A Comparative Essay on The Tell Tale Heart and The Black Cat 1.doc

A Comparative Essay on The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat
Remember – When you compare the two stories look for differences as well as similarities. You will
need to follow the stages below to successfully complete your essay.
Stage 1
Make notes in your exercise book using the following titles. Use your group brainstorm and the whole
class discussion we have had to give you ideas.
The Tell-Tale Heart
The story
(What the story is about – keep this section of
your essay brief)
The main characters (narrators)
(What do we learn about each character?
Why do they behave in the way they do?
What is their reaction like towards their
victims? Look in particular at the opening and
closing sections of each story)
How and Why the criminals get caught.
(How refers to the actions, why refers to a
defect in the criminals’ character which
exposes them)
(Note any similarities and differences in the
two story endings)
The settings
(Where is each story set and is this relevant?
How are the settings described?)
The language
(Look at Edgar Allan Poe’s style of writing.
How does he use language? Is his language
violent/morbid? How does he create
suspense? Is there any irony in the tales?
How does he use punctuation – especially
visual punctuation – for effect? How does
19th century language/style vary from 20/21st
century language/style?
Your opinion
(You must back up anything you say with
evidence. Also try to give a balanced view –
positive points as well as negative)
The Black Cat
Stage 2:
Once you have written up your notes you will be ready to begin the first draft of your essay. Use the
following essay frame to structure and organise your essay.
Essay Title (at the top of the page)
First Paragraph
 The introduction should tell the reader of your essay, what you are going to write about. List all
your main points in your introduction.
Middle Section
Following paragraphs
 Briefly say what each story is about.
 Write in detail about the main characters.
 Explain and analyse why the criminals get caught.
 Write about the similarities and differences in the endings of the stories.
 Describe and compare the main settings in each story.
 Write about Poe’s use of language.
Final paragraph
 The final paragraph is your conclusion. Write a summary of the most important points of your
essay. Include at this stage, briefly, your personal response to the two stories.
 Do not use titles/subtitles in your essay.
 Begin a new paragraph each time you make a new point.
 Always use quotes to back up your ideas.
 When using quotes, always use quotation marks (“ “), keep them short and weave them into your own
sentences. E.g. The narrator of The Black Cat raises our suspicions at the start of his tale when he
informs us, “tomorrow I die”. He is therefore telling us his tale to, “unburden (his) soul”.
 Use capital letters for the beginning of each main word in all titles. E.g. The Tell-Tale Heart and
The Black Cat.
 Link your comparisons with interesting connectives E.g. The Tell Tale Heart is…whereas The Black
Cat is…