit of power, love and self-discipline will fill them
and that they would be free from fear.
Around the world: Safety and care for street children. Merciful God, I lift to
You the lives of street children. Rescue them and be their refuge.
(Lamentations 2:11, 19: Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young
children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: His Holy Name. Father, the
church bears Your name. We are Your representatives in this world. We have
dishonoured You and Your name through our indifference, unconcern, and
lack of holiness. Have mercy on us, o God! Grant revival to us that we might
live lives worthy for Your name’s sake. (2 Corinthians 5:20).
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will stand
in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012 365
International Day of Innocent Child Victims of Aggression
Globally, there are 11-17 million refugees. Almost 30,000 children die each
day from the side-effects of violence, poverty, hunger and preventable
diseases. More than two million children have been killed in conflict in the last
two decades. About 10 million child refugees are being cared for by the UN
Refugee Agency (UNHCR). In the Latin America and in the Caribbean region
about 80 thousand children die annually from violence that has broken out
within the family. Continue to pray for the plight of children worldwide. Pray
especially for opportunities for them to hear and respond to the gospel.
5 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that they would develop a love for God’s Word.
Around the world: Bear fruit as God works in their lives. Holy Spirit, fill
children’s hearts so they will be fruitful, bringing glory to You. (Galatians 5:2223: … love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control).
Malaria vaccine breakthrough
Every 45 seconds an African child dies from Malaria. Death as a result of
malaria accounts for 20% of childhood deaths on the continent. The trial of a
new vaccine on children less than 18 months of age has shown that children
given the vaccine were only half as likely to contract the disease as those who
had not been vaccinated! Although the trial is still in its early stages, with final
results not due until 2014, it would seem that there has been a breakthrough!
Praise God for this development and its implication for children at risk around
the world, especially in Africa. Pray for the scientists that are working on this
trial vaccine. Pray that God would give them wisdom and understanding, to
know how to proceed, so that the vaccine can be as effective and successful
as possible.
Wednesday 6 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for children to be fair in judgment from the start.
Around the world: Trust God with anxieties. God of comfort, calm children’s
fears. Guard their hearts and minds with peace that passes understanding.
(Philippians 4:7: … the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will
guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus).
Establishing 24-7 Houses of Prayer
Pray, by name, for God’s favour to firmly establish the following growing
prayer watches: Hercules AGM Charisma, (Drienie Jacobs, 012 377 1604,
drienie.jacobs@gmail.com) and Strand Western Cape AGM Strand, (Lettie
Jacobs, 082 398 1012, danlet@vodamail.co.za). Continue to pray for God to
pour out His Spirit of prayer and supplication on every house of prayer across
the world. (Zechariah 12:10). Ask for strength for each intercessor,
perseverance and unity among leadership, favour with believers and nonbelievers in the surrounding communities, and the necessary funds and
premises for each house of prayer to continue in their work. Ask that churches
will once again become houses of prayer as Jesus commanded.
(Matthew 21:13).
Acting with an outward focus
Testimony: “When we met for prayer once a week in our first school break, I
remember us praying for many things happening in our own lives, in our
school and in our homes. Slowly but surely, we became frustrated as new
problems just seemed to replace old ones as soon as they were resolved by
God answering our prayers. We wanted to know what ‘else’ we could pray
The following are some ideas that you can use to pray for events, people and
situations outside of your usual and immediate circumstances. In the book of
Acts, the Holy Spirit worked powerfully as the first Christians prayed about the
following things:
Prayer for unity: Ask the Lord for unity amongst teachers, amongst your
friends, unity in your family and At home, and unity in prayer - that Christians
will be praying together in one accord. Acts 1:14: These all continued with one
accord in prayer and supplication …
Prayer to know God’s will: Ask the Lord to show you, as a group or as a
school, what is on His heart, what it is that He wants you to do for Him; and
pray for this on a regular basis.
Prayer in church services: Ask the Lord what you can pray for, for your
church. Pray, especially for the preacher on Sunday, that he will hear the
voice of the Lord during the week as he prepares. Acts 6:4: … but we will give
ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.
Prayer for new Christians: Ask the Lord for new believers to be filled with
the Holy Spirit, so they may hear God’s voice, understand the Word and be
obedient and holy in their lives before the Lord. Acts 8:15: …who, when they
had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit.
Prayer for persecuted Christians: Pray today for the many Christian
children in other nations who cannot openly show their faith. Ask for their
protection, and for Christian children to learn the power of prayer in their
everyday lives. Acts 12:5: Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant
prayer was offered to God for him by the church.
Prayer for missionaries: A missionary is usually someone who leaves their
own country to go to another country where the people have not heard a lot
about Jesus, to tell them about Him. Please pray for such people today, that
they will not feel alone, and that God will help them to lead people from those
countries to come to know Jesus. Acts 13:2-4: As they ministered to the Lord
and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for
the work to which I have called them.”
Thursday 7 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that they will be merciful and show grace in their dealings with
Around the world: Health and wholeness. Nurturing Father, help children
grow strong in every way, as Jesus did - in wisdom, in stature and in favour
with God and man. (Luke 2:52).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Holy passion. Lord God, cause
the believers of the church in South Africa to call on Your name and to lay
hold of You in prayer. (Isaiah 64:7).
8 June 2012
Every Home for Christ, South Africa (EHCSA)
EHCSA presents the Change the World School of Prayer seminar to various
congregations and organizations in order to equip and mobilize Christians to
transform the lives of individuals and their communities. Praise God for the
many prayer initiatives that are currently impacting the nation.
EHCSA, P.O. Box 7256, Centurion 0046, www.ehcsa.co.za or
info@ehcsa.co.za or 012 663 4587.
Pray 52: Week 41 - Oman / Togo (8-14 Jun 2012)
Pray for the salvation of the unsaved and for the church to make serious effort
to fulfil the command of Christ in Matthew 28:19-20 in Oman and Togo.
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
9 June 2012
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA)
Give thanks to the Lord! ICASA has granted a Commercial FM radio
broadcast license for a Gospel Music station covering Durban & surrounds.
This is the first commercial radio license granted in South Africa to a radio
station with specifically Christian content. Pray that Christians will have the
Lord’s wisdom to help shape broadcasting policy in South Africa.
Association of Christian Broadcasters, www.acb.org.za or info@acb.org.za
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for a Bible-based self-esteem.
Around the world: Love for God’s Word. All-knowing God, open children’s
eyes to see wonderful things in your Word, so it can light their path.
(Psalm 119:18,105).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Hope. God of hope fill the church
in South Africa with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the
Holy Spirit we may abound in hope. (Romans 15:13).
10 June 2012
Personal revival focus: Why constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
First of all, because the devil really exists! He is cunning, he is mighty, he
never rests, he is continually plotting the downfall of the child of God; and if
the child of God relaxes in prayer, the devil will succeed in ensnaring him.
Ephesians 6:12-13: For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but
against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this
darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Therefore take up the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand
in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand. (RV) Next follows a description
of the different parts of the Christian’s armour, which we are to put on if we
are to stand against the devil and his mighty wiles. Then Paul brings all to a
climax in verse 18, telling us that to all else we must add prayer - constant,
persistent, untiring, sleepless prayer in the Holy Spirit, or all else will go for
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; pour out a Spirit of prayer upon me, my
family and our nation. Forgive us our laziness. Teach us perseverance in
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that children would live pure and holy lives before God, for
sexual purity until marriage.
Around the world: Hope and protection for refugees. God, our Refuge,
comfort and protect children and families who have had to leave their homes.
(Psalm 32:7: … You are my hiding place…).
11 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for generosity.
Around the world: Grow spiritually. Father that children will be discipled to
discover and grow in their spiritual gifts to serve others. (1 Peter 4:10: As
each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of
the manifold grace of God).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Humility. Father, cause
Christians in South Africa to be broken and humble, trembling at Your Word.
(Isaiah 66:2).
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will stand
in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012 365
12 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for the fruit of the Spirit in their lives: love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Around the world: Freedom from racism and prejudice. Lord of all nations,
give children a love for people of all races and protect them from others’
hatred. (Galatians 3:28).
Pray for breakthrough in Bhutan
Pray for the estimated 6,000-15,000 Christians in the Buddhist nation of
Bhutan who have been awaiting a decision on whether they will receive
official recognition. Ask for breakthrough, as it appears that the government
will first pass a measure against fraudulent conversion. The prime minister
says it is essentially designed to deter evangelism. Do not stop interceding for
the roughly 75% of Bhutan’s population of which 708,484 is Buddhist, and
Hindus, mainly ethnic Nepalese, account for around 22%, according to
Operation World.
Source: COMPASS.
Let the stone cry out!
The secret of prayer is praying! To remember to pray can be quite
challenging, how can you ensure that you won’t forget? Here is something
you can try over the next few weeks - get a small rock or pebble stone and
then wash and dry it. On it, write: MY PRAYER ROCK!
On the pillow: In the morning….put your prayer rock on your pillow.
At night….when you get into bed….your prayer rock will remind you to pray.
Quickly kneel and give everything that is worrying you or you want to bring to
God, in prayer.
On the floor: After you have prayed, put your prayer rock on the floor, so that
when you get up tomorrow morning….the first thing you will feel is the prayer
rock! Quickly kneel and give everything ahead in this day to the Lord in
Back to the pillow: Put your prayer rock back on your pillow. When you enter
your room and see it, quickly kneel and pray to the Lord.
Wednesday 13 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for humility.
Around the world: Give and receive kindness. Gracious God, help children
to know Your compassion and forgiveness and to share this grace with
others. (Ephesians 4:32: And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving
one another, even as God in Christ forgave you).
Establishing 24-7 Houses of Prayer
Pray, by name, for God’s favour to firmly establish the following growing
prayer watches: Cape Town, AGS Norwood, (Gerald Esau, 083 687 8447,
gerald.esau@seb.sanlam.com), APK Leeudoornstad, (Bettie Botha,
082 255 3676, georgebettie@lantic.net). Isaiah 55:11: … so is My word that
goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish
what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it… Pray that
Christians realize this truth and read God’s Word aloud (from Genesis to
Revelation), as a proclamation over their communities. Pray that the Word of
the Lord would encourage and strengthen them to remain in prayer for
breakthroughs in their communities. Pray for churches to be restored as
houses of prayer.
Thursday 14 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for a sense of responsibility and to complete what they have
Around the world: Nurturing families. Caring Father, set children in loving
families to raise them according to Your Word and plan of redemption.
(Ephesians 6:4: … And you fathers … bring them up in the training and
admonition of the Lord).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Hypocrites. Father we confess as
Your church in South Africa that we often appear outwardly righteous to men,
but inwardly we are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. We often pretend to be
real Christians; we hide behind church membership to cover a life still full of
sin. We fake Christianity for social status and acceptance in our church or
community and are pious during the Sunday sermon but live in sin and
without love all week. Convict us of sin Holy Spirit. Show us how to turn from
our wicked ways to Your ways. (Matthew 23:28).
Child’s prayers bring family to Christ
Rohit Jamna’s alcohol addiction had spun out of control: he was now beating
his wife and kids. As a Dalit (an “Untouchable”), he was despised by his
community. Despite the family’s tremendous turmoil, Rohit’s young son,
Kalyan, had recently started attending a Gospel for Asia Centre in his family’s
village. Each day, he heard about the love of Jesus and how He can change
lives. Testing what he learned at the centre, Kalyan prayed that God would
bring peace to his family and help his dad stop drinking. Slowly, Kalyan began
to see changes in his family. After a few months, Rohit completely changed.
He stopped abusing alcohol and started caring for his family. Praise God for a
childlike Kalyan who has been the means of bringing salvation and blessing!
15 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for contentment and gratefulness.
Around the world: Opportunity for education. Father, we ask for efficient
education for children everywhere, so they can grow mentally, but also
spiritually in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. (Proverbs 9:9).
Pray 52: Week 42 - Kuwait / Senegal (15-21 Jun 2012)
Ask the Father for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of prayer and supplication
on the church in Kuwait and Senegal this week. (Zechariah12:10). Encounter
individuals with the knowledge of Your existence and love for them.
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
16 June 2012
Media Village training of new students
Ask God to direct the right students to come to study media and the right new
staff to serve at Media Village Training Centre. Pray that the students would
go on to and be salt and light in the world of media. Ask for favour for Media
Village Training Centre to have their courses registered as a degree program
with the South African government. Ask God to direct Media Village
Productions to know what documentaries and productions to take on, as then
His providence will also follow.
Media Village, Graham Vermooten, www.mediavillage.org or
graham@mediavillage.info or 082 896 0472.
Special prayer focus: Youth Day
South Africans celebrate Youth Day on 16 June every year. Please pray that
the need to revenge the bloodshed and injustice associated with this day will
come to an end, and that South Africa’s redemptive calling for reconciliation
will be released to the nations of the world. Pray Psalm 78:2-8 for the youth
and children of South Africa, and also that the younger generation will hear
the gospel of Jesus Christ and obey the call to follow Him. Pray for young
people to be set free from worldly and entertainment temptations; for
protection from wickedness in the form of pornography, sexual abuse and
exploitation, drug and alcohol addictions; from choosing the wrong role
models, and from selfish ambitions that lead to power hungry and greed-filled
Psalm 78:2-8: … I will utter dark sayings of old … telling to the generation to
come the praises of the LORD, and His strength and His wonderful works that
He has done. That the generation to come might know them, the children who
would be born, that they may arise and declare them to their children, that
they may set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His
commandments; and may not be like their fathers … that did not set their
heart aright, and whose spirit was not faithful to God.
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for them to increase in faith.
Around the world: Learn to love others. Thank you, Lord, for Your incredible
love for children. Help them to love one another just as You have loved them.
(John 13:34).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Importance. Lord Jesus, help us
as Your church in South Africa, never to think more highly of ourselves than
we ought. (Romans 12:3).
17 June 2012
Personal revival focus: Why constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
Prayer is God’s appointed way for obtaining things, and the great reason of all
lack (in our experience, in our life and in our work) is neglect of prayer. James
4:2: You have not because you ask not. These words contain the secret of the
poverty and powerlessness of the average Christian, the neglect of prayer.
“Why is it,” many a Christian is asking, “I make so little progress in my
Christian life?” “Neglect of prayer,” God answers. “You have not because you
ask not.” “Why is it,” many a minister is asking, “I see so little fruit from my
labours?” Again God answers, “Neglect of prayer. You have not because you
ask not.” “Why is it,” many a Sunday school teacher is asking, “that I see so
few converted in my Sunday school class?” Still God answers, “Neglect of
prayer. You have not because you ask not.” “Why is it,” both ministers and
churches are asking, “that the church of Christ makes so little headway
against unbelief and error and sin and worldliness?” Once more we hear God
answering, “Neglect of prayer. You have not because you ask not.”
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Father, forgive us as Your children for neglecting prayer in general, for using
prayer simply to obtain things for our own daily needs. Teach us to return to
the discipline of persevering prayer.
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for the ability and tendency to work.
Around the world: Good governments. God of justice, You direct the hearts
of kings. Guide government leaders to create and implement laws that protect
children. (Proverbs 21:1).
