Virginia Association of
Colleges and Employers
Administrative Manual
Revised March 2011
Section A:
Board Responsibilities
Officer and Directors: Obligations
Facts about VACE
VACE Mission
VACE Strategic Plan
VACE Articles of Incorporation
VACE By-Laws
Section B:
Job Descriptions
Officers and Directors Positions
President Elect
Director of Marketing and Membership
Director of Training and Development
Director of Finance
Director of Operations
Director of Technology
Immediate Past President
College Director
Employer Director
Director of Finance – Elect
Committees and Positions
Annual Conference
Constitution and By-Laws
Marketing and Membership Services
Membership Orientation & Networking
Training and Development
Strategic Planning
Section C:
Section D:
Section E:
Newsletter Editor
Site Selection
Standards for Awards
Awards Committee Procedures
Exhibit 1 – Sample Agendas
Exhibit 2 – Newsletter (“Innerview”)
Exhibit 3 – Annual Conference Procedures
Exhibit 4 – Reassignment of Board or Chairs
Exhibit 5 – Professional Development
& Scholarship Procedures
Exhibit 6 – Administrative Timetable
Exhibit 7 – Honorary Life Members
Exhibit 8 –Distinguished Service Awards
Exhibit 9 – Past Presidents
The Virginia Association of Colleges and Employers (hereafter referred to as VACE)
Administrative Manual is designed to provide you with the background and structure of
the Association and specific position descriptions. While you examine your particular
charge as a board member or committee chair, take time to explore the other position
descriptions, awards, and policies. Your input and recruitment of future board and
committee members is essential for the success of this organization.
Thank you for your role in the Virginia Association of Colleges and Employers.
Revisions of this manual were completed in March 2011 by Gary Johnson and the
VACE Board, 2003 by Lesli Henry, September 2001 by Beverly Lorig, January 23, 2001
by Donna Cassell and in April 15, 1998 by a committee of Debbie Hicks, Rol Walters
and Donna Cassell. A copy of the manual can be found on the VACE website, and a
copy will be held by both the President and Director of Technology.
Responsibilities of the Board of Directors of the VACE
Approves proposed changes to the By-Laws which are referred to the general
membership for final approval, including:
membership classifications and membership criteria
Establishes and administers Association policies.
Authorizes the Marketing and Membership Services Chair to approve applicants
meeting the established criteria.
Establishes the dates and approves the locations for all meetings of the
Approves the annual operating budget.
Authorizes the establishment of bank accounts and other depositories for the
Association’s funds as needed.
Approves any non-budgeted expenses on an ongoing basis.
Determines programming and other professional needs of the membership and
takes appropriate action.
Actively participates in the strategic planning process and communicates
directives to pertinent committee chairs and committees.
Approves official awards.
Reviews slate of officers presented by the Nominations Committee and approves
the slate which is later given to the membership for board elections.
Approves official literature to be distributed outside the organization.
Board members serve as liaisons to VACE committee chairs and other
individuals holding organizational leadership positions.
At the end of the Board term, members shall transfer pertinent records and other
materials to their successors to insure a smooth and thorough transition.
General Obligations of Officers and Directors
All officers and directors are expected to attend all scheduled Board meetings
and the annual business meeting.
Officers are expected to carry out their assigned duties as outlined in the job
descriptions, as well as any additional duties assigned by the President.
While directors may have specific responsibilities related to their position, they
are expected to adequately carry out assignments made by the President.
Each Board member is expected to promote VACE and its purposes whenever
possible while attending meetings of similar state, regional and/or national
Each Board member is expected to actively solicit new members for the
organization and to be able to explain the organization's structure, purpose and benefits
of membership to individuals or groups.
Each officer is expected to consider the benefits to the entire membership in
casting his/her vote on issues before the Board.
Each director, while considering the overall organization’s benefit, should
specifically consider the benefits to his/her corresponding membership category when
voting on issues before the Board.
Any officer or director who finds that he/she cannot fully carry out any assigned
responsibilities should immediately tender a resignation to the President.
No Board member shall endorse any political issue or candidate on behalf of the
organization at any time for any reason.
Facts About VACE
The organization was founded in 1963 as the Virginia College Placement
Association (VCPA). In 1995, VCPA merged with the Virginia Association for
Cooperative Education (VACE), and was renamed the Virginia Association of Colleges
and Employers (VACE). The corporation is non-profit and supported solely through its
membership dues and registration fees for conferences and workshops. VACE is
dedicated to enhancing the professional development of individuals working in the fields
of career development, cooperative education and recruitment. It is affiliated with the
Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers (EACE) and the Southern Association
of Colleges and Employers (SoACE) which are member organizations of the National
Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
From its small beginning of about 20 charter members, the organization has
grown steadily. One membership meeting is held annually at the Annual Conference.
The Board of Directors generally meets quarterly.
Throughout the years, VACE has attempted to respond to the changing needs of
the membership through its informational and developmental programs and through
activities that encourage information exchange. It is the responsibility of the Board of
Directors to guide the organization in this effort and provide continuing professional
development opportunities to the membership.
Mission Statement
The mission of VACE is to facilitate career development and growth among
career services and employer members and promote the accomplishment of
professional goals by providing opportunities for relationship building and
professional development activities.
2014 VACE Strategic Plan
Goal I. VACE will increase its membership through marketing and branding,
strategic alliances, and through membership retention.
A. Membership Expansion
1. To increase total membership by 50 (insert membership # total as of July 1, 2010) in
next 5 years (2014)
a. Identify and develop recruitment strategies targeting new college members from
underrepresented or non-traditional institutions, e.g., community college, accredited forprofit schools
b. Recruit graduate students interested in the college recruiting and career services
c. Identify and develop recruitment strategies targeting new members from contiguous
states and the District of Columbia
d. Identify and develop recruitment strategies targeting new employer members based
on size, industry, and location; and aligning recruiting targets based on current
employment/hiring trends
e. Focus on colleges in key locations/areas in order to increase VACE employer
B. Marketing and Branding
1. To increase/expand membership in VACE and conference participation through
effective marketing/branding initiatives
a. Target small businesses (estimated to be huge growth area when economy
emerges), including private or third party firms with whom small businesses contract to
manage recruiting/hiring activities
b. Establish a marketing/branding plan that addresses: o Geographic areas (employer
relations within 703-, 804-, 757- calling areas)
 Industry (competitors)
 Size (chambers, list, sort)
 Other ways of networking through our members (LinkedIn, Career Fairs)
c. Develop marketing plan for annual conference that focuses on importance and value
of conference attendance
C. Strategic Alliances
1. To partner with at least #? associations/organizations resulting in new membership
growth and professional development opportunities
a. To identify associations/organizations whose membership and activities offer the
potential for mining new members
b. To identify and develop alliance opportunities with: o Other regional associations
 Contiguous state associations and regional consortiums
 Business, trade, governmental, and professional associations/organizations
(SHRM, Chambers, VCDA, etc.)
