Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin Genre: Realistic fiction or fantasy


Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin

Genre: Realistic fiction or fantasy


Elsewhere is a book that I would recommend to anyone. This book is about a girl who woke up in an alternate universe after she got into an accident. Throughout the book she is trying to contact her parents and find out where she is. In this alternate universe she meets many people and even sees her dead Grandmother. The main problem in the book is that she is trying to get back to living her real life and that she has a new life when she had only just began hers. Elsewhere is a great book and anyone would enjoy reading it.


Liz Hall has found herself in ELSEWHERE. After dying in a bicycle-meets-taxi accident. Liz has finally realized that she's not in a dream after all, but really, truly dead. When she arrives on Elsewhere, she meets her grandmother, Betty, for the very first time. A woman who died at fifty from breast cancer, Betty is now a woman in her thirties--one of the first surprises Liz is in for is the fact that, on Elsewhere, people’s lives are lived backward from the age of a person's death. Needless to say, this depresses Li because, She'll never be sixteen, never have a Massachusetts driver's license, never go to the prom or graduate from high school or go to college or get married. The only thing she has to look forward to is growing younger until she returns to earth as a little baby.


The main character Liz is fifteen when she is hit by a car. She wakes up on a ship with a girl named Thandi. Liz doesn’t look the same though, she has no hair and Thandi has a hole in her head. Liz doesn’t believe what is happening to her and thinks she is dreaming the whole thing. On the long journey on the ship Liz figures out what has really happened to her after she watches her own funeral. She and everyone else on the ship are being sent to

Elsewhere. Elsewhere is a lot like Earth. Everyone that dies goes there, but in this world you age backwards instead of forwards. Liz does not like this new life and tries everything to get back to her life on Earth. She finally learns she will never get to be with her family again and tried to make her new life the best that she can.


The main character Liz is fifteen when she is hit by a car. She wakes up on a ship with a girl named Thandi. Liz doesn’t look the same though, she has no hair and Thandi has a hole in her head. Liz doesn’t believe what is happening to her and thinks she is dreaming the whole thing. On the long journey on the ship Liz figures out what has really happened to her after she watches her own funeral. She and everyone else on the ship are being sent to

Elsewhere. Elsewhere is a lot like Earth. Everyone that dies goes there, but in this world you age backwards instead of forwards. Liz does not like this new life and tries everything to get back to her life on Earth. She finally learns she will never get to be with her family again and tried to make her new life the best that she can.


Elsewhere: “Oh, there are so many lives. How we wish we could live them concurrently instead of one by one by one. We could select the best pieces of each, stringing them together like a strand of pearls. But that’s not how it works. A human life is a beautiful mess.” When 15-year-old Elizabeth Marie Hall dies in a bicycle/taxi accident, she wakes up in a cabin on the SS Nile heading towards ELSEWHERE. After arriving on Elsewhere, she meets

Betty, her grandmother, who had died five years before she was born, from breast cancer. A woman, who was fifty when she died, was now only thirty. Liz soon discovers that, on Elsewhere, life ages backwards from the moment a person dies. She becomes disappointed that she will not be able to turn sixteen and own her own car, graduate from high school and proceed onto college, or get married and have children of her own. Once she lives fifteen years on Elsewhere, she will be sent back to Earth as a baby, to be reborn into another family. Liz is able to view life back on Earth from the Observation Decks, but realizes that it is not helping her adjust to life on

Elsewhere. Gabrielle Zevin is a wonderful author who tells this heartfelt story revealing the curiosity one can have about the afterlife of all people.

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Genre: Science Fiction



The Hunger Games is the best book I have ever read. This book is about a girl named Kat and her life throughout a short amount of time in the future. In the future of the USA there are 12 districts and the US has gone into a wasteland. I\Each district has a different job and where Katniss lives the job is coal mining. She has a sister and a mom but her mom doesn’t help her and her sister out a lot since her father died. So she goes outside of the district boundaries, which is illegal to hunt for food with her good friend Gale. In this society, there is something even worse than the wasteland, it’s something called The Hunger Games. Every year, a boy and a girl from each district are chosen to fight to the death in an arena and the winner stays alive. So the story follows the people from her district that get picked, all the way through the Hunger Games. This book will get you reading and you will end up finishing the book in a day or two.


Meet Katniss Everdeen, a sixteen year old girl living with her mother and younger sister in the smallest district of

Panem. A long time ago the twelve districts of Panem went to war with the Capitol and lost. To discourage further rebellion and to punish the districts, the Capitol created the yearly televised event called “The Hunger Games”.

Each district sends one boy and one girl, ages 12-18, to the Capitol every year for the games. The 24 tributes fight to the death, and the last person standing wins a life of fame and fortune. When Katniss’s sister is chosen for the games, she rushes forward to volunteer, saving her sister. Now it’s Katniss against the Hunger Games and maybe with a little help from Peeta, the boy tribute from her district, Katniss can return home alive.


Hunger Games is an action-packed thriller where Katniss Everdeen is taken from her mother and sister to be thrown into an arena and fight to the death. She is from District 12, the poorest district in Panem. Twenty four tributes are selected (one boy and one girl from each district) in all. The one that survives the battles is crowned a victor and will live a life of luxury. Katniss originally thinks she has no chance in the Games because she is from the worst district and not well-trained. Once in the arena, Katniss starts to care about the boy tribute from her

District, named Peeta Mellark, in more of a friend type of way. Will she have to end up killing him to survive?


Katniss Everdeen’s world is about to be flipped upside-down. The annual Hunger Games is coming. This event was made to remind the people of Panem of the power that the capitol has; to remind everyone of long lost

District 13 that the Capitol has blatantly destroyed. Each year 12 male tributes are taken, and 12 female tributes are taken to battle in the arena where there is only one winner, or survivor. To decide the tributes, there is a reaping, or a lottery selection, of people to participate in the Hunger Games. The one thing Katniss has dreaded forever has finally come upon her. Her little sister, Primrose Everdeen, has been reaped for this year’s Hunger

Games. Katniss does the unthinkable. She volunteers herself to go into the brutal Games instead of her beloved sister Prim. In this book, Katniss and fellow, newly selected Tribute, Peeta Mellark, of District 12 battle in the capitol’s Hunger Games.


