Teacher resource pack (Word)


Mars Probe

The Phoenix space probe has landed safely on Mars.

Its mission is to explore the polar ice caps to see if life could be supported.

Focus Questions


What is the name of the space probe that has been sent to Mars?


What is its mission?


Why were NASA scientists nervous about the probe travelling to Mars?


Why is stopping the space probe a problem?


What are the `seven minutes of terror’?


Describe the images of Mars sent back by the probe?


What research is phoenix doing on Mars and how is it being done?’


Why do you think NASA scientists believe this is important research?


Why is Phoenix unlikely to return to Earth?


NASA has spent millions of dollars to get the space probe to land on Mars successfully. Do you think this is money well spent? Explain your answer

Exploring the red planet

Students will be developing some key questions about the planet Mars. Ask students complete the following chart as they go through the inquiry process. This can be done individually, as a group or a whole class.

What do I know? What do I want to know?

How will I find out?

What have I learnt?

In groups, ask students to come up with a range of questions around the topic.

Some possible areas for inquiry include:

Features of Mars

Facts about Mars

Myth and culture

Space missions


3 RD JUNE 2008

Learning Area

Society and


Key learning

Students will develop a greater understanding of

Mars and space missions to the planet

There are some useful websites at the end of this activity sheet to help students with their research.

© ABC 2008

Collect the questions from each group and display them. Discuss with students the criteria for selecting questions for inquiry. The internet will be a valuable resource for this inquiry but encourage students to use other resources.

Discuss with students what the choices are for presenting the information they have found. Encourage students to choose a format they may be unfamiliar with. Some possible end products include:



Oral presentation

Power Point presentation

Further investigations

Design a plant or animal life that might survive on Mars.

Create a comic strip about a space mission to Mars.

 Related Research Links

ABC News –NASA probe lands on Mars http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/mars/mars_orbit.html&edu=elem

ABC News – Canberra streams NASA photos of Mars http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/05/26/2256067.htm

ABC Science – Phoenix hunt for Mars life-support system http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2008/05/20/2250459.htm?site=science

Phoenix Mars lander http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/space_missions/mars/phoenix_mars_l ander/phoenix_mars_lander.html&edu=elem

The orbit of Mars http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/mars/mars_orbit.html&edu=elem

NASA – Mars fun zone http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/funzone_flash.html

NASA – Mars Exploration Program http://mpfwww.jpl.nasa.gov/

© ABC 2008

Space kids

Space exploration has come a long way since the

1950’s when animals were sent into space. These days space travel has become more common with some humans calling space home.

Focus Questions


Who was the first living creature to be sent into space?


Why do you think animals were sent into space?


What is the International Space Station?


How many countries have been involved in setting up the ISS?


What did students from a High School astronomy club learn about living in space?


What question would you ask if you had the opportunity?


What sort of work do the astronauts do on the space station?


What is the aim of the seed project?


Predict what you think will happen.


What other seed experiments do you think they could have conducted in space?

The pros and cons of space exploration

Students will investigate the benefits and costs to humans of space exploration and research. Based on their research, students will create a news report (radio, print, television or online) about space exploration. The focus of the article will depend on their research.

Ask students to complete the following chart as they go through the inquiry process.

What do I know? What do I want to know?

How will I find out?

What I have learnt?

Students brainstorm the topic to determine what they know about space exploration and what they would like to find out. Possible questions to brainstorm/discuss include:

Why explore space?

Is space travel too dangerous for humans?

Is too much money spent on space travel?

© ABC 2008



Learning Area

Science, English

Key learning

Students will explore and report on the benefits and costs to humanity of space exploration and research.

What are the benefits of space exploration?

Students then research the questions/issues generated from the brainstorming task. This will form the basis of their news report. The following websites will support students to write a news report. http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/presspack/newsroom/writeareport.shtml




What were the parts of the inquiry you found enjoyable, difficult and interesting?

Further investigations

Analyse a planet for feasibility of life. Present your findings in a creative way.

Debate the following statement: ‘Australia should be more involved in space exploration’.

Give a detailed explanation of the following: gravity, galaxy and black holes.

Illustrate an event in space history.

 Related Research Links

ABC Catalyst – Millennium Seed http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/2358723.htm

NASA – International Space Station http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html

ISS – Interactive guide http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/ISSRG/

Children’s BBC – International Space Station http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_1610000/newsid_1614400/1614431.


Children’s BBC – Guide to Space http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_1590000/newsid_1595900/1595962.


Space ThinkQuests http://www.thinkquest.org/library/cat_show.html?cat_id=169

Brainpop – Space animations http://www.brainpop.com/science/space/

© ABC 2008

Moon landing

July 20 marks the 40


anniversary of people first landing on the moon. It will be remembered as one of the most significant events in history.

Focus Questions


How many people watched the moon landing on television?


What do you think was meant by the statement `It’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’?


What did Russia do that sparked the race to conquer space?


How did the United States respond to this?


What promise did US President John F Kennedy make?


Why was going to the moon more complicated than going into orbit?


What role did Australia play in the mission?


Why is the US planning to send people back to the moon?


Do you think it is money well spent? Explain your answer.


Why do you think the moon landing will be remembered as one of the biggest achievements of all time?

Choose your own space adventure

Before watching the BtN story

Ask students to think about and record in a word or phrase, what they know about humans first landing on the moon. Place their responses on a concept map with moon landing at the centre.

Ask them to reconsider what they now know about the moon landing since watching the BtN story and add more words or phrases to the concept map. As students work through the investigations they can continue to add to the map.

Students will learn more about the moon landing and space exploration through the following activities. Negotiate with students how many activities they will need to complete.

