Letter to Ms

Name ___________________________
Date _____________
English Language
Semester II, 2011
Definition Essay
What will you define? What message will it send?
A definition tells what a term means and how it differs from other
terms in its class. In the following paragraph from “Altruistic
Behavior,” anthropologist Desmond Morris defines altruism, the
key term of his essay:
“Altruism is the performance of an unselfish act. As a pattern of
behavior, this act must have two properties: it must benefit someone else, and it must do so to
the disadvantage of the benefactor. It is not merely a matter of being helpful; it is helpfulness
at a cost to yourself.”
Most people think of definition in terms of print or online dictionaries, which give brief, succinct
explanations – called formal definitions – of what words mean. BUT, definition also includes
explaining what something, or even someone, is – that is, its essential nature. Sometimes a
definition requires a paragraph, an essay, or even a whole book. These longer, more complex
definitions are called extended definitions.
Using Definition in a Formal Essay:
Providing a formal definition for each term you use in an essay is seldom necessary or desirable.
Readers will either know what a word means or be able to look it up. Sometimes, however,
defining a key term or two may provide an interesting insight for your reader.
Developing a Thesis Statement:
The thesis of a definition essay should do more than simply identify the term to be defined –
and do more than just define it. The thesis statement needs to make clear to readers the larger
purpose for why you are defining a term. For example, assume you set out to write an extended
definition of the term behaviorism. If your goal is to show its usefulness for treating patients
with certain psychological disorders, a statement like “This essay will define behaviorism” will
not be very helpful. Even a formal definition – “Behaviorism is a theory that regards objective
facts of a subject’s actions as the only valid basis for psychological study” – is not enough.
Your thesis needs to suggest the value of this kind of therapy, not just tell what it is – for
example, “Contrary to critics’ objections, behaviorism is a valid approach for treating a wide
variety of psychological disfunctions.”
from Kirszner & Mandell, Patterns for College Writing (2010).
Name ___________________________
Date _____________
Your Assignment: You will be writing a definition essay. You will define an abstract term – for
example, stubbornness, security, courage, fear – by making it concrete. You may choose one of
the terms below or you may decide to write on a different topic that you get approved by Ms.
Morin. Your paper will be 2-3 pages. Tonight you will use this graphic organizer to help you
brainstorm some ideas.
Potential Topics:
Peace of mind
Right to Privacy
Common sense
True Friendship
What you might want to say?
Some Specific Examples:
Courage is not blindly jumping into something scary,
but rather, realizing that something is scary, and then
figuring out how to overcome it.
- Skydiving – not courageous; learning to
fly - courageous
- Fighting – not courageous; becoming a
better person – courageous
Name ___________________________
Now, pick a topic and brainstorm:
Word or Concept:
Definition by
Your Own
(Be Specific)
Any other?
Anecdote? Story?
Fable? Analogy?
Dilemma? How do
other people
define the word?
Date _____________
Name ___________________________
Date _____________
Now, look at the definitions above. Think about the purpose you might have for writing an
essay that defines your word or concept.
Think about your rhetorical situation:
Now, write a thesis statement. Remember this may take many drafts. Make it good.
Name ___________________________
Date _____________
Like other essays, a definition essay should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
Although a formal definition strives for objectivity, an extended definition usually does not.
Instead, it is likely to define a word in a way that reflects YOUR attitude or opinion toward the
The introduction identifies the term to be defined, perhaps presents a brief formal definition,
and goes on to state the essay’s thesis (which should include your opinion about the word).
Body paragraphs should include at least three different ways of defining. Use your brainstorm
to choose the most relevant types of definitions.
Write your outline here. You may also attach a typed outline.
Name ___________________________
Official Break HW:
1. Brainstorming Packet
2. Outline
3. 1st Draft.
Date _____________