World Refugee Sunday: 17 & 24 June 2012
World Refugee Sunday is observed Around the world by churches and
Christian agencies serving forcibly displaced people to highlight the biblical
mandate of Christ followers to practically love the alien. World Refugee
Sunday falls on either side of World Refugee Day. We encourage you to
choose the Sunday that best suits your church. Please take special effort to
pray for the plight of refugees across the world today, especially that they will
come to know Christ.
Breakthrough: Sonogram law effective immediately
The sonogram law was passed overwhelmingly by the 82nd Legislature, citing
that “Texan women deserve to receive accurate medical information from all
physicians”. Under the law, abortionists will have to offer women the option of
hearing the heartbeat of their unborn child and seeing the child’s image in a
sonogram, a procedure normally performed before abortions, but done out of
sight of the mother. The mother may decline; however, the abortionist must
describe her unborn child at that stage in his development, and describe what
organs and limbs are formed as well. Exceptions are made when the unborn
child was conceived in rape or incest, or suffers from a severe disability.
Christians for Truth, mail@cft.org.za
18 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for a disciplined lifestyle and that children would choose to be
disciples of Jesus.
Around the world: Relief from poverty. Compassionate Father, show Your
favour to children who live in poverty. Meet their needs and bind up their
broken hearts. (Isaiah 61:1-3).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Jesus is the Way. Father, through
the Person Jesus Christ and His work, sinners can be brought into a right
relationship with You. It is the power of God to salvation. As believers we
have become indifferent to this message. We have failed to proclaim this
message on a continual basis to the lost, which are in desperate need of it.
Forgive us of this abominable sin! Send genuine revival so that Your gospel
will go forth in power from us! For the sake of Your gospel, I plead that You
will grant revival. (Romans 1:16).
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will
stand in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012
365 3213.
G-20 Mexico Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico, June 18-19, 2012
Please fast and pray for the G20 (a forum for informal discussion which seeks
to tackle economic and financial issues of global importance and to promote
worldwide financial stability, as well as strong, sustainable and balanced
growth). Together, these countries represent around 90% of global GDP and
two thirds of the world’s population. Ask for Christian representatives to give
godly direction on matters as how to meet the needs of those at risk. Also
pray for opportunities for members to come to know Christ as Lord and
http://g20mexico.org or http://tinyurl.com/86av96c
19 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that they would develop a life-style of prayer, that they will
speak to God daily and that it would be a joy for them to pray.
Around the world: Courage to face fears. God, our Strength, assure children
that You are always with them to protect and give them courage.
(Joshua 1:9).
Prayer groups rising like mushrooms
Last year they already had 116 Prayer Mushrooms registered. These are
mostly prayer groups in the marketplace. People everywhere committed
themselves to seek God with all their heart on behalf of the lost. Helen writes:
We have been given a task, an important task, vital to our people and country
to cry out to God for salvation of our land and its people. Let us be faithful and
commit ourselves to standing in unity to pray for our people.
More info at www.flywithme.co.za and 021 788 9554 or 074 289 1170.
Focus on prayer: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Please pray today for each person working at the different offices of Jericho
Walls Prayer Network across the country. Pray for those working on the
websites, database, with the finances, those writing material and conducting
seminars, those answering letters, e-mails and telephone calls, those
participating in prayer journeys, etc. Ask that God will protect them and take
care of them (body, soul and spirit). Please pray that the printing and
distribution process of the next issue of Jericho Walls Daily Prayer Guide will
be running smoothly this month, as it will be posted during the next 12 days.
Jericho Walls International Prayer Network, Private bag X22, Lynnwood
Ridge, 0040. Tel.: 012 365 3213, fax: 086 594 0565, website: www.jwipn.com
or e-mail: info@jwipn.com
Wednesday 20 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that they would remain standing in spite of peer pressure.
Around the world: Joy and happiness. Father, You take great delight in Your
children. Please fill them with Your joy, which is their strength. (Ephesians
3:17: … that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith…).
Establishing 24-7 Houses of Prayer
Pray, by name, for God’s favour to firmly establish the following growing
prayer watches: Jeffrey’s Bay, (B. Fouché, 042 293 2070), Bainsvlei DRC,
(Haniki Theron, theronh@vodamail.co.za). Pray for believers to be bold in
spending time in prayer everywhere: in the workplace, At home, at church,
when they are with friends etc. Ask that as they pray for the needs of others,
many will testify to God answering their prayers and so lead a great number to
Christ. Pray for more congregations to become houses of prayer.
Breakthrough: African warlord, who killed 20,000 people,
Joshua Milton Blahyi, once dubbed as one of Liberia’s most feared warlords,
has renounced his violent past! After his conversion to Christianity, Blahyi
confessed to killing nearly 20,000 people during Liberia’s 14-year civil war.
Blahyi now seeks to reinvent himself as an evangelist, travelling the nation as
a preacher and asking for forgiveness from those whom he previously hurt.
“It’s only Christianity that can help this nation, because Christianity is the only
belief, the only faith that tells you to love your enemies, that tells you to accept
and forgive the ones who hurt you,” Blahyi stated. http://tiny.cc/w0x4t
Thursday 21 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that the Sevenfold Spirit of God would operate in the lives of
children. Pray for them for discernment, wisdom, insight, knowledge, and
reverence for God. (Isaiah 11:2).
Around the world: More Children’s workers. Lord of the harvest, send
workers to reach children who have not yet heard the good news of Jesus.
(Luke 10:2: … pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers…).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of abundance. Lord I ask
that the pursuit of my life would not be gaining material possessions. I ask that
You would grant me the grace and power to love You and pursue You above
all else. (Ecclesiastes 5:10).
22 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that they will understand God’s plan for their lives and trust
Him to be in control.
Around the world: Godly grandparents and extended family. Lord, inspire
grandparents and other relatives to impart Your truth of Your Word to the next
generation. (Psalm 78:4).
ISLS takes place 13 July-5 October in Stellenbosch. Leaders from different
countries who share the Gospel through sport are being trained in a deeper
understanding of Scripture, evangelism, discipleship and sport ministry.
Please pray for each leader’s personal relationship with the Lord, unity in the
team in their handling of cultural differences, and for their development as
sport ministry leaders.
International Sports Leadership School, isls@adept.co.za or 021 886 7335.
Pray 52: Week 43 - Lebanon / Sierra Leone (22-28 Jun 2012)
Ask the Father to once again fill the church in Lebanon and Sierra Leone with
power of the Holy Spirit so many may come to Christ. (Acts 4:28-31;
Ephesians 5:18).
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
23 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for physical and spiritual health and protection. Pray for their
protection from especially demonic influences and attacks.
Around the world: Place to grow in faith. Good Shepherd, lead children into
church communities that will spur them on toward love and good deeds.
(Hebrews 10:24-25).
World Mission Centre & Live School
Praise God for favour and new inroads for Live School into South Sudan, The
Gambia, Sierra Leone and two strategic Middle East countries. There are
countless challenges in these countries that make it difficult and in some
cases, dangerous to preach the gospel. Please pray that the Lord would open
doors in these countries and speed up the process of training many
missionaries through the Live School. Pray for their protection as they study
and begin to reach out to those yet unreached in their areas.
World Mission Centre, Chrissie Naudé, www.liveschool.org or
chrissien@liveschoolsa.org or 012 343 1165 and 083 300 2567.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of approval. Father, I pray
that I will love and seek Your approval above the approval of men. Cause me
to pursue a lifestyle of pleasing You rather than men. (John 12:42).
24 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for the right friends, both male and female, at school,
university and for future spouses.
Around the world: Families reached. Sovereign God, You desire all people
to know You. Work through children to reach unbelieving families. Protect and
comfort children with families hostile to their faith. (1 Timothy 2:4).
Personal revival focus: Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
Men whom God set forth as a pattern of what He expected Christians to be
(e.g. the apostles), regarded prayer as the most important business of their
lives. When the multiplying responsibilities of the early church crowded in
upon them, they said; It is not reason that we should leave the Word of God,
PRAYER and to the ministry of the Word. It is evident from what Paul wrote to
the churches and to individuals about praying for them, that very much of his
time and strength and thought was given to prayer. See Romans 1:9;
Ephesians 1:15-16; Colossians 1:9; 1 Thessalonians 3:10 and 2 Timothy 1:3.
All the mighty men of God outside the Bible have also been men of prayer.
They have differed from one another in many things, but in this they have
been alike.
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Father of glory, my life shows little evidence of a person who has power with
God because of continual prayer. Forgive me for not prioritising and
scheduling the best time of my day for prayer and communion with You.
Teach me how to give myself continually to prayer and the ministry of the
25 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that they would gladly forgive and not allow bitterness to take
root in their lives.
Around the world: Grow to be examples of Christ. Holy Spirit, please convict
children to live holy lives, so they will be examples to others in speech, life,
love, faith and purity. (1 Timothy 4:12).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of cursing. Lord I pray that
I would not love speaking profanity and filth above speaking words of love and
encouragement. (Psalm 109:17).
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will
stand in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012
365 3213.
Kingdom Come 2012 Year of Prayer for South Africa
Alpha South Africa has a year of prayer for South Africa and invites churches
to take one week of prayer during 2012. The simplest way to run a week of
prayer is to create a prayer room in your church and allow access to your
church members during that week. Get church members to fill in prayer slots
during the selected week and use the prayer resources from our website to
assist with setting up your prayer room and with resources that guide you on
how to meaningfully pray for extended periods. Pray for many churches to
participate in this initiative to cry out to God on behalf of our nation.
Book your week of prayer at www.alphasa.co.za/weeks.php or
prayer@alphasa.co.za or 084 661 0548.
26 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that they will testify fearlessly.
Around the world: Peace instead of war and violence. Prince of Peace,
deliver children from war and violence, touch them with emotional and
physical healing and restoration. (Micah 5:4-5).
At least 508 babies’ lives saved
As the latest 40 Days for Life campaign wrapped up, Life News gathered
some of the statistics and many inspiring photos. In all, they reported that at
least 508 babies were saved from being aborted, as participants stood in
prayer across from clinics and spoke with those seeking life-minded
counselling. According to the report, that number is expected to grow as the
other 40 Days leaders gather all their information and pass it along. Praise the
Lord for answering prayer! He is faithful. Please continue to pray for this and
other similar initiatives to carry the message of Jesus to those whose lives are
saved. Pray for the salvation of those who were saved and for their names to
one day appear in the Book of Life of the Lamb.
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking
Please remember addicts and their loved ones in prayer today. Ask God for
many to find healing, deliverance and Christ this year. Visit
Wednesday 27 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray that they will be free from jealousy and envy.
Around the world: Learn to love God wholeheartedly. Loving God, may each
child grow to love You with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.
(Mark 12:30).
Establishing 24-7 Houses of Prayer
Pray, by name, for God’s favour to firmly establish the following growing
prayer watches: Benoni Central Methodist Church, (Lisa Mcnair,
084 226 6713, Imcnair@wbs.co.za), Boland Baptist Church, (Johan
Pansegrouw, 082 556 4275, jhp@telkomsa.net). Lord, pour out Your Spirit of
prayer and supplication on Your church worldwide. Grant that houses of
prayer will be established all over the world. We ask that believers will
faithfully pray the promises from Your Word night-and-day so Your kingdom
may come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10).
Thursday 28 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: Pray for a hate of sin and that they will remain steadfast against all
Around the world: Place of belonging for orphans. Father to the fatherless,
send families and workers who will love and care for orphans in practical
ways. (James 1:27).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of darkness (sin). Lord I
pray that I would not love my sin more than I love You. Cause me to hate sin
and to love You with all my being. (John 3:19).
Prayer story: 24-7 Prayer Revival Run
Several new prayer initiatives have come into being in the last couple of
years. During the 1990’s the concept of prayer walking and touring became
very popular. Groups of travellers went to countries where the gospel is not
openly preached and prayed onsite in the country they had travelled to. Two
and a half years ago, a new prayer initiative arose from the United Kingdom,
which saw young people setting up interactive prayer rooms and groups of
youth praying for 24 hours a day for 7 days.
Mike Andrea, Founder of Revival Run, reports the following: “So it began on
the night of the 25th of January 2011, over 70 people gathered in Global
Generation Church, Ramsgate, U.K. and broke up into small Revival Run
teams. Equipped only with some prayer stakes, they prayed for the Holy Spirit
to put a place on their heart and then they would venture out and go and pray
for God to bless that place with a move of His presence. These were not tame
prayers or reserved requests (holding back the best for themselves) but these
prayers were wild, audacious and generous. Praying that God would go far
beyond any dream or desire that they might have for themselves and asking it
for another place, church, college, business was quite simply amazing. All
they wanted was for God to visit our nation.
One year on Revival Run marks its first birthday. “We thought it would fizzle
out by now” says Mike Andrea founder of Revival Run, “I thought it was
having more of an impact on me personally, teaching me how to be foolish for
Jesus, willing to take some risks and simply live the adventure!” What has
actually happened is over 26,000 Revival Run prayer stakes planted all over
the UK and the world, from Thurso to Thailand, Frankfurt to Australia and it
just keeps on going.
The latest Revival Run planning team is now thinking “So what next?” We
have been captivated by the scripture that tell the disciples to go from
Jerusalem, to Judea, Samaria and the rest of the world, so we thought let’s do
that then! From the weekend anniversary we step into our first 24-7 week of
prayer for the year and also some big dreams for Revival Run:
We are going to bless every church in our locality - our Jerusalem, 63
churches. Every week a small team will leave the Prayer Lock In and go to
and pray in the grounds of a local church, prayer stake it and simply ask for
God to go beyond our wildest dreams for ourselves for that church. In that
same week we are also going to send them a little treat and thank them for
what they are doing in reaching the community we live. We want to celebrate
what they are doing!
There are 66 official cities in the UK that’s one for every book of the
This year we launch probably what will become the last chapter of
Revival Run, to see every major capital of the world experience a Revival Run
and be prayer staked. In total there are 196 – 196 opportunities for people to
literally be the adventure and pray for a global move of God. We are making
special capital city prayer stakes to give to anyone who is going to those
Visit www.revivalrun.org
29 June 2012
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: For the gentleness and kindness of Christ to be their portion from
early in their lives.
Around the world: Hope for the future. I know, Lord, that You have good
plans for children’s lives. Provide them with hope and a bright future.
(Jeremiah 29:11).
Children’s Prayer Network South Africa
The Theological School of North West University and Petra for Children’s
ministry will host an international conference on Youth and Children’s Ministry
in September 2012 at Potchefstroom. Please pray for God to pour out His
Spirit of prayer upon those attending. Ask the Lord to raise up thousands of
young people across our nation to rise in prayer.
Children’s Prayer Network SA, Gerhard Botha, www.cpnsa.co.za or
pray@mweb.co.za or 083 537 9770.
Pray 52: Week 44 - Palestine / Somalia (29 Jun - 5 Jul 2012)
Pray for the church in Palestine and Somalia to become actively involved in
reaching out to the poor and needy as well as the social need and pain in their
communities. (Ephesians 2:10; Isaiah 58).
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
30 June 2012
Focus on Iraq
Deadly violence continues daily across Iraq and people continue to struggle
as Iraq’s economy and infrastructure are a disaster. Up to 900,000 Christians
have fled since 2003 (more than half the Christian population). The Christian
population in Iraq has dwindled to a near state of extinction, and those left
face persecution and bombing of churches. Pray for Gods hand in the
rebuilding of a broken nation and for the growth of a strong church. Pray that
the few remaining Christians will be a witness of hope.
www.incontext.webs.com or helga@incontextministries.org
Prayer Project: 30 Ways to pray for children
At home: To have a hunger and thirst for the reading, studying and
memorizing of the Word of God from a young age.
