Cultural Description Essay You are to write a short (1-2 pages) essay describing a non-western culture from around the world. Your job is to describe the following aspects of this culture.* Economic System Political System Religion Marriage Patterns Family Patterns Norms, Mores, Folkways Kinship Patterns Examples of Culture Change The essay must contain 5 of these aspects. If you cannot find information on parts of these then it is your job to speculate the system you believe they practice based on the information you have. I have provided you with a list for a starting point, but feel free to work outside this list. Also, be sure to exclude your opinions of these cultures and avoid ethnocentric rhetoric! Good ideas: Non-Western "3rd world countries" Bedouin Ju/'hoansi Yanomamo Bushman Eskimo Iniut Many others. If you are in need of a good starting place check out the list: Bad Ideas: (I will not accept these) America Chinese Russia European cultures Modern "Westernized" World countries 30 points Content: 15 points (3 aspects from list, 5 points each) Effort: 5 points (Worked in class) Format and Writing: 5 points (grammatically correct and met requirements) Sources: 5 points (proper format MLA, Chicago, etc; *Be sure to use in-text citations if you are quoting