Former Pupils Association AGM Minutes 2015 Baines School Former Pupils Association Minutes of the 109th Annual General Meeting Held at St. Annes Old Links Golf Club on Saturday 7th March 2015 commencing at 5.15 pm Present: David Stead, President, David R Jesson, Secretary, Mike Baron, Treasurer, R J M McCowan Headteacher, and Messrs, Ardron, Croft, Denner, Hill, Johnstone, Miller, Palfreyman, Robins, Roscoe, Strachen, Swire, Thompson, Wilkinson Members stood in remembrance of Former Pupils who had died since the last meeting. R S B Brewer, Frederick Kershaw Dixon, Leonard Alfred Haworth. 1. Welcome: The President welcomed all those who had attended 2. Apologies for Absence: Apologies had been received from Messrs Bligh, Johnston, Mather, Parkinson, Spencer, R. Stead, and Tavaner 3. Minutes of the 108th Annual General Meeting: Copies of the minutes had been made available to all present, who accepted them as a true record of the meeting. Approved by Neil Palfreyman, seconded by Arnold Robins 4. Matters arising from the minutes Those present were informed that the £200.00 for the Nepal Trip had been donated, and that Geoff Denner had received a thank you letter from Mr Ross Raeburn organiser of the trip. 5. President’s Remarks: Welcome, everyone, to this the 109th Annual General Meeting of the Association. It seems such a short time since you did me the honour of inviting me to be President, and that time has gone both quickly but also, for me, very memorably. It will remain a year of which I have been proud to represent both the Association and the school which meant so much in formative years, and continues to exert a significant influence on both work and leisure activity. Shortly I will pass on the chain of office to Ian, with whom I shared many cricket matches in the Fylde League. We pass again on the field as he comes in to bat. He usually batted higher than me, but today I am batting at 108 and he is at 109. I am sure that the innings will continue and flourish. The year has seen the traditional events organised and executed in the expected impeccable style. We enjoyed the St George’s Day dinner at Singleton Lodge, and the speaker was well tolerated – I’m sorry, I’ll read that again – the speaker was, well, tolerated! Page 1 of 6 D:\106747763.doc Former Pupils Association AGM Minutes 2015 The Crown Green bowling at Pilling’s Golden Ball was a splendid evening thanks to Stan and the Golf Day at Knott End Golf Club, which was a first for me, was well supported and enjoyed by all – thank you Mike Both events were rounded off by a superb meal Still on the subject of nourishment, the Barbecue held at School was again a welcomed time of friendship – the cooks were up to their normal high standards and the desserts filled the tables of what, to me, looked suspiciously like the gymnasium – I am assured it is a dining room. They’ll tell you owt! The 10 pin bowling remains on the back burner, but has good prospects for the future. Because of other commitments, mostly working, I have not been able to attend any of the bimonthly Luncheon Clubs, and was out of the country at the time of the Christmas Lunch – but I did think of you. We must continue to support these events, which help to maintain the spirit of the Association, and I gather, perpetuate some of the legends of Baines I felt very privileged to represent the Baines at Kirkham and at Arnold – one was a tremendous high, the other a shade worrying. I noticed at Kirkham hanging on the wall of the school hall a very large and fearsome looking sword, cutlass, sabre – I have no idea which. The worrying bit was that we at Baines stopped short at detention as a deterrent. At Arnold, I was greeted and shook hands with a gentleman who I last saw at Bloomfield road – and after this season, wished he was still there. What a privilege to meet Jimmy Armfield So my year comes to its end – thank you for the honour of this last year. Thank you to all those who work so hard to maintain this association – hard work which is carried out quietly but very successfully – the Baines’ Way It is my pleasure now to welcome my friend, team mate and official sampler of the BBQ desserts to this office – I wish Ian a most enjoyable and successful year to come. Thank you 6. Correspondence: Correspondence had been received from Mike Hamer asking why we had not changed our name. I duly replied. Also a letter from Michael Sherrocks asking for contact by anyone who remembers him. The secretary said he would read his letter in full at the dinner 7. Financial Report Mike Baron presented the Audited accounts for the period ending 30th November 2013 The account therefore read as follows Income: 2012 2013 2014 Members Subscriptions 2751 2483 2310 Bank Interest 1 31 31 Surplus on Functions 57 16 17 Donations 25 0 250 Total 2834 2530 2608 Expenditure: Printing & Stationery Postages School Magazines Newsletters Donations Deficits on Functions Sundries (Purchase of BBQ) 2011 62 101 0 76 2143 267 90 2012 22 159 0 0 0 263 0 2013 24 209 0 0 0 184 25 Page 2 of 6 D:\106747763.doc Former Pupils Association AGM Minutes 2015 Past Presidents’ Badges Total Surplus of income over expenditure Balance Sheet as at 30th November 2014 Balance brought forward from 2013 Surplus of income over expenditure Represented by Barclays Bank Plc. Current Account Business Saver Account Cash in Hand Total 0 2739 1021 1465 0 442 95 1065 2166 5932.13 2165.78 8097.91 6343.33 1698.32 56.26 8097.91 The Treasurer was thanked for his accounts and the auditors Messrs Roscoe and Lawton for their work. The accounts were accepted by all present as a true record of the Associations finances. This was proposed by Geoff Denner and seconded by George Hill, all were in agreement It was agreed that Messrs Roscoe and Lawton be approached to audit the account next year. 8. F J Stafford Memorial Fund. Geoff Denner presented the accounts for the F J Stafford memorial Fund for the period to 7th March 2015 which read as follows: Income Expenditure Brought forward from 2014 2013 AGM raffle Sale of Ties x 2 5 x Lapel Badges Total 588.46 200.00 20.00 5.00 813.46 Monies in Bank Cash in Hand 613.46 10.00 Donations to School (Nepal Trip) Total Total Funds 200.00 200.00 623.46 Available for Purchase: 190 Centenary Lapel Badges Ties at £1.00 each and 37 Adult length ties at £10.00 Geoff was thanked by the President for his work on behalf of the fund. Acceptance of the accounts were proposed by Arnold Robins and seconded by John Strachan, all were in agreement. Following the statement of accounts from the Association and F J Stafford funds Mr McCowan was asked to consider requests for funding. These to be brought before the Committee at a future meeting. 