EE sample format

Candidate ID 2904-0??
The Effect of Bee Imagery in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath and Emily Dickinson
IB Candidate Number: 002904-0??
Biotechnology High School
May, 2012 Exam Session
Diploma Programme, Group 1 (put the group number appropriate to your essay)
Supervisor: Michelle Lampinen
Word Count: 3,972
Candidate ID 2904-0??
This is where you write an abstract for your paper. The abstract should be the last
thing you write because it describes the process you used to complete your research and
the conclusions you came to. It does not serve as an introduction to your extended essay,
but rather, an overview. The inclusion of an abstract is intended to encourage you to
think about how you developed your argument and formed conclusions. It should also
help the reader quickly understand the contents of your essay. The abstract must be
between 200 and 300 words and should clearly state the research question being
investigated, the scope of the investigation, and the conclusions of the extended essay.
The abstract should be placed immediately after the title page. Be sure to include a word
count for your abstract. Speaking of word counts, your abstract does not count in the
4,000 words of your main essay.
Word count: 153
Candidate ID 2904-0??
Table of Contents
Title Page
Page 2
Contents Page
Page 3
Page 4
Pages 4 – 18
Page 18
Works Cited
Page 19
Candidate ID 2904-0??
Blah blah blah, here I am writing about Sylvia Plath and Emily Dickinson. The
format for the body of your extended essay should correspond with the subject area you
are investigating. So, if you are writing a science extended essay, your citations and
works cited page should follow APA format. I think you know how to do that by now. If
you are writing an English or history paper, you should use MLA format for your
citations and works cited page, which you should also know.
Somewhere in your introduction, you need to make your research question VERY
clear. Be obvious; don’t make the examiner have to guess. You can be completely overt
by including something like the following sentence. The focus of this extended essay will
What will your research question that will go in this box be?
In case you have forgotten the format for APA citations, “here is a reminder.
Pretend that this is a direct quotation from one of your sources” (Lampinen, 2008, p. 29).
Not too bad, right? You should even include pages numbers in paraphrases just to be
safe. I know that the APA guidelines do not require it, but here at BTHS, we do. MLA is
even easier, in my opinion. “Here is another pretend quotation for you to cite in your
extended essay” (Lampinen 29). Just the author’s last name and page number. That’s it.
Are you wondering about font, margins, and spacing? Don’t fret; just keep it
simple. Use Times New Roman 12 font, set your margins between 1 and 1¼ inches, and
double space. If you have Vista, make sure you set your line spacing to 1.0 instead of 1.5
so you don’t get extra spaces when you hit the return key. Boy, do I hate Vista default
Candidate ID 2904-0??
Please notice that your name is nowhere to be found on your extended essay. If
you do not know your IB Candidate IB number, ask Ms. Lampinen or Mr. Hercek. This
number should be on your title page and on the header of every page. Do not forget to
include page numbers on each page as well; you will lose points if you fail to put them
Now we will move on to the works cited page. I will use MLA format for the
purposes of explanation, but remember to use APA if you are writing a science extended
Word Count: 3,972
Candidate ID 2904-0??
Works Cited
Bloom, Harold. Emily Dickinson (Bloom’s Modern Critical Views). New York: Chelsea
House Publishers, 2007.
Bloom, Harold. Sylvia Plath (Bloom’s Modern Critical Views). New York: Chelsea
House Publishers, 2007.
Dickinson, Emily. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Ed. Thomas Johnson. New
York: Back Bay Books, 1976.
Plath, Sylvia. Ariel: The Restored Edition. New York: Harper Perennial, 2004.