Brave New World Unit Assignment

Brave New World Unit Assignment
English 112
Mrs. K Prescott
Due Date: June 4th, 2012
Value: 5% of Final Mark
(Note: Twenty percent will be deducted each day this assignment is submitted late.)
Topic and Format Suggestions:
You will see this assignment presents a variety of written, oral, and visual response choices in
an effort to recognize your particular interests, skills, and learning styles. What you believe to
be your own personal strengths should determine your choice selection. If you have another
idea for a project, come and see me to discuss it.
1. Using descriptions in Brave New World as a guideline, draw detailed portraits of Bernard,
Lenina, John, Linda, and an Epsilon-level worker. Capture as much of their personalities as
possible in facial expressions and posture. How do the Epsilon’s face, body, clothing,
expression, and activity show the effects of conditioning? Include a typed explanation of each
portrait. Each explanation should be at least one paragraph long and include specific details
explaining why you drew each character the way you did.
2. Prepare a scrapbook of 10 twentieth-century photos, drawings, and articles that might also be
seen in the “brave new world” (people, assembly lines, resort hotels, nightclubs, etc.). Be sure
each entry is something that can be found in our world AND that of BNW. Write a paragraph
explanation for each entry explaining the significance of each image in EACH world. Also,
include reasons for choosing each image that make specific connections to the novel.
3. Research the names of Huxley’s characters. Determine the connection to historical figures
and the significance to the novel (such as Vladimir Lenin – Lenina / Leon Trotsky – Polly
Trotsky). Present your analysis in MLA formal essay format – at least four pages, doubled
spaced. Include a Works Cited page in MLA format.
4. Research and present in formal essay format the most recent activities and progress in
bioengineering in relation to genetics. Explain how this science can have far-reaching effects
upon human life and society. Present this research paper in MLA formal essay format – at
least four pages, double-spaced. Include a Works Cited page in MLA format.
5. Find a film that deals with a similar theme or subject as that of Brave New World and write a
review of the film. Your review should make specific thematic connections to the novel.
Present your review in MLA formal essay format – at least four pages, double-spaced. Include
a Works Cited page in MLA format.
6. Collect five songs or poems that relate to the theme or subject of this novel. Type out the
lyrics/words and then specifically and clearly explain how each connects to the novel with
reference to image, ideas, symbolism and theme. Write in MLA formal format – aiming for 3-5
paragraphs for each song/poem.
7. Create a model or a painting of an important scene. Include a MLA format write-up explaining
the importance of the scene and why it was chosen in relation to the novel.