Characteristics of Living Things (Essay

Anatomy & Physiology
Study Guide
 Functions of blood
 Blood types: Determined by?
o ABO system. Rh? Other antigens?
o What is a cross-reaction?
o How are antibodies to AB antigens
different than Rh antibodies?
o Universal donor & recipient?
 Composition of blood
o Plasma vs. formed elements
 Dissolved proteins
Spring 2014
 RBC vs. WBC vs. platelets
Hemoglobin: Structure & Role
Sickle Cell & Hemophilia-cause, inheritance,
Anemia: Cause? Consequence?
o How to remedy?
Hemostasis: Prevents blood loss
o Phases?
o How are clots removed?
The Heart & Circulatory System
Sequence of blood flow. Oxy, De-oxy.
Chambers, vessels, valves? Pulmonary vs.
systemic circuits. Aortic Arch?
Exercise & Cardiovascular System
o What happens?
Blood pressure: What is being measured?
What’s normal?
Cholesterol: Good? vs. bad?
o Plaque formation
Arteriosclerosis: What is it?
o Risk factors? Related to aging?
Heart Valves: Importance
o What is a heart murmur?
o Is replacement possible? Successful?
Heart Beat & contraction: an EKG?
o Path of electrical signal? SA & AV
nodes? Bundles? Fibers
o Automaticity
The Heart & Circulatory System
Blood carried away by arteries and
returned by veins
Capillary Beds: Why important?
o What happens here?
o Why is diffusion possible here?
Circulatory Physiology
o Peripheral Resistance
o Overcoming total peripheral
resistance: L ventrical?
Cardiovascular regulation
o Three Factors. How work?
Shock: symptoms? consequence
o How do symptoms reflect low BP?
Varicose Veins Cause? Consequence?
Case Study
Women’s heart disease symptoms vs.
Men’s heart disease symptoms
Relationship between diet, lifestyle, &
heart health?
Relationship between LDL, HDL, & heart
Relationship between hypertension &
heart attacks
Extra Credit:
Name and reason for fame of one of the African American Physicians discussed
Anatomy & Physiology
Study Guide
Spring 2014