Voting will happen thirty (30) days leading to Annual

Board Member & Committee
Chair/Manager Descriptions
Last Updated June 2015
Term of Office:
Basic Function:
Board Members
1 year
As the chief executive officer of VACE the President shall
direct the activities of the Board, all committees, and the
membership. The President will act as official host and
representative for VACE at all appropriate functions.
 Act as liaison and organizational representative to affiliate and similar
state, regional, and/or national organizations.
 Administer the business of VACE between Board meetings by exercising
authority consistent with the Constitution.
 Approve and sign contracts for upcoming year’s site of Annual
 As Chair of Strategic Planning Committee, review and reflect on current
and past strategic plans of the organization and develop a plan for how
to implement best the current plan. Planning should occur every five (5)
 Correspond with the organization’s attorney about legal matters as
 Create and update action plans for each Board position along with the
President—Elect and Immediate Past President.
 Direct the Newsletter Editor on number of issues to publish and target
dates for mailing. Also, provide a “President’s Letter’ for each issue.
 Invite any Committee Chair/Manager or Appointed Position to attend
Board meetings, particularly the meetings prior to Annual Conference.
 Maintain electronic records for the President—Elect to include
correspondence not normally distributed to the Board.
 Meet with new Board members, after elections and during the Annual
Conference, to discuss position descriptions, provide an orientation to the
Board, and receive recommendations for Committee Chairs and other
leadership appointments.
 Oversee financial internal controls of the organization.
 Receive the annual budget from the Director of Finance prior to Board
 Recommend to the Board successors to fill unexpired terms of Board
Members, Committee Chairs/Managers, and Appointed Positions in
conjunction with the President--Elect.
 Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
Term of Office:
Basic Function:
1 year
Perform all duties of the President in their absence or
at their request and fill the unexpired term of the office
of President should it become vacant.
 Assess needs of VACE and its members on a regular basis.
 Fill the unexpired term of the President should it become vacant.
 Make offers of appointment to Committee Chairs/Managers and fill
positions except as designated in the Constitution in conjunction with the
 Perform all duties of the President when requested.
 Recommend to the Board successors to fill unexpired terms of Board
Members, Committee Chairs/Managers, and Appointed Positions in
conjunction with the President.
 Serve as a member of Strategic Planning Committee, along with the
Immediate Past President, and President, to develop plans and goals for
the upcoming five (5) years.
 Serve as Ex-Officio member of Conference Committee.
Length of Term:
Basic Function:
Immediate Past President
1 year
Advise the Board on matters of policy, procedure, and
precedent while serving on the Strategic Planning
Committee, acting as Chair of the Board Nominations
Committee, and Parliamentarian.
 Act as liaison to Site Selection Chair.
 Act as Parliamentarian to ensure that Board meetings are run in
accordance with parliamentary procedures.
 Assure that the Director of Operations and the Google Manager/Historian
are updated, via email, of all Nominations activity.
 Chair the Board Nominations Committee and submit a proposed slate of
officers to the Board for approval and then submit slate to membership for
 Serve as an active advisor and resource person to the incumbent
President and President-Elect.
 Serve as on the Strategic Planning Comittee, along with the President—
Elect and President, to develop plans and goals for the upcoming five (5)
 Serve as ex-officio member of the Membership Engagement & Retention
and the Marketing Committee with the goal of leveraging VACE
connections to re-engage members and companies who have been in
transition or to identify new prospects in underrepresented membership
Term of Office:
Basic Function:
Director of Operations
2 years
Maintain all administrative records of VACE, including all
official correspondence, meeting minutes, and maintain the
Operations Manual, Articles of Incorporation, and
 Access MemberClicks website to post meeting minutes, create election
forms, and manage Conference Registration.
 Communicate changes/updates to the Operations Manual and
Constitution to the membership.
 Document meetings and email copies of the Board meeting minutes to
each Board member after meetings for review.
 Handle all official correspondence.
 Maintain an up to date copy of the Articles of Incorporation.
 Maintain an updated version of the VACE letterhead and logo.
 Maintain and update the VACE Operations Manual annually.
 Produce previous year’s Annual Business meeting minutes at current
year’s meeting for membership approval.
 Provide the Google Manager /Historian with copies of all official records,
including but not limited to minutes, strategic plans, and conference
 Provide the Newsletter Editor with the minutes the Annual Board Meeting
for the summer edition.
 Review the Constitution; present revisions for approval by the Board.
 Serve as a liaison to the Conference Registration Committee.
 Serve as liaison to Awards Committee.
 Update and share official minutes for Board and Annual Business
Length of term:
Basic Function:
Director of Finance
1 year
Control and administer VACE’s finances as authorized by the
Board and maintain all financial records.
