Engl 101A 03 F 13 Syllabus_D.Lobb_.doc

St. Jerome’s University in the University of Waterloo
Department of English
Engl 101A - 003 – Fall 2013
Introduction To Literary Studies
TTh1:00 – 2:20pm STJ 3016
Course Outline
Office Hours:
Diana Lobb
STJ 1026
TTh 2:30 – 3:30pm (or by appointment)
Course Description:
An introduction to the study of literature, covering such areas of enquiry as literary
history, genre, criticism, analysis, and theory.
In this course we will examine works of poetry, prose, and drama from the perspective
of literary critical analysis. The intent of this course is to develop your critical reading
and writing skills and your vocabulary of literary critical terminology.
Learning Objectives:
To develop analytical reading skills.
To develop essay writing skills.
To develop a vocabulary of literary critical terminology.
To develop critical thinking skills.
M. H. Abrams & Geoffery Galt Harpham, A Glossary of Literary Terms,
10th Ed.
Elements of Literature, 4th Canadian Ed, Oxford UP
The Little, Brown Handbook, current Canadian Edition
Class Schedule:
Class Schedule:
Sept. 10th
Sept. 12th
Sept. 17th
Sept. 19th
Sept. 24th
Sept. 26th
Oct. 1st
Oct. 3rd
Oct. 8th
Oct. 10th
Orientation/Introduction - Layton, "Whatever Else Poetry is Freedom"
Shakespeare, Sonnets 35 and 130
Keats, "On the Sonnet," Stevens, "Of Modern Poetry," and Moore, "Poetry"
Milton, "On Shakespeare," Auden, "In Memory of W. B. Yeats," and Klein,
"Portrait of the Poet as Landscape,"
Essay Writing Overview
Marvell, "The Garden" and Webb, "Marvell's Garden"
Yeats, "Leda and the Swan" and Bringhurst, "Leda and the Swan"
Hardy, "The Convergence of the Twain," Armitage, "The Convergence of
the Twain," (Armitage's poem will be available on the Learn site for this
Blake, "London," Whitman, "I Hear America Singing," and Bishop, "The
Wordsworth, "Ode: Intimations of Immortality," Dickinson, "[I Heard a Fly
Buzz]", and Atwood, "Death of a Young Son by Drowning"
Important Notes:
Test submission of essay draft
to Turnitin
Short Essay Due
Major essay topics distributed
Oct. 15th
Oct. 17th
Oct. 22nd
Oct. 24th
Oct. 29th
Oct. 31st
Nov. 5th
Nov. 7th
Nov. 12th
Nov. 14th
Nov. 19th
Nov. 21st
Nov. 26th
Nov. 28th
cummings, "my father moved through dooms of love," Thomas, "Do Not
Go Gentle into That Good Night" And Plath, "Daddy"
Browning, "Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister" and "My Last Duchess"
Mid-Term Test
Poe, "The Purloined Letter"
Melville, "Bartleby, The Scrivner"
Mansfield, "The Garden Party"
Hemingway, "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place"
O'Connor, "Everything That Rises Must Converge"
Mistry, "The Collectors"
Highway, The Rez Sisters
Highway, The Rez Sisters
Highway, The Rez Sisters
Highway, The Rez Sisters
Exam Review
Marking Scheme:
Final Exam:
Major Essay Due
Assignments & Evaluation:
Attendance and Participation
You are expected to be in class and on time. The grade is equally weighted between attendance
and participation. You should be prepared for class fully and thoughtfully, and participate in an
active and engaged way during class. Active participation in this class requires participation in
on-going classroom discussion and group work and being respectful of others’ contributions to
the ongoing intellectual inquiry taking place during the class. Remember, it is difficult to
participate if you do not regularly attend class.
Essay 1 – due Oct. 3rd
3 – 4 pages
Provide a close reading of one of the poems we have read between Sept. 10th and Sept. 17th in
which you analyze how the poet creates the poetic speaker's tone and how that tone effects
how you as the actual reader engage with the poem. Your essay must have a clear thesis
statement, present your analysis in an organized manner, and provide sufficient evidence from
the poem to support your observations. Your essay should demonstrate a close engagement
with the text that leads to a coherent assessment of how the poetic speaker's tone operates in
the poem you have chosen to analyze. In your essay you should follow MLA conventions, which
will be discussed in class before the essay is due. Secondary research is not required.
