RWS 200 Spring 2005 Schedule

RWS 305 Fall 2005 Schedule
Thursday September 01
Administrivia: how the course is organized and what the goals are; readings, assignments, due
dates etc.
Tuesday September 06 (■RR)
Reflecting on writing & argument
How do arguments work, and what are some ways of thinking about them?
Writing, reading & thought: why is writing important?
Read: “Why Write?” Young & Sullivan
Post: A message on the bulletin board introducing yourself
Thursday September 08 (■RR)
Issues: Writing, reading and thought
What relationship does literacy have to thought/memory?
How important a 'technology of communication' is writing?
Read: Havelock, “The Coming of Literate Communication to Western Culture”;
Watson, “Rhetoric, discourse and argument in organizational sense making”
Post: Reading Response
Models of Argument: Academic & Everyday
WEEK 3 (■RR)
Tuesday September 13
A General Framework for Understanding Argument: the Toulmin model
Read: “The Toulmin Model of Argumentation”; "Stop Pornographic Rock," Stroud; “War and
Wisdom,” Kristof
In Class: Map the structure of these arguments using the Toulmin model
Thursday September 15 (■RR)
Using the Toulmin Model to Map Arguments about the Iraq War/Occupation
Read: Iraq War articles in course reader
Read: Assignment 1: Workplace Memo & Resume (course reader)
Post: Reading Response
Tuesday September 20 (■RR)
Assumptions, Implications, Counterexamples, Rebuttals and Qualifications
Discuss: material on assumptions, implications, counterexamples, rebuttals & implications
Read “Assumptions, Implications & Counterexamples”
Post: to bboard: assignment # 2 Toulmin sketch of one Iraq war argument, plus brief analysis of
strengths and weaknesses.
Thursday September 22
Resumes, cover letters and interviews.
Read: Material in Reader on Memos, Resumes, “How to Avoid the Island of Lost Resumes,” and
sample resumes.
In class: practice critiquing sample cover letters and resumes
Tuesday September 27
Frameworks for Understanding Academic Writing
Some models of academic writing: milestones, general-specific-general, problem/solution
Swales & the CARS model
Read: Sutton, “Swales’ ‘Moves’ and the Research Paper Assignment”; Swales, “An Approach to
Academic Writing”; Sample research paper abstracts.
Thursday September 29
Frameworks for Understanding Academic Writing continued
In class: exercises applying Swales model to sample research abstracts
Post to bulletin board: sample abstracts of research articles in your major
Read: “Sample Research Paper Abstracts” in Reader
Tuesday October 04
Peer Review & Test
Peer Review: review workplace writing memo and resume drafts
Bring: draft of first assignment
In-class test: Toulmin and CARS concepts/categories
Thursday October 06
PAPER DUE: Email paper #1 to instructor
Tuesday October 11 (■RR)
Arguments about the media and gender
Read: Steinem "Sex, Lies & Advertising"; Johnson, "The Body Myth"; Brotman, "Burning Desire
to be Slimmer"
Post: Reading Response
Video Screening: Jean Kilbourne Slim Hopes.
Thursday October 13
General strategies of argument & criteria for evaluating argument
Generalization, analogy, sign, causal argument, authority, principle.
Sufficiency, typicality, accuracy and relevance.
Read: “General Criteria for Analyzing an Argument”; “Introduction to Critique” Materials on
“fallacies” and “critique” in course reader.
Read: Assignment #2 Argument & Academic Discourse
Tuesday October 18 (■RR)
Fallacies Continued, Propaganda & Demagoguery
Peer Review of paper #2
Read: Roberts-Miller, “Characteristics of Demagoguery”
BRING to class: draft of paper #2
Post: Reading Response
Thursday October 20 (■RR)
Arguments about Media & Violence
Video: Gerbner's 'The Electronic Storyteller'
Read: APA, “Psychiatric Effects of Media Violence”; Males, ‘The Culture War Against Kids’
Stephen King,"Why We Crave Horror Movies"; Glassner, “Guns are a more Serious Problem
than Media Violence”; Pollitt, “Violence in the Media Reflects Real Life Violence”; Bass, 'Do
slasher films breed real-life violence?’
Post: Reading Response
Hand in: assignment # 2 Argument Sketch
Tuesday October 25 (■RR)
Analysis & critique in more detail: analyzing arguments about affirmative action
Read & Evaluate: Mini arguments on affirmative action
Re-Read: “General Criteria for Analyzing an Argument” & “Introduction to Critique”
Read: Op-ed: “Bush Stakes out right position on affirmative action”; Wise, “Whites swim in
racial preference”; Fish, “Reverse Racism, or How the Pot Got to Call the Kettle Black,” & other
readings tba
Post: Reading Response
TEST: Short Test on analysis, critique and fallacies
Thursday October 27
Due: Assignment 3 Fallacies & Demagoguery group presentation
Tuesday November 01
Rhetorical Moves in Academic Writing
In class: discuss handouts on “Transitions, connectives & attributions”; “Metalanguage,
Qualifications and Contributions”
Writing as Intervention
Read: assignment description for Paper #4: Civic Writing
Read: articles on writing as intervention
Thursday November 03
Bowling for Columbine: Media, Representation & Sources
Video: Bowling for Columbine
Tuesday November 08 (■RR)
Bowling for Columbine: Media, Representation & Sources continued
Read: Mike Males, “Bowling for Columbine Misframes Gun Quandary”; Franke-Ruta, “Moore’s
the Pity”
Post: Reading Response
Thursday November 10 (■RR)
Analyzing Arguments about Gay Marriage
Read: gay marriage articles:
(online, not in reader).
Post: Reading Response
Tuesday November 15
Workshop & Peer Review of assignment #3
Thursday November 17 (■RR)
Consider the Source: Analyzing Media Sources
Hand in: Assignment #4 Civic Writing
Read; “Political Knowledge in Comparative Perspective,” 'Public Relations'; “Confessions of a
Spin Doctor,” “The PIPA Poll,” "Portions of the Gulf War Were Brought to You By"
Post: Reading Response
Tuesday November 22
Constructing the News 1: Reality Based TV
The “Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion” model: writing in the social sciences
Video Segment: "Springer Break", & "The X-Files do Cops"
Discuss: how do 'reality based' shows work? How do they construct a sense of 'reality'? What do
they foreground, what do they make invisible?
Read: Seagal, 'Tales from the Cutting Room Floor: the Reality of "Reality-based" Television';
Oliver et al., “Portrayals Of Crime, Race, And Aggression In "Reality-Based" Police Shows: A
Content Analysis”
Post: Reading Response
Thursday November 24
Exploring Bias & Objectivity
Read: see class web page readings on bias (look in “Course Materials”)
Tuesday November 29
Media, Free Speech & Campaign Finance
Video: Washington’s Other Scandal
Thursday December 01
Media, Free Speech & Campaign Finance II
Apply criteria to arguments about campaign finance
Discuss readers and audience
Read: Sen. Mitch McConnell 'Campaign-finance reforms worse than the problem'; Mark Green,
“The Evil of Access”; Lamar Alexander, 'Should Tom Paine have filed with the FEC?: The loss
of common sense in campaign finance reform'
Post: Reading Response
Tuesday December 06
Workshop and peer review
Thursday December 08
Workshop and peer review
Tuesday December 13
Week 17
Student conferences