Around the world: Heart for the world. Glorious God to whom all glory
belongs, show all children Your heart for the nations, so they will take part in
declaring Your glory to the world. (Psalm 96:3).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of food. Father, I want You
to be my God and not my love for food. Cause me to have the proper
perspective when it comes to food. (Proverbs 21:17).
1 July 2012
Personal revival focus: Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
Prayer occupied a very prominent place and played a very important part in
the earthly life of the Lord Jesus. Mark 1:35: And in the morning, rising up a
great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and
there He prayed. The preceding day had been a very busy and exciting one,
but Jesus shortened the hours of needed sleep that He might arise early and
give Himself to more sorely needed prayer. In Luke 6:12 Jesus found it
necessary on occasion to take a whole night for prayer. The words “pray” and
“prayer” is used at least twenty-five times in connection with Jesus. Evidently
prayer took much of the time and strength of Jesus, and a man or woman who
does not spend much time in prayer, cannot properly be called a follower of
Jesus Christ.
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Father, I confess that sleep is more important to me after a hard day’s work,
than spending and extra hour in prayer before You. Please strengthen me
with might in the inner man to faithfully stand in prayer before You, as Jesus
The Lord calls you to return
Take a moment to study this table and look up some of the Scripture
references on your own, or as part of a men’s group discussion. The table
shows the seven downward steps, and the upward climb of the lost son.
Portraying these characteristics even today, leads us either towards or away
from God. Christ pictures the Father as placing the ring of reconciliation on
the hand of the returning son. Paul expands on this thought and shows us the
wonderful blessings that await the reconciled sinner, Romans 5:1-10. Ask the
Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and be honest before God, asking yourself
whether you are actually moving closer to your Heavenly Father, or are in
fact, in a downward spiral.
Self-will (Luke 15:12) 1
Selfishness (Luke 15:13)
7 Rejoicing (Luke
Separation (Luke 15:13)
Sensuality (Luke 15:13)
Spiritual Destitution (Luke 15:14)
Self-abasement (Luke 15:15)
Starvation (Luke 15:16)
6 Re-clothing (Luke
5 Reconciliation (Luke
4 Return (Luke 15:20)
3 Repentance (Luke 15:19)
2 Resolution (Luke 15:18)
1 Realization (Luke 15:17)
Ask the Father to reconcile you once again to Him, so that these
characteristics will grow in your life to glorify His name. (Reconciliation:
Luke 15:11-24).
Peace: Father, having been justified by faith, grant that I may have peace with
God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1).
Access: Father, in Christ - through whom also we have access by faith into
this grace in which we stand - help me to rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
(Romans 5:2).
Joy: Father, help me know, believe and live according to Your will, for Your
Kingdom is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in
the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17).
Glory in trial: Father of glory, teach me to also glory in tribulations, knowing
that tribulation produces perseverance. (Romans 5:3).
Patience: Father, build in me perseverance, character and hope.
(Romans 5:4).
Hope: Father, I believe that hope does not disappoint, because Your love has
been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
(Romans 5:5).
Love: Father, teach me to love, for this is love; that I will walk according to
Your commandments. (2 John 1:6).
(Table courtesy of Thompsons Chain Reference, nr. 4310. Notes added.)
2 July 2012
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of money. I pray that I
would not love money more than I love You. Also that I would not have a
sinful longing after riches. Do not allow the pursuit of money to be greater or
more important to me than my pursuit of knowing, loving, and obeying You.
(1 Timothy 6:10).
Malnutrition highest in Guatemala
Guatemala has the highest chronic malnutrition rate in Latin America and the
fourth-highest rate in the world. On average, about one in two people in
Guatemala are malnourished, but among the indigenous population, it’s as
much as 80%. Extended flooding last year has worsened the situation. The
Guatemalan government declared a State of Public Calamity. Please pray for
God’s mercy upon the people of Guatemala. Ask for Christians in this nation
to call out to God to heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Source: Mission Network News, Misc. Reports.
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will
stand in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012
365 3213.
3 July 2012
Billy Graham on marriage: What does it take to make a marriage last?
Christ. Make Christ the centre of your lives and your marriage every day, by
committing yourself to Him and His will. He is the solid foundation we need in
our lives, and in our marriages. Father, help me to put You first in my life,
regardless of whether my spouse is doing so or not. Please remove all
hindrances so that we may come before You together as husband and wife in
prayer for our marriage.
Focus on Prayer: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Please pray today for all Jericho Walls Prayer Network staff members (and
their families), specifically for their physical health, safety and their protection
from spiritual oppression. Pray that God would open new doors to promote
prayer as a lifestyle in their different spheres of life. Continue to pray with us
that prayer material will reach its destination, especially the Jericho Walls
Daily Prayer Guide.
Jericho Walls International Prayer Network, Private bag X22, Lynnwood
Ridge, 0040. Tel.: 012 365 3213, fax: 086 594 0565, website www.jwipn.com
or e-mail: info@jwipn.com
Wednesday 4 July 2012
Billy Graham on marriage: What does it take to make a marriage last?
Compromise. The greatest enemy of love is our selfishness, but in marriage
you can’t always have your own way, so learn to compromise with grace. The
Bible says, Love does not demand its own way. (1 Corinthians 13:5, The
Living Bible). Father, help me to accept a decision we sometimes have to
make, whether it is my first choice or not. As wife, help me to support my
husband in his choices for us as a family. As husband, remind me always to
honour my wife before others and my children in my conduct towards her.
Establishing 24-7 Houses of Prayer
Pray, by name, for God’s favour to firmly establish the following growing
prayer watches: (Brahm and Elize Reyneke, brahmreyneke@yahoo.com),
AGM Hoedspruit, (Henriette van Niekerk, 072 252 3579,
hg.shalom@gmail.com). Ask for strength for each intercessor, perseverance
and unity among leadership, favour with believers and non-believers in the
surrounding communities and the necessary funds and premises for each
house of prayer to continue in their work. Pray without ceasing for the
establishing of houses of prayer across the country.
Thursday 5 July 2012
Billy Graham on marriage: What does it take to make a marriage last?
Communicate. Let each other know what’s going on in your life at home or at
work. Do not clam up; do not nag or only express yourself when you are
upset. The Bible says; a word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of
silver. (Proverbs 25:11). Father, help me to remember to ask and also to listen
to what happened during the course of a day/week in the life of my spouse.
Help us to set regular times aside to spend alone, and to have clear
communication in all matters of our lives.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of other things. An idol is
anything or anybody that you love more than God. It is anything or anybody in
your life that receives greater priority in your life than God. Pray for believers
to keep themselves from worshipping idols. (1 John 5:21).
6 July 2012
Precept Ministries South Africa
Please pray for Precept Ministries South Africa’s Summits in George, Port
Elizabeth, Durban and Port Shepstone. Join the team in praying for attendees
who have a desire to dig deeper into God’s Word to become involved in
studying, training and teaching the Word of God. Please also pray for the
Afrikaans workshop “Hoe om Ou Testamentiese Geskiedenis en Profesie te
Bestudeer”, taking place on 21st July at the Precept Office in Pinelands, Cape
Town. Pray for many people to register for this new workshop.
Precept Ministries S.A., P.O. Box 539, Howard Place, 7450,
www.precept.org.za or marilizev@precept.org.za and 021 531 1836.
Pray 52: Week 45 - Turkey / Gabon (6-12 Jul 2012)
Pray for more believers across Turkey and Gabon to come together in larger
groups (where possible) to have extended times of prayer for specific
breakthroughs in their own nations.
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
7 July 2012
Righteous Reign 365
The Pretoria Prayer Force calls upon the believers in Pretoria Tshwane,
South Africa to take up the divine call of praying for the government and
authorities. Join them and other Christians in Tshwane / Pretoria to raise up
teams (consisting of a minimum of 2 believers) that will commit to pray at the
Union Buildings and thereby establishing daily prayer covering for the
government in 2012. Consider inviting Christians in your congregation,
community, prayer group, cell group or friendship circle to commit to this
prayer task for one, two or more days this year.
www.upfsa.co.za/righteousreign.html or ptapray@mweb.co.za or
083 559 5486.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of pleasure. I plead that I
will not love earthly pleasures more than I love You. Help me find my greatest
delight and pleasure in You alone. (2 Timothy 3:4).
8 July 2012
Personal revival focus: Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
Christ’s atoning work was finished on the cross, but when He rose and
ascended to the right hand of the Father, He entered upon the work of
intercession, just as important in its place as His atoning work. It cannot be
separated from His atoning work; it rests upon that as its basis, but it is
necessary to our complete salvation. (See Hebrews 7:25). Jesus is able to
save us not merely FROM the uttermost, but UNTO the uttermost, unto entire
completeness, absolute perfection. For what purpose He now lives, “TO
MAKE INTERCESSION FOR US,” to pray. Praying is the principal thing He is
doing in these days. If we then are to have fellowship with Jesus Christ in His
present work, we must give ourselves to earnest, constant, persistent,
sleepless, overcoming prayer, and we can all have part in it. The man or the
woman who is shut away from the public meeting by sickness, the hard driven
man of business can have part in it, praying as he hurries from duty to duty.
Of course we must, if we would maintain this spirit of constant prayer, take
time (and take plenty of it), when we shall shut ourselves up in the secret
place alone with God for nothing but prayer.
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Lord Jesus Christ, anoint us to pray with You as You pray for us. Without
constraint, without complaint, without excuse, but whole-heartedly because
You first loved us.
9 July 2012
Crime focus: SMS tip-off initiative
The Crime Line initiative was started in June 2007 and is aimed at getting
criminals off the streets. Crime Line has led to some 1,400 arrests and R41million worth of illegal goods seizure since it was launched. This project has
been endorsed by the South African Police Service (SAPS). If you suspect
someone of being involved in crime you can now report it anonymously. Any
information regarding criminals passed on to the Crime Line will be acted
upon - regardless of whether perpetrators are murderers, rapists, robbers,
hijackers, drug dealers, gangsters, child abusers, etc. Give thanks to the Lord
for initiatives like these in answer to much prayer over the years! Pray that
more people become aware of this initiative, and that many criminals will be
put to trial for their deeds. Pray also for the salvation of criminals.
Send an SMS to 32211 or visit www.crimeline.co.za to send an anonymous
tip-off relating to any crime or suspicious activity.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of power or control.
Father, enable me to overcome the desire for power and to be in control. I
plead that You will create in me a servant’s heart and willing to serve others.
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will
stand in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012
365 3213.
Pray for your children from the Word
How can you know God will answer your prayers for your children? There is a
beautiful promise in Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My
mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and
it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Therefore, with great trust and
faith, lift up to the Lord any request you make for anything by reminding Him
of His Word and promises. Read the Word and seek out for yourself God’s
promises. Pray these promises for your children.
Lord, for my child to be pure before You: …do not depart from the words of
my mouth…. (Proverbs 5:7-23). For this is the will of God, your sanctification:
that you should abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you should know
how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honour, not in passion of
lust … that no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother in this
matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such… (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8).
Lord, for my child to know and to love You from an early age: … unless
one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. (John 3:3).
Lord, protect my child from evil: Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord
and in the power of His might. (Ephesians 6:10).
Lord, for my child to love and know Your Word: How can a young man
cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. … Your word I have
hidden in my heart that I might not sin against You. (Psalm 119:9-11).
Lord, for my child to glorify You at all cost: … Were there not any found
who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner? (Luke 17:18).
Lord, for my child to have godly wisdom: The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs
Lord, for my child to have and be a godly friend: …So Jonathan said to
David, “Whatever you yourself desire, I will do it for you”. (1 Samuel 20).
Lord, for my child to persevere in fellowship with Christ: I now rejoice in
my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of
Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church. (Colossians 1:24).
Lord, for my child to walk in integrity: But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your
‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. (Matthew
Lord, for my child to be faithful to his/her spouse: Husbands, likewise,
dwell with them with understanding, giving honour to the wife, as to the
weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your
prayers may not be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7).
Lord, for my child to be humble: Surely He [God] scorns the scornful, but
gives grace to the humble. (Proverbs 3:34).
10 July 2012
Pray for peace in Colombia
Colombia has not known peace for much of the past 500 years, and
especially in the last 50 years with left-wing rebels in a long-running civil war
with the government. Please pray for the salvation of Guerrilla leaders who
have declared that Christianity is ‘incompatible’ with their communist ideals.
Churches in some rebel-held areas have been forcibly closed, and between
25 and 30 pastors and church leaders each year are assassinated. Ask for
Christians to remain faithful to Christ. Pray for breakthroughs concerning
cocaine as it is the country’s largest and most notorious export, funding illegal
armed groups.
Source: Operation Mobilisation: Newsbytes.
Wednesday 11 July 2012
Billy Graham on marriage: What does it take to make a marriage last?
Cherish. God gave you to each other; you are God’s gift to your spouse. Take
time to express your love, both by your words and by little acts of
thoughtfulness - a surprise gift, a special time away, a favourite dinner.
Cherish your wife, and let her know she is important to you. Father I ask that I
may see my spouse through Your eyes. Show me the things he/she does that
are pleasing to You. Help me to encourage and build up my spouse in
practical ways every day.
Establishing 24-7 Houses of Prayer
Pray, by name, for God’s favour to firmly establish the following growing
prayer watches: Caledon Moedergemeente (Alma Engelbrecht,
083 459 9390), Cape Town Baptist Church (Brian, brianlor@telkomsa.net).
Pray that worship in song, with instruments and from the Word will form a part
of every house of prayer. Also ask that Christians will discover the power of
worship, prayer and proclaiming the names of God.
12 July 2012
Billy Graham on marriage: Accept the reality of human marriage
Because of the reality of sin, every marriage has difficult moments. We’re
marrying people that the Bible promises will stumble in many ways. Once I
accept that marriage is inherently difficult, I’ll no longer resent it when my
marriage is difficult. Disappointment and a lack of respect are often birthed out
of unrealistic expectations. It’s not fair to compare your marriage to something
you’ve seen elsewhere, even at church. You never know what’s really going
on during less public moments. Father, show me where I have transgressed
against You through my conduct towards my spouse. Help me no longer to
resent the difficulties in my marriage or to compare our relationship with that
of another couple. Heal our hearts to honour You in all we do.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of self. I plead that I would
not love myself more than I love You, Father. Deliver me from being selfcentred and grant me the power and strength to deny myself. (2 Timothy 3:2).
13 July 2012
World Mission Centre & Live School
The economies of the world are taking significant strain which is, in turn,
impacting missionary giving in many organisations, as well as charity
organizations. Starting up Live Schools in over 40 countries needs
supernatural provision. Together with us, ask the Lord to open the floodgates
of heaven and release all the resources needed to finish the task of world
evangelization. He promises that He will release riches stored in secret places
- pray that these riches will come without much effort so we can keep our
focus on reaching the unreached with the gospel.
World Mission Centre, Chrissie Naudé, www.liveschool.org or
chrissien@liveschoolsa.org or 012 343 1165 and 083 300 2567.