Major Essay – due Nov. 21st
8 – 10 pages
Essay topics will be distributed in class Oct. 10th.
Mid-Term Test – Oct. 22nd during regularly scheduled class meeting
Final Exam – scheduled by Registrar’s Office
Students using email to contact me must include their first and last names, student number, and course
in which they are enrolled in the email subject line. Email is an efficient method to contact me to
arrange for appointments or to ask simple questions (i.e. questions that require a yes or no answer).
Most questions arising from this class, however, will require face-to-face discussion and should be dealt
with in class or during my office hours. If you are unable to attend my scheduled office hours please
contact me to arrange an alternate meeting time. Essays and assignments submitted by email, or as
email attachments, will not be accepted.
The University of Waterloo Examination Regulations
(www.registrar.uwaterloo.ca/exams/ExamRegs.pdf) state that:
 A medical certificate presented in support of an official petition for relief from normal academic
requirements must provide all of the information requested on the “University of Waterloo
Verification of Illness” form or it will not be accepted. This form can be obtained from Health
Services or at uwaterloo.ca/health-services/student-medical-clinic/services/verification-illness.
 If a student has a test/examination deferred due to acceptable medical evidence, he/she
normally will write the test/examination at a mutually convenient time, to be determined by the
course instructor.
 The University acknowledges that, due to the pluralistic nature of the University community,
some students may on religious grounds require alternative times to write tests and
 Elective arrangements (such as travel plans) are not considered acceptable grounds for granting
an alternative examination time.
Late Essays: Essays are submitted electronically to Turnitin via the Learn website for the course. All
late assignments will be penalized 3% per day, including weekends (i.e. Saturday and Sunday = 6%).
Please note that essays will not be accepted via e-mail or after the term’s last day of class.
Make-up Tests/Extensions: Except in extraordinary circumstances, all extensions must be requested by
the Friday of the week prior to the essay’s due date. I reserve the right to request appropriate
documentation to support the request for extension (e.g. doctor’s note).
Academic Integrity: In order to maintain a culture of academic integrity, members of the University of
Waterloo and its Federated University and Affiliated Colleges are expected to promote honesty, trust,
fairness, respect and responsibility.
Discipline: A student is expected to know what constitutes academic integrity, to avoid committing
academic offences, and to take responsibility for his/her actions. A student who is unsure whether an
action constitutes an offence, or who needs help in learning how to avoid offences (e.g., plagiarism,
cheating) or about “rules” for group work/collaboration should seek guidance from the course
professor, academic advisor, or the Associate Dean. When misconduct has been found to have
occurred, disciplinary penalties will be imposed under St. Jerome’s University Academic Discipline Policy
and UW Policy 71 – Student Discipline. For information on categories of offenses and types of penalties,
students should refer to Policy 71 - Student Discipline, http://uwaterloo.ca/secretariat/policies-
Grievance: A student who believes that a decision affecting some aspect of his/her university life has
been unfair or unreasonable may have grounds for initiating a grievance. In such a case, contact the St.
Jerome’s University Grievance Officer.
Appeals: A student may appeal the finding and/or penalty in a decision made under St. Jerome’s
University Academic Discipline Policy or Grievance Policy if a ground for an appeal can be established. In
such a case, contact the St. Jerome’s University Appeals Officer.
Academic Integrity website (Arts): http://arts.uwaterloo.ca/arts/ugrad/academic_responsibility.html
Academic Integrity Office (UW): http://uwaterloo.ca/academic-integrity/
Note for students with disabilities: The AccessAbility Services (AS) Office, located in Needles Hall, Room
1132, collaborates with all academic departments to arrange appropriate accommodations for students
with disabilities without compromising the academic integrity of the curriculum. If you require academic
accommodations to lessen the impact of your disability, please register with the AS Office at the
beginning of each academic term.
Turnitin.com: Plagiarism detection software (Turnitin) will be used to screen assignments in this course.
This is being done to verify that use of all material and sources in assignments is documented. In the first
week of the term, details will be provided about the arrangements for the use of Turnitin in this course.
Note: Students must be given a reasonable option if they do not want to have their assignment screened
by Turnitin. See http://uwaterloo.ca/academic-integrity/integrity-waterloo-faculty/turnitin-waterloo for
more information.