MODERNIZED MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM FOR WET GRINDING CONTROL IN RAW MILL T. Penzov , D. Penev Innovative Firm TRAPEN, Sofia, Bulgaria, e-mail: Abstract: The grinding of raw materials in “VULKANCEMENT” AD – Dimitrovgrad is performed on three-chamber wet grinding mills working in open cycle. At the development of the automation system for this type of mills the indirect methods for measurement of the basic technological parameters (finesse of grinding and slime viscosity) are used. Due to the investigations and identification carry out on the raw mills the multiloop control system of the grinding process is developed. The systems structure is describe in paper and the peculiarities of the basic technical means are given too. The nowadays achieved economical results from exploitation of the system are given as well. Key words: wet grinding mill, indirect parameters, multiloop control system, technical means 1. INTRODUCTION The grinding of raw materials in “VULCANCEMENT” AD – Dimitrovgrad (BULGARIA) is performed on threechamber wet mills working in open cycle. In the control channel the raw mill can present with the structure shown in Figure 1, where [Penzov T.A 2003]: Fig.1 M- flow rate of the material sent for grinding wearing out of the ball charge and the mill into the mill; lining); W – flow rate of the water sent into the mill; - viscosity of the ready slime at the mill Z1, Z2 – indirect measurable parameters; outlet; F – disturbances (the changes in the grindability - fineness of grinding of the slime. of initial raw materials, 2. STUDIES AND IDENTIFICATION OF grinding of the ready product as well. The lack RAW MILLS of sure operated viscosimeter at the mill outlet At the development of automation system for and the large transport delay (about 20 – 23 this type of mills and the choice of its structure min) impose to search a indirect parameter for the indirect methods for measurement of the control of slime viscosity. The investigation basic technological parameters and are shows that the impact pulses of the case used. The investigation carry out on the raw vibration in the zone of slime formation of mills in “VULCANCEMENT” AD shows that second chamber (factor of slime formation FS) impact pulses of the case vibration (factor of depend on the filling level of the mill with grinding FG), measuring at the mill inlet are material as on the viscosity of the slime in this very well correlated with the loading (filling zone as well. In the case that there is built a level) of the mill and therefore with fineness of Fig.2 Table 1 Control channel Z1-M Z2-M Z2-W Parameters τ0 [min] T0 [min] K0 ↑ 1,6 4,8 0,6 ↓ 1,4 3,6 0,8 ↑ 7,1 5,6 0,5 ↓ 6,3 5,2 0,6 ↑ 4,3 4,8 0,8 ↓ 4,6 5,3 0,7 loop for stabilizing of the mill loading by the ready product by correction of the water sent signal of the first sensor, the signal of the into the mill second sensor is correlated only with the The aim is to be increased productivity of the viscosity of the ready slime. In Figure 2 are grinding aggregate and quality characteristics of given represented transitional characteristics in the ready slime. the control channel of the mill loading, obtained The system contains the next control loops: at identification of 5th raw mill as a object of Control loop of the material automation. The parameters of the automation 3 – feeder; 4 – speed sensor; 5 – weight sensor; object approximated with transfer function of a 11 – control system; 13 – driver motor aperiodical link with delay are defined by the Control loop of the water method of the inflex point. 16, 17 – flowmeter; 18 – digital indicator, 19 – In Table 1 are given the obtained results at the regulator, 20 – executive mechanism identification of the raw mill for separated Control loop of the mill load control channels. 6 – impact pulse sensor, 7 – converter; 8 – indicator; 9 – regulator; 10 – set point device; 3. INFORMATION CONTROL STRUCTURE 13 – driver motor OF THE SYSTEM Control loop of the slime viscosity In result of the investigation carry out as well 21 – impact pulse sensor; 22 – converter; 23 – the identification of the other raw mills is indicator; 24 – regulator; 25 – set point device; developed the system the schematic diagram 26, 27 – viscosimeter of which is given in Figure 3. The system can work in manual and automatic The purpose of the system is: mode of operation. At manual regime of to measure the loading (filling level) of the MILLCONT 2 the operator observes the mill raw mill with material loading by the indicator 8 and by means of to stabilize automatic the set loading by keyboard it is changed in the necessary change of the flow rate of the inlet material direction. The control of the viscosity of the to measure and stabilize automatic the flow ready slime is made by the analyzes of the rate of the water sent into the mill samples from the mill outlet as it is actuated to keep up the set ratio material - water at the manual on the water tap. The manual mode of control of the mill loading operation is not basic. to measure and control by indirect parameter At automatic regime MILLCONT 2 is in state (factor of slime formation) the viscosity of “automatic”. The operation of the system in this case is following: the sensor 6 measures the the sensor 21 measures factor of grinding which is enough well formation which depends on as specific mill correlated with filling level of the mill in loading with material as well as on the slime measuring loop viscosity in measuring point. At stabilized containing the elements from 6 to 13 stabilizes specific mill loading (provided by the first the specific optimal loading with material as control loop) the signal measured by the sensor provides optimal productivity of the mill. The 21 is correlated exclusively with the slime specific loading is set-up by the set point device viscosity. 