 Collegiate and alumni organizations and associations
D. Member Retention
1) To maintain organizational involvement when individual members resign
2) To retain current membership levels amidst economic change
3) To coordinate and align retention initiatives with marketing, member expansion, and
programmatic/networking initiatives to ensure continuing memberships
a. Identify value for existing members amidst economic change
b. Identify ways to welcome and orientate new members to VACE
c. Educate members about maintaining consistent organizational involvement
d. Assess member benefits to ensure VACE is offering the right, value-added benefits to
justify continued membership
e. Utilize current VACE programs such as scholarships to demonstrate the value that
VACE adds
f. Ensure that programming at conference meets needs of members
g. Consider creating a new class of transitional membership for members resigning from
organizations or changing positions: limited time frame, relevance of position to
 Develop discussion groups (virtual, low cost) to support open and informal
communications about recessionary strategies
 Offer networking opportunities specific to job opportunities and transitions
(regional events will assist with those seeking new connections)
f. Reinstate mentor/mentee program and create a definitive process for new members
to join mentor program
Goal II. VACE will utilize a variety of means to provide professional development,
training, and networking opportunities.
A. Professional Development-Annual Conference
1. To increase conference appeal
a. Offer employer and college site visits
b. Remind members how VACE is different from other regional or national conferences
c. Offer quality programs/session on topics of interest to members by proactively
reaching out to and cultivating presenters who are leaders/experts in the profession
d. To attract diverse members by expanding programming options, including
opportunities for special interest groups to network during the conference
e. To increase organization visibility by offering attractive sponsorship opportunities
f. To coordinate and align annual conference goals and strategies with marketing and
member expansion initiatives
B. Professional Development/Training Outside of Conference
1. To increase number of professional development, training, scholarship, and
networking opportunities annually a. Survey membership to determine topics to
address, delivery methods, times of year
2. To utilize technology and regional groups to make programming more cost efficient
3. To coordinate and align professional development and training strategies with
marketing, member expansion, annual conference and web resources initiatives
4. Offer scholarship opportunities that attract new members and support current
members such as graduate students
Goal III. VACE will continue to incorporate dynamic, systematic, and collaborative
administrative resources.
A. Web Resources
1. To create an inviting, easy to use "one stop shop" for accessing information and
2. To increase contributions to and activity on the web site by members
3. To increase member communication/exchange/collaboration
4. To facilitate and support the work of VACE board and committees
5. To capture and provide access to memorable events and activities and serve as a
depository/archive for association documents
a. Identify and form a task force
b. Survey members to identify desired features, affinity groups, how members are
already using the web
c. Develop a networking system
d. Research/identify content management system to meet needs
e. Establish standards/authentication/training
f. Address committee structure and how to best manage current and future web and
technology issues, needs, changes, i.e., Steering committee vs. tech committee
g. Address and propose guidelines for Moderator role
h. Expand calendar features
i. Consider utilizing social networking sites as a means of learning and networking
j. To coordinate and align development of the web and technology services with other
strategic initiatives to ensure members experience the benefits and value-added
B. Financial Stability
1. Maintain the financial affordability that VACE offers to potential and current members
2. Offer financial rewards to members
a. Consider offering a member referral rewards program
C. Capacity to Achieve Goals
1. To develop measures/metrics for each of the VACE goals and processes for
collecting and maintaining data that enables the VACE leadership and members to
assess VACE's achievements and progress toward goals
a. Distribute strategic goals and implementation strategies to members via the VACE
listserv to solicit feedback and questions
b. Distribute strategic goals and implementation strategies to members at Annual
Conference and engage them in discussion of strategies and initiatives for achievement
of goals
c. Determine a priority structure for the strategic goals in order to understand what
VACE considers to be most and least urgent
d. Ensure the strategic plan remains a "living document" by embedding it into board and
committee activities, reporting annually on progress toward achievement of goals, and
by ensuring its accessibility to members on the VACE website
e. Establish a base line of measures/metrics - where we are now - in order to know
where VACE needs to be
Articles of Incorporation
*During Board review of this document, it was determined that we are legally unable to
make changes without re-filing these Articles with the SCC.
The name of the corporation is Virginia Association of Colleges and Employers,
The purpose or purposes for which the Corporation is recognized are:
A. To provide for and foster the professional growth and development of the
members of the association.
B. To continue improvement of professional career planning and employment
services to our students.
C. To exert cooperative effort in dealing with common career services and
college relations concerns.
D. To engender greater understanding and cooperation between individual
colleges and employers in their combined career planning and employment
efforts through an exchange of ideas, information, and experiences.
E. To institute and publish research studies within the area of career planning
and employment.
F. The Corporation shall operate exclusively for educational and charitable
G. Personal Inurnment:
The Corporation shall not operate for profit and shall have no power to
declare dividends and no part of its earnings shall inure to the benefit of any
Director or member of the Corporation or to any other private shareholder or
H. Legislative activities, political propaganda, and intervention:
The Corporation shall not carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence
legislation and the Corporation shall not participate in or intervene in (including
the publishing and distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of
any candidate for public office. Furthermore, not withstanding any other
provisions of these articles, the Corporation shall not carry on any other activities
not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax
under Section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or of the
corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.
The Corporation shall have the following membership classifications:
A. Virginia College members: representatives who are actively engaged in career
services work with students from non-profit degree granting colleges or
universities located in Virginia and accredited by the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools—Commission of Colleges. Individuals who have the
overall responsibilities for these functions are also eligible.
B. Non-Virginia College Members: representatives who are actively engaged in
the career services work with students from non-profit degree granting
colleges or universities located in the District of Columbia and in states
adjacent to Virginia which are accredited by their respective Regional
Association of Colleges and Schools. Said members shall not be eligible to
hold office, to be elected to the Board of Directors or to serve as committee
C. Employer Members---representatives who are actively engaged in college
relations or in the recruitment, selection, and placement of students within their
own organization, from educational institutions within the Commonwealth of
Virginia. Individuals who have the overall responsibilities for these functions are
also eligible.
D. Current members not meeting the above requirements as of May 21, 1981 will
remain eligible for membership on a “grandfather” basis so long as their
membership remains uninterrupted. They shall not be eligible to hold office, to
be elected to the Board of Directors, or to serve as committee chairmen.
Dissolution Clause
In the event of the dissolution of the Corporation, either voluntary or involuntary,
all assets and properties which remain after the discharge of the Corporation’s
liabilities shall be used and distributed by the Board of Directors for one or more
of the objects or purposes set forth in the preceding Section II hereof and shall
be used for no other object or purpose whatever.
a) The Post Office address of its initial registered agent is Mark C. Willis, who is a
resident of Virginia, a member of the Virginia State Bar, and whose business office is
the same as that of the registered office of the Corporation. The number of Directors
constituting the initial board is six (6).
b) The number of Directors shall be determined by the By-Laws. Their term of office
shall be two (2) years. A sufficient number of Directors shall be elected each year to
comply with the By-Laws. The President, President-Elect, First Vice President,
Second Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and the immediate Past-President of
the Corporations shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors for one year.
I. Membership
Section 1.
The Corporation shall have the following individual
Membership classifications.
A. College Members —representatives who are engaged in providing career
services or other related functions at a degree granting college or university
located in Virginia, adjacent states, and the District of Columbia and accredited by
the Southern or Middle States Associations of Colleges and Schools.
B. Employer Members—representatives who are engaged in the college relations or
the recruitment selection of students within their own organization.
C. Honorary Life Members—individuals who are no longer eligible for active
membership, who have been active members and made notable contributions to
the Corporation in the career planning, college relations, employer relations, or
recruitment functions, and who are officially elected to this designation by the
Board of Directors. Such members shall not vote, hold office or pay annual
membership dues.
