Aim: How do you write a well constructed thematic essay?
Objective: Swbat identify the necessary components of compare and contrast essay
Aim: How do these ancient civilizations compare and contrast?
Objective: Swbat evaluate the relation and differences between the ancient civilizations
What is Hammurabi’s code and why is it so significant?
Objective: Swbat to identify and describe Hammurabi’s code and its purpose
2,3,4,5: Use examples relating to world history, geography, etc of the ancient civilizations.
World History,
Geography, Economies, and Political arrangement.
2,3,5: World History,
Geography (where is
Hammurabi from?), and political organization
Restate the theme in the intro and conclusion
Use the task to create an outline
Perfect body paragraphs should include who, what, where, when, why, and how
Discuss transitional sentences
Quiz in the later portion of class
Allow the students to do group work to create a graphic organizer that compares and contrasts all 4 or the ancient civilizations or guide them through it is class.
Mini-Lesson: Where was
Hammurabi from? Who was he and what did he do? Why were his actions significant? Why does this still matter today?
You can find past Regents including former thematic essay prompts at
Split the period into half instruction, half quiz. This quiz will inform your tracking
Discuss which civilization was the most productive, the most protected, the most interesting, the most influential on the present day.
QUIZ TODAY: Create the quiz from the questions in this column from this week and last week.
REGENTS: All civilizations developed around a what? (rivers or river valleys)
Why were these rivers so important (fertile soil)
Notes on the board, overhead, or projector for the students.
Assessment Friday/thematic essay
Aim: How does
Hammurabi’s code apply and affect society?
Objective: Swbat apply
Hammurabi’s code to themselves as society through group skits
2,5: World History and
Political organization to create such a code and enforce it on society
Create groups for the students and have them read selected portions of Hammurabi’s Code. Their group will then be responsible for creating a skit for the class that represents their portion of the
-Organized Groups
-Copies of Hammurabi’s
-Time management to make sure the students have time to present their skits.
Thematic Essay tomorrow
Objective: Swbat create a well organized compare and contrast thematic essay
2,3,4,5: All standards can be applied to the thematic essay
Restate the theme in the intro and conclusion
Use the task to create an outline
Perfect body paragraphs should include who, what, where, when, why, and how
Discuss transitional sentences
You can find past Regents including former thematic essay prompts at