 Complete and file Form 990 (Organization Exempt Under 501(C) (3)) for
the previous fiscal year. Verify that the IRS receives the filing within five
months after taking office.
 Coordinate all checking accounts.
 Develop the annual projected budget and present to the President prior
to approval by the Board.
 Maintain records of all VACE financial business including payment of bills
and collection of dues and other monies.
 Make needed changes in signature cards and in banking locations with
 Preform monthly bank reconciliations and provide documentation to all
board members either in paper copy or electronically.
 Prepare a file for successor that outlines formulation and approval process
of the annual budget, outlines of checking accounts activity, and
recommendations for investment decisions.
 Prepare VACE financial books for annual audit.
 Receive and deposit all incoming funds.
 Respond to State Corporation Commission filing requests and other official
requests for information.
 Serve as Sponsorship Chair for the Annual Conference.
 Submit and present a treasurer’s report to the Board during all meetings
including the Annual Business Meeting.
 Submit copies of all cash disbursement and receipt vouchers to the
Accountant for annual taxes.
 Surrender all bank statements, checks, and deposit slips to successor.
 Will act as Director of Finance—Elect before serving as Director of
 Work closely and collaboratively with the Annual Conference Committee,
Director of Operations, and Director of Marketing & Membership Services
to ensures dues and conference registration are paid.
Term of Office:
Basic Function:
Director of Finance—Elect
1 year
Shadow the Director of Finance to learn how to maintain a
record of all VACE financial business including payment of bills
and deposit of dues and other monies.
 Assume check signing authority in November of Finance-Elect role
 Consult with Director of Finance on all tasks and responsibilities
 Generate reports using Memberclicks for conference and memberships
 Manage Memberclicks, BOA, PayPal and Quicken
 Process and file annual report for State Corporate Commission
 Process and reconciled memberships and conference registrations
 Process payment for all conference items
 Process reimbursements
 Process sponsorships in Memberclicks
 Update checking account and PayPal account with contact information
Term of Office:
Basic Function:
Director of Marketing & Membership Services
2 years
Act as a liaison to and ex-officio member of the Marketing,
Membership Orientation and Membership Engagement &
Retention Committees to increase memberships, while being
sensitive to diversity, and providing appropriate services to
VACE members.
 Analyze membership composition.
 Bring questionable membership applications before the Board for
 Check for membership eligibility, approve, and edit membership receipts.
 Develop and implement membership/marketing campaign to expand
new members, retain current members, and follow up with inactive
 Develop Committee Members to serve in Committee Chair positions and
recruit committee members at Annual Conference.
 Maintain MemberClicks database with current and archival data.
 Update MemberClicks “How To” Guide annually.
 Provide and promote relevant services to engage the membership.
 Provide coordination and leadership to and serve as liaison to and exofficio member of Marketing, Membership Orientation, and Membership
Engagement & Retention Committees.
 Provide regular membership updates to board members and relevant
committee chairs.
 Share (new) membership reports with the Board and relevant Committee
Chairs/Managers (For example: Listserv Manager, Awards Committee
Chair, Membership Orientation, etc.).
 Transfer memberships and respond to membership inquiries.
 Update Director and Committee Chair/Manager roles and privileges in
 Update membership forms and reminder notifications annually in
collaboration with Director of Operations and Director of Finance.
 Work with committees to assure promotion of a diverse membership and
representative affinity groups.
 Work with Director of Technology & Communications and Technology &
Communications Committee to develop a VACE marketing and
communications plan for the upcoming year.
Length of Term:
Basic Function:
Director of Professional Development
2 years
Serve as Chair of the Professional Development Committee to
consider professional development needs of the membership
and provide services and programs to meet those needs.
 Maintain, promote, and distribute training modules or other materials for
general membership use.
 Promote membership involvement and support of professional
development through committee involvement.
 Promote professional, ethical, and legal standards.
 Provide coordination and leadership for training and professional
development activities.
 Provide successor with records, and a summary of past programming and
 Serve as ex-officio member of Conference Committee.
 Serve as Chair of the Professional Development Committee.
 Serve as Liaison to local and regional organizations authorized to provide
professional training and development credits for members.
Term of Office:
Basic Function:
Director of Technology & Communications
2 years
Serve as Chair of the Technology & Communications
Committee in order to assess technological needs and
implement plans that can best serve the membership.
 Develop and maintain a set of image standards for the organization.
 Identify Technology & Communications Committee members to serve as
Social Media Managers and Committee Liaisons.
 Maintain a list of members designated as social media content managers.
 Oversee the administration and assessment of all social media platforms.
 Oversee the collection and schedule of information to be released
through social media platforms.