D. Associate Professionals—individuals who previously held membership and who
have a continued interest in recruitment/hiring, and whose membership is not in
violation of membership laws. Individuals in this classification may not hold office
or vote, but may serve on committees.
E. Affiliate Members—representatives of organizations whose purpose is to provide
service to career services and/or human resources and staffing functions, and
whose roles are complementary to and supportive of the purpose of this
Association, but who do not meet the criteria for other categories of membership.
F. Associate Students—individuals who are students pursuing an advanced degree
in preparation for a career in career planning, college recruiting/relations, and/or
human resources. Membership in this classification will terminate at the end of
the year in which they graduate. The student’s membership application will bear
the signature of a current VACE member to verify the student’s status. Individuals
in this classification may not hold elected office or vote, but may serve on
Section 2. Application for membership shall be made to the Membership
Committee. The Chair shall act either to admit to
membership any qualified applicant or to refer the application to the
Board of Directors for approval or disapproval. The term of
membership shall be for one (1) year commencing on July 1. In the
event that a current member leaves his/her organization during a
membership year, that membership could be transferable to any other
qualified applicant within that same organization. The Board of Directors will
have final approval or disapproval of all applications.
Section 3. Membership shall terminate when a member becomes ineligible as
determined by the Membership Committee with the approval of the Board of
Directors or is delinquent in the payment of dues by greater than three months.
II. Officers
The administrative responsibilities of the Corporation shall be vested in its Board of
Directors, herein referred to as the Board. The administrative and fiscal years of the
Corporation shall be from July 1 through June 30, and the annual transfer of Board
responsibilities shall occur on July 1.
A. Officers
Section 1. Officers shall be President, President-Elect, Immediate PastPresident, Director of Training and Development, Director of
Technology, Director of Operations, Director of Finance,
Director of Finance – Elect, Director of Marketing and
Membership Services, College Director, and Employer Director.
Section 2. The officers shall be elected from eligible members in good
standing for terms as defined in Section I. No officer, after
completing one full term in office shall succeed himself or
Section 3. The President shall serve a one (1) year term and preside at all
meetings of the membership; shall chair meetings of the Board;
shall call meetings of the Corporation; shall appoint committee
chairpersons and fill positions except as designated in these
By-Laws; shall arrange for annual financial review; shall
recommend to the Board for approval successors to fill
unexpired terms of Board members; shall present an annual
proposed budget to the Board for approval. The President shall
serve as Chair of the Executive Committee and serve as an exofficio member of all committees and administer the business
of the Corporation between Board meetings, exercising
authority consistent with these By-Laws.
Section 4. The President-Elect shall serve a one (1) year term and
perform all duties of the President at his/her request and shall
fill the unexpired term of the office of President should it
become vacant. The President-Elect serves as Co-Chair of
Strategic Planning and member of the Executive Committee.
Section 5. The Immediate Past-President of the Corporation shall serve a
one (1) year term in which he/she will Chair the Nominations
Committee; Co-chair the Strategic Planning Committee; serve
as liaison to Site Selection; and serve on the Executive
Section 6. The Director of Finance shall serve a two (2) year term and
shall maintain a record of all corporation financial business
including revenue, expenses, other monies, as well as annual
tax requirements and shall present the approved annual budget
to the membership. The Director of Finance serves on the
Executive Committee.
Section 7. The Director of Finance-Elect shall serve a one (1) year term
and perform all duties of the Director of Finance at his/her
request and shall fill the unexpired term of the office of Director
of Finance should it become vacant. The Director of FinanceElect serves on the Board, but not on the Executive Committee
and serves as the Chair of Sponsorships of the Conference
Section 8. The Director of Operations shall serve a two (2) year term and
be a member of the Executive Committee and issue invitations
and notifications as shall be required by the Board to handle all
official correspondence; keep official minutes of the
meetings of the Board and of the Corporation; maintain the
Administrative Manual; and annually review the Articles of
Incorporation and By-laws and present revisions for approval
to the Board. The Director of Operations will also serve as
liaison to the Awards Committee, the Newsletter Editor, and
the Historian.
Section 9. The Director of Marketing and Membership Services shall
serve a two (2) year term and shall serve as liaison to the
Marketing and Membership Services Committee and
Membership Orientation and Networking Committee. The
Director of Marketing and Membership will serve as ex-officio
member of the Marketing and Membership Services
Section 10. The Director of Training and Development will serve a two (2)
year term and serve as the liaison to the Training and
Development Committee and Professional Development
Scholarship Chair.
Section 11.
The Director of Technology shall serve a two (2) year term and
will serve as liaison to the Technology Committee.
Section 12.
There shall be two (2) elected Directors who shall serve for a
staggered two (2) year term. The College Director and the
Employer Director shall serve as representatives of their respective
B. Executive Committee
Section 1. The President, President-elect, Director of Operations,
Director of Finance, Director of Marketing and Member
Services, and immediate Past-President of the Corporation
shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Board of
Directors. The term of each member shall coincide with
his/her term of office. The President shall serve as the Chair
of the Executive Committee
Section 2.
Section 3.
The Executive Committee shall carry out the instructions of the
Board of Directors, subject to the authority and discretion of
the Board. During their terms in office, the Executive
Committee shall have and exercise the power of the Board in
the management of the Corporation. The President shall call
for a meeting of the Executive Committee when matters of
exigency arise and the Board as a whole is unable to
A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business.
III. Committees/Positions
Section 1.
Standing committees shall be the Awards, Marketing and
Membership Services, Membership Orientation and Networking,
Nominations, Strategic Planning, Training and Development, and
Section 2.
Appointed positions shall be Newsletter Editor,
Historian, Professional Development Scholarship Chair, Site
Selection Chair, Membership Orientation and Networking Chair,
Marketing and Membership Services Chair.
Section 3.
Other committees and positions, as necessary, shall be
appointed by the Board.
Section 4.
A committee report should be submitted by the committee chair to
the appropriate Board member on a quarterly basis.
Section 1.
Annual dues of this association shall be recommended by Director
of Marketing and Member Services and the Director of Finance and
approved by the Board.
V. Meetings
Section 1.
The members of the Corporation shall meet annually to
conduct business. Members will be notified at least thirty (30)
days prior to each annual business meeting.
Voting Privileges
Section 1. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the
purpose of any of its meetings.
Section 2. Those eligible voting members present at the annual business
meeting shall constitute a quorum for the conducting of
Section 3. All members in good standing shall have voting rights in the
Corporation meetings with each member being entitled to one
Section 4. A majority vote is required to pass motions in the Board or
membership business meeting.
Section 1. Election of officers shall be conducted annually.
Section 2. The Chair of Nominations shall call for nominations from the
membership and prepare, in consultation with the members of
the Board, a slate of candidates to be presented to the
membership thirty (30) days prior to election.
Contracts/Financial Transactions
Section 1. The Board may authorize any officer(s), or agent(s) of the
Corporation to enter into any contract or execute and deliver
any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the
Corporation, and such authority may be general or confined to
specific instances.
Section 2. All funds of the Corporation shall be deposited to the credit of
the Corporation in such financial institutions as the Board may
IX. Amendments
These By-Laws may be amended or revised by a majority vote of the Board.
It is standard VACE policy:
To include EACE and SoACE state association presidents on the VACE
newsletter mailing list and to invite them to the annual conference.
