Reading Topics Ch. 36 Part 2 Visuals 1 photo 862. Where? When

Reading Topics Ch. 36 Part 2
1 photo 862. Where? When? Who?
2 Map 865. Why Red? 1st appeared where? When? Map portrayed the USSR as what? Name Three
countries in Pink…in Russia’s “sphere of influence?” who occupies the Northern half of Korea & the
eastern half of Germany?
3 bbox 865. Who, where, when, what? Choice? Elect?
4 photo 866. Title? Purpose?
5 bbox 867. Who, where, when, warned of? Who puts up an “iron curtain?”
6 May 867. Title? Lost Territory in east to? What 4 countries have “occupation zones?” what zones
eventually make up West Germany? Berlin is split into how many zones? Berlin is completely
surrounded by whose zone?
7 photo 868. What happens in 1948 that this photo represents?
8 bbox 868. Who? What is this called? When? To whom? Name of the new kind of response to Soviet
threat of expansion is called?
9 pc 869. The PC satires what “doctrine?” What two nations are the beneficiaries of this doctrine?
10 photo 870-Map 870- pc 870. Subject? What city is being rebuilt in the photo? How much total
(map)? How much to Europe alone? Does the pc support or oppose this plan?
11 pc 872 The North Atlantic Alliance becomes what in 1949? Who is admitted in 1955?
Truman: The “Gutty” Man from Missouri
12 Who is the Accidental President who oversaw the end of WW2, the Potsdam conference, use of
Atomic Weapons, beginning of Cold war, and the integration of the US Military?
13 haberdasher?
14 Sign on his desk said? Favorite saying Was?
15 Assassins from where attempt to kill Truman… (Wikipedia 
Yalta: Bargain or Betrayal
16 Unresolved questions about postwar fate of (3)?
17 Stalin’s promise about Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania? Does he keep his word?
18 New International Peacekeeping Organization called?
The United States and the Soviet Union
19 Historically hostile social philosophies are (2)?
20 Mutual suspicions- different visions of a postwar world…. Stalin’s aim above all? Stalin’s “sphere of
influence” or “buffer”….. to the USA was actually an _______? Most troubling and Influential long term
was the Bolshevik call for a ___________ ____________? Both nations had a history of ___________
Shaping the Postwar World
21 2 organizations created and led by the USA to regulate exchange rates & promote economic growth?
22 What opens April 25th, 1945? Where? How many nations? Security Council’s permanent members?
Permanent home? Baruch’s plan for Atomic energy? USSR Votes? Consequences?
The Problem of Germany
23 Nuremberg Trials, 1945 -46….purpose?
24 Ideas about Germany clash…. The reality was?
25 Eastern European “satellite” states virtually disappear behind what?
26 What action does Stalin take in Berlin in 1948? What Action does Truman take in response? How
long does it last? What is split East and West in conclusion in May 1949?
The Cold War Congeals
27 Conflict in the Middle East over oil in 1946 where?
28 Containment Doctrine, held that?
29 1947 Truman Doctrine ? How much? To whom? For what purpose? Quote?
30 Niebuhr’s world was divided into two camps?
31 European plan for economic recovery with financial support from USA is called? Paris 1947? Soviet
response? Who was George Marshall in 1947? 2 successes?
32 Truman action May 14, 1948? Affects what resource even today?
America begins to Re-Arm
33 National Security Act of 1947- creates? Housed in? headed by? Uniformed heads of each armed
service are brought together to form? Also established? And established? And resurrected what in
34 1948 ---Br. Fr. Belgium. Neth. Lux sign a treaty and invite the USA to join them….. Eventually, 1949,
called what?
35 April 4, 1949…..USA signs treaty (above) … and pledges to regard….(finish) and promise to respond
with……(finish). By 1955 how many members? This is the 1st treaty signed by the USA guaranteeing
military action since the 1788 treaty with whom? Ending our long period of isolationist dominated
foreign policy.