Katniss and Peeta grew up in the same village, but when they are sent to compete against each other in a life or death competition, will that connection be enough? Losing the competition means you die, and winning means all of the fortune and fame you could imagine. Will they kill each other to stay alive, or will they work together?

Read to find out the ending of this thrilling adventure.


Do you like adventurous, action-filled books? The Hunger Games is a book about thirteen kids trying to adapt to their surroundings while attempting to stay alive. The capitol chooses one boy and one girl from each of the twelve districts to fight to death. The battles are televised and there can only be one survivor that wins the Games.

Experience what the kids go through when they are in the battle field; will some of them get so close with each other while training and kill each other in the battle?


Katniss, a 16-year-old girl has to make a choice. Her little sister has been chosen to fight to the death on live TV with 24 other teenagers. She has to options, watch her sister die or volunteer to go. She chose option b, so now she is partnered up with Peeta, a 16-year-old boy from the same district. There are 12 districts throughout this

destroyed North America and one central government who organize this “event”. They train these kids to survive in this unknown habitat. Whoever is the last survivor wins a nice home and food for them and their family for the rest of their life. To make this harder on Katniss she soon falls in love with Peeta, then comes to the realization she is going to have to kill him.

Catching Fire

Suzanne Collins- Science Fiction

Katniss Everdeen, has survived the deadly Hunger Games that her country, Panem, holds annually. With a last minute strategy to leave no survivor in the Hunger Games, Katniss has led President Snow to despise her. The President of Panem now sees her as a threat to a new rebellion. Little does Katniss know, President Snow has a trick up his sleeve for the 75 th Hunger Games that she is now expected to participate in. In this page turning book, President Snow claims control of Katniss’ future, until she is saved by the rebels of the fallen District 13.

Mocking Jay

Suzanne Collins- Science Fiction



No one ever realizes how small actions can make a big difference. Katniss Everdeen has survived the capitol’s brutal 74 th and 75 th Hunger Games. She won the 74 th with Peeta Mellark, but was rescued from the unfinished 75 th .

Now the long lost District 13, supposedly destroyed by the overpowering capitol, has risen to help form a new rebellion; a rebellion Katniss has started with the decisions she has made. None of the life-changing decisions she made were intentional or meant to be rebellious. Now she has all of the Districts of Panem turning against the

Capitol, but mainly against their leader, President Snow. Katniss is now known as the face of the rebellion, but better known as The Mockingjay. This great read will make you think about how scary government control can be and how one’s voice can determine the future.


After competing in the Hunger Games twice, Katniss Everdeen, and a group of other contestants escape from the brutal “game,” setting an example for all other citizens. With Katniss as the face of the revolution, a civil war begins. Through a series of propaganda videos, smaller districts, or cities, are convinced to fight against the leaders of the country, The Capitol. With the threat of nuclear weapons, the rebels are outnumbered by millions and most likely don’t stand a chance.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

-Genre Realistic Fiction



The Book Thief is a really good book about a girl during the WWII times. The book Thief focuses on this girl’s life and how she struggles through the WWII times. In the book the steals books from a rich person who has a library and in the end of the book there is an unexpected ending. This book was a really good book and I recommend it but this summary isn’t very good because I forget a lot of the book.


The Book Thief-Little Liesel Meminger struggles to find herself in a new home in Germany. After losing her mother and brother and never having known her father, there was nowhere to run. Friends find her but so does trouble and adventure as well. Scared to loss anymore, she connects with her foster father who teachers her the way of the words. Writing secretly in their basement, Liesel is soon to become her own author and owner, not letting anyone stop her from being herself. The Book Thief is a loving, thrilling novel by Markus Zusak.


The Book Thief is by far my favorite World War II book. Unlike most World War II books that deal with

American troops attacking Germany, this book deals with the citizens of a small town in Germany. Most of the people that live in this town do not believe in Nazis but are forced to be Nazis in order to save their own lives.

There was a Jew that lived in the main character’s house. The main character and her family protect this Jew even

though if they are caught then they will in just as much trouble as the Jews. My favorite part about this book is the narrator. The narrator in this book is death and it gave me a new insight on the amount of Jews that were killed in

World War II. This book has elements of friendship, sympathy, courage, and love.

Deadline by Chris Crutcher

Genre: Realistic fiction



What would you do if you had a secret that you wanted no one to know? For Ben Wolf, the decision was easy; tell nobody. On his death bed, Ben strives to fulfill his life goals and dreams in under one year, though it’s not easy to change without people noticing. He struggles to keep a lid on the news, but sooner or later he knows reality will catch up with him. Follow Ben on his life changing and emotional ride to the top before it’s his time to hit the bottom in the book Deadline , by Chris Crutcher.


This book is about a boy named Ben Wolf who wants to show the world how he feels, and make an impact. But he only has one more year to do it when he is diagnosed with a deadly disease that isn’t leaving him much time.

When Ben finds out that he has only one year left he chooses not tell anyone what’s happening. He decides to leave with a bang, he joins the football team and tries to win the girl of his dreams, but he finds out that not telling anyone might have been a bad choice.

