

Name ______________________________________________ Period ________Date ________

Submit essay to Print essay plus complete and detach rubric sheet and turn in on the due date.

Socialization & Ideology Paper




Student Score:

What do you give yourself?




Thesis Paragraph:

Context of the Topic including definitions

Two Current Issues

1 st Body Paragraph: Political Socialization

Define liberal, conservative, libertarian, socialist

Explain where you fall on political spectrum

Explain first agent of socialization and explain

Explain second agent of socialization and explain

Explain third agent of socialization and explain

2 nd Body Paragraph: Political Issue #1

Core Question

One fact supporting one side of the argument

Second fact supporting one side of the argument

Current Public Opinion Poll identified with support

Comparison of your political ideology and position on issue

3 rd Body Paragraph: Political Issue #2

Core Question

One fact supporting one side of the argument

Second fact supporting one side of the argument

Current Public Opinion Poll identified with support

Comparison of your political ideology and position on issue








Include a brief summary of the paper's main points 5

2 Use a quotation

Universalize (connect to a larger theme)


Sources (3-4)

Case Study Structure

Followed correct format (paragraphs, font, & font size) 5


Total Score 100













Due Date: Friday, February 12, 2016 by 11:59 pm

You are to write an original, standard essay on the following prompt. Your essay will be turned in on at any time up until the due date and time. Technology is the responsibility of the student. You can check if is having issues on their twitter feed (@turnitinstatus). The assignment is not turned in until you have received a receipt email from so check your junk email box. You will submit a printed copy of your essay and the rubric to the instructor at the next class meeting after the due date posted on

Question: What is a standard essay?

All essays, whether written in class or outside of class, will be written in a standard essay format. The essay will have an introductory paragraph, with a thesis, a body containing at least three paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. The essay will have a minimum of five paragraphs. Remember that each paragraph will have a minimum of four sentences. All essays will use a standard font of Calibri, Times New Roman, or Arial. Use a type size of 12. Do not use pronouns such as I, me, they, etc. in your paper. Plagiarism rules will apply. Place your name, class period, and essay title at the top of the page. Technology and internet issues are responsibility of the student.

Late Grade:

Late assignments will accepted to up to 24 hours after the due date with a 30 point deduction. No assignments will be accepted after Saturday, February 13, 2015 at 11:59 pm.

Essay Prompt:

Analyze and explain your political socialization and ideology. Select and research two current issues (one from each of the columns on the next page) and support one side of each issue using specific facts and public opinion polls. Explain your stance on the selected issues using your political socialization and ideology. Use specific examples.

Sources: Use a minimum of three and a maximum of four sources. and will be two of your sources. Wikipedia and your textbook are NOT approved sources. Your works cited must be placed directly at the end of your essay. Use a works cited machine like to correctly cite your sources.

Counts as MAJOR grade! It is worth 20% of your entire grade.

Column 1

Medical Marijuana

Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide

Milk - Is It Healthy?



Obesity a Disease?

Drinking Age - Lower It?

Animal Testing

Cell Phones - Are They Safe?

Gay Marriage

Born Gay? Origins of Sexual Orientation

Social Networking - Good or Bad?

Video Games and Violence

Drug Use in Sports

Golf - Is It a Sport?

College Football Playoffs


Select one topic from each column

Column 2

Illegal Immigration

Gun Control

Concealed Handguns

ACLU - Good or Bad?

Social Security Privatization

WTC Muslim Center

Alternative Energy vs Fossil Fuels

Climate Change

Prostitution - Legalize it?

Under God

Churches and Taxes

Obamacare / Health Care Laws

Right to Health Care

Prescription Drug Ads

Death Penalty

Vaccines for Kids

DIRECTIONS : Complete these parts in order. Type all parts and attach needed documents.

Paragraph One – Introduction


Set the context of the topic including a definition of political socialization and political ideology


Introduce the two current issues


Paragraph Two – Political socialization defined


Define what it means to be a liberal, conservative, libertarian and communitarian/socialist.

Explain where you fall on the political spectrum.

Go to

. (This quiz was assigned the first day of school)

Click on the Take the Test link on the top right. Complete the six pages of questions (about 50 questions).

After you are finished, click the link that allows you to print your results, which should look like the image on the back of this page.

Attach a copy of the political spectrum results to the printed copy of your paper to hand in.


What agents of socialization (i.e., media, family, peers, school, and politicians) have been most powerful in defining your political ideology? Explain three.

Paragraph Three – Political Issue #1


Go to


Select one topic from the left hand column below


Identify the core question associated with that topic on


Read both the pros and cons of the issue.


Select the side that you agree with based on the facts presented. Explain the side you agree with using two facts and arguments presented. Do NOT include your own personal beliefs.


Go to

and find a recent public opinion poll that relates to the issue you selected above. Summarize the poll with the following information. a.

Who conducted the poll? b.

What were the dates of the poll? c.

What the sampling size? d.

How the poll was conducted (telephone, in person, on line)? e.

What was the margin of error for the poll? f.

What is the website for the poll? (so I can review it)


Does the national poll support the position you chose to support? Does the position you chose to support on this issue coincide with your political ideology in paragraph 1. Explain.

Paragraph Four – Political Issue #2


Go to


Select one topic from the right hand column below


Identify the core question associated with that topic on


Read both the pros and cons of the issue.


Select the side that you agree with based on the facts presented. Explain the side you agree with using two facts and arguments presented. Do NOT include your own personal beliefs.


Go to

and find a recent public opinion poll that relates to the issue you selected above. Summarize the poll with the following information. a.

Who conducted the poll? b.

What were the dates of the poll? c.

What the sampling size? d.

How the poll was conducted (telephone, in person, on line)? e.

What was the margin of error for the poll? f.

What is the website for the poll? (so I can review it)


Does the national poll support your position? Does your position on this issue coincide with your political ideology in paragraph one. Explain and give specifics.

Paragraph Five – Conclusion


Include a brief summary of the paper’s main points.


Use a quotation that represents your political ideology by someone who shares your views. Do not use a current presidential candidate.


Universalize (connect to a large theme) the findings in your paper.

Essay Structure

Paragraph 1: Thesis paragraph

Must include: o Set the context of the topic including a definition of political socialization and political ideology o Have two current issues

Paragraph 2: 1 st body paragraph

Must include: o Define political ideologies: liberal, conservative, libertarian and communitarian/socialist. o Explain where you fall on the political spectrum according to the quiz at

o Which three agents of socialization (i.e., media, family, peers, school, and politicians) have been most powerful in defining your political ideology? Explain and give examples.

Paragraph 3: 2 nd

body paragraph

Must include: o Core question (found on o Argue for one side of the issue using facts NOT personal beliefs o Present a current poll on the issue and identify o Explain how your stance on the above core question supports or opposes your political ideology in paragraph 1.

Paragraph 4: 3 rd

body paragraph

Must include: o Core question (found on o Argue for one side of the issue using facts NOT personal beliefs o Present a current poll on the issue and identify o Explain how your stance on the above core question supports or opposes your political ideology in paragraph 1.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

Must include: o Include a brief summary of the paper's main points. o Use a quotation that represents your political ideology by someone who shares your views. Do not use a current presidential candidate. o Universalize (connect to a larger theme).

Bibliography o Three to four sources o Use MLA format ( o Place right at the end of the paper.

Attachments o Political Compass Results
