COURSE SYLLABUS FOR 10TH GRADE WORLD LITERATURE AND COMPOSITION Burke County High School 2015-2016 Academic School Year Mr Cunningham ( Mrs. Hillis ( Mr. Lewis ( Room 101 MATERIALS NEEDED: Collections (HMH) Holt Handbook (HRW) Collections-Close Reader (Consumable) Common Core Assessment (Consumable) 1 or 1 ½ inch three-ring binder with dividers and pockets (no spirals) loose-leaf paper & pen (black/blue ink only) flash drive 2GB or larger highlighter, any color REQUIRED READING Ernest Hemingway’s The Old man and the Sea William Shakespeare’s Macbeth Sophocles’ Antigone William Golding’s Lord of the Flies Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to prepare students who are reading on or below the 10th grade level. Students will have opportunities to develop and expand their knowledge of literature and language and demonstrate a mastery level of new learning through performance tasks and assessments. Vocabulary study is mandatory, and research will be a part of all units. TENTATIVE COURSE OUTLINE First Nine Weeks Ourselves and Others (Unit 1) The Natural World (Unit 2) Novels: Lord of the Flies Composition: Speech Writing and Presentations Grammar Review (as needed) Literary Research Paper components** (read chosen novel and locate resources) Vocabulary: Content Specific (upon unit demands) Second Nine Weeks Responses to Change (Unit 3) Novel: The Old Man and the Sea Composition: Argumentative/Narrative/ Persuasive Writing Grammar Review (as needed) Literary Research Paper components** (rough draft and final copy) Vocabulary: Content Specific (upon unit demands) Third Nine Weeks How We See Things (Unit 4) Absolute Power (Unit 5) Drama: The Tragedy of Macbeth Antigone Composition: Analytical Essays Poetry Booklet Literary Research Project components** (power point slides ) Vocabulary: Content Specific (upon unit demands) Fourth Nine Weeks Hard-Won Liberty (Unit 6) Novel: To Kill a Mockingbird Composition: Analytical Essays Literary Research Project components** (power point presentation) Vocabulary: Content Specific (upon unit demands) ** Research projects adhering to MLA guidelines are mandatory for 10th Grade World Literature & Composition along with argumentative/persuasive, informational, and narrative writings per unit. METHOD OF EVALUATION Formative Assessments 60% quizzes, class work, home work vocabulary grammar, short writing assignments Summative Assessments 40% unit tests, novel tests, long writing assignments PROCEDURES OF EVALUATION Tests: Each grading period, you will have analytical essays and unit tests (covering the literature and assigned novels/short stories/ etc.). All analytical essays and research paper will be typed. Unit tests will consist of one or more of the following formats: true/false, multiple choice, fillin-the-blank, identify, short answer, and essay. Quizzes/Homework: Quizzes will usually be unannounced. If you are assigned written homework or a reading assignment, you can guarantee that I will take a grade or give a quiz. For preparatory concerns, you can expect homework three or four times a week – including weekends. Extra Credit: Extra Credit will be available each nine weeks. When assigned, it is imperative to pay attention to the assigned due date. CLASSROOM POLICIES Be prepared for class. You cannot complete your classroom assignments if you do not have paper, pens or pencils, books, and other required materials. NO late grades will be taken. It is your responsibility to do your homework; it is also your responsibility to bring it to class with you. You cannot receive credit for your homework if it is in your locker or at home. Late work (including essays, papers, and projects) will be penalized with a grade reduction. Make-up tests will be arranged before or after school at the teacher’s discretion. Keep in mind that your absence must be excused in order for you to make up the work. It is your responsibility to keep up with all missed assignments, and it is your responsibility to schedule a time to make-up the missed assignments. Pay attention during class. You are expected to be on task every minute of class. This includes listening to lectures, taking notes, reading (aloud or silently), researching topics, taking tests or quizzes, etc. I will not tolerate unnecessary talking or whispering during class, moving around the classroom without permission, heads on desks or sleeping, or any other off task behaviors. ************************************************************************************************************************************ MATERIAL ON THIS COURSE SYLLABUS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO TIME CONSTRAINTS OR OTHER UNAVOIDABLE CIRCUMSTANCES. I have read the above syllabus and understand the content and requirements for 10th Grade World Literature & Composition. I understand that this syllabus is to be kept in the front of my notebook after it is signed by my parent/guardian. _________________________________________ Student Signature Date Stephen Cunningham 101 ________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date RULES FOR CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 1. Be Punctual! Every student must be in his or her desk when the tardy bell rings. Any student not in his/her desk will be considered tardy and will be dealt with accordingly. No exceptions to the rule! 2. All pencils should be sharpened before the tardy bell rings. Remain in your desk during class. Throw all trash away before class begins. Walking around the room during class without permission is rude and disrespectful to both teacher and students. 3. Sit in your assigned seat unless otherwise instructed. I take roll from the seating chart. 4. Talking should cease when the tardy bell rings – the bell is your signal that I am ready to begin class. If I have to wait for you to be quiet, then I will take that time at the end of the period after the bell rings. 5. ABSOLUTELY NO SLEEPING! If I cannot see your eyes, I will assume that you are sleeping or not paying attention. Sleeping automatically results in a referral to the principal. 6. No eating or drinking allowed –gum included. All drinks and snacks brought into the room must be sealed at all times and placed INSIDE your bookbag. 7. Use the restroom and get water before coming to class. Hall passes and restroom passes will be issued only at the teacher’s discretion. The need for frequent trips to the restroom will require a doctor’s excuse. 8. Do your own work; DON’T CHEAT!!! You will receive a zero if caught, regardless of the assignment. 9. Treat your fellow classmates and your teacher as you would wish to be treated. Remember: You must earn respect. 10. The bell at the end of class is for me; you should remain in your seats until I dismiss you. No packing up your belongings until you are told to do so. 11. Obey all school rules. If you are unfamiliar with a policy, consult the Bear Facts Handbook. Shirts must be tucked in and all pants worn at the waist before entering the classroom!!!!!! 12. My desk (anything on or around it), chair, and office are OFF LIMITS! Any student found disobeying this rule will be dealt with accordingly. Students who do not abide by the above rules and policies during class will receive one or more of the following consequences depending on the severity of the rule broken: Verbal warning Telephone call to parent and/or parent conference Referral to principal (which may result in lunch detention, ISS, or OSS) Student’s Signature__________________________________ Date__________________ Parent’s Signature___________________________________ Date__________________