Title: The Alchemyst (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicolas Flamel)

Author: Michael Scott

Genre: Sci-fi/fantasy

Summary: Twins Sophie and Josh Newman of San Francisco are ordinary teenagers who work for the Flemings, a kind middle aged couple. However, ordinary soon becomes a thing of the past when Sophie and Josh are dragged into a centuries-long feud between the Dark Elders and the Flemings, whose true identities are Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel. A host of historical names take the side of the Dark Elders, including Dr. John Dee and Niccolo Machiavelli. The Flamels reveal to Sophie and Josh that the twins may be the 'twins of legend' with auras and powers strong enough to save or destroy the world as we know it. A series of gripping battles and teeth-grinding suspense culminates in Sophie's aura being

Awakened by Hecate, who is later killed by the evil John Dee, and the unthinkable occurs. The most powerful sorceress in the world, Perenelle Flamel, is kidnapped and taken to Alcatraz island where her aura and life will wane until she is dead.

Meanwhile, Nicolas, the twins, and Scathach, their vampire friend, must search for the Codex before Nicolas and

Perenelle die without the elixir.

Title: The Dangerous Days of Daniel X

Author: James Patterson

Genre: Sci-fi/Adventure

Summary: Daniel's parents were brutally murdered by a vicious alien called The Prayer when Daniel was just three years old. Now Daniel has devoted the last twelve years of his life to continuing his parents' work. Daniel is an Alien

Hunter, dedicated to clearing the alien Outcasts on the List from Earth, or as he calls it, Terra Firma. But Daniel's new target, Number Six, is harder to catch and far more dangerous than anything he has faced before. Along the path to destroying Number Six, Daniel discovers an unsettling truth - he is an alien too. And he is dangerous. You see, Daniel has the power to create.

Title: Airborne

Author: Kenneth Oppel

Genre: Realistic Fiction



Airborne is about a boy named Matt Cruise. He is a cabin boy upon an airship called, the “Aurora”. One night he rescues an unconscious pilot from a stranded hot-air balloon. The pilot tells him stories of these amazing creatures that no one has seen. Matt disregards him because he is delusional. While aboard the Aurora he meets a young

lady named Kate de Vries. It turns out her grandpa was the man Matt recued. She sucks him into her journey to find these creatures. But then things get crazy because air pirates come and raid their ship. But while they are leaving they tear the surface of the Aurora causing it to crash land. Upon this island the passenger have to survive while the airship gets repaired. Matt and Kate find evidence of the creatures, but they also find the pirates. Then it is a battle for everyone on the island to survive.


Matt Cruze works as a cabin boy on the Aurora which is a luxury passenger ship in an alternative Victorian time where airships roll across the skies. Several months ago Matt rescued a dying man from a drifting air balloon who claimed to have seen something of great beauty. But it isn't until six months later when he meets the man's granddaughter, Kate de Vries when he is reminded of this event. After showing him her grandfather's logbook

Matt is insisted on finding what he actually saw even if that means risking the life of the Aurora , and all of the passengers aboard.

Title: Maximum Ride

Author: James Patterson

Genre: Fantasy/Science Fiction



Maximum Ride is about a group of mutant teenagers with special abilities and powers. Then were made in a classified laboratory called the school. They eventually escape from the school and live on their own in secluded mountaintop. But then one day Eraser, the scientists’ hunters came and took the youngest of the group, Angel.

The rest of the group must go back to the school to rescue her. While rescuing her they learn that they actually had parents and all their records were kept locked up in this place called the Institute. So, they go off on a journey to find out who they really are while encountering many new challenges.


Maximum Ride is a page-turning novel about six children with extraordinary powers. They’ve been genetically altered to be that way. The children were raised in the “school” and kept in cages until Jeb, their only friend at the

“school”, busted them out. Now they’re on a journey to find out who they are, where they came from, and what they were made for. During all of this, they have to dodge erasers, mutant half wolf, half humans, who are trying to bring them back to the school.

Title: The Warrior Heir

Author: Cindy Williams Chima

Genre: Fantasy

Attention-getting summary: The Warrior Heir is a book about a teenager named Jack. One day he forgets to take his medicine that he has been taking all his life. Then during soccer tryouts after school he makes a boy go flying without touching him. He learns that he is a warrior heir and he is one of the few that are still alive. He also learns that everyone around him has some sort of power besides his parents. Now the White and Red rose want to capture him to fight for them in a tournament. These tournaments decide power in the wizard houses. Jack meets a new girl at school and is instantly attracted to her, but his old girlfriend wants him back. But both of them don’t turn out to be who they appear to be. So he is forced to leave trinity and go to England. There he faces his biggest challenge of all.

The Truth About Forever

By: Sarah Dessen

Genre: Teenage Love/Realistic Fiction


Macy was devastated when her father died. She stopped seeing the happiness in life and threw herself into her school work. She tries to make everything about herself perfect, hair, grades, clothes, and even her boyfriend named Jason. When Jason leaves for “Brain Camp” during the summer and later puts their relationship on hold,

Macy starts working part-time at a catering company. She meets new crazy friends, learns to have fun again, and maybe, just maybe, she falls in love.


Macy, smart and quiet, tries to live the perfect life. She keeps her life organized and neat, tucking her past deep within herself, until she meets Wish. Wish is a chaotic catering service that is always on the brink of disaster.

Macy finds herself swept upby the business and the people in it, especially West, a local artist with a past.

Through Wish and all who come with it, Macy will learn many truths, including some about herself, life, and forever.


Scott Westerfeld

Genre: Science Fiction


Welcome to Uglyville, the place where fifteen year old Tally Youngblood eagerly awaits her sixteenth birthday.

When Tally finally turns sixteen she will receive the operation that turns every sixteen year old in her society beautiful. While waiting for her birthday to come, Tally meets another ugly called Shay. Shay doesn’t want to turn pretty, so she runs into the wild to join a group of rebels called The Smoke. When Tally is on her way to her operation, the one that will make her beautiful for the rest of her life, she is taken by the authorities. They tell Tally that she can’t turn pretty until she goes out into the wilderness, by herself, finds Shay, and turns her in.


In this book there is a community that is split up, by if you’re ugly or if you’re pretty. When people in the community turn sixteen they go to have an operation done that will forever turn them from an ugly to a pretty.

