TRUMAN, EISENHOWER, JFK. TRUMAN: FOREIGN POLICY CONTAINMENT: George Kennan proclaimed that U.S. policy toward the Soviet Union should focus on the containment of Russia’s expansive tendencies. TRUMAN DOCTRINE: March 12, 1947, speech to Congress Urged American economic and military aid to any nation threatened by communism. $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey. MARSHALL PLAN: Secretary of State George Marshall-1947 European Recovery Program – 1948 - $12 billion of economic assistance to European nations. Humanitarian and political. 1951 Mutual Security Act – continued the foreign aid program started under the Marshall Plan ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION-1946-atomic energy for peaceful purposes and safeguarded national security NATIONAL SECURITY ACT-1947 – established the Department of Defense, the National Security Council and the CIA 1948 BERLIN AIRLIFT:American Air Force air lifted supplies to West Berlin for almost a year until Stalin lifted the blockade. OCTOBER, 1949: GERMANY WAS OFFICIALLY DIVIDED NATO: 1949 An attack against one member constituted an attack against all. NATO countries would maintain a military force in Europe as defense against a possible Soviet invasion. WARSAW PACT: 1955 U.S.S.R., Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria 1949: Soviets explode atomic bomb; this encouraged the arms races between the Superpowers. 1949: Establishment of Communist China. 1951: American occupation of Japan ends. Peace Treaty signed. Security Treaty gave U.S. military bases in Japan. KOREAN CONFLICT: “Police Action” General Douglas MacArthur removed from command of the troops when he sought to expand military operations against the Chinese.\ Under General Matthew Ridgway, armistice negotiations began in 1951. 1953: North Korea and the United Nations reached an armistice agreement. Cease-fire Line: north of the 38th parallel established 1954: U.S./South Korea sign a treaty guaranteeing U.S. assistance if South Korea Attacked. TRUMAN: DOMESTIC POLICY ECONOMIC TRENDS: RISE IN THE BIRTHRATE: GREATER DIVERSIFICATION OF CORPORATIONS WHITE COLLAR AND SERVICE EMPLOYMENT ROSE MORE WOMEN IN THE WORK FORCE AGRICULTURE DECLINED AS AN OCCUPATION MORE PEOPLE TO URBAN CENTERS AND SUBURBS RECONVERSION OF THE ECONOMY: Labor strikes in the automobile, electrical, railroad, mining and steel industries. FAIR DEAL: TRUMAN’S LIBERAL AGENDA ADVOCATED EXPANDING SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS, INCREASING THE MINIMUM WAGE, A FULL EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM, SLUM CLEARANCE, PUBLIC HOUSING, AND GOVERNMENT SPONSORED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. REFORMS BLOCKED BY CONSERVATIVE CONGRESS. 1946: COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISORS 1946: FULBRIGHT ACT LEGISLATIVE REORGANZIATION ACT: reduced standing committees, and increased congressional salaries to $12,500.00 PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE ON CIVIL RIGHTS T. began the desegregation of the armed forces. Appointment of black judges to federal courts and an executive order barring discrimination in federal employment PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION ACT OF 1947 TAFT HARTLEY ACT: Prohibited the closed shop Required labor leaders to take a non-Communist oath Forbade union contributions to political campaigns Required unions to have public financial statements Established a 60-day cooling-off period before striking Allowed suits against unions for broken contracts and damages Symbolized the end of New Deal Reform (80th controlled Congress) PUBLIC HOUSING ADMINISTRATION: ELECTION OF 1948: D – HARRY TRUMAN 49.5% of the vote R – GOVERNOR THOMAS DEWEY OF NEW YORK STATES’ RIGHTS OR “DIXIECRATS” – STROM THURMOND PROGRESSIVE PARTY – HARRY A. WALLACE Gradual socialism, abolition of racial segregation, conciliatory attitude toward Russia FAIR DEAL LEGISLATION: INCREASED THE MINIMUM WAGE AND EXPANDED SOCIAL SECURITY BY RAISING BENEFITS AND EXTENDING COVERAGE TO MORE AMERICANS 1949 NATIONAL HOUSING ACT AUTHORIZED THE CONSTRUCTION OF LOW-INCOME HOUSING UNITS OVER 6 YEARS HOUSE UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE: ALIEN REGISTRATION ACT(1940): set criminal penalties for teaching or advocating revolution, or for belonging to a group that did either. 1949, 11 convicted; 1951, 40 more convicted. FEDERAL LOYALTY PROGRAM: “Loyalty Boards” Alger Hiss: convicted of perjury/accused of stealing State Dept. documents McCarran Internal Security Act, 1950: required all Communist organizations to register with the government and to publish their records. Civil Defense Act, 1951: defense against atomic attack Ethel and Julius Rosenberg: convicted to economic espionage and sentenced to death; executed in 1953. McCarran-Walter Act: retained the quota system, removed discrimination against Asians; deportation power to Attorney General JOSEPH McCARTHY: leading crusader against communism December 2, 1954: Senate voted to censure him. ELECTION OF 1952 R – DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER – 55% OF THE VOTE – promised to end the Korean War; accused the Democrats of being soft on communism and tolerating corruption in Washington D – ADLAI E. STEVENSON, GOVERNOR OF ILLINOIS Agribusiness AFL-CIO – 1955 under George Meany Growth of suburbs: Levittown NY Dr. Benjamin Spock: child-centered guide to child rearing TV Sputnik - 1957 CIVIL RIGHTS: BROWN v. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF Topeka, Kansas reversed Plessey v. Ferguson September 1957: Little Rock segregation issue: Governor Orval Faubus/National Guard used to prevent admission to Central High School in Little Rock/FEDERAL TROOPS ROSA PARKS: DECEMBER 1, 1955 MONTGOMERY Refused to give up her seat on the bus DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING: secured recognition in the civil rights movement by leading the Montgomery bus boycott SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE headed by MLK EISENHOWER’S ROLE: completed the integration of the armed forces, tried to desegregate the federal work force and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957; created a Commission on Civil Rights EISENHOWER’S DOMESTIC POLICY: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE created EXTENDED SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM AND UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION; MINIMUM WAGE $1.00 1953: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTATION to replace the Reconstruction Finance Corporation ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY PROJECT: linking the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean (1954) PUBLIC HOUSING: 45,000 units/ year for 4 years to be built FEDERAL AIR HIGHWAY ACT: “interstate” construction over a 10 year period. New taxes on fuel, tires, cars, and trucks ELECTION OF 1956: “Ike” 57% of the vote over Adlai Stevenson Issues: the question of radioactive fallout from hydrogen bomb testing, the continuation of the draft and civil rights NATIONAL DEFENSE EDUCATION ACT – 1958 – provided $300 million for loans to college students preparing to teach or possessing ability in science, mathematics, foreign languages, or engineering. FOREIGN AFFAIRS Global concerns: the threat of nuclear war and the development of a consistent policy toward new Third World JOHN FOSTER DULLES: Secretary of State MASSIVE RETALIATION – using nuclear weapons BRINKMANSHIP – going to the brink of war with the Soviet Union to keep peace and obtain concessions U.S.-SOUTH KOREA SECURITY TREATY – 1953 SEATO: 1954 us, Great Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand and Pakistan 1955 FORMOSA RESOUTION – US to protect Formosa and the Pescadores U.S.-CHINA SECURITY TREATY – US forces the right to station troops on Formosa 1955, 1957: GENEVA SUMMIT CONFERENCE “OPEN SKIES” PLAN-disarmament program NUCLEAR ARMS RACE: Atomic Energy Commission-tests in the South Pacific in 1954 DEW – distant early warning line of radar stations – Canada and Alaska 1958 ICBM-1958 launched the first.1960 in nuclear submarines C.I.A. 1953 overthrew government of Iran 1954 coup in Guatemala unsuccessful in Indonesia and Cuba “IRON CURTAIN” 1957 Germany joined NATO/US ally VIETNAM-GENEVA AGREEMENT: Ike refused military intervention at request of France GENEVA ACCORDS: Vietnam divided at the 17th parallel North under Ho Chi Minh DOMINO THEORY: if Vietnam became Communist, the rest of Asia would also fall under communist control SUEZ CRISIS: resulted in the Egyptians turning to the Soviet Union for assistance as a result of the conflict over nationalization of the Suez Canal. EISENHOWER DOCTRINE: offered U.S. economic and military aid to ensure the territorial independence of Middle Eastern nations threatened by armed aggression from Communist countries. 1957 – King Hussein of Jordan 1958 – marines to Lebanon 1959: CUBA falls to Fidel Castro U-2 spy plane incident: pilot Francis Gary Powers captured and later exchanged for a Soviet Spy May 1960 summit cancelled due to this incident ELECTION OF 1960: Kennedy-Nixon debates: NEW FRONTIER: domestic legislation Aid to public schools, wilderness preservation, federal investment in mass transportation, federal investment in mass transportation, and medical insurance for the elderly under Social Security. Congressional opposition. Tariff negotiations with foreign governments to stimulate American exports. 1963 federal tax cut to stimulate the economy NASA created Peace Corps: Sargent Shriver November 22, 1963: Kennedy Assassination Lee Harvey Oswald Jack Ruby Warren Commission Report FOREIGN AFFAIRS: “Flexible response” – strengthening the tools of war and creating new ones ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS to encourage economic growth in Latin America BERLIN WALL symbolized the tension between the US and the USSR 1961 BAY OF PIGS April 17, 1961 –an embarrassment to the US; failed invsion due to lack of air support and Cubans did not rise up CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS October 1962 1963 NUCLEAR TEST BAN TREATY: agreed to ban the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere Election of 1964: LBJ & Barry Goldwater