BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR WITH KITTIVISIAN LIFE CHRISTMAS ESSAY COMPETITION FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS PRIMARY SCHOOL CATEGORY - AGE 7-10 Thinking of the meaning of Christmas, write a sort descriptive piece of no more than 300 words entitled “ My Ideal Christmas” SECONDARY SCHOOL CATEGORY - AGE 11-16 Thinking of our heritage as a 'Christian' nation, and how we currently celebrate Christmas write a piece of no more than 1000 words on the topic “What Christmas means to me as a young person in 2010.” INFORMATION FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS All submissions must be your own original work. In the 7-11 age category while the essay must be the child's own work, parents can provide guidance in the development of certain areas. Submissions should be typed or word-processed in double line spacing and should state your name, age and school at the top of each page. An email address or contact telephone number should also be included so that we can contact you if you are a winner. Submissions should be submitted by the closing date: Friday 26 November 2010, 4.00p.m and should be sent by one of the following methods: Email: Post: P.O. Box 1789, Basseterre, St. Kitts By Hand: The IT Facility, Orion Business Park ( Upstairs Ricardo's Home Centre) Wellington Road, Needsmust Estate. PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES PRIMARY SCHOOL CATEGORY 1st Prize $150.00 Harpers gift Voucher + Cinema Tickets for a family of four (4) to see an age appropriate movie + Tales of The Caribbean Audio Book. 2nd Prize $100.00 Harpers Gift Voucher + Entrance to Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park for a family of four (4) + Tales of the Caribbean Book. 3rd Prize $50.00 Harpers Gift Voucher + Cinema Tickets for a family of four (4) to see an age appropriate movie + Tales of the Caribbean Book SECONDARY SCHOOL CATEGORY 1st Prize Canon Pixma iP2600 Inkjet Photo Printer + $150.00 National Bank Saving Certificate 2nd Prize Sky Safari Tickets for a family of 4 + $100.00 National Bank Saving Certificate 3rd Prize MP3 Player + $50.00 National Bank Saving Voucher, ALL WINNING ENTRIES WILL BE PUBLISHED ON OUR WEBSITE: