In-Class Final Study Sheet

Study Sheet for In-Class ENGL 3370 Exam (Thursday, Dec. 11, 100 -300)
affective fallacy
a mb ig u ity
“ Afte r App le -Pic k ing”
“After great pain, a
fo r ma l fe e lin g co mes ”
Arb us, D ia ne
“Ars Poetica”
ars poetica
“Asophodel That Greeny
“ Ba ll Poe m, The ”
Ba ud e la ire, C ha rles
“Bearded Oaks”
Be at M o ve me nt
“Bells for John
Whiteside’s Daughter”
Be rry ma n, Jo hn
Bishop, Elizabeth
Bridge, The
“Broken Balance, The”
Brooks, Gwendolyn
“ Buffa lo Bill’s no w
Buk ows k i, C ha rles
“By Frazier Creek Falls”
“ ca mb rid ge la d ies w ho
live in furnished souls,
“ Carme l Po int”
carpe diem
“ Cha nging Diapers ”
Collins, Billy
Crane, Hart
“ Craz y Wo ma n, The”
C ubis m
cummings, e. e.
Dadais m
“ Dans e R uss e”
“Day Lady Died, The”
“Death of the Ball Turret
D ic ke y, J a me s
D ic k inso n, Emily
“Dog Sleeping on My
Eb erha rt, R ic ha rd
Eliot, T. S.
“ Emp ero r o f Ice C rea m,
“ End of the World, The”
“ Eye, The ”
Fenollosa, Ernest
“ Fis h, The”
found poe m
free verse
Fre nc h Sy mb o lis ts
Frost, Robert
“Groundhog, The”
gestalt shift
G insbe rg, Ala n
“ Ha rle m”
Harle m Renaissance
“Have You Heard This
O ne ?”
“Heavy Bear Who Goes
with Me, The”
heresy of paraphrase
“ Ho pe is the thing”
“ Ho w l”
Hughes, Langston
hyp erb o le
“I heard a fly buzz”
“ I tha nk You Go d for
mo s t this a ma z ing”
I Went into the Maverick
“I, Too”
“Idea of Order at Key
West, The”
ima ge ry
“In a Station of the
“ In jus t Spring”
“ In the Wa itin g R oo m”
in hu ma n is m
intentional fallacy
“Introduction to Poetry”
Ja mes, W illia m
Jarrell, Randall
Jeffers, Robinson
“ Journe y, The”
“ La nds cap e w it h t he Fa ll
of Icarus”
“Little Gidding”
“Long Hair”
Lost G e ne ra tion
“ Love Song of J. Alfre d
Mac Le is h, Arc hib a ld
Ma lla rme, Step he n
“ Maya kovsky”
“Mending Wall”
me tap ho r
M illa y, Edna St. V inc e nt
Modernis m
“ Mo me nt Fu gue ”
Moore, Marianne
“ Moose, The”
“ Mothe r to Son”
“ Myth”
“Negro Speaks of Rivers,
Ne me ro v, Ho wa rd
New Criticism
New York School of
“ ne xt to of c ourse god
a me rica”
“ O sweet s ponta ne ous”
O’ Hara, Frank
Oliver, Mary
“On Seeing Larry Rivers’
Was hington C ross ing the
De la wa re”
“ One Art”
o no ma to po e ia
Parker, Dorothy
Personis m
Plath, Sylvia
poetic diction
prose poem
Ra ns o m. J o hn C row e
“ Red W hee lba rrow, The”
“Repose of Rivers”
“ Résu mé”
rhy me
R imb a ud, Arthur
“ Road N ot Ta ke n, The”
Roe thke, The odore
R uke yse r, M urie l
Sc hwa rtz, De lmo re
Se xton, Anne
“ she be ing Bra nd new ”
“Shine, Perishing
“ Snow Ma n, The”
Snyder, Gary
“ So me kee p the sa bba th
going to c hurc h”
“ so mew he re I ha ve ne ve r
tra ve lle d,”
“Song for a Dark Girl”
“ Song of M ys e lf”
“Song of the Taste”
Stafford, Willia m
Ste ve ns, Wa lla ce
“Stopping by Woods on a
Snow y Eve ning”
“ succes s is c o untes t
“Sunday Morning”
“ Swa n, The”
“ The me fo r Englis h B”
Teasdale, Sara
te ns ion
“ The re W ill C o me So ft
“Thirteen Ways of
Looking at a Blackbird”
“ This is J us t to Sa y”
“ This was a p oe t”
“To the Film Industry in
Cris is”
und ersta te me nt
Varieties of Religious
“ Vis ito r, The”
“ Walking the D og”
Warren, Robert Penn
“We Real Cool”
“ Wha t Y ou Should Know
to be a Poet”
“ Whe n I Met M y M use”
W hit ma n, Wa lt
“Why I am Not a
“Why Log Truck Drivers
R ise Ea rlie r Tha n
Students of Zen”
“Wild Geese”
“Wild Nights”
W illia ms, W illia m Ca rlos
“ World as Me dita tion,
“ Yo ung House w ife, The