To provide organizational funds for the President to attend the SoACE or EACE
conferences, except in cases in which the President’s employer will cover the
For the nominations committee to propose a slate of officers that will insure a
balance of diverse college and employer members on the Board.
For unbudgeted funds not to be issued unless approved by the President and
Director of Finance.
It is assumed that an agreement to serve on either the VACE Board or as a
member of one of the major meeting committees includes support for the
activities associated with such service. Therefore, in most cases, the individual’s
travel expenses will be covered by the sources (i.e. college or employer) other
than the Association.
The President has the authority to decide whether or not the
Association will pay the prior night’s lodging expenses for members
who must be present at board meetings or conference. In all
cases, lodging should be shared when at all possible. The
President will make determination of which members must attend a
meeting prior to each board meeting.
Reimbursement requests to the Association are necessary. The following
general guidelines are designed to both protect the individual from undue
financial hardship and limit in a reasonable way the cost for the Association.
a. Vouchering of mileage is at the Commonwealth of Virginia’s state mileage
reimbursement rate up to $150 or as established by the Board.
b. Reimbursement requests must be made by submission of a voucher no later
than four (4) weeks after a meeting.
c. Receipts for meals, lodging and parking should be attached to
d. The “Nature and Purpose of Receipt/Expense” section of the
voucher must be completed for all requests.
e. There is no reimbursement for travel to either workshops or annual
f. Conference and workshop chairs are encouraged to follow these additional
Inform committee members of this policy when asking them to
Schedule meetings at a central location whenever possible to
minimize mileage claims and invite to a given meeting only those
who need to be involved with the business of the day.
Encourage ride sharing and other cost-saving approaches among
committee members.
g. Reimbursement of travel expenses are approved by the following Board
Board expenses come from the VACE account and are approved
through the Executive Committee.
Committee expenses come from the approved budget and are
authorized by the Board member who oversees such committee.
VACE will cover meals and non-alcoholic beverages for Board and committee
chairs when conducting organizational business. Lodging will be covered up to
the state per diem rate when conducting organizational business.
To pay for the VACE President’s room at the annual conference.
Vacancies of Board or committee chairs, or the necessity to replace existing
Board or Committee Chairs shall follow the guidelines in Exhibit 4.
Officer and Director Positions
Director of Marketing and Membership Services
Director of Training and Development
Director of Finance
Director of Operations
Director of Technology
Immediate Past President
College Director
Employer Director
Director of Finance-Elect
The President will serve a one (1) year term as the chief executive officer
of the Association. He/she shall direct the activities of the Board of
Directors and all committees, shall act as official host(ess) for the
Association and will represent VACE at appropriate functions.
President Elect
The President-Elect will serve a one (1) year term and perform all duties
of the President at his/her request and will fill the unexpired term of the
office of President should it become vacant. The President-Elect serves
as Co-Chair of Strategic Planning along with the Immediate Past
President and member of the Executive Committee. The President Elect
will become VACE President the subsequent year.
Director of Finance
The Director of Finance will serve a one (1) year term and will manage
investments, prepare all necessary documentation for taxes, propose
yearly budget for the organization, prepare financial reports and oversee
the responsibilities of the Director of Finance – Elect. The Director of
Finance serves on the Executive Committee.
Director of Finance-Elect
The Director of Finance–Elect will serve a one (1) year term and will
maintain a record of all corporation financial business including payment
of bills and deposit of dues and other monies. The Director of Finance –
Elect serves as the Chair of the Sponsorship for the Conference
Director of Operations
The Director of Operations will serve a two (2) year term and be a
member of the Executive Committee and issue invitations and
notifications as required by the Board to handle all official
correspondence; keep official minutes of the meetings of the Board and
of the Corporation; maintain the Administrative Manual; annually review
the Articles and By-laws and present revisions for approval to the
Board. The Director of Operations will also serve as liaison to Awards
Committee, Newsletter Editor, and Historian.
Director of Marketing and Membership Services
The Director of Marketing and Membership Services will serve a two (2)
year term and shall serve as liaison to the Marketing and Membership
Services Committee and Membership Orientation and Networking
Committee. The Director of Marketing and Membership will serve as a
member of the Executive Committee and as an ex-officio member of the
Marketing and Membership Services and Membership Orientation and
Networking Committee.
Director of Training and Development
The Director of Training and Development will serve a two (2) year term
and serve as liaison to the Training and Development Committee, and
Professional Development Scholarship Chair.
Director of Technology
The Director of Technology will serve a two (2) year term and will serve
as liaison to the Technology Committee.
College Director and Employer Director
There will be two (2) elected Directors who shall serve for staggered
two (2) year terms. The College Director and the Employer Director
shall serve as representatives of their respective constituents. Both
Directors will serve as Co-Chairs of the Annual Conference and Exofficio members of Training and Development Committee.
Job Descriptions
Term of Office:
1 year
Basic Function:
As the chief executive officer of the Association the President shall
direct the activities of the Board of Directors and all committees.
The President will act as official host(ess) for the Association and
will represent VACE at appropriate functions.
 Preside at all meetings of the membership and Board of Directors and Executive
 Serve on the Executive Committee.
 Recommend to the Board successors to fill unexpired terms of officers or
 Receive the annual budget from the Director of Finance and present it to the
Board for approval.
 Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
 Act as liaison to affiliate and similar state, regional, and/or national organizations.
 Administer the business of the association between Board meetings, exercising
authority consistent with the By-Laws.
 Maintain electronic records for the President-Elect which would include
correspondence not normally distributed to the Board of Directors.
 Set goals and objectives for the year – possibly through an action plan.
 Serve as organizational representative and liaison to state, regional and national
‘ACE organizations.
 Oversee financial internal controls of the organization.
 Approve and sign contract for upcoming year’s site of annual conference.
Additional Duties:
 Direct the newsletter editor on how many issues to publish and target dates for
 Provide a “Presidents Letter” for each newsletter issue.
 Invite any committee chair or presidential appointee to attend Board meetings,
particularly the meetings prior to the Spring Conference.
 Correspond with the organization’s attorney about legal matters when needed.
Job Description
Term of Office:
1 year
Basic Function:
Shall perform all duties of the President in his/her absence or at
his/her request and shall fill the unexpired term of the office of
President should it become vacant. Serve as co-chair of Strategic
Planning, along with the Immediate Past President, to develop
plans and goals for the subsequent year.
 Perform all duties of the President at his/her request
 Fill the unexpired term of the office of President should it become vacant
 Serve as co-chair of Strategic Planning, along with the Immediate Past
President, to develop plans and goals for the subsequent year, when serving as
 Responsible for assessing needs of members and the association.
 After elections and prior to or during the annual conference, will meet with new
board members to discuss position descriptions, provide an orientation to the
Board, and receive recommendations for committee chairs and other leadership
appointments. Create and update action plans for each Board position along with
the President and Immediate Past President.
 Serve as Ex-Officio member of Conference Committee.
 In consultation with incoming officers, make offers of appointment to committee
chairs and fill positions except as designated in By-Laws.
 Maintain any necessary documentation related to role for successor.
 Serve on Executive Committee.
 Perform other duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
Job Description
Director of Marketing and Membership Services
Term of Office:
2 years
Basic Function:
The Director of Marketing and Membership Services shall serve as
liaison to and ex officio member of the Marketing and Membership
Committees to increase memberships, while being sensitive to
diversity, and providing appropriate services to VACE members.
