Sylvia Jung Sally Park Sunyoung Park Slavery l 5- 10 minutes will be given to finish the questions below. If you want, you may quietly work with a partner next to you. Those who cannot finish the writing section in time, you can have the main ideas written or have coupe of sentences. Do not have only the main ideas in bullet form because you are lazy. After solving the questions, we will discuss the questions in a group. ~ Keep in mind that these questions can appear on the following test Ms. Jacob gives at the end of the unit. Fact Based Question- 10 Multiple Choice- Choose the following letter that best fits the question. 1. Who is the white outcast boy described in the novel? a. Jim b. Huck c. Sun Young d. Non of the above 2. What were the differences between urban and field slaves? a. Urban slaves had worked from sunrise to sunset. Field slaves dressed better and had a greater opportunity for freedom. b. Urban slaves ate better, worked in better condition, and had a greater opportunity for freedom. Field slaves were likely to be sold and worked form sunrise until the sun set. c. Urban slaves ate better and worked until sunset. Field slaves had less privacy but then did not work as much as the urban slaves. d. Urban and field slaves were both treaty equally. 3. Which is not a treatment of slaves during Adventure of Huckleberry Finn? a. Constant fear and angst of uncertainties and abuse b. Distinct attitudes and classes structures based on color of skin c. They were not allowed to walk in front of buildings where whites were. d. Increasing discrimination form restrictive laws and reinforcement of teaching by family and community True or False 4. Jervis Langdon was Mark Twain’s brother. False, Langdon was Mark Twain’s father in law. 5. Judges refuse to ban, and school district has responsibility to take care of everything. True, Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is allowed for students to read during their English class. Sylvia Jung Sally Park Sunyoung Park Short Answer- answer the following questions in two~ three sentences. 6. Why did whites sell black slaves in the novel Adventure of Huckleberry Finn? The novel takes place during the Civil War, 1961~ 1965. Therefore the whites sold blacks for slaves because they are hard workers and stronger than any other races. 7. Why was publishing the novel a big issue? What caused some of the schools to ban the reading? The novel uses language, “nigger” that is inappropriate for students. The novel had strong voices towards African Americans. The African Americans did not feel comfortable through such novel. 8. What types of slavery were used during Huck Finn? Name at least 4 from the power point. Tobacco and sugar Household slaves (women) Livestock (women) Coachmen (men) Waiting men (men) Gardeners (men) Short Essay- answer the following questions in a paragraph and support your answers by using quotes. 9. How did Mark Twain view slavery? Use quotes to support your answers. -Twain was aware of race and racism. -Jim: The Slave Becomes Free Man In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Jim is Miss Watson's nigger (slave). He is a superstitious man, who escapes from Miss Walton. In the epic journey of Jim with Huckleberry Finn down the Mississippi River, Mark Twain portrays Jim as a deeply caring and loyal friend. Jim becomes a father figure to Huck, opening the boy's eyes to the human face of slavery. “When I waked up just at daybreak he was sitting ... He was a mighty good nigger, Jim was” (Chapter 23). Later on, Huck is able to see Jim as a human not a worthless salve. 10. What are some of the struggles Jim goes through? Why does he go through them? Since Jim is a slave, he goes through several events. Jim believes that he is rich because he is worth 800 dollars. However, from the reader’s point of view, it is sad because “she didn’t want to, but she cout cit eight hund’d dollars for me…” (Chapter 8). For money, Mrs. Walton wanted to sell Jim, but then being able to understand what Ms. Walton had in plan he runs away. Also, due to the fact that Jim is a “nigger” Huck, his “friend” enjoys playing jokes on him. He may be gullible but then he is a smart slave. He has a fast eyeknowledge; therefore he knows what is going on. For an example, Huck tricks Jim on the boat. However, Jim is disappointed because he thought Huck was his friend. Opinion Based Questions- 5 Paragraph writing- answer the following questions in a paragraph and try to support Sylvia Jung Sally Park Sunyoung Park your answers by using quotes. 1. Why do you think reading the Adventure of Huckleberry Fin is difficult to read? What can we learn from it? I would say that Huck Finn is somewhat difficult to read. The most difficulty among the novel is the strong southern slang used through out the book. To figure out what is happening and what the dialoged is, I have to stop and look online. When I am not sure about the events occurring, I have to go to online sources such as Sparknotes to see what is happening. According to my English teacher, it is the hardest novel that the juniors will be reading. However, from this novel I was able to learn the attitude of the southerners towards slavery and what they went through. Unlike reading a history textbook, I was able to interfere with the reading. 