10 and it depends on the necessary grain size, microprocessor regulator 24 is sent as a the mill condition and the ball wearing out. The correcting signal in the ranges 30% to the set second control loop stabilizes the water send point of the water regulator 19. At such way the into the mill and contains the elements from 16 control loop corrects with the prediction the to 20. The control loop of the slime viscosity deviations of the ready slime viscosity at the containing the elements from 21 to 25 works so: mill outlet. point. The first control Fig. 3 The output the factor of slime signal of the The dosage of raw material is performed by the the size, hardness and grindability of materials. developed weight belt feeder. The both control FG reflect one-way and with high sensibility the loops of the mill loading and slime viscosity changes of layer thickness and the qualities of are realized on the basic of the microprocessor materials. FG are programmed for each system MILLCONT 2. concrete case by the choice of the frequency By means of special remote sensors SRIP domain in which the impact pulses are located (Fig.5) mounted approximately 20mm from the and by the coefficient defining the FG range. case of the mill are measured impact pulses The rest part of the FG structure is common for generated at material grinding (Penzov T. et al. all cases and represents firm “know-how”.The 2006). forming FG are sent to two specialized PID- The signals of the two sensors are sent to controllers, which change the flow rates of inlet double-loop microprocessor module (Fig.6), materials so that the optimization law to satisfy. where by software way are formed synthetic The outputs of the controllers into dependence “factor of grinding FG”, which are related with on the type of the actuators are programmed material resistant layer against the penetration 0(4) 20mA or are relay-operated. of grinding bodies in the zone, where the sensors are mounted.The resistance of material layer depends on its thickness as well as from Fig.4 Fig.5 The two control loops are solo, but can work in The obtained parameters Ko, 0, To of the raw cascade regime. In this case the two sensors are mill as a object of automation are used at the mounted in different zones of the mill or one of choice of the type of regulator and control law. them is mounted on facility fixed to it.At wet The grinding of raw materials adjustment of the control loops of the system is when the second developed algorithm for optimal sensor is mounted in zone of slime formation given in Figure 7. the slime viscosity is measured and it is The adjustment run in the next consequence: controlled by inlet water. For this aim “factor of Adjustment of the loop for stabilizing of the slime FS” is synthesized. water The advantages of the used principle of This loop contains microprocessor SIEMENS operation are followed: regulator and it isn’t subject of consideration. - FG and FS aren’t influenced from the work of Adjustment of the loop for control of the mill near-by mills and other aggregates; load - Measuring of resistant properties of material This control loop of MILLCONT 2 contains layer in the zone of sensor mounting and regulator with analog output given by the obtaining in time truthful information for their formula: changes as the control accuracy is increased and T Yn Pr X n T i the start regime of the mill is decreased a few n X K 0 K Td X n X n1 100 % T f обхв. ways as well; - Eliminating of uninformation resonance vibrations of mill’s case; - In case of FG change it can control the where: Yn - output control value; X n , X n 1 - debalance between set point (SP) wearing out of grinding bodies and lining; - At abruptly FG change it can define a mill breakdowns (destruction of grids and lining, clogging up from inner bodies etc); and factor of grinding (FG). Pr - gain coefficient; - The sensor signal is sent at distance up to Ti - time constant of integration; 200 m without additional amplification. T d - time constant of deviation T - tact of the control law ; 4. OPTIMAL SYSTEM ADJUSTMENT OF THE f обхв. - range of the input signal Fig. 6 Table 2 Direction of acting Adjustments of PI regulator Pr Ti [s] T [s] Zl [%] Zn [%] dO [%] Increase 0,54 59 10 25 0,6 50 Decrease 0,97 41 10 20 0,8 50 Table 3 Direction of acting Adjustments of the pulse regulator Pr T [s] Zl [%] Zn [%] dO [%] Increase 0,40 338 20 0,6 50 Decrease 0,51 258 20 0,6 50 According to the parameters of the mill (Tab. 1) and relationships(Fig.6) are calculated the an average from 26kWh to 17kWh for cubic adjustments of the regulator given in Table 2. meter of the ready slime Adjustment of the loop for control of the slime viscosity bodies is increased with 3-4 months In this case the regulator of MILLCONT 2 act as pulse regulator with analog output. The final product by fineness of grinding and viscosity is adjustments of the pulse regulator calculated decreased with an average of 1,6 times. according to Figure 7 are given in Table 3. Besides these good economic results the system The output signal of the pulse regulator correct improves the overall labor organization. The specific power consumption is decreased The durabillity of the lining and the grinding The average square deviations of the grind the set point of the water regulator in the range 30 % of the maximum flow rate. The control system of the wet grinding process stabilizes the outlet parameters(fineness of grinding and viscosity) of the ready product and provides optimal throughput of the grinding aggregate. REFERENCES Penzov, T.A. et al., 2003. “An experience from wet grinding process automation of raw materials” (in Bulgarian), AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS’ 03, Sofia, Bulgaria Penzov, T.A. et al., 2006. “New system for control of grinding 5. CONCLUTION The investigation carry out with the system for wet grinding process control shows the following: The productivity of the mills is increased with 30% process”, XXIII International mineral processing congress, Istanbul, Turkey Penzov, T.A., Marinov, D.Z., 2008. “Automatic system for ore grinding control in single-stage ball mill”, XXIV International mineral processing congress, Beijing, China