Pray 52: Week 46 - Sudan / Comoros (13-19 Jul 2012)
Ask the Holy Spirit to encourage believers everywhere to have prayer rooms
or prayer watches in the Sudan and Comoros, where all 168 hours of the
week can be covered in prayer for breakthroughs in their nations so that many
will come to Christ.
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
14 July 2012
Breakthrough: No porn on SA TV
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) ruled in
January that there will be no pornography on pay television in South Africa!
The decision followed a lengthy process of public consultation after pay
television network Top TV’s application to launch three porn channels. Give
thanks to the Lord for answering thousands of prayers with regard to this
issue. Please continue to pray about similar matters, especially for the
protection of those who take a stand in the media for biblical principles.
Christians for Truth, mail@cft.org.za
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of simplicity. Father, I ask
that I would not prefer my own wisdom above Your Word and be content to
live a simple life. (Proverbs 1:22).
What is the Arab Spring?
The Arab Spring which began in January/February 2011 has had a huge
impact on the Middle East, and continues to do so. Presidents from various
countries have lost their presidencies. As a result, one of the biggest
problems faced in these countries that are experiencing ‘freedom’, is that
there is no strong leadership to harness it. Over the past 18 months, the
revolutions have led to an increasing amount of violence and confusion. Pray
for strong leaders to emerge, those who can lead with integrity, and restore
order in their countries.
Another problem that exists is that elements of the ‘old regimes’ would like to
assume control and create an environment that is to their advantage. This is
evident in Egypt, for instance, where the army is operating in such a fashion.
During the 1920’s a radical form of Islam came into being in the Middle East.
This group grew in might rapidly, but has come under pressure in the last 3-4
decades. This group is known as the Brotherhood. During the revolution in
Egypt, and other countries in the Middle East, the Brotherhood began to
operate openly, and recruited people into their organization. Alongside this
group, the ultra-fanatical Muslims, the Salafists, also began to emerge. The
effect of the revolution is that we are currently experiencing a great awakening
of Islam, with its radical element growing rapidly.
In many countries, Sharia (Islamic religious law) is being discussed, and if it is
implemented, the economies and social enterprise of these countries will
revert hundreds of years. Sharia is an oppressive and limiting system that
brings with it no chance for economic freedom and progress. Women and
children will be the most severely affected if it is implemented. Please pray
that Sharia law will not be implemented in any of these countries. Pray
especially for the illiterate to realise the promises made to them by Muslims
are really empty.
In each of these Middle Eastern countries there are groups of young people
who no longer wish to live under oppressive laws and governments. They do
not wish to be restricted by the strict laws of Islam that allow no room for
personal freedom. The conflict between the ideals of these young people and
those embraced by the far-right Brotherhood and the Salafists, is creating
tension that inevitable leads to more violence and bloodshed. Due to the lack
of strong leadership in any of these groups, confusion abounds, and the cycle
of violence continues.
Meanwhile, the economy continues its decline, and poverty increases as more
and more are made redundant and have no income. This leads to a new cycle
of violence, which in turn, leads to a new cycle of poverty. Pray earnestly for
this situation and for the type of democratic systems that will re-instate a
transparent system to restore order, recover economies and allow freedom of
religion in these countries. Pray that the violence that is destroying so many
lives will stop.
In situations like these, the doors are open for Christians to proclaim the
gospel, and there is definite fruit. This opportunity must be grasped with both
hands; the doors may close. Pray for Christians, in these countries, and those
neighbouring Muslim countries to reach out with love and devotion to
Here are a few prayer pointers for the Middle East in the wake of the
Arab Spring.
The Arab Spring has caused much bloodshed and political instability
and a leadership void now exists. Pressure is mounting on countries in the
Middle East as their economies suffer as a result of tourists refusing to visit
the region, which has resulted in job losses. The innocent and the poor are
suffering the greatest. Pray for strong, fair leaders. Ask the Lord to expose
corruption, and pray for economic recovery in these countries. Pray that
violence and revolt would not be the means people use to air their grievances
and to seek change.
The Arab Spring has opened a large door for Christians to evangelize
to their neighbours. There exists a greater freedom to share Christ without
persecution. Pray for Christians to do so, with great boldness. Pray that
materials, such as Bibles, videos, Christian books and technical aids will be
brought into these countries whilst the door remains open. Also pray for the
Holy Spirit to come upon Christians to receive power to preach the gospel.
(Acts 1:8).
Currently, there are more Christians who are leaving the Middle East,
than those who are coming to salvation. This weakens the church and its
potential impact in those countries. Whilst it is understandable that Christians
are leaving, even so, pray for a strong and dynamic church of indigenous
believers, who will reach out to their own people with boldness.
In every Muslim country in the Middle East, there is a considerable
group of Muslims attempting to establish Sharia in their country. Should this
happen, it will become very difficult for Christians to live out their faith. Violent
persecution will ensue. It will be much more difficult to reach Muslims with the
gospel. Sharia law is a lifestyle which hampers economic progress, and often
leads to violence and abuse towards women and children. Pray that God
would prevent these countries from being forced to adopt Sharia law.
For more insight, also read the article on ‘What do Arabs want’ at 28 July.
15 July 2012
Personal revival focus: Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
Prayer is the means that God has appointed for our receiving mercy, and
obtaining grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16: Let us therefore come
boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to
help in time of need. God has appointed a way by which we shall seek and
obtain mercy and grace. That way is prayer; bold, confident, outspoken
approach to the throne of grace. Mercy is what we need, grace is what we
must have, or all our life and effort will end in complete failure. Prayer is the
way to get them. There is infinite grace at our disposal, and we make it ours
experimentally by prayer. Oh, if we only realized the fullness of God’s grace!
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Lord God Almighty, I need Your grace. The church in South Africa needs
Your mercy and grace. Teach us to pray so we may obtain favour with You.
(Luke 2:52).
16 July 2012
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of sleep. Lord, please help
me to get the proper rest, but deliver me from indulging in too much sleep,
oversleeping, and every form of laziness. (Proverbs 20:13).
Radio is helping Iranian believers
Iran is number 5 on the Open Doors World Watch List of the worst countries
known for persecution of Christians. Despite that, Words of Hope says
Muslims there are more open to the gospel than ever before. Persian
broadcasts are reaching out to many who are searching. One listener says
there’s nothing short of a spiritual awakening in Iran. Pray that God will protect
His church and that believers will stand firm in their faith and new believers
will grow in their relationship with Christ.
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will
stand in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012
365 3213.
17 July 2012
Billy Graham on marriage: Accept the reality of human relationships
James 3:2 lays out the human condition as clearly and as succinctly as
anyone can: We all stumble in many ways. Think about the impact of the
words “all” and “many.” The word “all” means there are no exceptions. What
James is telling us is that if you were to divorce your spouse, interview two
hundred “replacement” candidates, put them through a battery of
psychological tests, have follow-up interviews conducted by your closest
friends, spent three years dating the most compatible ones, and then spent
another forty days praying and fasting about which one to choose, you’d still
end up with a spouse who disappoints you, hurts you, frustrates you, and
stumbles in many ways.
• Father, help me to grow in patience, towards my spouse, and towards
myself as well. Help me view these matters through Your eyes. Deliver me
from evil conduct.
http://tinyurl.com/7glac88 or garythomas.com
The Asian rise of global Islamic group Hizbut
A global Islamic group that is now active in 45 countries is raising concerns
Around the world. Hizbut, which is now expanding in Asia, wants to unite all
Muslim countries in a global block ruled by strict Sharia law. It focuses its
efforts on university students and professionals, trying to persuade them to
overthrow their governments. Please pray for the dissolution of this network
and that its members may encounter Jesus Christ and be set free from this
harmful ideology.
International Prayer Connect (IPC), www.ipcprayer.org or
Wednesday 18 July 2012
Nelson Mandela International Day
Mandela Day on July 18th is now an annual international day adopted by the
United Nations. Today South Africans are called to do something that will
benefit others. Please pray that people will realize the call of the Lord Jesus to
live like this every day, and to honour Him as King of kings and Lord of lords
in everything they do. Please pray for Mr Mandela to know Christ personally
and to intimately experience Christ’s love for him.
Establishing 24-7 Houses of Prayer
Pray, by name, for God’s favour to firmly establish the following growing
prayer watches: Mitchell’s Plain, Carmel Fellowship AOG, (Danny Brown,
072 111 5742, brown.family@mweb.co.za and Carol van Dyk,
carol.vand@gmail.com). Pray that Christians, who have committed
themselves to planting houses of prayer, will not become discouraged and will
not give up the work of prayer. Pray for many more houses of prayer in South
Thursday 19 July 2012
Billy Graham on marriage: Appreciate an imperfect spouse
No matter whom you might have chosen for a spouse: you’re both married to
an imperfect mate! The Bible calls you to still respect and appreciate your
very imperfect spouse. This is true whether you’re a husband (1 Peter 3:7) or
a wife (Ephesians 5:33). Father, when I view and consider the conduct of my
spouse, help me to see whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy, that I will think of him/her about such things.
(Philippians 4:8). http://tinyurl.com/7glac88
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love of the things of the world.
Father, do not allow me to love the attitudes and actions of this world more
than I love You. Deliver me from the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the
pride of life. Cause me to love You and Your Word more than this world.
(1 John 2:15).
Praying for Muslims during the month of Ramadan
This call to prayer for Muslims originally came during a meeting of several
Christian leaders in the Middle East in 1992. Ramadan, the Muslim month of
fasting, is also the month that millions of Christians all over the world call on
God to reveal Himself to Muslims and pray that they will see Jesus as the Son
of God. The Muslims find the concept of God having a Son slanderous. It is
through signs, wonders and direct revelations (dreams and visions) of Jesus
Himself that great numbers of Muslims are currently being converted. There
are millions of converts from Islam annually. A mighty movement of the Holy
Spirit among the Kabyle Berbers is reported in Algeria.
It was intended that the 30 days of prayer should be during the month of
Ramadan for at least two reasons: (1) As a means for Christians to identify
themselves with Muslims during a fixed period of the year and (2) to call upon
God’s sovereign intervention in the lives of Muslims during a time of the year
when they are particularly religious. Please note that praying during the month
of Ramadan does not mean that we conform ourselves to the Muslim
practices of fasting and prayer. As believers in Jesus Christ we disagree with
Islamic ideas, theology and practice in several areas, but emphasize God’s
love for Muslims. We encourage all believers in the Messiah to cultivate a
spirit of humility, love, respect and service toward Muslims. The goal of this
prayer guide is to inspire and direct each reader as he or she intercedes for
the Muslim world. However, it is far from being completely informative and we
encourage you to seek further information and gain a greater understanding
of the Islamic world by viewing articles online at www.30-days.net
20 July 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 1: From Fear to Faith
Ramadan starts today. This year we felt led to focus in prayer on some
countries in the world with high Muslim populations, specifically praying for the
evangelization and discipling of these nations. There will also be a
proclamation from Scripture over all Muslims every day to come to the
personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Around the world believers now have a choice: are we going to believe God
or be gripped with fear? There is no denying that minorities of Muslim
fundamentalist suicide bombers and warriors have succeeded in propagating
panic. Muslims, themselves, have become fearful. Fear and prejudice have
caused many to dislike anything related to Islam, and some of us may find it
easy to criticize Muslims. Criticism may sometimes be helpful, but it can also
reflect a lack of love. If we are unloving we need to repent. God loves people
of all ethnic and cultural groups. (Revelation 5:9).
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us for becoming fearful and critical.
Baptize us with Your Holy Spirit and with fire, to boldly and with love, pray for
and witness to Muslims as individuals everywhere.
Pray 52: Week 47 - Cameroon / Niger (20-26 Jul 2012)
Ask the Lord of the harvest to encourage Christians from other nations to
send prayer teams to Cameroon, Niger, during this specific week. Ask that
they will stand in persevering prayer for breakthroughs for the name of Christ
in these countries.
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
21 July 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 2: Unwed single mothers
Most of Morocco’s unwed mothers are poor, illiterate women from the
countryside who started working as domestic servants, or “little maids,” as
young as the age of seven. Handed over into enslavement by their families
due to financial need, the girls spend long hours cooking and cleaning for
Moroccans who are better off. Many girls will consent to having sex with any
man that is kind to them and promises them marriage. Countless others are
raped (being the ‘property’ of the man of the house). Those who get pregnant
often end up on the streets. About half of the women who fall pregnant out of
wedlock have been promised marriage.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father, please reveal Your father heart to the fathers, families and especially
young girls in Morocco so they may come to know You as the ‘protector of
widows and orphans’. (Psalm 68:5). Please raise up the church in Morocco to
reach out to the desolate with the love of Christ.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Love one another. Father, as
your church in South Africa, we confess that the world is not always able to
recognise us as Your disciples, because we do not have or show Your love to
one another. We may be guilty of being a part of a faction or division in the
church; we may add fuel to a misunderstanding or not help correct it. We may
love only the ones in our church, and exclude those of other denominations,
as not being of the body of Christ. We may be secretly pleased over the
misfortune of another or annoyed by their success. Forgive us, o Lord. Teach
us how to love one another as You have loved us. (John 13:35).
22 July 2012
Personal revival focus: Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
Prayer in the name of Jesus Christ is the way Jesus Christ Himself has
appointed for His disciples to obtain fullness of joy. John 16:24: Until now you
have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may
be full. The way to have it filled full is by praying in the name of Jesus. We all
know people whose joy is filled full, indeed, it is just running over, is shining
from their eyes, bubbling out of their very lips, and running off their fingertips
when they shake hands with you. Such people are always people that spend
much time in prayer. In part joy comes because we get what we ask. But that
is not the only reason, nor the greatest. When we ask something definite of
God, and He gives it, how real God becomes! Does someone say “I have
never known any such joy as that in prayer?” Do you take enough leisure for
prayer to actually get into God’s presence? Do you really give yourself up to
prayer in the time which you do take?
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Heavenly Father, how I lack the fullness of joy! Please teach me to come
into and rest in Your presence as the principle part of prayer.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 3: Muslims in Alsace, France
It is estimated 120,000 Muslims live in the Alsace area, which forms the
Eastern Border with Germany. The largest Muslim communities are found in
Mulhouse and Strasbourg. Despite the strong presence of Muslims in the
region, few mission agencies are present. However, there is a significant
presence of believers in the area. Through their testimony numerous Muslims
have come to faith in the Messiah.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father of the nations, please open doors for Your Kingdom in the Muslim
community, so that Christian witness will pierce the hearts and minds of
Muslims with the love of Jesus Christ. Father, raise up workers for the harvest
of 30,000 Turks in Alsace. Reveal to them the Lord Jesus Christ through
dreams and visions.
What are the 5 Pillars of Islam?
The Islamic religion is practised according to five main “pillars” which are
obligatory religious practices for all adult Muslims. Some Muslims add a sixth
pillar, Jihad: The struggle to propagate the faith of Islam throughout the world,
either by force or arms.
Reciting the creed (shahada): “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is
his prophet.”
Prayer (salat) - Five times each day.
Almsgiving (zakat) - Both obligatory and voluntary giving to the poor.
Fasting (saum) - Especially during the “holy” month of Ramadan.
Pilgrimage (hajj) - At least once in a lifetime to Mecca, known as the Hajj.