9. Rule Amendments/Changes The Secretary had not been notified of any requests for changes to the existing rules Page 3 of 6 D:\106747763.doc Former Pupils Association AGM Minutes 2015 10. Election of Officers 2014: President: Mr Ian Miller, proposed by Geoff Denner, seconded by Arnold Robins was duly elected as our President and took the chair Discussion then took place on the remaining Officer elections President-Elect: Mr Garry Fretwell President-Designate: Mr George Thompson Vice Presidents: There were no names to be added to the list of Vice Presidents Honorary Secretaries: Dave Jesson to continue as secretary. Honorary Treasurers: Mike Baron and Roddy McCowan to continue as treasurers Honorary Auditors: G Lawton and J A Roscoe to continue as Auditors if they are willing 11. Appointment of Committee Members: The present Committee were all happy to continue in their roles. There were no other requests to join. 12. Reports from Sub-Sections: (i) Luncheon Club: Geoff Denner reported on the Luncheon Club. It continues to meet on the first and third Fridays of the month at the Squirrel PH Bispham Road Blackpool. Former Pupils meet at 12.45 for a 1.00pm meal. The meal available is a Carvery, no booking is necessary. 13. Social Committee Report: (i) St Georges Day Dinner: This has been fixed for Friday 24th April 2015 at Singleton Lodge 7.00 pm for dinner at 7.30 pm. The price is £22.00 per person which includes all gratuities; Partners will be welcomed. Geoff Denner is organizing the event. Proposed meal will be Soup, Beef and trimmings, Pavlova or Mixed Berry Compote, Coffee and Mints (ii) Golf Tournament: This year’s tournament has been arranged for Wednesday 8th July at North Shore Golf Club You may attend the meal even if you do not play Golf. Contact Mike Ardron (iii) Crown Green Bowling: The date has yet to be arranged. Interested parties should contact Stan Croft (iv) Ten Pin Bowling: John Strachan indicated that a new Bowl at Thornton Cleveleys Sports Centre was due to open April/May. He said he would make enquiries, Details to follow Page 4 of 6 D:\106747763.doc Former Pupils Association AGM Minutes 2015 14. Any Other Business: 1. The Secretary asked for permission to see if he could develop a Secure Section on the School’s website such that the Membership Handbook could be displayed for members use. This would make it much easier to keep information up to date. In the meantime he would produce a paper edition. He also mentioned that the production of a newsletter had now been overtaken by the fortnightly ‘Baines News’ available on the website. Permission was given, proposed Arnold Robins, seconded by Geoff Denner that he should go ahead. This was confirmed by all present with the proviso that those not on broadband would receive paper copies. 2. The Secretary asked, in view of the above agreement, whether we should look at reducing the membership fee in view of the fact it was increased to cover the sending of documents to members. All were in favour of maintaining the existing membership fee. 3. The Secretary raised the question of fees paid by overseas members, who are often involved in additional payments in order to pay their existing fee. It was agreed that as this affects only a small number of members (6) that all non-European members be given free membership. 4. Mike Ardron asked about Snow Height, an area of land once owned and used by Baines Scout Troop. The Secretary understood that it was now in the hand of a Charity based in Blackpool. However the Secretary would make enquiries of David Astall who is a member of the Charity. 5. Pupils were no again involved in the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme which was supported by the Association some years ago. Mr. McCowan was asked if they needed any funding from the Association. He explained that the scheme now provided equipment but that help might be given by supporting Families who have difficulty in covering the costs involved when their child take part in the scheme. As a result proposed by Mike Ardron, and seconded by Neil Palfreyman that £500.00 by donated to the School to assist pupil costs. This was agreed by all present. Secretary’s Note: A cheque was given to Mr. McCowan at the conclusion of the meeting for £500.00 The date of next year’s AGM and Dinner was fixed for Saturday 5th March 2016 AGM to start at 5.15 pm with the Dinner starting at 7.00 pm Venue to be advised As there was no further business the President closed the meeting at 18.25. Page 5 of 6 D:\106747763.doc Former Pupils Association AGM Minutes 2015 The Agenda for the 2016 AGM follows Agenda 1. Welcome 2. Reading of the list of Deceased members 3. Apologies for absence 4. Minutes of the 108th AGM 5. Matters Arising 6. President’s Remarks 7. Correspondence 8. Financial Report (i) Appointment of Auditors 9. F J Stafford Memorial Fund 10. Rule Amendments/Changes 11. Election of Officers (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) President President Elect President Designate Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer(s) 12. Appointment of (i) Vice Presidents (ii) Committee Members 13. Reports From Sub-sections (i) Luncheon Club 14. Social Committee Reports (i) (ii) (iii) 15. St Georges Day Dinner Golf Crown Green Bowling Any Other Business Page 6 of 6 D:\106747763.doc