Content Area English I Target Course/Grade level 9 Unit Title Drama Unit 4 Essential Questions Are we governed by fate or free will? Unit Overview Students read Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker to compare and contrast the ways in which the plays treat the related theme of “fate versus free will.” This unit will confirm students’ shared understanding of the elements of drama, preparing them for the study of other dramatic works throughout high school. Standards/ CPI’s Unit Learning Targets As a result of this segment of learning, students will… Lessons and Activities The learning experiences that will facilitate engagement and achievement Evidence of Learning Formative and Summative measures Resources Books, articles, text, etc. North Arlington Public Schools Content Area English I Target Course/Grade level 9 Unit Title Drama Unit 4 Essential Questions Are we governed by fate or free will? Unit Overview Students read Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker to compare and contrast the ways in which the plays treat the related theme of “fate versus free will.” This unit will confirm students’ shared understanding of the elements of drama, preparing them for the study of other dramatic works throughout high school. RL.9-10.3: Analyze how complex characters (e.g., Objectives those with multiple or conflicting motivations) plot or develop the theme. the playwright uses to advance them. RL.9-10.5: Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and manipulate time RL.9-10.9: Analyze how an author draws on and Plays Write an essay that compares and contrasts aspects of tragic illumination in the tragedies of Romeo and Juliet and The Miracle Worker. State thesis clearly and include at least three pieces of evidence to support the thesis. (RL.9-10.2, RL.9-10.3, W.9-10.2) minor characters and explain how Write an essay in which you discuss the extent to which one of the characterization advances the plot or dramas studied adheres to Aristotle’s definition of tragedy. State theme. thesis clearly and include at least three pieces of evidence to Understand definitions of comedy support the thesis. (RL.9-10.2, RL.9-10.3, W.9-10.2) and tragedy and explain how the Speech Select a one-minute passage from one play and recite it from memory. Include an introduction that states: Analyze the playwright’s use of irony. Suggested Literary Texts Essay term “tragedy.” create such effects as mystery, Suggested assessments Trace the development of major and other works studied exemplify the (e.g., pacing, flashbacks) tension, or surprise. Explain the structure of the plot(s) and describe the dramatic techniques text, interact with other Essay Identify and explain the elements of drama in general develop over the course of a characters, and advance the Suggested Activities o Identify the poetic devices used in Graded class participation Graded class discussion Peer and teacher critique of expository journals Group and individual research projects Benchmarks Tests Announced and unannounced quizzes Peer editing 4 short analyses 1 narrative writing Suggested assessments Summative assessments What the excerpt is (i.e., cite play and place the passage in based on readings and notes. context). (RL.9-10.1, SL.9-10.1) a specific work (e.g., how effect. How the passage exemplifies one of the play’s themes. (RL.9- Teacher made assessments 10.2, SL.9-10.4, 6) based on readings and notes. Excerpt on Tale of Doomed Lovers Pulls Romantic to Verona (1996) Excerpt on Sign Language: The Game Within the Game of Baseball by Tim Kurkjian (1997) From The Story of My Life by Suggested Art, Music, and Media Pablo Picasso, Portrait of a Man RL.9-10.4, SL.9-10.1) multi-media presentations (1523) (RL9-10) Sir Frank Dicksee, The Ball Scene RI.9-10.1: Cite strong and text. Informational Text Teacher made projects and How does free will play a part in Romeo and Juliet's destiny? The a play by Shakespeare). inferences drawn from the Suggested Informational Texts seminar question may also be used as an essay topic. (RL.9-10.1, or how a later author draws on text says explicitly as well as Gibson) Prompt: What similarities exist between how playwrights and painters depict tragedy? Seminar Question support analysis of what the The Miracle Worker (William (RL.9-10.1, SL.9-10.1) topic from Ovid or the Bible thorough textual evidence to Shakespeare) Helen Keller (1902) Romeo and Juliet and explain their Why the passage is significant. transforms source material in Shakespeare treats a theme or Romeo and Juliet (William Oral Presentation Compare the rendering of Carravagio’s The Death of the Virgin to Act V, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. How do the artist and the playwright create dramatic effects? Describe and explain the from Romeo and Juliet (1882) Teacher made analytical, Artemesia Gentileschi, Judith and persuasive and expository Her Maidservant with the Head of writing(RL.9-10.1, RL.9- Holofernes (1625) North Arlington Public Schools Content Area English I Target Course/Grade level 9 Unit Title Drama Unit 4 Essential Questions Are we governed by fate or free will? Unit Overview Students read Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker to compare and contrast the ways in which the plays treat the related theme of “fate versus free will.” This unit will confirm students’ shared understanding of the elements of drama, preparing them for the study of other dramatic works throughout high school. W.9-10.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, significance of at least three examples. (RL.9-10.7) 10.9, W.9-10.2, SL.9-10.1) Sarah Gibson Kate and Keller’s Illumination (1968) Compare the rendering of Sea Piece by Moonlight by Caspar David Friedrich (oil on canvas) 25x35cm at the Museum der Benchmark exams(RL.9- Film adaptation of Romeo and bildenden Kunste, Leipzig, Germany to Act II scene iii of The 10.1, SL.9-10.1) Juliet Film adaptation of The Miracle Worker Miracle Worker. How does the absence of light and the breaking dawn mirror Helen’s experience. organization, and analysis of content. SL.9-10.1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9– 10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. L.9-10.6: Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to North Arlington Public Schools Content Area English I Target Course/Grade level 9 Unit Title Drama Unit 4 Essential Questions Are we governed by fate or free will? Unit Overview Students read Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker to compare and contrast the ways in which the plays treat the related theme of “fate versus free will.” This unit will confirm students’ shared understanding of the elements of drama, preparing them for the study of other dramatic works throughout high school. comprehension or expression North Arlington Public Schools