And once they are pretty they are sent into another world of parties and fun that they never had experienced before. The main character Tally is so excited to finally become pretty and transfer over to where she won’t have to worry anymore, but when she becomes friends with a girl named Shay that isn’t sure she wants to become pretty her world turns upside down and tally learns many new things about being pretty that many others never knew.


, by Neal Shusterman, is about young kids running from any child between thirteen and eighteen’s worst fears; being unwound. A series of steps taking apart one’s body and donating it to whoever is in need and can afford it.

Venturing away from home, they find comfort and shelter in each other and their new friends they encounter along the way. Trouble stirs after the news of their disappearances and the nature of things is turned upside down, leaving the children to discover secrets and put a stop to unwinding. Also, to answer the many questions of society, especially one everyone thinks about; when you are unwound, are you dead or has your soul just passed on to another form? Plunge into the book and join the commotion, and maybe even find yourself an answer.

Title: Blood Red Horse

Author: K.M. Grant

Genre: War and Religion

Summary: The book Blood Red Horse is a great book and really shows you how the Muslims acted and praised their God,

Allah. It also shows how the people back then fought in the Crusades. The crusades were a big decider, in which country took over the land in the Middle East. It’s a good book if you like to read about history and then religion.

Title: Summer Ball

Author: Mike Lupica

Genre: Sports

Summary: The book Summer Ball is a great sports book, especially if you like the sports book where the characters have to go through a lot of challenges. But the book really captures how some of the kids look at the challenges, and then think of them as obstacles. The main character Danny has to fight some of his own battle sin the book though.


By: Mike Lupica

A boy growing up a huge baseball fan and having a great mind for the game because his dad was a former pitcher for the

Detroit Tigers, is now living his dream. He has become batboy for the same team his dad had pitched for. However, when

he gets the job, his former favorite player returns from retirement to help get the club to the playoffs. He is all excited about the return of his former star. He is even more excited to meet him. When the opportunity comes, he realizes the man is a fake. He is actually a cold-hearted mean person who does not care about anyone except himself. The player goes into a slump and fans are getting anxious. Will it be the boy's knowledge to help the player, or has the young boy lost all respect?

Caleb+Kate by: Cindy Martinusen- Coloma

They called him hot cabana boy. Caleb, a poor Hawaiian surfer boy, catches Kate's eye as he walks into Gelltian High

School the first day. Her friends tell her to stay away, but Kate can't resist. When Kate's father finds out about

Caleb, tragedy occurs. The family feud between the two families sparks again and Kate is forbidden from seeing Caleb.

Will this stop them from falling in love?

Things Not Seen by: Andrew Clements

When Bobby looks in the mirror on a Tuesday morning, he sees nothing. He literally isn't there. As he tries to find out the cause of his invisibility, he meets a blind girl. Since she cannot see him, their relationship is based solely on personality and the way they feel when they are together. When Bobby's dad finds a cure for his invisibility will he stay with his girlfriend? Read to find out!

Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes

Chris Crutcher

Realistic Fiction

This book is about a boy and his best friend Sarah Byrnes who would always stick together because they were both outcasts in school. But when the boy, Eric, joined the school swim team and began to lose weight his image as an outcast started to fade away and so did their friendship. Slowly Sarah began to fall far into a state of depression, not talking to anyone, and Eric must figure out what he can do to save her.

Island of Refuge

Linda Hall

Realistic Fiction

Peter Glass is running for his life until he suddenly stops and meets Naomi, Zoe, and Jo. He is nourished back to a healthy weight and immediately befriends Jo. After a few comfortable days in his new friends home, Jo is found murdered on the island. Peter promises to stay with Naomi and Zoe, but the police start their extensive investigation on the case. And while the threesome are going through their trial, Margot, a past houseguest of Naomi’s, starts her own background check on her old friend. However, what Margot finds out shocks her, and mixes the lives of the people who live on the island. As the police try to find the murderer, the island dwellers just want to restore peace with themselves, their lives, and God. But with everything going on, can they bring back the island they love?

Margaret’s Peace

Linda Hall

Realistic Fiction

After the anticipated break up of her marriage, Margaret Collinwood suddenly inherits her childhood home in Coffins

Reach, Maine. As she returns to the sea front property, she is hoping to rest, paint, and find the peace that has been missing from her life after the death of her daughter. But what she doesn’t realize is the war she fights against her terrible memories. Margaret hasn’t found the relief of getting over of how her sister died in that house. And after living in the house for a while, she still hadn’t gone up to the balcony where her older sister died from. Margaret tries to go on with her life, but as soon as she opens up the possibility of solving her sister’s case, Margaret must find out what happened to her beloved sibling.

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke


One night, Meggie's father reads aloud from a fictional tale; but an antagonizing character escapes from the book and ends

up in Meggie's living room. Meggie's father discovers that what he reads aloud in books, comes to life in the real world.

Suddenly Meggie is right in the middle of an adventure to save her father that she has only read about. Only she can change the story that will change her life forever.

Heat by Mike Lupica

Realistic Fiction

Ramon and his brother live alone in Brooklyn, New York after their parents passed away. While the troubled boy Ramon runs around the streets and passed Yankee Stadium, his passion for baseball grows stronger every day. But when foster care checks to see who the guardian is of the two brothers, they run in to trouble. They must persuade foster care that the two boys have a guardian so that their dreams of playing baseball can stay alive.

Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer by John Grisham

Realistic Fiction

There's a murder trial going on in Strattenburg and a teenager named Theodore Boone instantly becomes intrigued. But when he finds a secret witness who saw the scene, he must decide whether to tell the court or not. His friend, who is in illegal immigrant and cannot confess without being sent back to his home country. Will Theodore bust his friend or will he tell the court?

Title: Beastly

Author: Alex Flinn

Genre: Young Adult/Fantasy

Gorgeous and rich Kyle Kingsbury has life made. He’s got a gorgeous girl, a funny best friend, and he rules the school, until he meets Kendra, who sees past his judgmental nature. She shows Kyle for who he really is, a beast, fur, fangs, and claws included. She gives him two years to find true love or he will stay this way forever.

Title: Along for the Ride

Author: Sarah Dessen

Genre: Young Adult/Romance

Auden West was going to spend the summer in Colby, North Carolina, with her dad, stepmother, and their new baby. While there, she meets Eli, silent and haunted, who is an insomniac much like herself. They spend many nights together, running errands and giving Auden a second chance to have the childhood she never did. Maybe during her stay they will both learn to accept the pasts and just go along for the ride.

One Part Angel : George Shaffner : Wilma Porter is the owner of the Come Again Bed and Breakfast, founder of the

Quilting Circle , two time mother, four time grandmother, and best friend of Loretta Parsons. Wilma prays that Vernon L.

Moore, a mysterious traveling salesman and also father of Loretta’s baby, will return to the small town of Ebb, Nebraska to help them out of their crisis. First, Loretta’s salon is vandalized and set on fire and Loretta is beaten into a coma. Then

Wilma finds out that her grandson was involved in the crime. Perhaps, by coincidence Mr. Moore arrived at the bed and breakfast that night. The last time Mr. Moore was in Ebb he saved the department store, Millets. This time he could be back to save the bank owned by none other than Wilma’s fiancé, and hopefully save Loretta. Wilma and all the residents of Ebb are convinced that Vernon L. Moore is some sort of… angel?

I am the Messenger: Markus Zusak : Ed Kennedy lives a somewhat pathetic life as a cabdriver. Almost every day he plays cards with his friends then he goes home to “the shack” to his smelly dog “the doorman”. That’s just about everything Ed had going for him until one day, he inadvertently stops a bank robbery. Shortly after that he starts getting

Ace playing cards in the mail. The aces contain information that tells Ed where to go to find the people that need help.

When Ed finds the people, he has to figure out what to do to help them. Ed sees a lot of things along his journeys and he meets a lot of good people, and some bad people. The important thing is that he improves the lives of the people he meets and his own life is richer for the experience.

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before:

David Yoo : Albert Kim, fed up with humiliation and rejection, has detached himself from all social aspects of high school. His summer job at a hotel leads him to the cutest most popular girl in school, Mia Stone, who is the ex-girlfriend of the biggest jerk in school, Ryan Stackhouse. Over the summer Albert and

Mia develop a relationship which gets complicated when Ryan is diagnosed with cancer. Ryan’s condition requires all of

Mia’s attention and Albert is convinced that Ryan is using this cancer to take Mia away from him. Mia is emotionally confused and she is worried about Ryan but she still has feelings for Albert.

Thirteen Reasons Why Jay Asher

Imagine opening your door to a box of tapes of a girl who committed suicide and you were one of the reasons why.

Would you listen to the tapes or just ignore them? That is the experience Clay Jensen went through when he found a box of cassets on his door step. The cassets of Hanna Baker’s voice; Clay’s classmate for years and crush. Read this book to find out the thirteen reasons and people to why Hanna decided to end her life.

The Lightning Thief The first book of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, The Lightning Thief, is about Percy

Jackson, who goes to Yancy Academy, which is school for troubled kids. One day, on a field trip, Percy is attacked by his math teacher, who turns out to be a monster, but is saved by one of his professors. Percy learns that he is a demigod, half human-half god, and goes to camp half- blood where he will be safe from monsters. There, he learns that his father is

Poseidon, God of the sea, and that the Greek gods are real. A few days after Percy arrives at camp, Zeus’s lightning bolt is stolen, and Percy is accused of stealing it. Now Percy and his friends have to go on a quest to find the lightning bolt in ten days, and return it to Zeus in order to prevent a war between the gods.

True Talents- True Talents is about six friends, Trash, Torchie, Cheater, Martin, Lucky, and Flinch, who have hidden talents. Trash is a telekinetic, Cheater is a mind reader, Lucky can find lost items, Martin can see peoples greatest prides and darkest secrets, Torchie can start fires with his mind, and Flinch can see the future. No one knows about their special powers, until trash steals money from a bank and gets kidnapped. The people who kidnapped trash learn about his powers and search for his friends and other people who could have special powers too. Now trash and his friends are on the run trying to hide their secret. Its up to trash and his friends to use their true talents to defeat the people who are after them.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - While Lucy and Edmund Pevensie are living with their annoying cousin, Eustace, they find a picture of a boat at sea in the guest bedroom. The painting turns out to be a magical painting, and all three children get sucked into the painting. The children find them selves on the boat they saw on the picture, the Dawn Treader. The ship belongs to Prince Caspian, who is in search for the seven lost Lords of Narnia. In their search for the seven Lords,

Prince Caspian and the children come across many dangers and adventures. Will they find all seven lost Lords, or will they become lost too, never to be seen again in Narnia?

Book: If I Stay

Author: Gayle Forman

Genre: realistic fiction/drama



If I Stay is a wonderful book about a girl named Mia who is a talented cello player and her life revolves around her music. When her and her family got in a horrible car accident her mother, father, and little brother died. She found herself in a coma but her spirit was outside of her body and wondering the halls of the hospital trying to find out exactly what happened. Her best friend Kelly and her grandparents came as soon as they could. It was her

Gramps who questions whether or not she has the option of dyeing or living. The evens that occur in the hospital remind her of old memories, her brother being born, her and Kelly’s first fight and her first date with her boyfriend. After coming to the hospital, Kelly goes off to find Adam, her boyfriend. By the time he is found they will only allow family in and Adam is furious. He does everything he can to see her. When he finally can, he finds it his job to wake her up.