23 July 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 4: I married a Muslim
When we decided to get married, neither of us was practicing our respective
faith, so it was an easy decision. My husband had convinced me that our
religions were indeed very similar. His decision one year later to renew his
Islamic religious activities came as a huge surprise to me. Ironically, it was his
sudden fervour which drove me back to my roots - to my relationship with
Jesus. I am grappling with how I will respond when my husband wants our
daughter to pray in an Islamic way. I keep praying that my husband will come
to know the Messiah from 1 Peter 3:1-2.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Lord Jesus, we pray for people that we know as well as those in our city,
region, or country that are in circumstances similar to the one described
above. Please reveal Your love to them and cross their paths with sincere
believers that will pray with them and support them. Give boldness to
Christian parents to nurture their children in Your ways and purposes, and to
bring their spouses to know You as their own personal Saviour.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Lust. Father, of glory, we confess
that as your church in South Africa we do not always abstain from fleshly
lusts, which wage war against our souls. We are guilty of a lustful eye toward
the opposite sex; we fill our minds with pornography or sex-oriented TV
programs, movies, books, and magazines, and even sometimes indulge in
lustful activities that Your Word condemns - fornication, adultery, and
perversion. Purify us as Your church, o God. (1 Peter 2:11).
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will
stand in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012
365 3213.
24 July 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 5: The Arab Spring continues
The events of January 2011 marked an important date in Egyptian history.
More than 50% of Egyptians are below 25 years of age, and more than 50%
are also illiterate. Christians number about twelve million people. The upsurge
of Islam in Egypt’s society is a great cause for concern amongst Egyptian
Christians. www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Pray for those Christians who want to leave Egypt because they do not see
any future for their children. Should Christians leave this will weaken local
congregations. Pray that Christians would not withdraw from contact with
Muslims and would maintain contact with other Christians. Pray for Egyptian
Christians and their congregations to realize their responsibility to proclaim
the gospel of Christ to the majority Islam population surrounding them.
Jesus was conceived miraculously by God in the womb of the virgin,
Jesus is only a prophet, He is not divine (not the Son of God, not God
in the flesh).
Muslims believe that Jesus spoke even as an infant, saying that He
was a prophet.
According to Islam, Jesus was actually a good Muslim and he taught
an earlier form of Islam to the Jewish people. One can find a Muslim account
of the life of Jesus in the so-called “Gospel of Barnabas”. This document
probably became known in its present form in the 14th - 16th centuries AD. It
might even have been written at that time.
Jesus will come again one day, He will marry, and He will have
children. He will correct the wrong beliefs which Christians have about Him.
He will die; He will be buried in Medina and be judged like all men at the Last
Jesus is not the Judge of mankind.
Wednesday 25 July 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 6: The Ansari People of India
The Ansari are one of the largest unreached people groups in the world, with
a total population of about 16 million people. They are also one of the largest
Muslim groups in India (around 10 million). Most Ansari live in the northern
Indian state of Uttar Pradesh and most speak Urdu, but other commonly
spoken languages include Bhojpuri, Bengali, Telugu, and Gujarati. The Ansari
are almost 100% Sunni Muslim. They frequently go to a “mazar” (a tomb of a
Muslim saint), whom they believe can mediate between man and Allah.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father of the harvest, we plead with You for more workers to the Ansari, and
especially for Indians to reach out to them with Your love. Please make a way
where there seems to be no way. We ask for deliverance from evil spirits and
deception. (Matthew 8:16; 10:1; Acts 16:16-18), and that many will give their
lives over to You.
Establishing 24-7 Houses of Prayer
Pray, by name, for God’s favour to firmly establish the following growing
prayer watches: Charismatic Renewal Ministries, (Light Eze; 073 786 1410;
lighteze@yahoo.com). Ask that believers will take up their responsibility in
prayer and not wait for others to pray for them. Pray that they will instead
teach others to believe and to pray themselves.
Thursday 26 July 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 7: The Siddis of Gujarat, India
Being Indians of African origins, the Siddis (most of them living in the western
state of Gujarat), are socially and economically marginalized. Social issues of
the Siddis include alcoholism, school drop outs, broken families, poor hygiene
and a lack of health care, poverty and powerlessness. Siddis are mostly Sunni
Muslims, but also have connections to a Sufi leader, Baba. They would
probably receive the message of Jesus as Good News, but because of their
isolation, few carriers of the gospel have reached them.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, reveal Yourself to the Siddis of India.
Please show them the reason they are alive and deliver them from every kind
of addiction. We pray for leaders among both the Sunni’s and Sufi’s to come
to know the Lord Jesus Christ personally. Lord of the harvest, send workers
into this harvest field.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Lying. Father, we confess as
Your church in South Africa, that we often lie to one another, despite having
laid aside the old self with its evil practices. We allow ourselves to exaggerate,
small “white” lies, not telling the full story, or to tell things the way we want
them to be. Forgive us our shrewdness of mind. Purify our hearts to speak
only the truth. (Colossians 3:9).
Did you know?
India has one of the world’s largest concentrations of un-reached Muslims.
There are possibly 150 million Muslims in India. Most live in the vast Ganges
Plain. India has more Muslims than all the following countries combined:
Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia,
Oman, Kuwait and Egypt. God loves them all. Pray that they will know Jesus
Christ personally and intimately.
27 July 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Today marks the beginning of
the Olympic Games in London. Please encourage and mobilize special times
of prayer during the next days for the thousands gathering in London to have
the opportunity to encounter and surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 8: Nashville, Tennessee in the USA
Nashville, Tennessee, is home to 11,000 Kurds and 8,000+ Somalis and
Somali Bantus, as well as other Muslim ethnic groups (as many as 30,000
Muslims). A local pastor in Nashville felt burdened. “All around our city were
new Muslim neighbours, people who had moved to Nashville from all over the
world,” he said. “But as I looked more closely, I noticed most Christians here
were ignoring them.”
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Lord, please forgive us for rejecting and ignoring those whom You created
and love. (John 4:4-34). Teach us to walk among them like You would. Stir up
the hearts of believers to welcome new immigrants and to pray for them
individually until they come to know the Lord Jesus. We also pray for Muslims
in Memphis, Atlanta, and Louisville.
Pray 52: Week 48 Bahrain / Qatar (27 Jul - 2 Aug 2012)
Ask our Father in heaven, that His Name be hallowed and for every nation
worldwide to use all possible means to mobilize the church in their own
country to pray for, visit and support missionaries and new believers in
Bahrain and Qatar.
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or
Arab Spring: What is it that Arabs want?
The self-immolation a year ago of Tunisian street vendor Mohammed
Bouazizi triggered a wave of popular protests that spread across the Arab
world, forcing out dictators in Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Now, Syrian President
Bashar Assad, too, seems near the end of his rule. Together, these
movements for change have come to be known as the Arab Spring. But what
values are driving these movements, and what kind of change do their
adherents want? A series of surveys in the Arab world last summer highlights
some significant shifts in public opinion.
In surveys, 84% of Egyptians and 66% of Lebanese regarded democracy and
economic prosperity as the Arab Spring’s goal. In both countries, only about
9% believed that these movements aimed to establish an Islamic
government. For Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, where trend data is available,
the Arab Spring reflected a significant shift in people’s values concerning
national identity. In 2001, only 8% of Egyptians defined themselves as
Egyptians above all, while 81% defined themselves as Muslims. In 2007, the
results were roughly the same.
In the wake of the Arab Spring, however, these numbers changed
dramatically. Those defining themselves as Egyptians rose to 50%, 2% more
than those who defined themselves as Muslims. Among Iraqis, primary selfidentification in national terms jumped from 23% of respondents in 2004 to
57% in 2011. Among Saudis, the figure jumped from 17% in 2003 to 46% in
2011, while the share of those claiming a primary Muslim identity dropped
from 75% to 44%.
There has also been a shift toward secular politics and weakening support for
Sharia. Among Iraqis, the percentage of those who agreed that Iraq would be
a better place if religion and politics were separated increased from 50% in
2004 to almost 70% in 2011. Similar data is not available for Egypt and Saudi
Arabia, but both countries show a decline in support for Sharia. In Egypt,
those considering it “very important” for government to implement Sharia
declined from 48% in 2001 to 28% in 2011. For Saudis, the figure fell from
69% in 2003 to 31% in 2011.
Finally, an analysis of a representative sample of 3,500 Egyptian adults, who
rated their participation in the anti-Mubarak movement, showed that
participants were more likely to be younger single males with higher socioeconomic status, users of the Internet, newspaper readers, urban residents,
and believers in modern values and free will. They did not mind having
Americans, Britons or French as neighbours. Religiosity did not predict
participation, while religious intolerance reduced participation.
These figures seem at odds with the results of Egypt’s recent parliamentary
election, in which the Muslim Brothers and the Salafi fundamentalists together
gained about 65% of the popular vote. It remains true that religion is an
important factor for Egyptian voters, as 66% of those surveyed “strongly
agree” or “agree” that it would be better if people with strong religious belief
held public office; and 57% consider a government’s implementation of Sharia
“very important” or “important”. None the less, nationalism trumps religion.
Fully 78% agreed with the statement that it would be better if more people
with a strong commitment to national interests rather than with strong religious
views held public office.
How, then, to explain the inconsistency between the survey data and Egypt’s
election results? First, the fundamentalists benefited from years of political
organising and activism, and thus were better able to mobilize their
supporters, whereas the liberals, who led the uprising against the former
regime, lacked nationwide organization and had little time to translate their
newly acquired political capital into votes. Second, the liberals’ priorities were
misplaced. Instead of pushing their agenda forward among Egyptians, they
focused on the wrong enemy, spending invaluable time organising rallies
against the army.
Finally, the election outcome is not as bad as it appears. Liberalism has been
under continuous attack for decades from religious extremists and religious
institutions, and liberal organizations were stifled by oppressive rules. If the
Mubarak regime had fallen under the banner of political Islam, Muslim
fundamentalists would have been in a much better position to advance more
exclusivist claims over the revolution and the country.
But it was the liberals who delivered Egypt from authoritarianism. This, in turn,
brought legitimacy to liberalism and generated the powerful feeling of
nationalist awareness among Egyptians. As a result, support for Sharia
declined and national identity soared. Insofar as political discourse is focused
on national rebuilding and freedom, Islamic fundamentalists, in Egypt and
elsewhere, will face an uphill battle.
(Extract from an article by Mansoor Moaddel, Jan 9th, 2012, Jordan Times).
Please also read the article on the Arab Spring at 15 July with accompanied
prayer pointers on these matters.
28 July 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you
in prayer for the salvation of individuals as you watch the Olympic Games
events on television.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 9: Iraqi Widows
Iraq has been involved in three major painful, ugly, costly, divisive, and
destructive wars in the last 32 years. The Iran - Iraq War 1980-1988
(300,000+ Iraqi deaths), the 1st Gulf War in 1990-1991 (100,000+ Iraqi
deaths) and the Iraq War from 2003 - December 2011 (100,000+ Iraqi
deaths). Today there are approximately one million widows in Iraq
(approximately 9% of the women in the country). Young women, with only one
or two children, find new husbands. Yet, older widows and those who have
more children find that remarriage is rare and sometimes impossible. You can
imagine the distress of women who have lost their husbands in a society
which restricts female work and social activities. Sadly, some turn to short- or
long-term prostitution.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Read aloud the texts of Psalm 68:1-6 and James 1:27. Proclaim God’s
faithfulness and ask for His intervention so the widows and their families
would have their daily bread and necessities met. Pray for eternal salvation
for these women in distress - that they would meet God and know Him as
Saviour. (John 17:3). Pray the God of the impossible to do great things for
church in South Africa, we confess that often we serve two masters. We try to
work out a way to serve You and mammon (riches). We cover our greed by
saying we want to make money for the church, we withhold Your share of our
income, and if we are really honest, we desire money more than we long for
You. Our hearts are cold and greedy. Forgive us, o Lord. Give us a heart of
flesh, a heart after You alone. (Matthew 6:24).
29 July 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Remain watchful in prayer,
sensitive to the Holy Spirit to bring prayers and supplications before the Lord
for the souls of men and women at the Olympic Games in London at this time.
Personal revival focus: Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
Prayer, in every instance and anxiety of life, with thanksgiving, is the means
God appointed for us to obtain freedom from anxiety and the peace of God
which surpasses all understanding. (Philippians 4:6-7). Keep in constant
touch with God, and when any trouble or vexation, great or small, arises,
speak to Him about it, never forgetting to return thanks for what He has
already done! Sometimes we crowd prayer out of our hurried lives, and what a
waste of time and nervous energy constant worry is! One night of prayer will
save us from many nights of insomnia.
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Lord Jesus Christ, teach me to communicate and fellowship with You, night
and day, all the days of my life and to subject the cares of this world to the
power of Your hand.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 10: Bahraini Arabs
Bahrain lies between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and consists of over 30 islands in
the Arabian Gulf (also called the Persian Gulf). Unlike its neighbours,
Bahrain’s oil reserves are depleted and it suffers from significant
unemployment. The population consists of both Sunnis and Shiites, who need
to hear of how God’s peace alone can bridge their significant differences.
Open evangelism, however, is not permitted. The Manama Souq market, the
heartbeat of the city, offers believers conversational opportunities, perhaps
over tea with friendly shoppers.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Pray for believers to be creative in using the opportunities that do exist to
meet and build relationships with the people of the Arab Gulf region. Ask God
to provide jobs for those who want to minister long-term in Bahrain. Also pray
that Bahraini businessmen, particularly those in the rapidly expanding banking
sector, would come to know Jesus and be used for God’s purposes.
What Muslims believe about Jesus
Muslims think of Jesus as a great prophet who preached an earlier form of
Islam. Based on the Qur’anic texts, they believe that Jesus is God’s Messiah,
but they usually have no idea that this actually means Jesus is God’s anointed
King and Saviour for all humanity.
Muslims generally believe that they can earn God’s approval through religious
activities (prayers, fasting, and giving money). Muslims do not think they can
know God. They think they can only know about Him.
Source: www.30-days.net
30 July 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Remember to cry out to the
Lord to reveal Himself in wondrous ways to individuals Around the world
who are watching the Olympic Games on TV or on radio. Ask that many will
hear the Gospel, and for Christians not to be ashamed of the Name of Jesus
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 11: The Rawther People in India
More than 700,000 Rawther live in the south-eastern state of Tamil Nadu.
Another 270,000 Rawther live in India’s largest state of Rajasthan, which lies
in the west bordering Pakistan. The Rawther are known for placing a high
value on education, giving girls and boys an equal opportunity for learning.
The Rawther have not heard about the love and truth of Jesus Christ, and
there are no known believers among them. Indian Christians have a unique
opportunity to share about the Messiah with their Rawther neighbours and
should be encouraged to do so.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father God, reveal Yourself to the Rawther people, show them the love and
truth of Christ in a clear way, especially to those in leadership. Please send
teams of committed workers to go and share about the Lord Jesus Christ with
the Rawther people. (Isaiah 6:8).
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Focus your thoughts upon God.
Father, we confess as Your church in South Africa that we often give the devil
an opportunity when we open our minds to him through satanic music, occult
games, pornographic literature, computer chat rooms, yoga, séances, psychic
predictions, occult movies, horoscopes and worldly literature.
(Ephesians 4:27). Forgive us these sins. Turn our eyes and hearts back to
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will
stand in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012
365 3213.