Serve as liaison to and ex officio member of the Marketing and Membership
Provide coordination and leadership for marketing and membership services
Work with Marketing and Membership Committees to assure promotion of a
diverse membership and representative affinity groups
Ensure streamlined membership process including access to current and archival
Promote relevant marketing and orientation services to engage the membership
Coordinate VACE public relations efforts
Perform other duties assigned by the President and the Board of Directors
Job Description
Director of Training and Development
Length of Term:
2 years
Basic Function:
The Director of Training and Development will
serve as liaison to and ex officio member of the
Training and Development Committee to
consider professional development needs of
the membership and provide services and
programs to meet those needs.
Serve as liaison to and ex officio member of the Training & Development
Provide coordination and leadership for training and professional development
Maintain, promote and distribute training modules or other materials for general
membership use.
Serve as ex officio member of Annual Conference Committee.
Serve as liaison to Professional Development Scholarship chair.
Promote professional, ethical and legal standards.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
Provide successor with records, and a summary of past programming and events
(it should be a given, but does it need to be said)
Promote membership involvement and support of professional development
through committee involvement
Serve as Liaison to local and regional organizations authorized to provide
professional training and development credits for members
Job Description
Director of Finance
Length of term:
2 years
Basic Function:
The Director of Finance shall control and
administer the Association’s finances as
authorized by the Board and shall maintain all
financial records for the corporation.
Maintain records of all association financial business including payment of bills
and collection of dues and other monies.
Receive and deposit all incoming funds.
Make needed changes in signature cards and in banking locations with
Coordinate all checking accounts.
Monitor the Association’s investments and recommend the best course of
action regarding investment strategies.
Submit copies of all cash disbursement and receipt vouchers to the Auditor.
See section F-9 for Auditor responsibilities.
Complete and file Form 990 (Organization Exempt Under 501(C) (3)) for the
previous fiscal year. Verify that the IRS receives the filing within five months
after taking office.
Submit a treasurer’s report to the Board of Directors during all meetings.
Prepare a file for successor which outlines formulation and approval process
of the annual budget.
Prepare for successor an outline of the activity of checking accounts.
Prepare a file for successor which outlines recommendations of investment
Maintain file of all financial reports for successor.
Surrender all bank statements, checks and deposit slips to successor.
Develop the annual projected budget for the succeeding year’s operation for
review and approval by the Board of Directors.
Present the approved annual budget to the membership.
Serve as liaison to and ex officio member of the Finance Committee .
Serve as liaison to Sponsorship Chair, articulating VACE annual targets and
goals for fund raising.
Will work closely and collaboratively with the Annual Co-Chairs.
Present a Treasure’s Report at the Association’s annual business meeting.
Prepare Association financial books for annual audit.
Serve on Executive Committee.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
 Respond to State Corporation Commission filing requests and other official
requests for information.
Job Description
Director of Operations
Term of Office:
2 years
Basic Function:
The Director of Operations shall maintain all
administrative records of the Association, issue
invitations and notifications as required by the
Board, handle all official correspondence, and
implement changes to the Administrative
Manual and to the Articles of Incorporation and
Keep official minutes of the meetings of the Board and Association.
Issue invitations and notifications as shall be required by the Board.
Handle all official correspondence.
Maintain the VACE Administrative Manual.
Annually review Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws; present revisions for
approval by Board of Directors and by membership in accordance with Articles
and By-Laws.
Serve as liaison to Awards Committee.
Serve as liaison to Newsletter Editor.
Serve as liaison to Historian and insure that copies of all pertinent materials are
given to the Historian.
Provide the Historian with copies of all official records, including minutes
and conference/workshop programs.
Provide the Newsletter Editor with the minutes of each Board meeting.
Email copies of the Board meeting minutes to each Board member.
Maintain a supply of VACE stationery and envelopes.
Provide successor with a list of official records to Historian.
Record minutes of the Annual Business meeting.
Produce previous year’s annual business meeting minutes at current year’s
meeting for membership approval.
Serve on Executive Committee.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
Job Description
Director of Technology
Term of Office:
2 years
Basic Function:
The Director of Technology shall serve as
liaison to and ex officio member of the
Technology Committee in order to assess
technological needs and implement plans that
can best serve the membership.
 Serve as liaison to and ex officio member of the Technology Committee.
 Provide coordination, leadership and advocacy for technology applications that
benefit the Association and its members.
 Serve as liaison to VACE webmaster and/or perform the duties of VACE
 Assure maintenance of VACE Listserv and other electronic resources.
 Perform other duties as assigned by the President and the Board of Directors.
Job Description
Immediate Past President
Length of Term:
1 year
Basic Function:
The Immediate Past President shall co-chair the
Strategic Planning Committee (with the PresidentElect), shall chair the Nominations Committee, act as
parliamentarian, and advise the Board on matters of
policy, procedure, and precedent.
Serve as co-chair of Strategic Planning, along with the President- Elect, to
develop plans and goals for the subsequent year.
Be responsible for succession planning.
Chair the Nominations Committee and submit a proposed slate of
officers to the membership for approval.
Assure that the Director of Operations and the Historian are
updated, via email, of all Nominations activity.
Serve as liaison to Site Selection.
Serve as an active advisor and resource person to the incumbent President and
Serve as parliamentarian and insure that Board meetings are run in
accordance with parliamentary procedures.
Serve on Executive Committee.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
Job Description
College Director
Term of Office:
2 years staggered with Employer Director
Basic Function:
The College Director represents his/her college
member constituents while serving on the Board and
serves as co-chair of the Annual Conference
Committee along with the Employer Director.
Co-chair the Annual Conference Committee along with the Employer Director.
 Select conference committee members, chair committee meetings, and direct
all committee activities.
 Report committee activities to the Board of Directors as requested by the
 Submit proposed conference budget to the Board for approval.
 Make a final conference report to the Board including financial aspects of the
conference, attendance, and evaluations.
 Insure all bills related to the conference are paid.
 Oversee issuing of annual conference invitations to SoACE and EACE.
 Maintain file on selection process of conference committee members for
 Maintain minutes of all conference committee meetings for successor.
 Prepare a summary of conference evaluations as well as total attendance and
give to successor by July 1.
Serve as ex officio member of the Training and Development Committee.
Represent college member constituency on the Board.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
Job Description
Employer Director
Term of Office:
2 years staggered with College Director
Basic Function:
The Employer Director represents his/her employer member
constituents while serving on the Board and serves as co-chair of
the Annual Conference Committee along with the College Director.
Co-chair the Annual Conference Committee along with the College Director.
 Select conference committee members, chair committee meetings, and direct
all committee activities.
 Report committee activities to the Board of Directors as requested by the
 Submit proposed conference budget to the Board for approval.
 Make a final conference report to the Board including financial aspects of the
conference, attendance, and evaluations.
 Insure all bills related to the conference are paid.
 Oversee issuing of annual conference invitations to SACE and EACE.
 Maintain file on selection process of conference committee members for
 Maintain minutes of all conference committee meetings for successor.
 Prepare a summary of conference evaluations as well as total attendance and
give to successor by July 1.
Serve as ex officio member of the Training and Development Committee.
Represent Employer member constituency on the Board.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
Job Description
Director of Finance - Elect
Term of Office:
Basic Function:
The Director of Finance–Elect will serve a one (1) year term and will
maintain a record of all corporation financial business including
payment of bills and deposit of dues and other monies. The Director
of Finance – Elect serves as the Chair of the Sponsorship for the
Conference Committee.
