File - Team Haughton!

Period #:_____
Document Based Question
Unit 2: The Road to the American Revolution
What restrictions did Great Britain place on the 13 Colonies after the French & Indian War?
What specific events brought the colonies and Great Britain closer to war?
Using your knowledge of American History, plus the documents in this packet, you will write an essay in which
Answer all parts of the TASK
Use at LEAST FOUR of the documents
Use relevant outside information (information from your brain!)
Support your writing with specific examples and details
This is our first DBQ so our essay will be only one paragraph for each essay.
Historical Context
The French and Indian War left Great Britain with a large debt. After a long period of salutary neglect, Great
Britain began to place restrictions on the colonies and enforce laws made by King George III and Parliament.
Though the colonists and Great Britain tried to resolve their differences peacefully, tensions increased. This
eventually resulted in the American Revolution.
Read each document carefully and answer the questions. Then use those sources and your knowledge of social
studies to write the following essays:
1. What restrictions did Great Britain place on the 13 Colonies after the French & Indian War?
2. What specific events brought the colonies and Great Britain closer to war?
Essay Checklist
I have completed and understand all of the documents
My essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion
I have used at least four of the documents in my response
I have also used my outside knowledge
I have used appropriate grammar and spelling throughout my essay
Document 1
1. How are the British soldiers seen in this picture of the Boston Massacre?
2. Describe Paul Revere’s use of propaganda (information, especially. of a biased or misleading nature,
used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view) in this picture of the Boston
Document 2
1. Which city is represented by the people in the cage? _________________________________________
2. This political cartoon shows a set of rules set by the British. These rules were one of the causes of the
American Revolution. Which cause is represented in the cartoon?
Document 3
1. In what way did the Proclamation Act of 1763 impact the settlement of American colonists?
2. What purpose did the Proclamation Act of 1763 serve in the colonies?
Document 4
Quartering Act (1765, 1774)
His majesty hereby requires the people to house and quarter the officers and soldiers in barracks provided by the
colonies; and if there shall not be sufficient (enough) room in these barracks, then in such a case the soldiers must be
quartered in the homes of the people of the colony. They are also required to do the following:
• Provide food for troops
• Provide beer and wine for troops
• Provide bedding, utensils, candles, and firewood
1. According to the above document about the Quartering Act, what were the colonists required to provide
for the soldiers?
2. Why did the British government feel it was necessary to pass the Quartering Act?
3. How did colonists feel about this act?
Document 5
1. What do the parts of the snake represent? __________________________________________________
2. Explain what “Join, or die” means.
Document 6
The Stamp Act
required tax
stamps (right) to
be placed on
newspapers and
1. What items were taxed under the Stamp Act?
2. What actions did the colonists take in response to the Stamp Act?
Document 7
1. Why did the colonists feel it was appropriate and necessary to boycott British Tea?
2. Why did the colonists dress like Native Americans during the Boston Tea Party?
Essay 1
Thesis/Topic Sentence
After the French and Indian War, Great Britain…
Restriction 1
One major restriction that Great Britain placed on the colonists was...
Description (explain
about the restriction,
include which document
you got information from,
and add it your own
outside information too!)
Restriction 2
Description (explain
about the restriction,
include which document
you got information from,
and add it your own
outside information too!)
Restriction 3
Description (explain
about the restriction,
include which document
you got information from,
and add it your own
outside information too!)
Closing Sentence (rewrite
your thesis statement in a
different way)
Essay 2 (Include at least 3 events!)
Thesis/Topic Sentence
Specific events such as … brought Great Britain and the American colonists closer
to war.
Event 1
One major event that led to war was…
Description (explain the
event, include which
document you got
information from, and
add it your own outside
information too!)
Event 2
Description (explain the
event, include which
document you got
information from, and
add it your own outside
information too!)
Event 3
Description (explain the
event, include which
document you got
information from, and
add it your own outside
information too!)
Closing Sentence (rewrite
your thesis statement in a
different way)