31 July 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Pray today for favour upon
those listening to radio and television programmes with regard to the Olympic
Games. Ask for Christian witness to saturate many of the events taking place
this year, giving glory to the Lord Jesus by the mention of His NAME!
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 12: Around the Taklimakan Desert
Western China is home to at least five million Muslims, most of who live
around the edges of the vast Taklimakan Desert in the Xinjiang Uyghur
Autonomous Region. It is estimated that the total number of believers among
these ethnic groups is less than 1,000. However, there are an estimated
850,000 Christians (about 75% in house churches) among the Han Chinese
minority (about 7.5 million people).
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father, inspire existing Han Chinese believers to reach out to their Muslim
neighbours from different cultures. (Isaiah 52:10). Please touch the hearts and
minds of Chinese Muslims with the wisdom and revelation of the Lord Jesus
Christ. (Psalm 2:8). We also pray that through the Christian radio broadcasts,
and other media broadcast across the Xinjiang province, hearts will be
opened to receive Your Word. (Acts 16:13-15).
Prayer Network Conference: 14-16 August 2012
The aim of the summit is to seek God’s guidance on how to proceed in the
coming year in South Africa, specifically focusing on the mobilising of prayer
in South Africa, especially in 2013. Planned prayer initiatives will be
discussed, feedback will be given of what happened the past few years
across the country. There will be teaching and practical guidelines on how to
mobilize prayer in our country. This is an opportunity to gather information, to
be equipped, and to network with the wider prayer movement in South Africa.
This year we open up this meeting to anyone who wants to come and be
equipped for the way ahead over the next year.
Who should attend?
Everyone who wants to be equipped, especially those mobilising prayer in
their congregation or town.
Prayer network leaders.
People organizing specific prayer initiatives.
Prayer co-ordinators in towns and regions.
Prayer co-ordinators in local congregations.
Pastors and spiritual leaders.
This year we also want to open it up to anyone with a serious interest in
mobilizing prayer in general. During this yearly meeting we trust the Lord to
show us the way forward. Come and listen, pray and plan with us.
We will meet daily from 09:00-16:00. The cost will be R300 per person
regardless of how long you are able to attend the seminar. This includes lunch
and tea. Each person will be responsible for arranging their own
accommodation and transport.
To register, contact Anneke Hanekom at Jericho Walls International Prayer
Network, Private bag X22, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040. Tel.: 012 365 3213; cell:
079 284 9044; fax: 086 594 0565. Website: www.jwipn.com or e-mail:
Wednesday 1 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Pray for many to come to know
Christ at the Olympic Games in London.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 13: Swedish Muslims
The Rinkeby district in Stockholm is one of the most multicultural areas in
Sweden. An international church meets in the community hall every Sunday
for services in Swedish, Arabic and Spanish. Every Friday at noon, the same
hall is filled with Muslims gathering for prayer! The Swedish population has
changed radically over the past 50-60 years because of immigration. One can
find people from almost every nation living in this Scandinavian country and
many of them are Muslims (estimated 450,000).
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father, we pray that You will touch the hearts of Christians to desire to
befriend and testify to immigrant Muslims and share Your love and Word with
them. Soften and prepare the hearts of Muslims to receive Your word,
especially when believers from Muslim backgrounds proclaim Jesus Christ to
their fellow countrymen.
Remember to register for the Watchman’s School of Prayer from 1-5
October 2012 in Simon’s Town. Contact Liezel Fourie at 021 919 7988 from
09:00-13:00 on weekdays.
Thursday 2 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Pray for those involved in security,
that they will have discernment and act with authority to identify troublemakers in time.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 14: Brazil’s Muslims
In his teen years, Salim enlisted in a terrorist group to fight for the cause of
Islam and was a potential suicide bomber. Following a serious confrontation
with religious leaders, Salim fled his own country and ended up in Brazil.
Salim became one of the most dangerous criminals in the area. One day, tired
of all his misery, hopelessness, and homelessness, he decided to pray
differently. “That night, I knelt, lifted my face to the sky and questioned: ‘I don’t
know who You are there up in heaven; I’m not an atheist, I know there is
someone greater than this, Creator of the heavens and the earth, but I don’t
know who You are. Who are You? Are You Buddha, Mary, Allah, Jesus of the
Christians? Whoever You are, I only ask You this: free me from my present
life and I will follow You forever.’” God answered that prayer. As a Muslim,
Salim had prayed five times a day for 35 years, but never once experienced
anything happening in response to his prayers. This time, things were
different as Jesus presented Himself to Salim several days after his prayer of
desperation. Six days later, a believer went into the forest where Salim was
hiding and told him: “Jesus loves you”. “Is it so?” argued Salim. “Can He free
me from drugs, crime, and this misery?” He then remembered the words of
his prayer. Guided by the believer to a hidden place, Salim studied the Bible,
learned to pray differently, and got to know some Christians.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father, we praise Your Name for answering the prayer of Salim. Please
reveal Yourself to more like him and transform their lives also. (Romans 4:1721). Please draw many unto Yourself and comfort them when they are
persecuted so they will remain faithful in following Christ.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Missions. Pray for workers for
the harvest - for believers who will spontaneously and consistently share their
3 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Pray for Christian athletes to
boldly testify of Christ at the Olympic Games in London.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 15: War-torn Libya
We only met one or two days ago. Suddenly, he asks forthrightly: “Can you
please explain what exactly you Christians believe? Who is Jesus to you?
And what kind of book is the Bible”? I was surprised. I have lived for many
years in the Arabic world among Muslims and talked a lot with people about
Jesus Christ - but I had seldom experienced such an unfeigned, honest
curiosity. When we said goodbye a few days later, Sharaf happily accepted a
Bible as a gift. There is now a certain curiosity about anything and everything
new, including the Christian faith. This is not necessarily a spiritual openness,
but it is a good foundation on which a relaxed and simple conversation about
Jesus can start.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father, we give thanks to You for thousands of Bibles that have gone to this
country in the past year. We pray for these Bibles to be distributed effectively
into the hands of those who are eager to know and follow Jesus Christ.
Please send workers to the harvest in Libya during this time of relative
openness and curiosity. Please intervene with revelation regarding the
distribution of the Bible in electronic format as well.
Pray 52: Week 49 - Afghanistan / Maldives (3-9 Aug 2012)
Ask the Lord of the harvest to open doors and send more workers into closed
nations, and especially Afghanistan and the Maldives. Ask for them to be filled
with the Holy Spirit and for many to turn their lives to God through our Lord
Jesus Christ.
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
4 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Pray for remaining fruit on the
work of Christian ministries reaching out to those attending the Olympic
Games in London.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 16: Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan, located in Central Asia, on the northern border of Iran, is one of
the most closed countries in the world. Testimony: Maral’s husband works for
a construction company and has been unpaid for months. The company
managers apologized saying that, in fact, they themselves were not paid on
time by the state. School will soon begin for Maral’s youngest son. Where will
Maral and her husband get the money? Her neighbour offers to pray in this
difficult situation, saying Jesus knows of her distress and can bring her
comfort. Maral is amazed. What is this Jesus all about? Who is He? She had
never met a Turkmen woman who spoke of her faith in Jesus. Praise God for
Christian witness to the felt needs of Muslims! Bibles and Scriptures in local
languages are prohibited, and the omnipresent state apparatus monitors
people down to the smallest detail. How can the Turkmen people in this
isolated country be reached with the gospel message? Visit www.30-days.net
or ron@30-days.net
• Father God, no one can restrict the work of Your Holy Spirit. Today we cry
out to You on behalf of the Turkmen people. Please transform them through
the blood of Jesus Christ, Your Son. (Acts 8:5-8). We petition You for more
workers to come to help, and for those in the field to remain encouraged and
strong in their testimony of Christ.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Negligence. Father, we confess
as Your church in South Africa that we are often lagging behind in diligence,
being slothful in business, not willing to always be completely honest in
business. Forgive us for the times we harm Your name by failing to pay our
accounts on time, or do not pay them at all, when we charge more to our
credit cards than we can pay when due, and when neglect to keep honest
income tax records. Convict us of sin in our everyday lives, grant us diligence.
(Romans 12:11).
5 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Pray for many to come to know
Christ at the Olympic Games in London.
Personal revival focus: Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
Prayer is the method that God himself has appointed for our obtaining the
Holy Spirit. Luke 11:13: If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to
your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to
those who ask Him! Some years ago when an address on the baptism with
the Holy Spirit was announced, a brother came to me before the address and
said with much feeling, “Be sure and tell them not to pray for the Holy Spirit.”
“I will surely not tell them that, for Jesus says, How much more your heavenly
Father shall give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him.” “Oh, yes,” he replied,
“but that was before Pentecost.” I said “How about Acts 4:31, was that before
Pentecost, or after?” He answered “After, of course.” “How about Acts 8:15?
Was that before Pentecost or after?” “After.” He made no answer. What could
he answer? It is plain as day in the Word of God that before Pentecost and
after. Experience also teaches this. If we spend more time in prayer, there is
more fullness of the Spirit’s power in our work. Many and many a man who
once worked unmistakably in the power of the Holy Spirit is now filling the air
with empty shoutings, and beating it with his meaningless gesticulations,
because he has let prayer be crowded out. We must spend much time on our
knees before God, if we are to continue in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Father, show me how to re-prioritize prayer and meaningfully set myself
towards You in prayer.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 17: Islamic awakening in Syria along with democratic aspirations
About 90% of people in Syria are Muslim, and about 75% of them are Sunni
Muslim. But this doesn’t mean everyone practices Islam. However, in the
recent decades many Muslims have turned back to their religion with
increasing conviction. Islamic preachers are trying to renew society with an
Islamic ideology. Religious events are booming. Many long for God. They fill
their hearts with Qur’anic verses which they seek to obey. Most of the
Christians in the country (10% of the population) do not witness to the
Muslims, either out of fear or indifference. They often think it is pointless when
they see how their society is becoming increasingly Islamic. Christians now,
more than in the past fear that the process of democratisation will bring
violence against Christians.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father of glory, we lift up the people of Syria to You in prayer. Reveal to
them Jesus Christ as their hope of glory, their reason for life, and their hope of
salvation. Please also reveal Yourself to Syrian Christians to place their hope
firmly in You, instead of in the government during this time of turmoil. Deliver
them from their fear and indifference, while believing that, for You, nobody is
out of reach. (Acts 9).
Did you know that Muslims do not generally realize:
That Jesus has all authority.
That Jesus, the Messiah, is to be obeyed.
That Jesus has the ability to forgive sins.
That Jesus has conquered death.
That Jesus has power over evil spirits.
When praying for their salvation, ask the Father for them to have a true
revelation of JESUS CHRIST!
6 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Pray for those watching the
Olympic Games in London to have opportunities to hear and see others testify
of Christ on television and over the Internet. Pray that Christians all over
Britain will take up their responsibility to pray for all who attend the Olympic
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 18: The Manya in Guinea
Guinea, with its approximately 10 million inhabitants, is home to some 40
ethnic groups who, for the most part, were Islamised during the course of their
history. Although Guinea is rich in mineral resources, it is one of the poorest
countries in the world. In Macenta, a local government centre in south-eastern
Guinea, live around 50,000 members of the ethnic group called the Manya.
Muslims have entangled themselves in the occult-like practices and rituals of
the sorcerers. There are few known Christians among the Manya peoples of
Guinea. However, the Toma people live close to the Manya. Among the
Toma, there are congregations of believers. Unfortunately, cultural
differences, tradition, and timidity hinder the Toma believers in spreading the
Good News to their neighbours.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father, we cry out to You for the souls of the Manya people. Through the
power of the regenerational working of the Holy Spirit, please call the Toma
people to take Your Word to surrounding people groups. Show Yourself
strong among these people through signs and wonders, and draw many into
Your Kingdom. We also ask for the completion of the alphabetization of
Manya and for a Bible translated in their language.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Obedience. Revive us, o God,
that the believers of the church in South Africa will obey Your holy Word.
(Psalm 119:88).
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will
stand in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012
365 3213.
7 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Pray for young people admiring
athletes, that each one of them will come to know the Lord Jesus, and give
themselves wholly to glorify His name above all.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 19: Makua Naharas of Mozambique
Muslims make up approximately 20% of the population of Mozambique. The
majority belong to the Makua Nahara tribe. They are poor, often illiterate, and
many speak little or no Portuguese, which is Mozambique’s official language.
To be Nahara is to be Muslim. The life of the Naharas is also maintained by
countering their fears with enchantments. “Grandfather Abdul died in the civil
war in 1990, but he is still present. Even if we can’t see him! If he’s upset with
us, he can cause trouble! That’s why we offer him cigarettes. We know he
liked them so that’s bound to appease him!” But many believers with Muslim
backgrounds from other regions are coming to visit the Naharas and they
listen carefully to their experiences of Jesus.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father of those in need, we lift up to You in prayer the Makua Naharas
today, reveal Yourself to them through the testimony of Your Son, Jesus
Christ. (Acts 6:6; 13:4-12). Help new believers to each have a Bible, that they
will grow spiritually and experience the reality of Christ. (Acts 2:41-45;
2 Corinthians 11:25-27).
Wednesday 8 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Pray for those who have not
qualified for finals. Ask that they will seek comfort in God and not turn to
worldly comforts.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 20: Palestinian territories
Generations of Palestinians have lived in Gaza and the West Bank as
refugees and are not allowed to leave the Territories easily. Palestinian
Territories are almost exclusively made up of Arab Muslims. The small
Christian minority is dwindling fast, and many of them are tired of being
crushed on the front lines of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In Bethlehem and
surrounding areas, there are very few remaining Christians. Yet there are
Muslim Palestinians who choose to follow Jesus. Some have met Christ
through dreams and visions. Deciding to become a believer almost always
comes with serious consequences. Often, their families turn their backs on
them in rejection.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Lord God Almighty, we pray for Christian Palestinians to continue to grow
spiritually and to have favour with You, to testify of Your Son, Jesus Christ
amongst the Muslims. Please help Christians who are pro-Israel to show the
loving-kindness of the Lord Jesus to Palestinian believers. Protect those who
are fearful, comfort them with Your Holy Spirit and show them that Your power
is real and available to them. (Psalm 3:3; Psalm 103:1-6).
Remember to register for the Watchman’s School of Prayer from 1-5
October 2012 in Simon’s Town. Contact Liezel Fourie at 021 919 7988
from 09:00-13:00 on weekdays.
Thursday 9 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Pray for ministry outreach to
prepare effectively for follow-up, and that they will be able to provide Bibles
and material needed by new believers.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 21: The Druze in the Middle East
In the Middle East, there are about one million Arabic speaking Druze. They
are often counted as Muslims, although they do not consider themselves as
such. About a thousand years ago, they separated from the Shiite branch of
Islam. They still revere the Qur’an as one among other holy books. The Druze
never prays at a mosque, but the religiously inclined among them meet
together every Thursday evening. At these gatherings their elders explain the
philosophies of the Druze religion. The Druze community is an exclusive one,
avoiding social interactions. Their belief in reincarnation is also linked to the
practice of “speaking out,” which is essentially an effort to encourage small
children to practice a kind of divination.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father, You never fail nor forsake people. Please reveal Yourself to the
Druze people, especially those in leadership, that they will come to a personal
knowledge and understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ. Show them Your
power that is greater than their belief system.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: One with God. Though our sins
testify against us, restore the believers of the church in South Africa for Your
great name’s sake. (Jeremiah 14:7).
