ENG 093 Basic English II - Lawson State Community College

Basic English II
ENG 093
Department of
Postsecondary Education
Representing Alabama’s Public Two-Year College System
Lawson State Community College
ENG 093 Basic English II
(Software & Blackboard Supported Course)
COURSE HOURS: 4 credit hours
Office Office Phone
Office Hours:
This course works in conjunction with a computerized laboratory and is a
review of college level writing and grammar skills. Emphasis is placed on
the composing of unified paragraphs and the building of essays. Emphasis
is also placed on style and mechanics. In order for students to advance to
ENG 101, mastery of grammar and writing skills must be achieved.
Prerequisite: ENG 092 or appropriate placement score
Co-requisite: none
The Alabama College System
Copyright 2004
All Rights Reserved
Basic English II
ENG 093
Textbook: Exploring Writing: Paragraphs and Essays (John Langan, 2nd
Software: See your instructor for details. (1) Connect Writing, McGrawHill (2) Criterion Online Writing Evaluation, ETS
BLACKBOARD: All ENG093 students must use Blackboard to gain access to
vital course information such as the syllabus, handouts, Power Point shows,
activities, assignments, announcements, etc. Failure to use Blackboard will
severely damage your ability to pass the course. Students should always check
the Blackboard announcements and tasks pages prior to coming to class.
ENG 093 approaches paragraph and essay formation from both a structural and
purposive angle. The goal of this course is to give the student a greater
understanding of language so that he or she can write effective paragraphs and
essays on the college level.
Course Student Learning Outcomes.
1. Students will be able to proficiently write and identify the Four Types of Sentences.
2. Students will be able to properly use a semi-colon, colon, parenthesis, and dash in written essays.
3. Students will be able to use commas properly and to identify when a comma is used inappropriately.
4. Students will be able to identify fragments, run-ons, and comma splices within single sentences,
paragraphs, and essays.
5. Students will be able to write without subject-verb agreement errors.
6. Students will be able to identify subject-verb agreement errors in sentences, paragraphs, and essays.
7. Students will be able to identify and write (with proficiency) both a thesis statement and topic sentences.
8. Students will be able to use appropriate transitional devices in their paragraph and essay writing.
9. Students will be able to support their ideas (logically) in their paragraph and essay writings.
10. Students will be able to write a well-developed and proficiently written introduction to an essay using
Standard American English.
11. Students will be able to write well-developed and proficiently written body paragraphs in an essay
using Standard American English.
12. Students will be able to write a well-developed and proficiently written conclusion of an essay using
Standard American English.
13. Students will be able to write a 5-paragraph essay free of grammatical errors.
14. Students will be able to edit and revise their paragraphs and essays.
15. Students will be able to write in various rhetorical modes--including, but not limited to, expository,
descriptive, and persuasive modes.
16. Students will be able to use Blackboard and Criterion Online Writing with a high level of proficiency.
Core Competencies Guide Sheet
(Required Assignments, Exams, Writing Assignments, Oral
Presentations, Projects, Quizzes, Activities, etc…) These will be
combined in various assignments and tests.
Diagnostic Essay (5 paragraph essay)
Four-types of Sentences Exam
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All Rights Reserved
Basic English II
ENG 093
Comma, Semi-colon and Colon Exam
Verb Tense Exam (Present, Past, Future…)
Subject-verb Agreement Exam
Fragments, Run-on and Comma Splices Exam
Sentence Structure Exam
Punctuation Quiz
Transitional Usage—Quiz or can be evaluated within papers.
Writing Introductions— Quiz or can be evaluated within papers.
Writing Body Paragraphs— Quiz or can be evaluated within papers.
Writing Conclusions— Quiz or can be evaluated within papers.
Introduction or Body Paragraph (200-250 words)—Should be
incorporated into a later essay.
Persuasive Essay (750-1000 words)—Requires at least two
revisions via Criterion Online Writing.
Narrative or Additional Persuasive Essay (750-1000 words)—
Requires at least two revisions via Criterion Online Writing.
Expository or Descriptive Essay (750-1000 words)—Requires at
least two revisions via Criterion Online Writing.
Student Portfolio Project—(See Departmental Assessment
Instrument / Rubric.)
Departmental Exit Exam (5 paragraph essay)
The following list is a breakdown of how each student will be evaluated for
final grade calculations at the end of the term:
Introduction/Body Paragraph
Essay 1
Essay 2
Essay 3
Test 1 (Midterm)
Test 2
Homework/Quizzes/My Writing Lab (Average)
Final/Exit Exam
Total Points Possible
100 points
100 points
150 points
150 points
100 points
150 points
100 points
150 points
1000 points
Please note:
 Paragraphs and essays will require revisions.
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Copyright 2004
All Rights Reserved
Basic English II
ENG 093
Plagiarized assignments will receive a 0 and cannot be made-up.
Students in ENG 093 will be graded A, B, C, D, or F.
59% or below
895-1000 points
795-894 points
695-794 points
595-694 points
0-594 points
The instructor rounds grades upward (i.e., in the student’s favor), never
downwards. For example, 795 points equals 79.5%. This will be rounded up
to an 80%, a B. But 794 points, 79.4%, would remain a C.
To pass ENG 093 and advance to ENG 101, a student must fulfill both of
the following requirements:
A. Earn a grade of at least 70% for the entire course (695-1000 points)
B. Earn a grade of at least 70% on the Departmental Exit Exam
Students who do not fulfill both requirements must repeat the course.
a. Absence. Students are expected to attend all classes for which they
are registered. This course moves very quickly. Even one or two
absences can cause students to feel lost. Do not overestimate your
ability to “catch up.” You need to be present for every single meeting. If
you must miss a meeting, you should do ALL of the following: (a) Email your instructor, (b) check Blackboard Announcements and Tasks,
(c) consult the Class Calendar on Blackboard to see what you’ve
missed, (d) review that material on Blackboard and in your textbook,
and (e) return to the next class ready to advance with your classmates.
b. Withdrawals. Students who are unable to attend class regularly,
regardless of the reason or circumstance, should officially withdraw
from that class before poor attendance interferes with the student’s
ability to achieve the objectives required in the course. If you cannot
complete the course, do not simply abandon the class. It is in your own
best interest to officially withdraw. E-withdrawal is available on the
College website > Admissions area. Withdrawal can affect eligibility for
federal financial aid. (These consequences vary depending on the
date of withdrawal. See the Academic Calendar on the College
website.) Withdrawal from class can prohibit progression in nursing
and allied health programs.
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Copyright 2004
All Rights Reserved
Basic English II
ENG 093
c. Make-up Work. All assignments and due dates are posted on the
Blackboard Class Calendar. Essays should always be submitted on
time. This policy holds true for absent students. Late essays that are
of passing quality will receive minimally passing grades of 70%. (This
deduction can be waived at the instructor’s discretion.) You do not
need special permission: just submit late essays as soon as possible.
Documentation of jury duty, military service, illness or injury, work
conflict, or family emergency is required to make up tests.
d. Lateness: All classes will begin exactly at the scheduled time.
Lateness is distracting and unprofessional, so please make every effort
to arrive to every class on time. Roll will be called first. If a student has
missed the roll, then he or she is late. There is no “grace period.”
Students are expected to arrive and prepare themselves for class
before the class period officially begins. Students who miss class work
due to lateness will not be allowed to make-up the missed work.
Students who come in late will not be allowed additional time to
complete tests, quizzes, or other assignments that may have a time
constraint attached.
Students must conduct themselves with honesty and integrity at all times.
Plagiarism. You must submit your own work. Plagiarized assignments will
receive a grade of 0. These cannot be made up. Using someone else's
ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas or phrasing as your own, either
on purpose or through carelessness, is a serious offense known as plagiarism.
"Ideas or phrasing" includes written or spoken material— from whole papers and
paragraphs to sentences, and even phrases — but also includes statistics, lab
results, art work, etc. "Someone else" can mean a professional source, such as a
published writer or critic in a book, magazine, encyclopedia, or journal; an
electronic resource such as material found on the Internet; another student at our
school or anywhere else; a friend, tutor, or relative; a paper-writing "service"
(online or otherwise) which offers to sell written papers for a fee. Please note that
paraphrasing (putting source material into your own words) without proper citation
and documentation still constitutes plagiarism. All students must view the Tegrity
class on Academic Integrity.
Cheating. Students who cheat on tests will receive a grade of 0 for that test.
These tests cannot be made up. Cheating includes speaking to another student
during an exam, consulting books/notes, handling a cell phone or other electronic
device, and of course, peeking at another student’s test. We will follow very strict
policies on test days. These policies will be provided both verbally and in writing.
During exams, students may not speak to anyone for any reason. Students must
keep all phones and other electronic devices on “silent” and they must be
completely packed away. Books and notes must be kept packed away. Students
should not leave the room without permission. Accusations of cheating will not be
announced or debated publically during the test. The instructor will simply make
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All Rights Reserved
Basic English II
ENG 093
a note to assign a grade of 0 to the dishonest student’s test. The situation can be
discussed later at an office-hour appointment.
The instructor reserves the right to pursue further disciplinary actions by reporting
plagiarism and/or cheating to the Academic Dean.
Students are encouraged to conduct themselves as adult professionals-intraining. Avoid behaviors that are distracting or disrespectful your classmates and
instructor. The following behaviors should be avoided during class meetings:
1. Texting and/or unauthorized internet use
2. Sleeping (or reclining, lounging, etc.)
3. Speaking out of turn or speaking rudely or unkindly
4. Unnecessary traffic in the classroom
5. Eating or drinking
6. Wearing inappropriate clothing, sunglasses, hats, or earphones.
Students should adhere to the College dress code and all other Policies of
Student Conduct included in the Student Handbook.
The College and the Alabama Board of Education are committed to providing
both employment and educational environments free of harassment or
discrimination related to an individual’s race, color, gender, religion, national
origin, age, or disability. Such harassment is a violation of State Board of
Education policy. Any practice or behavior that constitutes harassment is a
violation of State Board of Education policy and will not be tolerated.
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the American with Disabilities
Act of 1990 state that qualified students with disabilities who meet the essential
functions and academic requirements are entitled to reasonable
accommodations. It is the student’s responsibility to provide appropriate
disability documentation to the College. Please contact the ADA
representative, Mrs. Renay Herndon, at 426-7335 (Bessemer campus) or Ms.
Philana Suggs at 925-2515 (Birmingham campus).
COURSE CALENDAR The course calendar has been posted on Blackboard. All
lessons, assignments, lab days, and tests have been included. Students should
print this calendar and bring it to every class meeting.
The Alabama College System
Copyright 2004
All Rights Reserved
Basic English II
ENG 093
The signing of this form below indicates that I have read the current syllabus for
ENG 093 and am satisfied that I understand its content and accept that I am
entering into a binding contract. The signing of this form also demonstrates that
my English instructor did review the syllabus with the class and did allow for a
questioning/answering period. By signing, I also attest that I read and
understood the statements on plagiarism and cheating and that I will write
only in my own words for the duration of ENG 093.
The Alabama College System
Copyright 2004
All Rights Reserved