The story starts with one’s average teenage girl on a snow day with her family. In a place where snow is rare, even a minimal two inches is enough to cause a day off. Mia’s family decides to go visit their grandparents close

by, and it’s on the way there that they are part of a catastrophic car crash. It’s then, after Mia has lost so much that she must decide if she wants to continue to live life on Earth or go on up to heaven.


Mia has a great life ahead of her. She’s a fantastic cellist with a Julliard scholarship waiting for her when she graduates, a supportive, loving family, a great best friend, and a rising-rockstar boyfriend. But all of that is put on the line when her family gets in a car crash Mia, the only one left alive, is rushed to ICU. With her family dead,

Mia has to decide what is left for her to live for. She has the choice to stay or leave this world while she’s on the border of life and death.

The Thief Lord is a mystical and fascinating book full of adventure. Set in Venice, Italy the book tells of a ragtag group of orphans living on their own. This group of five individuals range in age from five to fourteen, each child with their own distinct personality. They steal valuables to survive and live in an abandoned theater called, The Stella. These little thieves are given their greatest challenge yet, when they are asked to steal a set of enchanted wings. This intriguing book by

Caroline Funke is a masterpiece that no reader will soon forget.

Olive Kitteridge, written by Elizabeth Strout, is a powerful novel told through a series of short stories. Each individual chapter is its own unique story that involves several different characters including Olive Kitteridge herself. Elizabeth

Strout manages to web in figures of speech such as cliffhangers and foreshadowed events that keep the reader craving more. The thirteen separate stories keep the novel fresh and complex. It is a captivating book full of lovable characters, such as Olive’s dear husband Henry.

The book Notes from a Midnight Driver is the perfect selection for any reader interested in realistic-fiction. This comical book starts with a drunken sixteen-year-old boy crashing a car into an expensive lawn gnome. The boy is sentenced to one hundred hours of volunteer work at a local nursing home. There, he encounters a dear friend who teaches him a few important life lessons. This moving booking shares the story of an unlike friendship and demonstrates how a fraction of love can go a long way.

Someone Like You

Sarah Dessen

Genre: realistic fiction

Scarlett has always been there for Hailey, from when they were little girls. This past summer, Scarlett has helped Hailey step out of her mother’s shadow and step into a new world. In this world Hailey learns how to do normal teenage things that her psychologist mother has kept her from like smoking a cigarette, double piercing her ears, and partying. But when

Scarlett’s summer love Michael dies in a tragic motorcycle accident and Scarlett is left with a shock, it is Hailey’s turn to take care of her friend that was always there for her as they prepare for the shock that will change their lives forever.

The Pretty Little Liars Novels

Sara Shepard

Genre: realistic fiction/ mystery

Four very different girls were united by one popular queen bee. Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily never pictured being friends with each other, much less Ali. Together they lead the halls of their middle school as they went to high school parties with older guys and bought all the best clothes from the Rosewood Mall. But when Ali goes missing the summer before high school, the girls drift apart. Until the shocking discovery of Ali’s dead body and mysterious text messages bring them back together as they try to uncover what happened to their dear friend…

Patient Zero

By Johnathan Maberry


You are an average Brooklyn cop, you are doing you job when you get sent to destroy a small terrorist cell. You kill a man, you’ve done it so many times that there's no feeling to it, and then, three days later, you see this same man alive. Patient Zero is about Joe Ledger, a cop turned military special forces, and a terrorist cell, that plans to turn everybody into mindless walking corpses and selling the cure to the people who can afford it. The terrorists are spreading the virus faster and faster and Joe Ledger is in a race against the clock to save the world.

The Dragon Factory

By Johnathan Maberry


Imagine having the ability to create things that are impossible: dragons, dinosaurs, and even unicorns. What if this ability fell into the wrong hands? The Dragon Factory is a story about Joe Ledger being called up again to stop a scientist who plans on destroying the world. This man has created something that was thought to be impossible, he has created a race-specific virus. Joe must find a way to stop this man before he releases the virus and starts a holy war in the middle east.


By Veronica Roth

Dystopian society

Tris lives in a world where being different isn’t always good. Tris was born into The Abnegation, one of five factions in the city. Each of these five factions live together but stand for different beliefs. At the age of sixteen teens go through a test that tells them which faction they fit in best with, but for Tris, even before she took the test, she knew she was different. Her test results showed that she fit into three different factions instead of the normal results of one.

Divergent is a story about finding yourself and doing what you think is right, even if people don’t agree with it.

The Help

Kathryn Stockett

Historical Fiction

In 1963, Jackson Mississippi is portrayed as the most racist town in the United States. That rule is challenged when Skeeter, a twenty-three year old with intelligence and a stereotype racist white family. Skeeter, setting out to be a novelist, decides to secretly interview Black maids on what it’s like working for White families, even though all of them have serious consequences if they are caught. This story focuses on a unique issue in American history and is an allaround incredible story.


Natasha Friend

Realistic Fiction

A thirteen year old, Sam, has an alcoholic father and a yoga obsessed mother who seems to avoid all of his situations. With no help from her parents, Sam is nearly forced to raise her little brother alone, make her own decisions, and confront her father on her own even though she nearly hates him. Sam has to hide her life at home from her friends, and has to act like her father’s episodes don’t affect her. She learns from her mistakes and what kinds of lifestyles aren’t meant to be in all of the decisions she has to make throughout the story.

The Merchant of Venice

William Shakespeare


Set in Venice, Italy in the 15 th century, Antonio and Bassanio are great Christian friends. Antonio is a wealthy merchant who owns merchant ships, and he gives Bassanio money to go and try to win over Princess Portia. They use a bond from Jewish moneylender, Shylock, who hates Christians. Shylock and Antonio agree that if Antonio cannot repay his bond for some reason, he will take a pound of Antonio’s flesh. It’s a tragic and suspenseful story from one of the greatest writers who ever lived.

