Candide Study Questions Chapters 1-6 Pre-Reading: Irony: a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated; (esp. in contemporary writing) a manner of organizing a work so as to give full expression to contradictory or complementary impulses, attitudes, etc., esp. as a means of indicating detachment from a subject, theme, or emotion. Exaggeration: an overstatement Sarcasm: a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark Understatement: a statement that undermines something Parody: something that makes fun of another different work Caricature: a drawing or description that exaggerates someone or something’s features Juxtaposition: The state of being placed or situated side by side Chapter 1 1. He lives in Westphalia, in the castle of Monsieur the Baron von Thunder-ten-tronckh. 2. He is driven from the castle because he was kissing Cunegonde, the Baron’s daughter. 3. Pangloss’s philosophy is “metaphysico-theologo-cosmolo-nigology” and believes that this world is the best of all possible worlds. 4. It means optimism. Chapter 2 5. The two men are Frederick the Great’s recruiting officers. 6. They trick Candide while they’re eating. They drink to the King and Candide innocently drinks to it too. The officers then say that Candide has just pledged to the King and takes him away. 7. They were reduced because he performed his drills less badly as the days passed. It proved to the army’s eyes that Candide was a prodigy. 8. His choices are either to run the gauntlet or to be executed. He chooses to run the gauntlet. 9. To have free will is to be absolutely void of sense. One cannot be in the military and have a free will. Being in the military is about listening to orders no matter what, which is the exact opposite of having a free will. 10. Voltaire is being critical of the powerful members of the nobility. By using Candide’s experience in the army and other war stories, Voltaire shows how the peasants and commoners have to suffer because the nobility wage war against each other. 11. I think that exaggeration is used in many ways in this chapter. The way Candide got recruited is an exaggeration; no one gets recruited just because they drink to a toast that swears loyalty to the king. I also think that no matter how harsh an army may be, they still have to be just. They cannot just name someone guilty of deserting because they were walking; they must also have a trial. I think running the gauntlet is an exaggeration too because no one can endure that twice and definitely not 36 times. Chapter 3 12. The Bulgars and the Abares went to war. Candide deserts the army. 13. Voltaire uses juxtaposition by putting the orator and Jacques together and showing their different behavior and attitude to Candide. 14. It is ironic that the orator treated Candide poorly because just before, he was preaching about the value of charity and that Jacques take pity on Candide since he is an Anabaptist, meaning that he still believes in a Christian faith. 15. Voltaire is being critical of the church, probably the Protestant faith. He is trying to say that even though they may preach about charity, they are full of hypocrisy. Chapter 4 16. The old beggar is Pangloss. 17. Cunegonde is raped and murdered, and her parents are also killed. There is some irony concerning those who are responsible for all that because they received the same fate. The group that attacked Cunegonde and her family had their own land ruined by different enemies. 18. Paquette was the chambermaid and she is responsible for passing on a disease to the beggar. 19. He justifies it by saying that in the disease’s genealogy, it traces all the way back to Christopher Columbus, who is also responsible for bringing chocolate to Europe. Chapter 5 20. A crazed sailor survives the shipwreck and I guess it’s ironic because he was at fault for the drowning of Jacques, the Anabaptist. 21. Pangloss justifies it by saying that it’s for the best and that the bay had been formed just for Jacques’ death. 22. Lisbon just had an earthquake. It doesn’t say how many people were killed 23. The sailor finds money and uses it to get drunk and to pay a woman to have sex with him. 24. The sailor’s behavior is ironic because as people are dying and going through so much pain, he goes around trying to get pleasure. Chapter 6 25. Auto-da-fé is the public execution of those sentences by secular authorities, especially by burning at the stake alive, or the public announcement of the sentences imposed by the Inquisition. It is necessary to prevent another earthquake. 26. They chose Pangloss and Candide because Doctor Pangloss had said something that they didn’t like and Candide for listening with approval. 27. It is humorous because it’s still trying to be optimistic in a hopeless situation. Also, being away from the sun is not a big deal and is not a big relief from the pain that Pangloss and Candide are going to go through. 28. Voltaire is ridiculing the Inquisition as Candide is flogged to show the Inquisition's determination to suppress dissenting opinion at any cost, their tyranny, and injustice. 29. Pangloss is hung.