National Women’s Day
Please pray for Women’s Day celebrations today, that glory will not go to
humans, but to God - for His divine influence on women’s lives. Ask that
women will put their trust in God, even for practical breakthroughs concerning
gender issues.
National Women’s Day Africa Christian Action, www.christianaction.org.za or
info@christianaction.org.za or 021 689 4481.
Do not attack the person of Mohammed, but do not accept him as a
prophet either. We are called to help people discover Jesus, not to criticize
Do not criticize the Qur’an.
Avoid politically-sensitive subjects - like the Palestinian problem and
praising Israel.
Insisting on calling Jesus “the Son of God” may initially cause
problems. Some Muslims believe that Jesus was born as a result of a sexual
relationship between God and Mary. You can in a very simple way say that it
is not how the Bible puts it.
Do not enter into discussions about pork and wine: We, as Christians,
are sent to proclaim Jesus, not to establish dietary laws. It is good to insist
that drunkenness is wrong. Do not serve alcohol to Muslims.
Source: www.30-days.net
10 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Give thanks to the Lord for
answering thousands of prayers! Ask for new believers to receive the baptism
of the Holy Spirit, to become strong witnesses and to remain faithful to Jesus
Christ as they return home.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 22: Macedonian Muslims
About one third of Macedonians (650,000 people out of just over 2 million) are
from a Muslim background. The principal Muslim ethnic groups are: Albanians
(about 80%), the Romani near the capital, and Turks in the eastern part of the
country. Macedonia’s practising Christian community is fairly small but it is
growing well. However, the Albanian Muslims are almost completely
unreached and have no church. Many Muslims do not practice Islam in a
devoted manner. Others like the Romani (80,000 people) are especially
involved in folk superstitions.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Read Isaiah 52:10: The LORD has made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all
the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God).
Proclaim aloud the faithfulness of God. Proclaim Christ as the Way the Truth
and the Life everlasting. Pray for God’s unexpected interventions.
(Exodus 3:1-6). Pray for the Lord to open doors for witness and to motivate
Macedonian believers to reach out.
Pray 52: Week 50 - Pakistan / Mali (10-16 Aug 2012)
Pray specifically for people in influential positions in Pakistan and Mali, having
a large following, to come to the Lord Jesus. Ask for them for favour to lead
many others to also surrender their lives to Christ.
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
11 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Pray for safety, police and
traffic control as people begin to leave. Ask for those who win medals, to give
glory to the Lord Jesus as they return home.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 23: Jakarta, Indonesia
Indonesia is the 4th-most populous nation on earth (240 million people).
Ramon is a young man in his early thirties, who has been working on luxury
cruise liners for 17 years, earning money to support his Muslim family back in
Jakarta. Every day he meets people from different faiths on the ship, but
remains devoted to his Islamic beliefs. How will he come to know and believe
unless someone testifies about the power of Christ? Every ethnic group in
Indonesia is represented in Jakarta, whilst the Muslim Betawi, the original
settlers of the area, has shrunk to a small minority. Many live in shanty
dwellings along railway tracks and canals overflowing with filth. About 85% of
the population are Muslim, and around 13% Christian.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father, we lift up in prayer people like Ramon, working in other nations to
provide for their families. Please draw them closer to You and stir up
Christians to testify of Your love and power to them. We pray for Governor
Fauzi Bowo to have wisdom in leading matters both local and national, and for
peace in the nation of Indonesia. Please reveal Yourself to government
leaders. Show mercy to Jakarta’s poor - both spiritually and materially.
National 4/14 Summit for Southern Africa
A National 4/14 Summit for Southern Africa will take place in September this
year in the Western Cape. The purpose is to help adults realize the largely
untapped potential that God has placed inside children, and also to realize
that we have a mandate to help the children to become valued agents in the
Kingdom of God. Please pray for those attending this conference, for safety,
to be open, to hear the Lord’s voice, to be equipped and inspired.
Children’s Prayer Network SA, Gerhard Botha, www.cpnsa.co.za or
pray@mweb.co.za or thea@obiekwa.co.za or 083 537 9770.
Please pray for one or more of these peoples (principal Muslim ethnic
groups in Nigeria) that the gospel might be spread among them:
Over 1 million people: Hausa (19.9 million), Yoruba (8.35 million), Yerwa
Kanuri, (4 million); Sokoto Fulani (2.2 million), Haabe Fulani (2.2 million),
Bororo Fulani (1.95 million). Under one million but more than 100,000 people:
Adamawa Fulani (975,000), Bauchi Fulani (701,000), Manga Kanuri
(617,000), Igbo Fulani (520,000), Egba (418,000), Bade (310,000), Songhai
(260,000), Arab, Shuwa (205,000), Bura (112,000), Igala (108,000).
12 August 2012
Special prayer alert: Olympic Games 2012: Today marks the end of the
Olympic Games in London. Please pray for those who have given their lives
to God and/or have experienced extraordinary healing, and signs and
wonders, to grow spiritually as they return home and to testify to friends and
family of what God has done for them.
Personal revival focus: Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
Luke 21:34-36: “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed
down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come
on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the
face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be
counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand
before the Son of Man.” According to this passage there is only one way in
which we can be prepared for the coming of the Lord when He appears:
through much prayer. The world tends to draw us down by its gratifications
and cares. There is only one way by which we can rise triumphant above
these things, by constant watching unto prayer, that is, by sleeplessness unto
prayer. The man who spends little time in prayer, who is not steadfast and
constant in prayer, will not be ready for the Lord when He comes.
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Father, I cry out to You again to baptize me and Your church with the Holy
Spirit and with fire, to pray according to Your will and purpose every day of
our lives.
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 24: Boko Haram in Nigeria
Recently, Pastor Ousseini was with several members of his church on a bus
coming back from a Christian gathering, when their vehicle became a target
for hidden gunmen. All the believers cried out the name of Jesus each time
they heard shots. The driver was able to manoeuvre the vehicle so they could
escape and head directly to a hospital. The hospital staff were surprised most
of the people on the bus were not injured, and those who were, did not have
haemorrhages or broken bones!
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Lord, we praise You for protecting Your children, and for testimonies like
these. We lift up in prayer the Boko Haram radical Islamist group which began
in 2002. We ask You for the souls of men and women in the leadership, even
founders of this group to come to Christ. We pray that by the end of the
decade many will openly declare Christ and many more will be converted
because of similar testimonies. Strengthen the government to deal with the
Boko Haram group and others. (Romans 13:1-4). We pray also that the
victims will experience Your healing and comfort physically and emotionally.
13 August 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 25: The Rashaida of Sudan
The 100,000 people of Rashaida tribe of North-eastern Sudan are a Bedouin
group that originated in Saudi Arabia. Boys learn to drive when they are
around 12 years old. The marrying age for girls is 14-17 years. Many
Rashaida, especially women, above the age of 30 are illiterate. This people
group has purposefully isolated itself. They seldom interact with other nearby
Bedouins or the local Sudanese. The Rashaida are pure Arabs and have not
intermarried, claiming to have a direct bloodline back to the prophet
Muhammad. There are few believers in their region from Ethiopian descent.
They are an unreached, unengaged tribe.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Lord God Almighty, we proclaim Isaiah 45:2-3 over the Rashaida. Send forth
Your Word into this people group, call workers to this harvest, reveal Your
Son Jesus Christ as the One and Only Living God.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Relationship. Have mercy on the
believers of the church in South Africa and restore us to a right relationship to
Yourself. (Psalm 51).
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will
stand in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012
365 3213.
Islam denies the necessity of Jesus dying for our sins. Many Muslims believe
that the God of Abraham can simply forgive sins without an atoning sacrifice.
Islam denies the fact of Jesus’ death on the cross. Some groups inside Islam
teach that Jesus went directly to heaven without dying. He was, according to
them, never crucified. Muslims often believe that Judas, the traitor, had his
face miraculously transformed into the face of Jesus and died in the place of
Jesus as a judgment from God.
Islam denies the effectiveness of Jesus’ death to remove our sin and guilt.
Islam denies Jesus’ resurrection and his victory over death.
Islam denies that Jesus has become the Messianic King, Who is to reign over
the whole world.
14 August 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 26: The Night of Power - Laylat al-Qadr
Today many have great hopes, for this is the night of power. According to
Sura 97 (chapter 97 of the Qur’an), Muhammad received his first revelation of
the Qur’an during this night. Muslims believe that prayers offered during this
night are particularly well received. Some believe that prayer during this night
will compensate for the omission of regular daily prayers. The night of power
occurs during the last 10 days of Ramadan and most Muslim clerics believe it
is on the 27th day. Each new day starts at sunset, therefore this year’s night
of power will be on the night of the 13th August.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father, my Father! I cry out to You for the supernatural revelation of Jesus in
dreams and visions during this night to Muslims. Visit them, in every city,
town, region and remote area. Stir up Christian witness among
them…empower Christians to answer questions and lead many to Christ.
Prayer Network Conference 14-16 August 2012
The National Prayer Network Conference begins today. Pray for much
wisdom. Pray for all to be contrite, unified, and not to elevate their own
agendas. Pray for a distinct leading from the Holy Spirit. Pray that God will
reveal His will for the path ahead, so that we may go and accomplish it.
Jericho Walls International Prayer Network, Private bag X22, Lynnwood
Ridge, 0040. Tel.: 012 365 3213, fax: 086 594 0565, website: www.jwipn.com
or e-mail: info@jwipn.com
What does the Qur’an say about Jesus?
Use these references in conversation. Even if the Qur’anic ideas listed below
are the same as or similar to Biblical ideas, Muslims never think of Jesus as
being divine, or that He is our Saviour through His death and resurrection.
They think of Him as a prophet who propagated a book called the “Gospel”.
Various chapters (suras) and verses are indicated below. In the Qur’an Jesus
is usually referred to by the name “Isa”. Various titles, roles and activities are
attributed to Jesus. Here are a few examples:
Jesus is the word of God: Sura: 3:45; 5:46, 110 and 57:27
Jesus is Messiah: Sura: 3:45; 4:171; 5:17, 72, 75
Prophet or a Messenger from God: Sura: 3:49; 6:85; 19:30; 57:27
Raised the dead and healed the sick: Sura: 3:49; 5:110
Pure, sinless: Sura: 19:19
Wednesday 15 August 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 27: Support for the work among Muslims
Since the beginning of the economic implosion of the past two years, many
missionaries - especially those in closed nations - lost support due to
churches retrieving their financial support from the field to sustain matters At
home. Apart from missionaries, Muslim ministries (those ministering to
Muslims) Around the world also need funding. Please pray earnestly for God
to touch the hearts of people everywhere to continue to give to the ministry to
people of other faiths, whether it is by going themselves, or through financial
contribution. Today, pray specifically for God’s provision for international
media ministries - through radio, Internet, video, literature, and satellite TV.
Traditional “hands on” mission efforts at a local level are still producing fruit
Around the world as well. In many Muslim contexts, believers have often
taken normal jobs in order to gain access into countries closed to the
proclamation of the gospel. Pray for those doing so, to have favour in the
community and to fill important roles in society through their jobs.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• 30 Days encourages Christians to give toward Muslim ministries. Pray for
increased giving toward Muslim ministries worldwide. Pray for the different
aspects of Muslim ministries mentioned in this article using the Scriptures
Remember to register for the Watchman’s School of Prayer from 1-5
October 2012 in Simon’s Town. Contact Liezel Fourie at 021 919 7988
from 09:00-13:00 on weekdays.
Prayer Network Conference 14-16 August 2012
The National Prayer Network Conference continues today. Pray for the still
presence of the Holy Spirit upon the hearts of all present. Pray and proclaim
John 17.
Jericho Walls International Prayer Network, Private bag X22, Lynnwood
Ridge, 0040. Tel.: 012 365 3213, fax: 086 594 0565, website: www.jwipn.com
or e-mail: info@jwipn.com
Thursday 16 August 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 28: The Izhār ul-Haqq
The Izhār ul-Haqq is a Muslim book that discourages and weakens the faith of
many Christians living in Muslim countries, especially those from a Muslim
background. The book ridicules the confidence that Christians place in the
Bible and directs Muslims away from the Bible by declaring the Bible to be
utterly corrupt, and presenting the Qur’an as being completely free from
defect. These arguments are, in turn, broadcasted by 24-hour satellite TV
channels to viewers all over Asia. Yet surprisingly, no book-length answer to
the full range of accusations in Izhār ul-Haqq has been written to encourage
Christians and challenge Muslims. There is a great need for an answer that is
respectful toward Muslims, and that responds to the questions Muslims ask
about the Bible, whilst being inclusive of the latest scholarly research on the
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Ask the Lord to raise up individuals with the right understanding, abilities,
gifts, and character to be effective in this ministry of answering Muslim
accusations against the Bible. Intellectual acumen, or the ability to debate, will
not suffice for the difficult Izhār ul-Haqq project. Pray for Christians to equip
themselves in this respect so as to be able to witness effectively to Muslims
and answer their questions. Pray for Muslim background believers not to start
doubting, and for the Holy Spirit to show them the truth.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Peace of God. Lord, because
You are near we will not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by
prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present our requests to You. And may
the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard our hearts and
our minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:5-7).
Prayer Network Conference 14-16 August 2012
The National Prayer Network Conference ends today. Pray for a unique
openness, humility and willingness in the hearts of those who attended to do
what God has shown us in the last three days. Pray that the Holy Spirit will
overshadow each person and empower them to share the message of Jesus
Christ with fresh fervour.
Jericho Walls International Prayer Network, Private bag X22, Lynnwood
Ridge, 0040. Tel.: 012 365 3213, fax: 086 594 0565, website: www.jwipn.com
or e-mail: info@jwipn.com
17 August 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 29: The Rohingya People
The Rohingya are not recognised as citizens in any country. Most Rohingya
are located in Rakhine State, Myanmar (Burma). They are refugees located in
Bangladesh, Malaysia, China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Thailand. There
are roughly 111,000 refugees housed in nine camps along the Thai-Myanmar
border. An Arabic based font (Arabic plus some extra accents and characters)
is being used in Myanmar for publishing some written materials in the
Rohingya language and a Roman character based system is already in use
on the web. A significant number of Rohingya people who have lived in
Bangladesh as refugees have a preference for using the Bengali script. As a
consequence, it seems inevitable that the Scriptures will have to be in at least
three different alphabets.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Father, we cry out to You on behalf of the Rohingya people. Please
strengthen, encourage and empower those working on the translation of the
Bible. We pray your supernatural favour for them to complete, print, fund and
distribute Your Word in the formats necessary for the different groups. Open
the hearts of the Rohingya people to receive accept and adapt their lives to
follow Christ in every way.
Pray 52: Week 51 - Malaysia / Nigeria (17-23 Aug 2012)
Ask the Lord Jesus to reveal Himself to the government leaders of Malaysia
and Nigeria. Ask for them to be bold in their Christian witness so that many
will come to Christ, and that they will be able to stand against persecution.