Maintain a record of all corporation financial business including payment of bills
and deposit of dues and other monies.
Develops a strategy to approach VACE members to contribute sponsorships for
specific annual operations (such as publishing the membership directory,
sponsoring VACE brochures, stationery, or newsletter) and aspects of the annual
conference (such as programs, publicity, theme items, meals, breaks,
entertainment). A list of contributors is recorded and submitted to the Director of
Finance. Letters of appreciation are sent to contributors and plans made to
acknowledge them on the VACE web site, in the conference program, and in
various other ways. The Sponsorship chair also requests members to document
and submit forms indicating gifts-in-kind (such as mailings, gas mileage, hotel
accommodations, printing). A list of these contributions are submitted to the
Director of Finance.
Standing Committees and Positions
Chairpersons are appointed by the President except for committees with
designated Ex-Officio Chairpersons.
Annual Conference
Constitution and By-laws
Marketing and Membership Services
Membership Orientation
Member Services
Training and Development
Strategic Planning
Archivist and Historian
Newsletter Editor
Site Selection Representative
Professional Development/Scholarship
Annual Conference Committee
(Co-Chairs: Employer Director and College Director.
Serve on the Training and Development Committee)
Responsible for planning the Annual Conference: Develops programs and publicity,
handles registration and local arrangements, and oversees finances related to the
Annual Conference. Administer a budget and prepare a registration fee proposal that is
submitted to the Board for approval no later than the January Board meeting. Provides
a final conference report to the Board and the Newsletter editor concerning attendance,
finances and evaluations. (Refer to Section E for Annual Conference Procedures.)
Awards Committee
(Chair reports to Director of Operations)
Responsible for soliciting from the membership nominations for recipients of awards.
Reviews nominations to insure they meet criteria for receipt of award. A list of proposed
award recipients will be submitted to the Board for approval. Awards will be conferred
at the Annual Conference. (Refer to Section D for procedures and standing awards)
Constitution and By-Laws
(Co-chairs: Immediate Past President and Director of Operations)
Each year the VACE Article of Incorporation and By-Laws are reviewed and proposed
changes (if any) are submitted to the Board and updates and changes are recorded and
maintained by the Director of Operations.
Marketing and Membership Services Committee
(Chair reports to the Director of Marketing and Membership Services)
Responsible for analyzing membership composition, developing and implementing a
marketing plan to promote VACE to non-member organizations with the goal of
increasing membership, membership diversity, and strategic alliances. Develops
membership campaign to expand new members, retain current members, and follow up
with inactive members. Will work with other committee chairs to enhance the application
process including forms, database, and directories, and to promote sponsorship,
scholarship and leadership opportunities. Assess, update, and develop marketing media
including VACE brochures to distribute to nonmembers as well as members to make
available through their events in order brand the organization and recruit new members.
Checks member applications for eligibility and brings questionable applications before
the Board for approval/disapproval, as well as all applications from new members
representing colleges/universities outside Virginia.
Membership Orientation/Networking Committee
(chair reports to the Director of Marketing and Membership Services)
Responsible for targeting and communicating primarily with new members and those
replacing former members of the organization with the goal to promote retention and
involvement in orientation, mentorship, and leadership activities. Will work other
committee chairs to enhance the use of media including web site, newsletter, and online
tools and with Marketing and Membership Services Chair to develop and distribute a
welcome packet and letter from the president will be sent to members when their
membership application is processed, and then a personal contact will be made as
assigned to current, more experienced members. Assess and provide services and
resources to members, including membership directory, orientation, networking, and
consultation opportunities and perform needs assessment to promote participation and
determine new needs.
Nominations Committee
(Chair, Immediate Past President)
Responsible for requesting nominations from the membership for Board positions that
will become vacant. Nominees will be considered based on criteria, qualifications, and
leadership to assure a diverse representation on the Board. A slate of candidates will
be prepared and presented to the current Board of Directors for approval, and
subsequently to the membership for elections. The slate shall be announced to the
membership prior to elections.
Training and Development
(Chair reports to the Director of Training and Development)
Responsible for assessing the professional development needs of the membership and
developing an annual schedule of programs and events, such as workshops, site visits
to member locations to increase the awareness of member services, resources and
opportunities, as well as other programs and events. A promotional plan will be
developed using the VACE web site, the newsletter, flyers, and email announcements.
Programming collaboration with the Annual Conference co-chairs assures
comprehensive professional development throughout the year.
Technology Committee
(Chair reports to the Director of Technology)
Consider and propose ways in which VACE can best use technology to communicate
with the membership, to provide services for members, and to recruit new members.
The VACE listserv, web site, and membership database is developed and maintained
by this committee.
Strategic Planning
(Co-chairs: President, President-Elect and Immediate Past President)
Review and reflect on current and past strategic plans of the organization, conduct
membership surveys when needed to identify short term and long term needs of VACE,
discuss current and projected issues with the Board of Directors and members, and
develop a plan for how to implement best the current strategic plan.
(Reports to the Director of Operations)
Responsible for maintaining all past records and official documentation of the
organization as provided by the officers of the corporation.
Newsletter Editor
(Reports to the Director of Operations)
Responsible for preparation and distribution of the Newsletter according to the
guidelines and dates established by the President, generally three times per year. The
Newsletter Editor will develop and submit a schedule to the Board of Directors,
committee chairs, and other leadership positions with the schedule of deadlines and
distribution dates. Newsletter content should include, as a minimum, a report from the
President, conference/workshop announcements, actions by the Board, committee
reports, important dates, new members and other pertinent data.
At the discretion of the President, attend Board meetings, for informational and
presentation purposes. (See Section E, Exhibit 2, for Newsletter procedures.)
(Immediate Past President. Ex-Officio Position)
The Immediate Past President of the Association serves as the parliamentarian and
insures that Board meetings and the annual business meetings are run in accordance
with parliamentarian procedures.
Site Selection
(Reports to the Immediate Past President)
Responsible for researching meeting locations for future annual conferences as directed
by the Board of Directors. A report of recommended locations will be submitted to the
Board for discussion and approval. Once the location is selected, the Site Selection
chair will draw up a suitable contract for the President to approve and sign. Will keep
records, information, and contracts of past and future sites.
(Reports to Director of Training and Development, member of the Training and
Development Committee)
Advertises the Professional Development Scholarships, amounts of which are
determined annually by the Board, provides the application form and establishes
deadlines, and receives applications for review and selects the recipients. (See Section
E, Exhibit 6 for procedures and a sample application form.)
Standards for Awards
Eligibility to become an Honorary Life Member of VACE shall be based on regular
attendance of Association meetings, notable contributions to the Association, and/or to
the furthering of the placement/recruitment function. A VACE member, subject to the
above criteria, may be considered for this award at any time following his or her
retirement or resignation from the Association.
An Honorary Life Member shall be exempt from the payment of dues and registration
fees, shall not vote or be deemed part of a quorum at any meeting of the Association,
and shall not be a member of the Board of Directors.
The A. Isabel Gordon Distinguished Service Award may be given in recognition to
members of VACE who have rendered a superior level of service to the Association. To
distinguish this from the Honorary Life Membership, this award is to be given to persons
who are currently participating in the activities of VACE, the regional association or the
National Association of Colleges and Employers. Persons to be considered shall have
made a continuing and significant contribution as a member of VACE, including such
things as reports of significant studies, active participation in seminars, panels,
committees, having served on the Board of Directors, and similar important activities.
