Morgan County School District Re-3 Month Content and Essential Questions August Reading Autobiographies S. 6 a, b, c, and e 1e S. 4 a, d and e Vocabulary September Reading Autobiographies S.6 a, b, c, and e S.1e S.4 a, d and e Vocabulary October Reading Short Stories S.1 e S.4 a, d and e S.6 a, b, c and e Vocabulary S.5 a, b, c and e Basic English 1 Reading Skills Read a variety of short stories out of text book and other sources-R Assess knowledge of literary terminology including point of view, foreshadowing, symbolism, style, mood, and author's perspective-R Teach any unfamiliar literary terminology-I Identify theme-R Understand figurative language and support meaning of text-R Increase comprehension skills by revisiting ways of understanding text or storyr Read a variety of short stories out of text book and other sources-R Assess knowledge of literary terminology including point of view, foreshadowing, symbolism, style, mood, and author's perspective-R Teach any unfamiliar literary terminology-I Identify theme-R Understand figurative language and support meaning of text-R Increase comprehension skills by revisiting ways of understanding text or story-R Identify plot in novel-R Explain historical context-R Analyze main idea-R Identify perspectives, place, people and events-R Review setting, point of view and style-R Increase comprehension skills by revisiting ways of understanding novels-R Assessment Resources Pre-test to assess and understand level of comprehension and literary terminology Comprehension quizzes Vocabulary quizzes over terminology Response/analysis questions Objective test over story "Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote: McDougal/Littell Literature book Pre-test to assess and understand level of comprehension and literary terminology Comprehension quizzes Vocabulary quizzes over terminology Response/analysis questions Objective test over story "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou: McDougal/Littell (Brown book) Vocabulary quizzes over terminology Comprehension checks Response questions Objective test over novel Relationship between text and students "The Necklace": McDougal/Littell Christopher Reeve story: A Real Superman Outside source "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe Outside source Morgan County School District Re-3 Month November December January February March April Content and Essential Questions Read Short Stories S. 1 e S.4 a, d and e S.6 a, b, c and e S.5 a, b, c and e Vocabulary Holiday Classic Short Stories S. 1 e S.4 a S. 6 a and b Poetry S.1 e and f S. 6 a, b, c, and e S.5 a, b, c and e Vocabulary Read a Novel That Was Then This Is Now S.1 d, e and f S. 4 a S. 6 a, b, c, d and e Vocabulary Read a Novel: That Was Then This Is Now S.1 d, e and f S. 4 a S. 6 a, b, c, d and e Vocabulary Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet S. 1 a, b and g S.4 a and e S.5 f S. 6 b, c, and e Basic English I Reading Skills Assessment Resources Identify plot in novel-R Explain historical context-R Analyze main idea-R Identify perspectives, place, people and events-R Review setting, point of view and style-R Increase comprehension skills by revisiting ways of understanding novel-R Read and respond to stories-R Identify common themes in classic story-R Vocabulary quizzes over terminology Comprehension checks Response questions Objective test over novel Relationship between text and students "The Real Dracula" Outside source movie Vocabulary quizzes Class participation Comprehension checks "The Gift of the Magi" McDougal/Littell Identify sequence of events and ideasR Review plot, setting, theme and character-R Read and respond to mythology-R Identify Greek gods-R Identify sequence of events (jumbled summary)-R Identify author's purpose and historical context-R Review relevant literary terms-R Identify theme-R Identify sequence of events (jumbled summary)-R Identify author's purpose and historical context-R Review relevant literary terms-R Identify theme-R Identify meanings of different terms: simile, metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia, figurative language, imagery and personification-R Identify poetry terms within text-R Vocabulary quizzes Greek gods quiz Comprehension checks Poetry Packets: Outside source Chapter quizzes Vocabulary quizzes Comprehension checks Objective test at end of novel That Was Then This Is Now Chapter quizzes Vocabulary quizzes Comprehension checks Objective test at end of novel That Was Then This Is Now Class participation Small group response Terminology quizzes Have students write short poems using terminology McDougal/Littell Outside sources Movie "I Survived a Twister" Outside source Morgan County School District Re-3 Month May Content and Essential Questions Mythology: The Odyssey S. 1 d and f S. 4 a S. 6 a and c S. Vocabulary Basic English I Reading Skills Identify historical and cultural context-R Connect text with students-R Determine meaning of vocabulary-R Read and respond to text-R Check for comprehension-R Introduce vocabulary-R Assessment Class participation Quizzes Comprehension check Resources McDougal/Littell Outside sources Movie