 Oversee the Website Committee, which will include someone who
manages website content from the Technology & Communications
Committee, and someone who oversees database numbers through
MemberClicks from the Conference Committee.
 Serve as Chair of the Technology & Communications Committee to
include the Web Content Manager, Social Media Manager, and
Committee Liaison to Standing Committees.
 Serve as liaison to the Newsletter Editor and Google Manager/Historian.
 Work with Director of Marketing & Membership Services and Marketing
Committee to develop a VACE marketing and communications plan for
the upcoming year.
Term of Office:
Basic Function:
College Director
2 years staggered with Employer Director
Represent their college member constituents while serving on
the Board and as Co-Chair of the Annual Conference
Committee along with the Employer Director.
 Co-chair the Annual Conference Committee along with the Employer
 Insure all bills related to the conference are paid.
 Issue annual conference invitations to SoACE and EACE.
 Maintain files on selection process of conference committee members for
 Maintain minutes of all conference committee meetings for successor.
 Make a final conference report to the Board including financial aspects of
the conference, attendance, and evaluations.
 Oversee the Local Arrangements Chair to assess the needs of the
upcoming conference and establish the point of contact.
 Prepare a summary of conference evaluations as well as total
attendance and give to successor by July 1.
 Report committee activities to the Board of Directors as requested by the
 Represent college member constituency on the Board.
 Select conference committee members, co-chair committee meetings,
and direct all committee activities.
 Serve as ex officio member of the Professional Development Committee.
 Submit proposed conference budget to the Board for approval.
Term of Office:
Basic Function:
Employer Director
2 years staggered with College Director
Represent their employer member constituents while serving
on the Board and as Co-Chair of the Annual Conference
Committee along with the College Director.
 Co-chair the Annual Conference Committee along with the College
 Insure all bills related to the conference are paid.
 Issue annual conference invitations to SACE and EACE.
 Maintain file on selection process of conference committee members for
 Maintain minutes of all conference committee meetings for successor.
 Make a final conference report to the Board including financial aspects of
the conference, attendance, and evaluations.
 Oversee the Local Arrangements Chair to assess the needs of the
upcoming conference and establish the point of contact.
 Prepare a summary of conference evaluations as well as total
attendance and give to successor by July 1.
 Report committee activities to the Board of Directors as requested by the
 Represent Employer member constituency on the Board.
 Select conference committee members, co-chair committee meetings,
and direct all committee activities.
 Serve as ex officio member of the Professional Development Committee.
 Submit proposed conference budget to the Board for approval.
Committee Chairs & Committees
Annual Conference
Employer Director and College Director
Reports To:
 Administer a budget and prepare a registration fee proposal that is
submitted to the Board for approval no later than the January Board
 Plan the Annual Conference, develop programs and publicity, handle
registration and local arrangements, and oversee finances related to the
Annual Conference.
 Provide a final conference report to the Board and the Newsletter editor
concerning attendance, finances, and evaluations.
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Director of Operations
 All awards will be conferred and presented at the Annual Conference.
 Provide a list of proposed award recipients to Director of Operations for
review if needed.
 Recognize members for their years of service as well as those retiring.
 Recognize members of the Board who are rotating out of their roles.
 Review nominations to ensure they meet criteria as created by the
 Solicit from the membership nominations for recipients of all VACE awards.
Director of Operations & Immediate Past President
Reports To:
Board & Membership
 Present updates to the membership either via email or at the Annual
Business Meeting.
 Propose any changes to the Board for approval.
 Review and update the VACE Operations Manual and Constitution
 The Director of Operations is responsible for maintaining hard and digital
copies all both documents.
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Director of Marketing & Membership Services
 Assess, update, and develop marketing media including VACE brochures,
collateral, direct mail campaigns, and online marketing content to
distribute to nonmembers as well as members to make available through
their events in order to brand the organization and recruit new members.
Assist with marketing efforts upon request from Directors/Committees
(such as Annual Conference).
 Design and implement VACE Marketing/Social Media Challenges.
 Develop and implement a marketing plan to promote VACE to nonmember organizations with the goal of increasing membership,
membership diversity, and strategic alliances.
 Develop Committee Members to serve in Committee Chair positions and
recruit committee members at Annual Conference.
 Manage and implement communications plan (in conjunction with
Director of Technology & Communications).
Membership Orientation
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Director of Marketing & Membership Services
 Coordinate and host quarterly new member conference calls to
welcome newest members to VACE, and serve as experienced members
to serve as point of contact should questions arise.
 Develop Committee Members to serve in Committee Chair positions and
recruit committee members at Annual Conference.
 Serve on Conference Committee to plan and execute Newcomers
Reception at Annual Conference.