A Meritorious Service Award may be awarded to a college or employer member or to
any person who has made an exceptionally valuable contribution to cooperative
education, career services or college recruiting. Also eligible are persons who have
been continuous and ardent workers in the ranks of VACE over a long period of time
and others whose services deserve recognition. This award is not limited to persons
who have or are about to retire or who, for other reasons, have terminated their
membership, but may be given to active members for outstanding service.
The outgoing President of VACE shall receive the Presidential Service Award upon
successful completion of a full term as President of VACE. The award will be an
appropriately engraved plaque and gavel.
This award recognizes continuous leadership contributions to the Virginia Association of
Colleges and Employers as a board member or officer. The award is given to each
member of the board of directors upon completion of his/her term of service on the
This is a service award based on seniority. It recognizes continuous membership in
VACE and is first given at the 5 year anniversary (calendar year) and then at each
additional 5 year interval, i.e. 10, 15, 20, etc.
The award will be a certificate with a round gold seal denoting the appropriate seniority
The award will be presented at the Annual Conference and these important milestones
should be highlighted in the newsletter.
This award is given to an outstanding VACE member with 1-3 years of experience in the
field of college student employment and as a member of the Association.
The award is presented at the Annual Conference.
This award is presented to a member who has made a significant contribution through
service, on a committee, task force, or in some other capacity. This award is presented
at the Annual Conference.
The previous eight awards should be processed through the awards committee, then
recommendations sent to the board for their approval.
Nominations for awards shall be received from the general membership of VACE by the
awards chairperson through the use of an email to all members and listed on the web
The board of directors can give the following Special Achievement Award to members
of VACE for extra contributions to the Association.
The Patricia J. Carretta special achievement award may be given to a member who has
made a significant contribution to VACE during the past year. This award recognizes
outstanding performance in carrying out special assignments or appointments. They
have distinguished themselves as role models in their dedication to and advocacy for
career services and HR professionals. The recipient should possess leadership
qualities, a positive attitude and willingness to go the extra mile for the organization.
Awarded at the discretion of the board.
Special Note: The Board of Directors approved the giving of the Special Achievement
Award to chairs of the Annual Conference.
Awards Committee Procedures
The chairperson of the Awards Committee is appointed by the President and then
selects at least two other members in good standing to serve as members of the
committee. The most beneficial committee members for assessing nominations for Life
Membership and the Distinguished Service Award are those who have had a lengthy
involvement with VACE and/or who have been officers of the Association.
Following is the traditional process of the Awards Committee:
In the Fall, the chairperson requests nominations from the
membership through a notice in the newsletter or through direct
mailing to all members. The request should describe the awards
and provide sufficient criteria for the awards so the membership
may make realistic appropriate nominations. It is also important
that those making nominations be requested to provide
documentation about the achievements and contributions of the
member(s) being nominated.
The notice should state a deadline for nominations to be accepted
so there is sufficient time for the committee to make their decisions
and recommendations before the January board meeting.
As soon as possible after the deadline, the chairperson should
convene the committee (or arrange a conference call) to discuss
the nominations. All committee members should have copies of the
nominations and documentation for review prior to the meeting.
After the committee has made its decisions, the chairperson should
provide the recommendation to the President for discussion of any
extraordinary recommendations at the March Board meeting.
Upon acceptance of the recommendations by the Board of
Directors, the chairperson should proceed with the purchase and
preparation of the awards. Certificates should be standard from
year to year.
Finally, the chairperson presents awards at the point during the
Annual Conference determined by the President and the
conference chairperson.
Previously printed certificates of appreciation have been passed from
chairperson to chairperson, and this should continue.
List of Exhibits
The following Exhibits are included in this handbook to provide you with additional
information and some suggestions on how to carry out certain duties.
Sample Agendas (Board & Annual Business
E - 1 thru 4
Newsletter Procedures
E - 5, 6
Annual Conference Procedures
Procedures for Board/Chair Reassignments
or Vacancies
Professional Development Scholarship
E - 10
Exhibit 1
Sample Agendas
July Board Meeting
Call to Order
Reading of the Minutes of the last Board Meeting and the Last Business Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Final Report for last year
Proposed budget for new year submitted for Board approval
Conference Report
Final Report from the Committee on the preceding Spring
Conference Location
The Board should discuss a geographic location for the
conference to be held in 2 years. Give instructions to site
selection Chairperson.
President’s Report
Committee Assignments - Membership, Archivist and
Historian, Auditor, Professional Development, Site Selection,
Newsletter Editor, Awards
Unfinished Business
New Business
Set time, date, location for next Board meeting
October - November Board Meeting
Call to Order
Reading of the Minutes of the last Board Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Membership Committee Report
Professional Development Committee Report
Spring Conference Committee Report - Approve budget requests
Local Arrangements Committee - If possible, Board should approve
specific “site” for conference and authorize the local arrangements
chairman to contract with the selected facility.
Audit Committee Report
Other Committee Reports as appropriate
President’s Report
Old Business
New Business
January Board Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Reading of Minutes of last Board meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Annual Conference Committee Report
Membership Committee Report
Awards Committee - tentative report
Nominations Committee Report
President’s Report
Old Business
New Business
April - May Board Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Minutes of last Board Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Final Membership Report
Conference Report
Nominations Committee Report
Awards Committee Final Report
Other Committee’s as necessary
President’s Report
Old Business
New Business
Annual Business Meeting
Call to Order
Minutes last Business Meeting
Nominations Committee Report
Elections (new President assumes office ceremonially, although officially at July Board
Old Business
New Business
Exhibit 2
Newsletter Procedures
The VACE newsletter is intended to keep members informed of association activities, to
stimulate interest in the profession, and to attract new members. The newsletter has
traditionally been issued four times a year. There are no specified dates, but good
timing seems to be fall, winter/spring and summer.
Because VACE members are busy and geographically widespread, the newsletter is
produced almost single handedly by the editor and his/her staff. It is good to solicit
articles or information from other members. You can and should count on:
--President’s letter
--Announcement of upcoming conference/workshop and/or
report on one just past
--Important dates (such as SACE and EACE meetings)
--List of new members
--Review of actions by VACE Board
--Notice of persons who have retired, departed, changed jobs, been promoted,
published articles in journals
If possible, solicit a “feature” story on some professional topic. Listening to comments
at VACE meetings or hearing conversation tidbits may generate ideas. Buttonhole
people who have passionate feelings or expertise about a topic; ask them to write an
article. Always reserve the right to edit.
Preparing the Newsletter
Determine dates you wish to email the newsletter. Try to hook it with
conferences, workshops, nominations, and other major functions you pick
up from Board meetings.
Check with the President about your publishing schedule and have the
schedule included in the yearly calendar.
1-1 ½ months before, send notes to appropriate members (President,
conference/workshop chairman, nominations chairman) requesting
information--and give them a deadline. Determine other key topics you
want to include.
Get information assembled and edit it for typing. Try to determine whether
to use 2 columns or 1 column (across the page) format.
Get copies of signatures or line art you want to use.
Have it typed and begin layout. (Try to block a day or two half days to do
Exhibit 3
Annual Conference Procedures
The Board will provide a budget to the Conference Committee. The Committee
should propose an appropriate registration fee.