Remember and understand

Create a timeline showing significant events in space exploration.

Encourage students to display their timelines around the classroom.

Research the following facts: The length of time it took for Apollo 11 to fly to the moon, the distances between the sun and each planet and the number of moons of each planet.


21 ST JULY 2009

Learning Area


Key learning


Students will deepen their understanding of the Apollo 11 mission and space exploration.

© ABC 2008

Create a facts sheet that compares the conditions for sustainable life on the earth with those on the moon. Consider factors such as temperature and gravity.

What is NASA? Investigate what NASA’s mission is and five important facts about the organisation.

What is the International Space Station? Create a labelled sketch of it and include the following information: Purpose of the ISS, travelling speed, orbits per day and who was involved in its construction. The following website tracks the ISS’s current location http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/tracking/

Apply and Analyse

Investigate the idea of space tourism. Create a travel brochure selling the idea of space travel to tourists.

What is space junk? Research what the potential hazards of space junk are and who should take responsibility for cleaning it up. Present your findings using information communication technologies.

What has Australia’s involvement in space exploration been? ABC Science has images and information to support research http://www.abc.net.au/science/moon/slideshow/ .

Should Australia be more involved in space exploration? Provide reasons for your position.

What was the `space race’? Research the facts and create an information report. The following website provides support for writing an information report http://wwwfp.education.tas.gov.au/english/targeting.htm#report

Evaluate and create

Create an artwork that reflects either the first moon landing, phases of the moon or the lunar landscape.

Interview someone who remembers the first moon landing. Ask them to share their memories. Why do they think it was such a significant event?

Present your interview findings to the class.

Hold a class debate about the issues surrounding the use of animals in the space program. Do you think it is fair to send animals into space when we know they may not make it back? Do the potential benefits to humans outweigh the risk to the animals?

How has space exploration changed since the 1960s? Create illustrations to show the changes.

© ABC 2008


What do you understand more clearly about the Apollo 11 mission and space exploration?

What things would you do the same and what might you do differently next time?

 Related Research Links

ABC Science – Moon landing 40 th anniversary http://www.abc.net.au/science/moon/

ABC Catalyst – Moon special http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/

ABC Behind the News – Space kids story http://www.abc.net.au/news/btn/story/s2371008.htm

ABC 730 Report – Buzz Aldrin joins The 730 Report http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2009/s2618443.htm

NASA – Apollo 40 years on http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/index.html

NASA – Space place for kids http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/en/kids/

We Choose the Moon – Interactive re-creation of the Apollo 11 mission (requires broadband) http://wechoosethemoon.org/

Time for Kids – Man on the Moon http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/teachers/wr/article/0,27972,1895387,00.html

© ABC 2008

Massive telescope

Focus Questions


Summarise the BtN story.


Before telescopes were invented, how did astronomers study the stars?


How are radio telescopes different to optical telescopes?


Draw a labelled diagram to show how a radio telescope works.


Fill in the missing words. The huge white dish is an ____________that collects______________.


What do radio telescopes help astronomers learn?


What is the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope?


If Australia is chosen as the site for the SKA telescope, what impact will it have on astronomy in Australia?


What are three facts that you learnt in the BtN story?


What was surprising about this story?

More about telescopes and astronomy

Students will learn more about telescopes and astronomy through the following activities. Negotiate with students how many activities they will need to complete.

Create a class display of students’ finished products and share with other classes.

Remember and understand

How have telescopes changed over time. Create illustrations to show the changes.

Research and write a biography to tell about the life and achievements of the famous astronomer, Galileo.

Find out more about the Hubble Space Telescope http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/hubble/story/the_story.html

Summarise the NASA article and present your summary to another student.

Apply and Analyse

Research the work of an astronomer. What are the personal and professional requirements for the job? Write a job description that reflects these.

2009 is International Year of Astronomy. Create a poster that raises awareness of Australia’s contributions, strengths and role in astronomy.



Learning Area


Key learning


Students will develop a deeper understanding of how telescopes work and

Australia’s role in astronomy.

© ABC 2008

South Africa and Australia have been shortlisted to host the Square

Kilometre Array. Research both sites to find out the suitability of each.

Complete a SWOT (strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, threats) analysis for each site. Consider factors such as location, area, experience/technology, cost and other issues that you think are relevant.

Evaluate and create

Create a Venn diagram (two overlapping circles) to show the similarities and differences between optical and radio telescopes. Students can swap their Venn diagram with another student and discuss the similarities and differences. The following website has more information about optical and radio telescopes. http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/wbkids/k_telescope.html

The Square Kilometre Array will cost the 19 countries involved in the project A$2.9 billion. Develop an argument for or against the following statement `Too much money is being spent on projects such as the

Square Kilometre Array. There are far more important problems like climate change or the water crisis to solve.’

Build a simple telescope. The following websites support students to make and use their own telescopes. http://www.ehow.com/how_5020345_make-use-telescopes.html


 Related Research Links

ABC Science – The future of radio astronomy http://www.abc.net.au/science/slab/sim/story.htm

The World Almanac for Kids – Radio telescopes http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/WAKI-ViewArticle.aspx?pin=wwwwak-

236&article_id=555&chapter_id=12&chapter_title=Science&article_title=Radio_A stronomy#fw..ra004200.a.c20.d20

Kids Astronomy http://www.kidsastronomy.com/

Square kilometre array – how radio astronomy works http://www.ska.ac.za/education/how_ra_works.php#c

Amazing Space - Telescopes from the ground up http://amazing-space.stsci.edu/resources/explorations/groundup/

© ABC 2008
