Yoga Assignment - Final (part 1) Script Answer the following essay questions on a separate sheet of paper. Answers must be typewritten. Total Points possible 100 points 1. 8 points How has yoga affected your life? (not looking for a right or wrong answer here, just talk to me.) 2. 5 points What is yoga? Give a brief history. 3. 2 points What makes Yoga different from other systems of exercise? 4. 2 points List at least 2 benefits of Yoga. 5. 5 points Explain the effects of stress and tension on your body, how your biography becomes your biology. Give 2 examples of stress related illnesses and diseases. 6. 4 points What are 2 mental mistakes beginning Yoga students tend to make? 7. 15 points Describe a breathing exercise: full yogic breathing, breath of fire, alternate nostril breathing are a few examples. Go on line to find other exercises and instructions Include a copy of the instructions and include the web address. 8. 2 points List at least 2 benefits of breathing exercises. 9. 2 points Explain the importance of breathing through the nose. 10. 2 points Describe what it means to go to your edge. 11. 25 points Find 10 yoga poses: include the name and a picture that relate to your theme. Research a YOGA flow related to a theme: Yoga for back pain, weight loss, football players, dancers, golfers, wrestlers, pregnancy, kids, specific dosha-(Kapha Pita, Vata), stressed out teenagers, yamas and niyamas, zombies, wall yoga, partner yoga, heart openers, are all examples, 12. 2 points Define dristi 13. 2 points Define uddiyana bhanda 14. 8 points What are the 8 limbs of yoga? 15. 10 points List the yamas and niyamas. 16. 4 points What is the difference between savasana and yoga nidra? 17. 2 points What does namaste mean?