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
18 August 2012
Ramadan prayer focus: 20 July - 18 August 2012
Day 30: Eid ud-Fitr
Around the world during the next three days Muslims will be feasting and
enjoying themselves at the end of Ramadan. This holiday, the Eid ud-Fitr, is
also a significant moment for major religious gatherings. Tens of thousands of
Muslims will gather at places like the Agra mosque facing the Taj Mahal in
India. In neighbouring Pakistan, thousands more will gather at the Faisal
mosque in Islamabad and in the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore. However, the
largest and most impressive gathering is in Mecca itself, where over two
million pilgrims can pray at one time at the Haram Mosque during the annual
pilgrimage which occurs about 70 days after Ramadan.
www.30-days.net or ron@30-days.net
• Lord we cry out to You for those who are not yet in Your Kingdom. We lift up
people in every place where Eid ud-Fitr will be celebrated. Please continue to
show Yourself to those who are looking to know God. Let them come to know
You, the real living God.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Perfection. Our prayer is for your
perfection to be made visible in the believers. (2 Corinthians 13:9). We will
continue to pray until Christ is formed in all believers. (Galatians 4:19).
19 August 2012
Personal revival focus: Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
There is one more reason for constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
prayer, and it is a mighty one: BECAUSE OF WHAT PRAYER
ACCOMPLISHES. Much has already really been said, but there is much also
that should be added (a) Prayer promotes our spiritual growth as almost
nothing else, indeed as nothing else but Bible study; and true prayer and true
Bible study go hand in hand. It is through prayer that my sin is brought to light,
my most hidden sin.
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Father God, search me, o God, and know my heart; try me, and know my
thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me. (Psalm 139:23-24). Shine
Your light into the innermost parts of my heart and show me those sins I never
suspected. Wash me from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.
(Psalm 51:2). Open my eyes to behold wondrous things out of Your Word
(Psalm 119:18), and give me wisdom to know Your way (James 1:5), and
strength to walk in it.
20 August 2012
South African children: Stunted and obese
A staggering 35% of high school girls in South Africa are found to be
overweight or obese, putting South Africa on par with the United States. On
the flipside, one in every five South African children under nine is stunted due
to malnutrition. Stunted children often become obese as they develop, but the
common factor is a vitamin and mineral deficiency in their diets. Please pray
for parents to realize the impact of these facts on the health of their children.
Ask for Christians to take up the responsibility to educate both children and
parents on these matters.
Fact a Day, www.eighty20.co.za or info@eighty20.co.za and
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Pleasing God. Father, You have
commanded in Your Word that we must not grieve the Holy Spirit. Yet, we
confess that we have grieved Your Holy Spirit because of our sin and
unwillingness to deal it. We plead that You would grant revival so that we
would deal with our sin as never before in our relationship with You. Do this
so that Your Holy Spirit will no longer be grieved. Do this so that Your Holy
Spirit will be pleased to release His power into our midst. (Ephesians 4:30).
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will
stand in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012
365 3213.
21 August 2012
Billy Graham on marriage: Maintaining romance
Maintaining romance is essential to the health of a marriage. Keep it pure. Do
not be intrigued or become involved in worldly suggestions with regard to your
physical relationship. Be extremely cautious when partaking in Facebook
conversations. Lately, many extramarital affairs have been triggered by
conversations on Facebook. There is no place for selfish desire or selfsatisfaction, should your desire be to imitate the relationship of Christ and His
bride! Instead, spend time together as a couple, praying together about your
sexual relationship when you experience problems in this area. Ask the Lord
to keep you one in the bond of His love and creative purposes for your
China’s One Child Policy
China has proclaimed that it will continue its one child policy - which limits
couples to one child- for the duration of the five year 2006-2010 planning
period. Although designated a “temporary measure,” it still continues a
quarter-century after its establishment. Fines, pressures to abort a pregnancy,
and even forced sterilization accompany second or subsequent pregnancies.
This policy has created disdain for female infants: abortion, neglect,
abandonment, and even infanticide are known to occur to female infants. Cry
out to the Lord for this situation. Ask for His grace and forgiveness for the
bloodshed, pain, and destruction of life.
Wednesday 22 August 2012
Global Year of United Prayer for Mozambique (GYUPM)
GYUPM, 2012 is a leap year with 366 days of humbling ourselves, in
repentance with fasting and prayer to God to heal and bless Mozambique
based on 2 Chronicles 7:14. Join this initiative in asking for the knowledge of
the glory of God to cover Mozambique and pour out revival. Pray for many
people to turn to Christ, for God to forgive their sin, and to heal the land from
iniquity. Continue to pray for more missionaries to go to this nation.
Individuals and local churches can select a day in the week to fast and pray at
www.prayformozambique.com or towardsrevivalinmozambique@gmail.com
Establishing 24-7 Houses of Prayer
Pray, by name, for God’s favour to firmly establish the following growing
prayer watches: Elardus Park, Collage Congregation (Gill Harrison,
073 832 6367, gill@culturecom.co.za), and Compassion & Mercy Ministries,
(Katrina Rossouw, 072 936 4595). Pray for unity among Christians and for
them to pray together on a regular basis. Pray that lack of trust between
Christians will diminish and that there will be, instead, an increasing need to
pray together.
Remember to register for the Watchman’s School of Prayer from 1-5
October 2012 in Simon’s Town. Contact Liezel Fourie at 021 919 7988
from 09:00-13:00 on weekdays.
23 August 2012
Kingdom Come 2012 Year of Prayer for South Africa by Alpha
Alpha South Africa invites churches to take one week of prayer during 2012 in
a year of prayer for South Africa. The simplest way to run a week of prayer is
to create a prayer room in your church and allow access to your church
members during that week. Get church members to fill in prayer slots during
the selected week and use the prayer resources from the website below to
assist with setting up your prayer room and to access resources that guide
you on how to pray for extended periods. Pray for many churches to partake
in this initiative to cry out to God on behalf of our nation.
Book your week of prayer or find out more by at
www.alphasa.co.za/weeks.php or prayer@alphasa.co.za or 084 661 0548.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Powerful intervention. Lord, I
plead for the Holy Spirit to work powerfully among the believers of the church
in South Africa. (John 16:7).
24 August 2012
National Institute for the Deaf (NID)
The National Institute for the Deaf (NID) in Worcester helps, assists and
teaches many people born deaf or with hearing problems to live a normal life.
Today, please lift up in prayer everyone working at this institute. Ask God to
touch each individual’s life. Also pray for deaf people and those with hearing
deficiencies, to have opportunities to come to know Christ and live lives that
glorify God.
Ds. Andri Eloff, leraar@nid.org.za and 023 342 8590, or skriba@nid.org.za or
023 342 5555.
Pray 52: Week 52 - Indonesia / Cote d’Ivoire (24-31 Aug 2012)
Pray for the salvation of individuals in Indonesia and Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory
Coast). Ask our Father, through His Holy Spirit, to reveal the gospel of the
Lord Jesus Christ to individuals in dreams, visions, and meetings. Pray also
for indigenous believers to become missionaries in their own nations.
Information also available in Arabic, French and Farsi. For detailed prayer
information on these countries, visit www.operationworld.org or contact
25 August 2012
National 4/14 Summit for Southern Africa
A National 4/14 Summit for Southern Africa will take place in September this
year in the Western Cape. The purpose is to help adults realize the greatly
untapped potential that God has placed inside children, and also to realize
that we have a mandate to help the children to become valued agents in the
Kingdom of God. Please pray for those attending this conference, for safety,
to be open, to hear the Lord’s voice, to be equipped and inspired, and to
return with a great zeal for the plight of Christ in the lives of children.
Children’s Prayer Network SA, Gerhard Botha, www.cpnsa.co.za or
pray@mweb.co.za or thea@obiekwa.co.za or 083 537 9770.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Powerful. First, be filled with the
Holy Spirit so that you have the power of God within you. Secondly, pray
according to God’s Word. When you pray for the church use Jesus’ model for
prayer found in John 17.
26 August 2012
Personal revival focus: Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
There is one more reason for constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
prayer, and it is a mighty one: BECAUSE OF WHAT PRAYER
ACCOMPLISHES (b) Prayer brings power into our work. A woman with a little
boy who was perfectly incorrigible, once came to me in desperation and said:
“What shall I do with him?” I asked, “Have you ever tried prayer?” She said
that she had prayed for him. I asked if she had made his conversion and his
character a matter of definite, expectant prayer. She replied that she had not
been definite in the matter. She began that day, and at once there was a
marked change in the child, and he grew up into Christian manhood. How
many a Sunday school teacher has taught for months and years, and seen no
real fruit from his labours, and then has learned the secret of intercession, and
by earnest pleading with God, has seen his scholars brought one by one to
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Father of glory, teach me to pray for souls to meet Your Son Jesus Christ.
27 August 2012
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Prayer and fasting. Father, create
within the believers of the church in South Africa a spirit of prayer and fasting.
(Colossians 4:2).
One Day in the Gap: Remember to register a specific day when you will
stand in the gap for the nation of South Africa at pray@jwipn.com or tel.: 012
365 3213.
World Water Week 26-31 August 2012
The annual global meeting for World Water Week with the theme Water and
Global Food Security takes place this week in Stockholm. Please pray for
wisdom in the hearts of Christian representatives as they discuss matters of
capacity-building, partnership-building and follow-up on the implementation of
international processes and programmes in water and development. Ask the
Lord to raise up many more Christians to be involved with matters concerning
water availability, purity and distribution across the world.
28 August 2012
Focus on prayer mobilization: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Please pray today for the different projects of Jericho Walls International
Prayer Network across the country. Pray that more individuals and groups will
join, start praying together, and subscribe to the printed booklet and the
weekly Global Prayer Alert to keep up to date with regular prayer-related
news and events. Pray for God to raise up more prayer co-ordinators across
the country to encourage others in their towns and cities to become more
involved in prayer.
Jericho Walls International Prayer Network, Private bag X22, Lynnwood
Ridge, 0040. Tel.: 012 365 3213, fax: 086 594 0565, website: www.jwipn.com
or e-mail: info@jwipn.com
Wednesday 29 August 2012
Establishing 24-7 Houses of Prayer
Pray, by name, for God’s favour to firmly establish the following growing
prayer watches: Somerset West, Coronation Avenue Methodist Church (John
Duxbury, 083 632 9990, jeduxbury@gmail.com) and Welkom, Dagbreek
Congregation (Susan Saaiman, 057 916 7428, Susan.saaiman@gmail.com).
Pray for believers to be bold in spending time in prayer everywhere: in the
workplace, at home, at church, when they are with friends etc. Ask that as
they pray for the needs of others and that many will testify to God answering
their prayers and so lead a great number to Christ.
Thursday 30 August 2012
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Preaching. Pray that God’s Word
be preached continually in the church without compromise.
Remember to register for the Watchman’s School of Prayer from 1-5
October 2012 in Simon’s Town. Contact Liezel Fourie at 021 919 7988
from 09:00-13:00 on weekdays.
31 August 2012
BADISA: ‘Die Herberg’ Children’s Home
Pray for ‘Die Herberg’ Children’s Home in Robertson, housing 122 children in
need ranging from new-borns to 18 years of age. Of the 122 children, about
30 have no place to go. Please pray that people would take these children
over the weekends and holidays, and that none will remain at the home. Pray
for them to meet Jesus, and to give their lives to Him whole-heartedly.
Contact Petro www.herberg.co.za and 023 626 3140 or 084 586 2583.
Righteous Reign 365
The Pretoria Prayer Force calls upon the believers in Pretoria Tshwane,
South Africa to take up the divine call of praying for the government and
authorities. Join them and other Christians in Tshwane / Pretoria to raise up
teams (consisting of a minimum of 2 believers) that will commit to pray at the
Union Buildings and thereby establishing daily prayer covering for the
government in 2012. Consider inviting Christians in your congregation,
community, prayer group, and cell group or friendship circle to commit to this
prayer task for one, two or more days of 2012.
www.upfsa.co.za/righteousreign.html or ptapray@mweb.co.za or
083 559 5486.
ONE DAY IN THE GAP: Extended till end 2012
By now each of the 366 days of 2012 have already been booked where
churches and/or groups committed themselves to pray for the full 24 hours for
one day. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! Last year (1 September - 31
December 2011) we had 249 congregations or groups that prayed for South
Africa as part of the One Day initiative with 104 days covered in prayer.
Many more groups or congregations we do not know of are praying and we
would like to also give through to them some prayer information and
encouragement. Please encourage your church or prayer group to take part in
One Day 2012, to stand in the gap for South Africa.
What is our prayer focus?
A definite spiritual revival in the church.
God’s power in the church through the working of the Holy Spirit.
The need and pain in our country and the poor and needy, and for the millions
of unsaved people.
A simple prayer strategy
To have a year of non-stop prayer for our nation.
Uniting local churches and Christian organizations to pray for the nation.
Encouraging local churches to take at least one full day, (a full 24 hours), from
1st January - 31st December 2012 to pray.
One Day
We encourage congregations, schools, prayer groups, Bible study groups,
etc. to take one day to pray for 24 hours (or as many hours as is possible on
that day). We call on Christians in the market place to have weekly of even biweekly prayer meetings at their places of work. Some churches may wish to
take 3 or 7 days, for example, others one day in every quarter - it is for each
church to decide how they can best do it.
Register a specific day when you will stand in the gap for the nation at
pray@jwipn.com or 012 365 3213.
1 September 2012
Orientation course for missionaries
The Bureau Training Intercultural Workers (TIW) at the Huguenot College now
presents an Orientation course for proposed missionaries abroad. Short- or
long-term missionaries who plan to minister abroad are invited to enrol for a
short orientation course. Please pray for the courses presented by the
Huguenot College, and that many of those who join will continue in missions
after completing the course. Ask for every individual to have a personal
encounter with the Lord Jesus concerning His purposes for their lives.
Ryk van Velden, tiw@hugenote.com and 021 873 0025 or 082 857 4368.
Focus on African independent churches: Zion Christian Church (ZCC)
The Zion Christian Church is the largest and fastest growing of the African
independent churches. Zionist beliefs emphasize the healing power of
religious faith, sometimes leading to clashes with traditional healers, or
sangomas. Despite this, the ZCC respects traditional African religious beliefs,
especially those concerning the power of the ancestors to intercede on behalf
of humans. From 7-9 September the ZCC will have an important church
conference at Moria (outside Polokwane). Please lift up in prayer the ZCC
leaders attending this meeting before the throne of grace. Ask God to
intervene in their meetings, and to reveal to them the only true Mediator, the
Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who died and rose again and lives
forevermore. Pray for lies to be replaced by Biblical truths, and for a sincere
hunger for salvation and peace, and for knowledge and understanding that
Jesus is the only Way, the Truth and the Life.
ONE THOUGHT PRAYER FOR ONE DAY: Proclaim. Father, we pray
together with all the saints for our deliverance from unbelievers and that the
Word that we proclaim would be acceptable to all who hear it.
(Romans 15:30-32).
2 September 2012
Personal revival focus: Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
There is one more reason for constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming
prayer, and it is a mighty one: BECAUSE OF WHAT PRAYER
ACCOMPLISHES. (c) Prayer avails for the conversion of others. There are
few converted in this world unless in connection with someone’s prayers. How
utterly a mother’s efforts and entreaties failed with her son, but her prayers
prevailed with God, and the dissolute youth became St. Augustine, the mighty
man of God!
Taken and adapted from How to pray by A.W. Tozer.
• Father, teach me how to prevail in prayer with You, regardless of whether I
see visible breakthroughs or not.