Romantic Mini-Essay Assignment

Romantic Mini Essay
Brit Lit Academic
 You will write a 1- to 1.5-page essay that responds to one of
the prompts below.
 You will include a minimum of 2-4 properly integrated quotes
from the works we have read.
 Your essay will have a fully developed introduction and effective thesis
 You must make some sort of an argument; simply pointing out
similarities or differences leads to a “so what” essay.
Option 1
Write an essay that classifies one of the paintings from class (see below) and one of the
poems read as Romantic by identifying and explaining how specific examples from
both works reflect two different characteristics of the Romantic period.
 Wanderer Above The Sea Of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich
 Man and Woman Contemplating the Moon by Caspar David Friedrich
 Fighting Temeraire by J.M.W. Turner
 Voyage of Life by Thomas Cole
Option 2
Write an essay that classifies the William Wordsworth poem “Composed Upon
Westminster Bridge” as Romantic by identifying and explaining how specific examples
from the poem reflect three different characteristics of the Romantic period. The poem
is listed below.
“Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802”
Earth has not anything to show more fair:
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty:
This City now doth, like a garment, wear
The beauty of the morning; silent, bare,
Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie
Open unto the fields, and to the sky;
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.
Never did sun more beautifully steep
In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill;
Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!
The river glideth at his own sweet will:
Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;
And all that mighty heart is lying still!
Option 3
Write an essay that compares or contrasts how two poems from the unit, by two
different authors, represent the Romantic period.
Romantic Mini Essay
Brit Lit Academic
Romanticism Essay Rubric
Student makes a clear and
well developed argument that
is supported by the text and
shows insight and
Student makes an adequate
argument and supports it
throughout the essay.
Introduction is effective and
includes all 4 parts and gives
the essay a fluent beginning.
Introduction is adequate and
includes all 4 parts and gives
the essay a good beginning.
Evidence and
Excellent evidence and
explanation is provided to
support thesis.
Good evidence is provided and
is explained to support the
thesis statement.
Student makes a weak or
unsupported argument.
Introduction may be missing
parts but gives an adequate
intro to the essay.
Evidence may be lacking or
may not support the thesis
Student either does not make an
argument or has evidence that
does not support the argument.
Neither argument nor
support is present in essay.
Introduction is ineffective and
may be missing parts.
Evidence is either missing in
places or does not make sense.
Introduction is nearly
nonexistent and ineffective.
There may be no evidence
or it is not relevant to the
statements made.
Essay is free of errors,
maintains point of view,
properly integrates all quotes,
and uses effective word
Essay is generally free of
errors, maintains point of
view, properly integrates most
quotes, and uses effective
word choice.
Essay has errors, does not
always maintain point of view,
does not always properly
integrates quotes, and uses
some effective word choices.
Essay has many errors, does not
maintain point of view, does not
properly integrate quotes, and
uses ineffective word choice.
Essay has excessive errors
making it hard to read and
Essay has an effective thesis
that lays out the essay. Essay
follows this organization with
good use of subtle transitions
and topic sentences that
match the paragraphs.
Essay has an effective thesis
that lays out the essay. Essay
follows this organization with
good use of transitions and
topic sentences that match
the paragraphs.
Essay does not have an adequate
thesis so the organization is hard
to follow. There may be no
transitions and topic sentences
that do not match paragraphs.
Essay has an adequate thesis
that lays out the essay. Essay
mostly follows this
organization with use of
obvious transitions and topic
sentences that somewhat
match the paragraphs.
Sentences are choppy and
don’t’ show adequate
language and idea connection.
Ideas are not connected and are
Sentences flow and show
sophistication in language
and idea connection.
Sentences mostly flow and
show adequate language and
idea connection.
There are organizational
issues so severe that the
essay is hard to follow.
Virtually no connection of
ideas and sentences.