The conference should attempt to provide outside, expert speakers for the main
The conference includes a President’s reception and a Banquet. The Committee
has full responsibility for planning these functions.
The Committee should work with the Director of Finance-Elect to pay bills,
deposit registration fees and manage related funds.
Generally, the organization will have a hospitality room for the members and will
pay for the President’s room. If necessary, the rooms for guest speakers will be paid for
as well as gifts, fees, or honorariums. Gifts are generally presented to all
speakers/presenters (non-VACE members) who do not charge the organization for their
services (outside of travel, room and board).
The Committee shall plan for the annual business meeting in conjunction with the
President, and a new member orientation program coordinated with the membership
Exhibit 4
VACE Board and Committee Chairs
Procedures for Mid-term Vacancies and Reassignments
For Board Vacancies and Reassignments:
The process starts with nominations. Certain criteria need to be defined to the potential
Board member and commitments made for the following:
a. Attend Annual Conference
b. Arrive a day prior to conference to attend Board training session
c. Attend Board meeting the morning Conference starts
d. Attend Committee Training meeting in early summer
e. Attend additional Board meetings during the year
f. Remain an active Liaison for assigned Committees – offering guidance and
The Board nominee must also commit for the term of the position.
Board candidates should have had some past leadership experience with VACE (track
New Board nominees (new to VACE Board – no past experience) must commit to these
meetings before being placed on the ballot. If repeat absences occur, especially for the
conference and training meetings, removal and replacement should occur. The process
for this will be as follows:
a. Phone Conversation (in hopes the Board member will resign)
b. Formal Letter
c. Appoint replacement upon recommendation by Board members
For Maternity / Illness issues, the Board will consider appointing an interim candidate to
serve until the original Board member can return to his/her position. This will make sure
that Committee Chairs have an active Liaison.
For Committee Chairs:
Problems with Committee Chairs should be brought to the attention of the
President-elect by the appropriate Board Liaison. If replacement is warranted, the
President-elect shall receive recommendations and inform the President, who will
facilitate the removal and appoint the replacement.
Exhibit 5
Professional Development Scholarship Procedures
The VACE Professional Development Scholarships may be available on an annual
basis, as approved by the Board, to support attendance at a workshop, conference or
other program for the purpose of enhancing career-related professional growth to the
scholarship recipients and to the greater membership as a whole. The recipient should
prepare an article for the next Innerview Newsletter and present at the annual
Candidates must be current VACE members at the time of application and the
professional development program. Attendance and reimbursement must occur within
the current fiscal year (July 1st to June 31st).
The scholarship is up to, but will not exceed, $500.00 and it could cover program,
workshop, or conference registration fees and/or travel expenses.
Applications are due by October 15th and January 15th.
Exhibit 6
Administrative Timetable
Transition meeting for old & new Board and Committee Chairs (as invited by the Board)
 Transition electronic & paper files and related committee materials to new
Committee Members and Board Members as necessary.
Board meeting
Board meeting
Board meeting
Board meeting (as needed)
Board meeting on-site before Conference.
Exhibit 7
Honorary Life Members of VACE
Former Affiliation
Gregg Paul
Col. F.H. Barksdale*
James L. Bell
Stanley Brown
William H. Cato*
James L. Dunn
J. Norwood Evans
Androniki Fallis
Andy Ferguson
Joy Flowers
S. Lee Fulcher
Q. Damon Gasque*
Jim Hardin
Robert Hunt
Karen Knierim
Thomas Langston
Jim Malone
Nick Markham
Alphonso McCain
Tony Michael
Norris P. Moses
Thomas A. Nardi
Peggy-Ann Neumann
John Payne
Lawrence Simpson
Carol Steentofte
Donald Sutton
Isabel Gordon Swift
George Wells
Jean Yerian
Virginia Military Institute
Hampton University
College of William & Mary
Virginia Tech
Virginia Commonwealth University
Longwood College
University of Richmond
Lynchburg College
Kroger Stores
James Madison University
Phillip Morris
College of William & Mary
University of Virginia
Lynchburg College
Virginia Tech
Leggett Stores
Virginia State University
Coopers & Lybrand
James Madison University
Hollins College
Sovran Bank
University of Virginia
Tidewater Community College
Roanoke College
Mary Washington College
Hampden-Sydney College
Virginia Commonwealth University
Exhibit 8
A. Isabel Gordon Distinguished Service Award
Gigi Davis-White
Lesli Henry
Pam Herrmann
Beverly Lorig
John Couch
Donna Cassell-Ratcliffe
Toni McLawhorn
Karen Knierim
Rol Walters
Jim McBride
George Morris
Joy Flowers
Carter Hopkins
Sam Ratcliffe
Robert Hunt
Patricia Carretta
Gregg Paul
Jean Yerian
James Malone
John Payne
Stanley Brown
Isabel Gordon Swift
Fred Scott
James Dunn
Virginia Asset Management
Virginia Tech
Washington & Lee University
Virginia Tech
Roanoke College
University of Virginia
Radford University
University of Virginia
Belk Stores
Lynchburg College
Sweet Briar College
Virginia Military Institute
College of William & Mary
George Mason University
Signet Banking Corporation
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Tech
Sovran Financial Corporation
College of William & Mary
Mary Washington College
Hampton Institute
Virginia Commonwealth University
Exhibit 9
Gary Johnson
Claire Childress
Erin Ogburn
Christine Harriger
Blake Wingfield
Mary Meade Saunders
Debbie Wilson
Lesli Henry
John Couch
Beverly Lorig
Donna Cassell
Toni McLawhorn
George Wells
Renee Herrell
Deborah Hicks
Roland Walters
James McBride
George Morris
Carter Hopkins
Randy Shannon
Sam Ratcliffe
Jim Hardin
Robert Hunt
D. Gregg Paul
Patricia Carretta
University of Mary Washington
Virginia Tech
Kearny & Co.
James Madison University
Enterprise Rent-a-Car
Longwood University
Virginia Tech
Virginia Asset Management
Ecolochem, Inc.
Washington & Lee University
Virginia Tech
Roanoke College
Hampton-Sydney College
James Madison University
Virginia Wesleyan College
Radford University
Virginia Tech
Leggett Stores
Sweet Briar College
Tidewater Community College
Virginia Military Institute
Philip Morris USA
College of William and Mary
Signet Banking Corporation
George Mason University
Jean Yerian
Virginia Commonwealth University
Norris Moses
Coopers & Lybrand
James Malone
Virginia Tech
Nick Markham
Leggett Stores
Thomas Nardi
James Madison University
John Payne
Sovran Bank
James Bell
Hampton University
James Cox
C&P Telephone
John McRae
Danville Community College
Peggy-Ann Neumann
Hollins College
Donald Beaman
Dow Badishe
Stanley Brown
College of William and Mary
Ray Thrift
Virginia Tech
Col. Flourney Barksdale
Virginia Military Institute
Alphonso McCain
Virginia State University
Mary Louise Jones
George Mason University
Thomas Langston
Lynchburg College
William Cato
Virginia Tech
A. Isabel Gordon
Mary Washington College
James L. Dunn
Virginia Commonwealth University
1965-66 Donald Sutton
1964-65 Frank Williar
1963-64 Phil Shelly
Roanoke College
University of Virginia
Radford College