Www.edu.pe.ca/hernewood/ GIVE PEACE A CHANCE May 4, 2010 HERNEWOOD INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Hernewood’s Mission Statement: To provide an atmosphere which is conducive to learning and where students are given a variety of experiences promoting the overall development of the individual, both socially and academically. Hernewood’s Code of Conduct: 1. Respect myself, others and school property. 2. Take responsibility for my own actions and learning. 3. Behave in a safe and responsible manner. 4. Make a positive contribution to my school Important Dates To Remember: May 7 - Area Association Meeting (no classes) May 12 - Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 May 14 - Provincial Heritage Fair May 19 - History & Travel meet with RCMP re: Safety May 21 - Grade 9 Girls HPV 9:00 am May 24 - Victoria Day (no classes) May 25 - Peace Week May 26 - Grade 6 Students will be visiting Hernewood May 27 - Grade 9 Dance 5-7:00 P.M. June 1 - Grade 8 Math Final June 5 - Track & Field Championships June 8 - Golf Championships (Anderson Creek) June 8 - Grade 7 Math Final June 9 - Softball Championships June 14 - Awards Assembly @ 2:20 June 17 - Grade 9 Math Assessment June 17 - Grade 9 Closing Rehearsal P.M June 18 - History & Travel Students leave June 25 - Grade 7/8 Report Cards go home June 25 - History & Travel Students return June 28 - Grade 9 Closing @ 7:00 HISTORY & TRAVEL There will be an important parent meeting on Wednesday, May 19 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Hernewood Lecture Theatre. All parents/guardians are asked to please attend, information will be given out at this meeting. History & Travel students will have a meeting with Cst. Gaven Moore regarding safety on Wednesday, May 19 @ 1:30. All History and Travel ticket money and unsold tickets are due to Mrs. Gorrill. Draw is May 7. All History & Travel installments are due to Mr. Rix. MUSIC Congratulations to the Grade 8/9 Senior Band who travelled to Halifax for Band Fest. STUDENT COUNCIL Hernewood donates money each year to the IWK Telethon . We will be having 4 different fundraisers over the next few weeks: May 14th - Who’ll Win the Stanley Cup? May 21 - Jersey Day May 28th - Half Court Free Throw June 4th - Sock Hop on your own lunch. Listen to morning announcements for more details on these events. **ALL money raised from these events will go to IWK. Student Council will be presenting a cheque in June. PEACE WEEK Hernewood will be celebrating Peace Week with a variety of activities during the week of May 25 28. Some activities will include: Peace Olympics, Pink Day, a Production from our very own Drama Group...Please stay tuned to our blog for more details. “All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance” GRADE 9 DANCE Hernewood Grade 9 Dance will be on May 27 from 5-7:00. This years theme will be “A Night Up West” GRAD SWEATERS Orders are due back Monday, May 10th with at least half the money. No cash will be accepted...please make cheques or money orders payable to Hernewood Intermediate School. For more information please contact Mr. Duane Arsenault or Mrs. Cheryl Arsenault at 859-8710. PCAP TEST 8D students randomly selected to participated in the PCAP testing today. This year the main focus was on math with a portion of the questions on Science and LA. Grade were ART CLUB Art Club has begun its final big project for the year, and that the last art club for the season will be on Tuesday May 25th. Mrs Corcoran would like to thank all those who participated with the club this year!! DRAMA Rehearsals for this year's production, "Judge Moody: Bullies on Trial," have been going very well. Drama students are reminded to rehearse their lines on a daily basis, as the production date is fast approaching. The last two Monday rehearsals will be May 10 and May 17 (I will be having a full dress rehearsal on Tuesday, May 25). This year, as in years past, we will be co-ordinating the production date to coincide with Peace Week, scheduled for May 25-28. Our play will be held during periods 6 & 7 on Friday, May 28 and this will wrap up Drama for the 2009/2010 school year. We encourage parents to come and be a part of our audience and to share in your children's shining moment on stage! If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Rick Sparkes at 859-8710 SPORTS Badminton: Congratulations to the following students who placed in the Unit Badminton Meet at Callaghan Singles: Bantam Girls: 1st Breanne Lewis, 2nd Maggee Fraser, 3rd Savanna Guimond. Bantam Boys: 3rd Connor Dyment Midget Girls: 2nd Breeanna Gallant 3rd Victoria Davis Midget Boys: 4th Creed Coughlin Doubles: Midget Boys: 1st: Creed Coughlin & Derek Lewis 2nd: Victoria Davis & Breeanna Gallant Bantam Boys: 3rd: Connor Dyment & Dominic Dijulio Bantam Girls: 1st: Savannah Guimond & hannah Arsenault 2nd: Breanne Lewis & Maggie Fraser 3rd: Rebecca Palmer & Jody Gerus Bantam girls also won the Provincial Plaque The Provincial Meet was held on April 23 & 24 in Slemon Park, and the results were as follows: Singles - 4th Breanne Lewis Doubles - 2nd Breeanna Gallant & Victoria Davis MORE NEWS ON BACK ☞ Softball: Boys and Girls Softball tryouts have begun. Girls Coaches will be Miss Nancy MacMillan and Miss Sherrise Smallman. Boys Coach will be Mr. Jimmy Smith Track & Field:. Track & Field: has begun. Practices will be at lunch time or after school. Students are asked to listen for announcements as