Critical Lens Essay An essay in which you will analyze two works of

Critical Lens Essay
An essay in which you will analyze two works of literature in terms of how they do/do not
illustrate the ideas in a given statement.
Critical Lens Essay Outline
R) Restating the critical lens quotation: According to…
E) Explain quotation in your own words: This means that…
A) Agree or disagree with the critical lens: The critical lens is valid/invalid because…
LL) Literature (TAG) and Literary Terms. This is your thesis (make sure you reflect the
meaning of the critical lens): This is supported in the novels… through the author’s use of . . .
B1) First Piece of literature and TWO literary terms
1. Topic sentence should refer to your thesis (LL).
2. Provide 2- 3 sentences of plot summary as necessary. This can usually be accomplished by
identifying the protagonist, setting, and explaining the main conflict(s).
3. Explain using SPECIFIC textual examples how the conflicts or other aspects of the literature
reveal the theme and the interpretation of the lens.
4. Add additional analysis of the literature and demonstrate how it supports the lens.
5. *Closing sentence: Connect ideas back to the Lens: Therefore, In essence, Thus, In effect*
B2) BODY PARAGRAPH # 2: Second Piece of literature and TWO literary terms
1. Topic sentence should refer to your thesis (LL).
2. Provide 2- 3 sentences of plot summary as necessary. This can usually be accomplished by
identifying the protagonist, setting, and explaining the main conflict(s).
3. Explain using SPECIFIC textual examples how the conflicts or other aspects of the literature
reveal the theme and the interpretation of the lens.
4. Add additional analysis of the literature and demonstrate how it supports the lens.
5. *Closing sentence: Connect ideas back to the Lens: Therefore, In essence, Thus, In effect*
CONCLUSION: The conclusion should include the following:
1. Concluding Thesis – rephrase your thesis
2. Concluding Summary - Revisit the main points you made in your body paragraphs.
3. Clincher - Make one final observation to sum up your thoughts in regard to the LENS
Critical Lens: “Literature opens a dark window on the soul, revealing more about what is
bad in human nature than what is good.” (NOTE: no author is mentioned)
R) An anonymous source said, “Literature opens a dark window on the soul, revealing more
about what is bad in human nature than what is good.” E) This statement suggests that literature
shows more about the bad aspects of people than the good. A) This critical lens is invalid
because literature shows good and bad sides of human nature about equally, both in terms of
people’s personal qualities and in terms of their actions. LL) To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper
Lee, and Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, are two books that illustrate this balance of good
and bad through the author’s use of conflict and theme.
B1) The characters in To Kill a Mockingbird reveal a wide range of personalities. Most of the
people of Maycomb, Alabama, where the story takes place, show attitudes of bigotry, prejudice,
and racism. For example, people cruelly and unjustly accuse Tom Robinson of rape because he is
black. Bob Ewell curses Atticus Finch and spits in his face. We learn from these conflicts that
Atticus Finch is a character with very positive qualities. He is a model of courage and integrity;
he is someone willing to a take a stand for what he believes in. In contrast, Bob Ewell is evil and
violent. He has many of the worst qualities of human nature. The conflicts the characters
experience reveal the novel’s theme that although most people have both good and bad qualities,
everyone deserves the chance to be judged fairly. Atticus risks his own safety to confront a lynch
mob outside the jail. He understands the danger but hopes that the crowd will rise above it. Boo
Radley, the Finches’ neighbor, shows courage and comes out of hiding to save Atticus’s children
when Bob Ewell attacks them. While Atticus continues to search for the good in people;
unfortunately, Boo cannot deal with what he learns about the evil side of human nature. *These
heroic actions suggest the basic decency of human nature, while highlighting that evil exists
as well.
B2) The characters of Of Mice and Men also show people’s good traits as well as their bad. In
the relationship between George and Lennie, there are positive qualities of human nature, such as
friendship, loyalty, and trust. Conversely, their conflicts with Curley show just how unpleasant
people can be. Lennie accidentally kills Curley’s wife. As a punishment, Curley wants to shoot
Lennie. George has always protected Lennie and has to deal with his internal conflict about how
to deal with Lennie. Ultimately, he decides to shoot his friend to save him from an even worse
fate. This heart-wrenching decision suggests the story’s theme that friendship can require great
sacrifice. It’s ironic that George shoots Lennie out of friendship, while Curley wanted to shoot
him for revenge. *These two disparate motives suggest that there is a range of human
Books such as To Kill a Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men show the interaction between the
positive and negative aspects of human nature. Rather than emphasizing only the bad, they
present a more balanced view of people’s good and bad qualities and actions.