Humor, Satire and Irony in Voltaire`s Candide

Sarah Nixon, Michaela Brew, Mandy Klaben, Archie Cowen, Molly Westbrook
context of horror
 “Candide was flogged in time with the anthem, the
Basque and the two men who refused to eat bacon were
burnt, and Pangloss was hanged, though that was not the
usual practice on those occasions. The same day, another
earthquake occurred, and caused tremendous havoc.” (36)
 The irony of the situation was that another earthquake
occurred despite all this violence
can't win
 “It is proved...that things cannot be other than they are,
for since everything was made for a purpose, it follows
that everything is made for the best purpose.” (20)
 Cosmic irony because everything was created by god
because it was the best.
to undercut a person or thing
 “For if Columbus, when visiting the West Indies, had not
caught this disease...we should have neither chocolate nor
cochineal.” (20)
 Voltaire is undercutting the Columbian exchange by
stating the least important things and the most important
which provides a double meaning throughout the
 “Private misfortunes contribute to the general good, so
that the more private misfortunes there are, the more we
find that all is well.” (31)
 Throughout the story Candide is plagued by misfortunes,
and yet Voltaire is saying he is contributing to society
when he is not
Unstable Irony- an approach which suggests
that there is no rationale in the human
 “Martin's conclusion was that man was born to suffer,
from the restlessness of anxiety or from the lethargy of
boredom.” (140)
 Candide and the other characters go through hard times
but Voltaire shows that they eventually are happy and that
mans purpose is not that which Martin is stating.
Humorous Utterance: a statement(s) entertaining to
the audience but not necessarily to the speaker.
 “Observe: our noses were made to carry spectacles, so we
have spectacles. Legs were clearly intended for breeches,
and we wear them. Stones were meant for carving and for
building houses, and that is why my lord has a most
beautiful house...” pg 20
 This is part of Pangloss' philosophy and he truly believes in
what he says, but it seems funny to us because of
understatement that lies behind the quote.
Comical Irony: A form of understatement
which uses humor to make its point.
 “...for his house had a door and several windows and his
hall was actually draped with tapestry.” pg 19
 This is comical irony because it is saying that having a door
and several windows was grand which is an
understatement because in our world it is not grand to
have only a door and windows.
Aphorism: A pointed statement that
underscores a serious maxim or major truth.
 “I am more than ever convinced that man is evil.” pg 108
 This is an aphorism because the speaker believes that man
is evil because he was manipulated by man.
Socratic irony: This form of irony is used when a character or
speaker assumes an ignorant role, then reveals weakness or
absurdity in another's contrary opinions.
 “Do you mean to say you have no monks, teaching and
disputing, governing and intriguing, and having people
burned if they don't subscribe to their opinions?” “We
should be stupid if we had,” Said the old man; “We are all
of the same opinion here, and we don't know what you
mean by monks.” pg 80
 This is an example of Socratic irony because the old man,
who is ignorant to the practices of the European Church,
reveals the absurdity of Candide's opinions.
Indirect Satire: Uses a fictional narrative or other form to attack
those who make themselves or their opinions ridiculous and are
made to look even more ridiculous, thanks to the authors
 “Pangloss allowed that his sufferings had been uniformly
horrible; but as he had once maintained that everything
would turn out right in some marvelous way, he still
maintained it would, however little he believed in it.” pg
 This is indirect satire because it is in the form of a narrative
and it is ridiculous that Pangloss continues to believe that
this is the best of all possible worlds after he has been
through so much pain and suffering.