Title : Huckleberry Finn

Author: Mark Twain

Genre: Historic Fiction

Huckleberry Finn is the main character, and through his eyes, the reader sees and judges the South, its faults, and its interesting qualities. Huck's friend Jim, a runaway slave, provides friendship and protection while the two journey along the Mississippi on their raft homemade carved raft. Huck and Jim travel at night to avoid being seen, and turned in

to the police. The reader will watch the relationship grow between Huck and Jim while there journey takes place. Despite the race differences between Huck and Jim, they act as if they were brothers taking on a lifetime long journey down the

Great Mississippi River. Using their survival skills, Huck and Jim struggle to stay alive in the Deep South.

Vanishing Act

Thomas Perry


Jane Whitefield is the person to go to to get you out of danger your life holds. She is a guide to lead you out of the life you knew to a new, better one where you’ll be safe. Jane is a master of disguise, using her knowledge of the Seneca people to help others. But when she takes on a new client, John Felker, something is off. And when things take a turn for the worst, Jane must use all of her wit, knowledge, and even heritage to save her clients and herself.

Ten Things We Did (and probably shouldn’t have)

by Sarah Mlynowski

Imagine this, you move in with you best friend, your parents live three states away, her mom is out of town, and you get one thousand dollars a month. Well that is a reality for April. She moves in with her best friend Vi after her dad announces his move to Ohio. The girls do some pretty crazy things such as buy a hot tub, throw a wild party, host the Mr.

Universe pageant, and harbor a fugitive. They aren’t really quite sure how they managed to do the last one. Ten things, two girls, and one wild year.

The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott

If you are a girl you know there is a code, and unwritten rulebook. Sarah has had a crush on a handsome, sweet, and artistic boy for years, but she has to force herself to avoid him when her best friend, Brianna starts dating him. Being a girl is tough enough without always being second to a gorgeous best friend who only has her own desires at heart. Sarah struggles to figure out if breaking the ultimate unwritten rule is worth losing her best friend over.

Something, Maybe by Elizabeth Scott

Most teenagers are embarrassed by their parents. A lot wish their parents would get out of those clothes that would make the eighties want to throw up, well Hannah just wishes her mom would but on more clothes than just skimpy underwear. And as for her dad, let’s picture Hugh Hefner, who only calls when he needs rating for his reality T.V show.

And as for Hannah she works at a call center with Josh, cute, smart, funny, and Finn, annoying and more annoying. Josh starts to act like he is really into Hannah, is he into her or is he just using her to get close to someone else?

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks

“Life, he realized, was much like a song. In the beginning, there is mystery, in the end, there is confirmation, but it’s in the middle where all the emotion resides to make the whole thing worthwhile.” This is an excerpt from

The Last Song .

Nicholas Sparks writes a wonderful romance novel, dealing with pain, love, divorce, and a sad ending. 17-year-old

Veronica “Ronnie” Miller’s thought her summer was burned to pieces when her mother thought that it would be best for her and her brother to visit their dad for almost three months. Ronnie still held anger and resentment towards her father from when he left her and her brother, Jonah, three years in the past. She wanted nothing to do with him, and even threatened him that she would fly straight back to New York before summer ended. All of that started to change when she met Will. He was the last person she thought she would fall in love with, but somehow, he provided her with the most happiness she had felt in a long time. The happiness Ronnie felt soon turned to pain when her dad became sick. Ronnie decided at the end of the summer that she would stay in Wrightsville, NC, while Jonah returned to New York for the new school year. With the extra time Ronnie had on her hands, she finished composing the song that her dad had started. She realized that playing the piano was what she was meant to do, and so she continued where she had left off with her musical career. Will had gone off to college in Tennessee, but at Christmas, he surprised her with something that would foretell their future. All of this comes together into a wonderful romance story, dealing with pain, love, regret, and happiness, in the Nicholas Sparks novel, The Last Song .

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi

Before there were cruise ships and airplanes there was only one way to cross the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to the Americas, and this was by boat. In The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, a young girl travels the Atlantic Ocean coming to the Americas to reunite with her family. This young girl is the only woman on the ship. Many problems occur on the ship that she travels on. By the time that Charlotte gets to the Americas, she is a changed girl and has experienced way more that the average young adult.

The Coffin Quilt by Ann Rinaldi

In The Coffin Quilt there is a family feud between the McCoys and the Hatfields. In this book one of the McCoys falls in love with one of the Hatfields. This makes the two families hate each other even more. After a lot of blood is shed and a lot of silly mistakes are made, Roseanna McCoy becomes pregnant with Jonhse Hatfields baby. The best part about this book is how the author portrays several different characters that all have an impact to the plot.

Title: Call of the Wild

Author: Jack London

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Call of the Wild is about a dog named Buck that had everything he could ever have wanted, until he was kidnapped.

He was kidnapped to pay off a debt, and he was from then on forever forced to work as a sled dog in Canada. He was beaten repetitively for behavioral issues and forced to work in terrible weather for long hours. Often enough, Buck and the other dogs had little to no food with little rest. It was terrible for a dog, but Buck was a survivor and this book is about his journey to the top.

Title: Artemis Fowl

Author: Eoin Colfer

Genre: Fiction

The Artemis Fowl books are great reads if you’re into mythical creatures and adventures. The book is about a teenager named Artemis Fowl, who is interested in capturing a fairy to replenish his family’s fortune. Artemis is a greedy but clever boy who is too smart for his age. He is not strong, but that is why his family has bodyguards. Butler is

Artemis’s bodyguard who is also clever. He is a very powerful man that is serious about his job. He would do anything to protect Artemis, and if you read the book you’ll find this to be true.

Title: Gym Candy

Author: Carl Deuker

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Gym Candy is about a kid named Mick Johnson. His father was a professional football player until he was kicked out because of his attitude. Mick wants to be play professional football player, but his competitive side of him may destroy that hope. Mick wants to be the number one player on his team. He is eventually driven towards steroids because he cannot better his teammates without them. Mick was once an average kid that enjoyed sports and friends, but when the two crossed he chose sports. The book is about Mick and his journey from an innocent child to an over competitive man that cares only about himself.