Membership Engagement & Retention
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Director of Marketing & Membership Services
 Complete a needs assessment of membership by administering surveys (in
conjunction with Professional Development Committee).
 Develop Committee Members to serve in Committee Chair positions and
recruit committee members at Annual Conference.
 Follow up with inactive members to potentially re-engage them in VACE.
Manage mentorship program (assess needs, recruit mentors, solicit
mentees, etc.).
 Plan social and professional events in conjunction with Professional
Development Committee.
Board Nominations
Immediate Past President
Reports To:
 Present a slate of candidates to the Board for approval during the March
meeting and subsequently to the membership for elections.
 Request nominations from the Board and membership for Board and
Committee positions that become vacant in the upcoming year.
 Review nominees based on nominations criteria, qualifications, and
leadership to assure a diverse representation on the Board.
The slate shall be announced to the membership prior to elections and
after the March Board meeting.
 Voting will happen thirty (30) days leading to Annual Conference and at
the Annual Business Meeting.
Professional Development
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Director of Professional Development
 Assess the professional development needs of the membership and
developing an annual schedule of programs and events, such as
workshops, site visits to member locations to increase the awareness of
member services, resources and opportunities, as well as other programs
and events.
 Collaborate programming with the Annual Conference co-chairs to
assure comprehensive professional development throughout the year.
 Create a promotional plan will be developed using the VACE web site,
the newsletter, flyers, and email announcements.
Technology & Communications
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Director of Technology & Communications
 Complete an annual audit of the images and branding associated with
the organization.
 Develop and maintain a set of image standards for the organization.
 Identify and maintain a list of committee members to serve as Social
Media Managers and Committee Liaisons.
 Oversee the administration and assessment of all social media platforms.
 Oversee the collection and schedule information to be released through
social media platforms in conjunction with the Marketing and Media plan
as well as other committees planning events.
 Review and maintain the account at least twice
Strategic Planning
Reports To:
 Planning should occur every five (5) years.
 Review and reflect on current and past strategic plans of the
organization, conduct membership surveys when needed to identify short
term and long term needs of VACE, discuss current and projected issues
with the Board of Directors and members, and develop a plan for how to
implement best the current strategic plan.
Appointed Positions
Appointed Position:
Google Manager/Historian
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Director of Technology & Communications
 Maintain all past records and official documentation of VACE as provided
by the Board and membership.
 Send documentation to the Web Content Manager to be placed on the
 Serve as a member of the Technology & Communications Committee.
 Update content on the Google drive including checking the account for any historical data needing attention.
Appointed Position:
Listserv Manager
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Director of Technology & Communications
 With assistance from the Director of Marketing & Membership Services,
update and maintain the VACE listserv with all current members each
year in MemberClicks.
Appointed Position:
Local Arrangements Chair
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
College & Employer Directors
 Coordinate Conference Committee and Board dinner prior to the
conference and dinner options/entertainment throughout the
 Coordinate technological needs during the conference and act as the
primary contact for the hotel staff.
 Work with the Site Selection Committee to review signed contract and
logistics for the upcoming Annual Conference.
Appointed Position:
Newsletter Editor
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Director of Technology & Communications
 Develop and submit a schedule of deadlines and distribution dates to the
Director of Communications for approval by the Board.
 Prepare and distribute the Newsletter according to the guidelines and
dates established by the President and Director of Technology &
Communications, generally twice a year, once in the fall and once in the
 Prepare newsletter content or at a minimum a report or letter from the
President, conference/workshop announcements, actions by the Board,
committee reports, important dates, new members, and other pertinent
Appointed Position:
Immediate Past President
Reports To:
 Ensures that Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting are run in
accordance with parliamentarian procedures and Roberts Rules of Order.
Appointed Position:
Site Selection Chair
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Immediate Past President
 Communicate contract and logistics to the Local Arrangements Chair,
College Director, and Employer Director.
 Draw up a suitable contract for the President to approve and sign.
 Maintain records, information, and contracts of past and future sites.
 Report recommended locations to the Immediate Past President to be
presented to the Board for approval and discussion.
 Research locations for future Annual Conferences as directed by the
Appointed Position:
Social Media Manager
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Director of Technology & Communications
 Ensure that information slated for release is posted in a timely manner.
 Post content and monitors traffic on a particular social media platform.
Contribute ideas for content to be shared through social media.
 Report number of members/followers and visit information on a monthly
basis to the Director of Technology & Communications.
Appointed Position:
Web Content Manager
Appointed by the Board
Reports To:
Director of Technology & Communications
 Report to the Technology & Communications Committee and work in
consultation with the MemberClicks and Conference Planning Committee
team member on website operations.
 Update the outward facing content on the website.