2. What is the symbolism of Jim? Jim symbolizes the all the slaves in South America during the period of the Civil War. Through Jim, the audience is able to notice the attitude of the whites towards slaves and how the slaves would have felt. Also, we are able to notice the southern attitude from the Americans. 3. Do you think Huck is a white or African American based on how he acts? At first, I was confused whether Huck was Black or not. First, when Pap argued to Huck about his education, Pap did not like the idea since he or his family members were educated. If a person is not to be educated, they are mostly slaves. Pap also did not want Huck to be in a better social position then where he is. Also, at the end of the novel, the Widow is planning to adopt Huck. Mostly, it is the African Americans who are adopted. If Huck were an American, why would the Widow want to adopt him? Did whites frequently adopt kids during this era? To me, Huck’s racist is unclear. 4. In your opinion, do you think that it was moral for Twain to indirectly express his ideas on slavery or was it just immoral, for he negatively affected the African Americans by insulting them? In my opinion, I think it was moral for Twain to indirectly express his idea on slavery. This is why the book is so special. Since the author expresses his feelings towards slaver in an indirect way, this creates the novel to be strong. If it were not an indirect expression, the novel would not have the value it has now. Creating a novel that has symbolism and ideas of the theme in an indirect way would create novels more attracting, for students to read. 5. What would your discussion be if you were the judge of the court case of Adventure of Huckleberry Finn? If I were the judge, I would have not banned the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn. The novel is a great book to read while studying U.S. History. Huck Finn is a novel based on racism and slavery. This fits with the subject Civil War that was taught to use during U.S. History. The audience is able to read a novel of how slaves were treated during the late 19th century. Honestly, there is nothing wrong about the book. If the novel uses inappropriate language, such as “nigger”, then it is the reader’s decision whether he or she wants to finish the novel. Sylvia Jung Sally Park Sunyoung Park Quote Analysis- 5 Analysis the given quotes. 1. “Well, if I ever struck anything like it, I’m a nigger. It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race.” (Chapter 24) This is a quote that Huck states further on the novel. The readers can view that Huck states this because he believes that he is different from the others. If Huck behaves in an inappropriate way, he states that you are a “nigger,” portraying that slaves are always bad. 2. “It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up ... to go and humble myself to a nigger; but I done it, and I warn't ever sorry for it afterwards, neither. I didn't do him no more mean tricks, and I wouldn't done that one if I'd a knowed it would make him feel that way.” (Chapter 15) Though Huck lives in a slavery environment, he still recognizes the vale of Jim’s human qualities. However, it takes Huck a long period of time. Huck would play jokes on Jim because he was a slave. From this quote, the audiences notice that Huck’s mind is open. At first, Huck did not take Jim seriously since he was a “nigger” However, from Jim referring Huck, as a “friend” Huck feels sorry and guilty. Huck becomes responsible for his act and treats Jim as a human, not a slave. 3. “When I waked up just at daybreak he was sitting ... He was a mighty good nigger, Jim was.” (Chapter 23) Huck is editing his opinion and rejects the values of racism in his culture. Huck thinks of himself. To Huck it is natural for a family to not have love for their families; like the slaves. However, Huck figures out that it is wrong after watching Jim’s behavior. The audiences can know that Huck does not have a lot of interactions between blacks. Huck believes that it Jim is unique among other African-Americans. 4. “‘Oh, yes, this is a wonderful govment, wonderful. Why, looky ... here. There was a free nigger there from Ohio There, now – that's a specimen. They call that a govment that can't sell a free nigger till he's been in the State six months. Here's a govment that calls itself a govment, and lets on to be a govment, and thinks it is a govment, and yet's got to set stock-still for six whole months before it can take a hold of a prowling, thieving, infernal, white-shirted free nigger, and –’” (Chapter 6). From this short speech by Pap, it shows that he’s a racist who treats AfricanAmericans as if they are not all humans. Pap talks about the man from Ohio in an interesting way. However, the only problem is that Pap is racist. 5. “‘Because Mary Jane 'll be in mourning from this out; ... and first you know the nigger that does up the rooms will get an order to box these duds up and put 'em away; and do you reckon a nigger can run across money and not borrow some of it? ’” (Chapter 26). African Americas have certain qualities and limits. Southerners believed that slaves were always bad, for an example they had the mind that blacks would steal money. Majority of the blames would go to the African Americans.