to the events each practice. Coaches will be Mrs. Kelly Gorrill & Mr. Lincoln Rix Golf: Hernewood golfers will be practicing Monday afternoons from 3:15 - 4:30 starting on Monday, April 10th. Golfers need their own set of clubs to participate. All golfers must attend the rules clinic on Tuesday, May 4th from 3:15-4:00 pm to prepare for the upcoming tournaments. Coaches for this year are Mr. Duane Arsenault and Mrs. Moira McGuire. BOYS SPRING SOCCER Mr. Robertson would like to invite any interested grade 7 or 8 boys to sign up for spring soccer. This will be held after school until 4:30 on Wednesdays. The sessions will begin on May 12th. All boys that are interested in trying out for next years team are encouraged to attend the sessions. STUDENTS OF THE MONTH March Students of the Month: Grade 7 - Sammi Jo Collicutt Grade 8 - Caitlin MacLennan Grade 9 - Bray Smallman Each student was awarded a free cafeteria lunch......Congratulations to all students!!! NEWSLETTER WINNER April Newsletter draw winner was Janelle Perry. Congratulations. Don’t forget to pass in signed newsletter ballots for a prize at the end of the year!!!!! LEADERSHIP An information meeting was held today for any grade 7 or 8 students who are interested in the leadership program for next year. Some of the 2009/10 leadership students will be on a panel to answer any questions that the students may ask. Application forms will be available. GUEST SPEAKER Thank you to Scott Gamble who came to explain Clean drinking water to the Grade 7C science class on Friday, April, 30.. His Demonstration of how ground water is contaminated was very insightful. OTHER NEWS Support Group For Parents Who Have a Child With a Disability Do you have a child with a diagnosed disability? Could be... physical disability intellectual disability learning disability Autism Spectrum disorder emotional or behavioral issues visual, hearing, auditory processing disorder Are you looking for help navigating the systems? Are you concerned about transition out of school to the community? Are you wondering what supports exist? Are you looking to connect and share with other parents? Get together with other parents - First Thursday of the month Next meeting -May 6, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Alberton United Church Hall Camp Seggie www.campseggie.ca Summer is right around the corner and we are very excited about this year's program. We offer a variety of full week camps for students finishing grades 3-9 and a mini camp for students completing grades 1-3. Come and share some of your summer with us. Check out the website for more information. Triathlon There will be a "Try a Tri" (Sprint Triathlon) on Saturday, May 15th at the Mill River Aquaplex What is a Sprint Triathlon??? Swim: 750 meters (37 ½ lengths of the pool at the aquaplex) Bike: 20 km (10 km out the Mill River Rd and back) Run: 5 km (2 ½ km out the Mill River Rd and back) This is a fun event to try and encourage more West Prince residents to come out and try a triathlon. The cost is $20 and open to only the first 20 to register. The first heat will start at approximately 7:30 am on Saturday, May 15 with 5 swimmers in the pool and a new heat will start every half hour. For more information or to register you can contact any of the organizing committee at the following information: Jacquie Lidstone: 8593300, Paul Dalton 882-3750, Myrna Boulter: 859-1970, Aquaplex: 8591575, West Prince Sports Council: 8598856 Also, a number of volunteers will be required for the event - if you are interested please let us know. Spectators/Fan Support are Welcome! Canoe Cove Christian Camp #Camp Sept. 1 2 3 4 5 2010 Camp Schedule Date Group (entering in July 4-7 July 11-16 July 18-23 Aug 8-13 Aug 22-29 Grades 2 & 3 Grades $ & 5 Grades 6 & 7 Grades 8 & 9 Grades 10, 11 & 12 For further information call 675-3039 or check out our website at www.canoecovechristiancamp.org for a downloadable registration form...Everyone Welcome!!! Cycling Helmets Just a reminder - Cycling Helmets are mandatory for all ages. Make sure you wear your helmet. Operation Headway started May 1, 2010 and law enforcement as well as Island Trails Trial Officers will be out issuing tickets for people not wearing their helmets. If you are observed wearing your helmet by the enforcement people they will be handing out free ice cream coupons from MacDonald's, Cows, and Dairy Queen. You will also be eligible for other prizes. Cycling PEI also have helmets for people who do not have them that will be given out randomly. THANK YOU to all parents and guardians who have provided their email to us. We had a response rate of over 80%! As we are in the process of enerting all this information into our computer system. We ask you to continue to check our website and our blog for important information. CHALLENGE: For each newsletter, there is a ballot that can be returned signed by the parent to indicate that the newsletter has made it home and read. We continue to do that, but we want to allow for email responses as well. For the May Newsletter: Read your child’s paper copy that they bring home or log onto www.edu.pe.ca/hernewood/ to read it. Email me at hernewood@edu.pe.ca State I READ THE NEWSLETTER! Please add your child’s name and his/her name will be entered in a draw to win a MP3 Player. Draw date will be May 10, 2010...Good Luck!!! HERNEWOOD NEWSLETTER BALLOT www.edu.pe.ca/hernewood/ Parent’s Signature: Student’s Signature: