Name: ___________________________ Date:_________________ Period: ________ EA-2 Writing a Definition Essay Define your Concept of Heroism Scoring Rubric Scoring Criteria Ideas (12) Exemplary Proficient Emerging Incomplete 4 3 2 1-0 The concept of heroism is uniquely and clearly defined. The essay: develops all three strategies of definition effectively (function, example, negation) to define a hero maintains a precise and original compound thesis integrates relevant supporting detail and evidence (quotes and/or paraphrases) with parenthetical citations and commentary The concept of heroism is sufficiently defined. The essay: uses strategies of definition (function, example, negation) to define a hero maintains a clear compound thesis includes adequate supporting detail and evidence (quotes and/or paraphrases) with parenthetical citations and commentary The concept of heroism is minimally defined. The essay: uses at least one strategy of definition to define a hero (function, example, negation) has an unclear or unfocused thesis Includes inadequate supporting detail and evidence; may have inconsistent citations and/or weak commentary The concept of heroism is not defined. The essay: does not define a hero using strategies of definition (function, example, negation) has no discernible thes lacks supporting detail, citations, and/or commentary The essay: includes an ineffective or partial introduction has unrelated, underdeveloped, or formulaic support paragraphs uses transitions and topic sentences ineffectively or inconsistently provides a weak, illogical, or repetitive conclusion The essay: Lacks an introduction Has minimal, absent, or flawed support paragraphs Uses few or no transitions and topic sentences Lacks a conclusion Structure The essay: introduces the main (16) • The essay: introduces the topic idea with an engaging with a relevant hook, hook, bridge and bridge and thesis thesis. organizes ideas into organizes ideas into support paragraphs that focused support that progress logically strengthens the thesis creates coherence with creates coherence with the use of transitions and the purposeful use of a topic sentences variety of transitions provides a conclusion and topic sentences that follows from the provides an insightful ideas presented conclusion Use of The essay: The essay: The essay: The essay: Language uses consistent diction uses diction and style uses diction or a uses flawed diction (8) and style appropriate that is generally style that is basic or or first person slang for an academic appropriate for an inappropriate to an lacks command of audience academic audience academic audience the conventions of demonstrates demonstrates adequate demonstrates standard English command of the command of the partial or capitalization, conventions of conventions of standard inconsistent punctuation, standard English English capitalization, command of the spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, conventions of and usage punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage standard English (including complex grammar, and usage (including complex capitalization, sentences) (including complex sentences) punctuation, sentences) spelling, grammar, and usage (including complex sentences) Evidence The outline is detailed of Writing and provides a clear Process roadmap for the essay (4) The outline is completed and provides a roadmap for the essay Student self- evaluation: Strengths: Needs: Teacher evaluation: Strengths: Needs: Total Score for Assessment: /40 The outline is partially completed and provides an incomplete roadmap for the essay The outline is incomplete or missing