Title: Lock and Key

Author: Sarah Dessen

Genre: Fiction/Drama

A girl named Ruby is abandoned by her mother and tries to make it on her own. Soon, she can’t handle living on her own and social services finds her and she is sent to live with her sister, Cora. She hasn’t seen Cora in more ten years and she finds that her sister had gotten married to someone named Jamie. Cora lives in a mansion, sends Ruby to a private school, and buys her a brand new wardrobe. Ruby is not used to this new life and struggles to fit in. She soon meets the boy next door and they instantly click, but he’s hiding something from her and she knows it. She tries to help him but he just pushes her away. This life is everything that Ruby has ever dreamed of, but she doesn’t seem to want it anymore. She just wants her old life back and to live in the small yellow house with her mother.

Title: My Life Undecided

Author: Jessica Brody

Genre: Realistic Fiction

The main character, Brooklyn Pierce has always made bad decisions, including a recent one in which she held a party at her mother’s model home and accidently burned down the model home. She is so tired of making the wrong choices and getting in trouble for them. She decides to make a blog and posts every single decision she has on there and lets her readers choose for her. She promises to do what the readers say no matter what. The blog works out well for her for a while but then she faces a dilemma. She learns that you can’t choose who you fall in love with. She can’t follow the blog anymore, she has to do what she thinks is the best thing for her, not what her readers think. She has to make her own decisions based on what she really wants and she knows she can’t count on a blog for the rest of her life.

Title: I Am Number Four

Author: Pittacus Lore

Genre: Science Fiction

This book is about a “boy” named John that isn’t really a boy. This “boy” is one of nine aliens, the Loriens, being killed off in numerical number by a rival group of aliens. The first three have been killed off. John is number four. These

Loriens must continually move to stay hidden. In the beginning of the book, John is moving to Paradise, Ohio. Everything is going well until they have to move again. John has finally made friends and fallen in love. He decides to stay and face his enemy.

Title: Numbering All the Bones

Author: Ann Rinaldi

Genre: Historical Fiction

Eulinda is a house slave during the Civil War. Her younger brother, Zeke, is being sold away. Her older brother,

Neddy, ran away to join the Northern Army, and her mother is dying. Eulinda is torn between staying with her master, who is also her biological father, and being free. She is faced with the choice of staying in the South or going north. She eventually leaves and starts to work alongside Clara Barton and it changes her view on slavery.

Title: Bloomability

Author: Sharon Creech

Genre: Fiction

Domenica Santolina Doone (better known as Dinnie) is taken to Switzerland by her Aunt Sandy and Uncle Max.

She is put into a boarding school. At first she doesn’t want to be away from her family, but she falls in love with the place she is staying at and the people she meets that have come from all over the world.

Twisted by Laurie-Halse Anderson

Realistic Fiction

Tough guy Tyler Miller just can’t seem to get things right. For years he went unnoticed as a nerdy, unsocial teenage boy, but after he vandalizes the school in an attempt to revamp his reputation things go from bad to worse. Tyler ends up having to serve time at a landscaping company in order to pay for the crime he committed. If that’s not enough everything around him seems to start heating up; his crush Bethany Miller suddenly starts to notice him, Tyler’s dad starts to crack from the pressure of his job, and Tyler’s new found popularity gets him into more trouble than he ever expected possible. Tyler starts to realize that he is drowning in a world that he was never cut out to live in, and just when the pressure starts to get unbearable Tyler decides he just can’t take it anymore.

Jerk, California by Jonathan Friesen

Realistic Fiction

Sam Carrier lives in a world that just doesn’t seem to get him. Living with Tourette’s syndrome has brought on more struggles than he can handle. Not only does he not fit in at school or socially; Sam’s own family seems to be

ashamed of him. Old Bill, Sam’s step-father has always given him a hard time for his disease, and never fails to reassure

Sam that his real father was a no-good-twitchy drunk. Everything that Old Bill says Sam believes whole- heartedly until one day he meets his father’s old friend, George. George takes him in and tries to teach him the truth about his father, but

Sam won’t have it until one day George passes on. After his death, Sam is left with not only George’s house, but a map that takes him on a journey to learn about the man his father was, and the man he’s meant to be.

Catalyst by Laurie-Halse Anderson

Realistic Fiction

Kate Malone is a goody-two shoes. Being the daughter of the local pastor and one of the best students in her grade is how she’s known. Kate has high hopes to follow in the steps of her dead mother and attend Massachusetts Institute of

Technology in the fall. As time passes on, not only must she come home stressed each day to find no acceptance from

MIT, but when her neighbor’s house burns down she is forced to live with a new roommate. Unfortunately though Terri isn’t the best roommate to have; she constantly steals from Kate and has been bullying her for years. Kate can’t stand living with Terri, but when a plan to rebuild Terri’s house turns horribly wrong the two just might find something to bond over.


Author: Mike Lupica

Genre: Fiction

Zach Harriman had always thought his dad had a one of the coolest jobs, advisor to the president. When Zach’s dad is involved in a plane crash, it gets him wondering what he might not have known about his father’s job. Through research and personal experience, Zach finds what most people would find impossible. Zach and his father are superheroes. They are faster, stronger, and smarter than the any other citizen. With his new found ability, Zach tries to find the real explanation for his father’s death.

The Gate of Days

Author: Guillaume Prevost

Genre: Scientific Fiction

When Sam Faulkner’s dad goes missing, after walking into his very own basement, Sam follows his path of disappearance. In the basement, Sam finds an old statue, coins, and a book with no words. He finds that with these, he has the ability to time travel. With a great amount of research and luck, he finds that his father is trapped in Count Dracula’s

Castle, 400 years ago. With help from his cousin Lily, he uses the time traveling statue to attempt rescuing his father.
