Quotes from Euripides Medea Quote Explanation: Provide some notes about the context of the quote. Who are they talking to? What are they saying? What happened before and after? Nurse: They have frightening natures, those of royal blood; because, I imagine, they’re seldom overruled and generally have their way, they do not easily forget a grudge. 119-122 Chorus: She calls upon the gods to witness how unjustly she is treated, on Themis, child of Zeus, protectress of oaths, who brought her over the salty depths by night to where Greece faces the waters that lock the boundless Euxine. 208-212 Medea: And so there is one small kindness I ask of you, if I devise some ways and means of making my husband pay for this suffering of mine: your silence. Women are timid creatures for the most part, cowards when it comes to fighting and as the sight of steel; but wrong a women in love and nothing on earth has a heart more murderous. 260-264 Creon: I am afraid of you . . . You are a clever woman, versed in evil arts And are angry at having lost your husband's love.I hear that you are threatening, so they tell me,To do something against my daughter and Jason. And me too. (281-290) Creon:. . . by showing mercy I have often been the loser.Even now I know that I am making a mistake. (349-350) Medea: Do you think that I would ever have fawned on that man. Unless I had some end to gain or profit in it? (367-369) Medea: Pain and sorrow I will give them for this marriage, pain for this union and this exile they have forced upon me! 399-400 Jason: In the first place, instead of an uncivilized country your dwelling is now the land of Greece, where you have come to know justice and the use of law, instead of being subject to force.536- 539 Chorus Leader: Jason, you have set out your arguments skilfully and plausibly; it is my view, however, though I may surprise you with these words, that you have betrayed your wife and are behaving unjustly. 577-580 Medea is pleading with Creon to give her more time before her exile. Against his better judgement he gives it to her, already prophesising the outcome. Medea talking about how she manipulated Creon to give her more time to benefit herself by carrying out her plan to punish Jason. Medea: The gifts of a bad man bring no good with them. 618 Medea: And when I have ruined the whole of Jason's house,I shall leave the land and flee from the murder of myDear children, and I shall have done a dreadful deed. For it is not bearable to be mocked by enemies.So it must happen. What profit have I in life?I have no land, no home, no refuge from my pain.Let no one think me a weak one, feeble-spirited,A stay at home, but rather just the opposite,One who can hurt my enemies and help my friends; For the lives of such persons are most remembered. (795-810) Medea: You see, my friends, to suffer the mockery of my enemies is something I will not tolerate. 798 Medea: I know, indeed, the evil of that I purpose; buy my inclination gets the better of my judgement 1078 Jason: You women standing here beside the house, is she in this house, the arch criminal, Medea, or has she fled from Corinth? For she must either hide herself below the earth or soar on wings into the vault of heavens if she is to escape the vengeance of the royal house. 1295 Jason: She will be paid in kind by the victims of her misdeeds, but I fear for my children and am here to save them from any harm the king’s relatives may intend them should they seek to avenge their mother’s impious act of murder. 1301 Jason: I curse you! Now I see it clear but what a fool I was before, when I brought you from the house of yours in a barbarous land to a home in Greece, a deadly passenger who had betrayed your father and the country that reared you. The spirit of vengeance for your crimes has been sent by the gods to punish me 1329 Jason: May you be struck down by our children’s avenging curse and Justice who punishes murder! 1390 Insert your own quote & explantation